For Applicants

Why study with us?

Why study mathematics?

Mathematics is the foundation on which all natural, technical and social sciences are built. The main aim of studying mathematics is to acquire a mathematical way of thinking, which will enable you not only to construct a mathematical description of specific situations, but also to find and understand the connections between facts from different fields of science and human activity. Mathematics is not just calculations or the derivation of formulas...

The reasons for studying mathematics at our Faculty may be as follows:

  • a six-decade tradition of training mathematicians with a focus on algebra, geometry and the teaching of mathematics
  • Sscientific activities focused on the fields taught - teaching enriched with the latest scientific knowledge
  • a favourable ratio of students to academic staff - an individual approach to students
  • linking theoretical teaching with applications in other areas of human knowledge
  • the possibility of participating in scientific research
  • teaching supported by ICT components
  • rich representation of pedagogical practice of different types (for educational programmes)
  • Wide range of optional subjects - adaptation of studies to students' interests
  • good placement on the labour market

The Palacký University in Olomouc is the second oldest university in the Czech Republic with the date of its foundation (1573) and the tradition of teaching mathematics is just as old. In addition to studies, the university offers its students high-quality facilities (libraries, study rooms and information centres). The city of Olomouc itself is interesting because about 20% of its population is made up of UP students (one of the highest proportions in the Czech Republic) and is able to meet their needs and interests.

Fields of study

The Department of Algebra and Geometry guarantees the bachelor's three-year study fields:

  • Mathematics - only full-time form
  • Mathematics focusing on Maior education (full-time as well as combined form)
  • Descriptive geometry focusing on Maior education (full-time as well as combined form)

The three bachelor study fields are followed by a master's two-year study fields:

  • Discreet mathematics - only on -on-time form
  • Teaching Descriptive Geometry for Maior Secondary School (full-time as well as combined form)
  • Teaching Descriptive Geometry for Secondary School (single -subject) - only as a supplement to the APBOOD for already graduated teachers, only a combined form
  • Teaching Descriptive Geometry for Secondary School (single -subject) only in combined form as complementing the APBOOD for graduated teachers
  • Mathematics teaching for Maior secondary school - present form as well as part-time
  • Mathematics teaching for secondary schools - only as a supplement to the APBOOD for already graduated teachers, only a combined form

In addition, it is the opportunity to complete the doctoral (Ph.D.) study in the Mathematics program, specifically the fields:

  • Algebra and Geometry (full-time as well as combined form) - offers specialization in the field of arranged algebraic structures or in differential geometry
  • Algebra and Geometry (full-time) - in English Language
  • Didactics of mathematics (full-time as well as combined form) - focused on obtaining the ability of independent scientific work in the theory of teaching mathematics. Takes place under the guidance of a supervisor actively scientifically active in the field

The theme of the dissertation is selected by the applicant from the list of the topics of the dissertation, which is offered when he is submitted.

The Department of Algebra and Geometry is currently provided by the APPLICATIONS MATHEMATICS AND Descriptive Geometry in the Bachelor and Master's Study Programs of Teaching General Educational Subjects for Secondary Schools.

It is currently possible to study in full -time mathematics together with the following subjects

  • biology
  • biology and environmental education
  • descriptive geometry
  • physics
  • geography
  • Geology and Environmental Protection for Education
  • chemistry
  • Informatics for education
  • English Philology (in cooperation with the Faculty of Arts)
  • French Philology (in cooperation with the Faculty of Arts)
  • Russian Philology (in cooperation with the Faculty of Arts)
  • Physical Education (in cooperation with the Faculty of Physical Culture)
  • Music culture focusing on education (in cooperation with the Faculty of Education)
  • History focusing on education (in cooperation with the Faculty of Education or Faculty of Arts)

In a combined form, you can study mathematics along with the following subjects

  • descriptive geometry
  • geography
  • Physics (only the follow-up study)

Other faculty and intermediate combinations with mathematics are not excluded. With questions about specific combinations of fields of study, you can contact the Faculty of Science of the Faculty of Science.

Graduate profile

Mathematics (Teaching)

The Bachelor's degree in Mathematics for Teaching is part of the Mathematics programme. The curriculum of the Mathematics specialisation includes subjects related to the foundations of algebra, geometry and mathematical analysis, as well as subjects related to school practice.
Graduates acquire knowledge of the basics of algebra, analytic and constructional geometry, mathematical analysis and skills of their practical application in solving tasks, learn to work with professional literature and separately work on the assigned professional topic. Graduates are also acquainted with the basics of pedagogical-psychological disciplines, the basics of higher mathematics and are prepared to continue their studies in the following Master's programme.

This is a double degree, see possible combinations of subjects.

Descriptive Geometry (Teaching)

The Bachelor's programme in Descriptive Geometry is part of the Mathematics programme. The study of this field enables the development of spatial imagination and the control of basic types of imaging methods. Students in this field will also learn to work with modern software focused on imaging methods and their applications.
Graduates will acquire knowledge of imaging methods and their application in solving problems and in technical practice. In the application of imaging methods, they will gain practice in the use of CAD and acquire the basics of typography and graphic editors. They will be familiar with the basics of graphic design and 3D modelling. Graduates will also be familiar with the basics of pedagogical-psychological disciplines and will be prepared to continue their studies with a Master's degree.

The programme is a two-subject combined M-DG (DG-Geography).

Discrete Mathematics

The content of the bachelor's degree in Discrete Mathematics consists of subjects that provide the general foundations of mathematical disciplines, complemented by the fundamentals of discrete mathematics. In addition, students learn to work with the necessary mathematical software that can be used in a wide range of practical situations.
The graduate is equipped with a broader knowledge of the basic mathematical disciplines (algebra, geometry, mathematical analysis) and the special mathematical disciplines (foundations of combinatorics, graphs and networks, vending machines, linear programming, etc.) of discrete mathematics. They also acquire the ability to use mathematical software in their studies and in practice. The graduate has developed the abstract thinking necessary for a creative approach to formulating and solving practical problems. He/she is ready to continue with the following Master's degree, for work in professions that require the necessary knowledge of mathematics and computer work.

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