3. year of Academic Harvest Festival
The third Academic Harvest Festival was a celebration not only of the this year´s harvest, but also of the 450th anniversary of the founding of the University of Olomouc and the 70th anniversary of the founding of the UP Faculty of Science. This important event was not missed by Martin Kubala, the Dean of the Faculty of Science, UP, nor by UP Rector Martin Procházka. Together, they also planted a red horse-chestnut tree in honor of these two anniversaries. A symbol of this year's festival was the first ever poppy seed harvest. There was a tasting of traditional delicacies, which were prepared from crops grown on experimental fields.
2. year of Academic Harvest Festival
The second Academic Harvest Festival was held in honor of the 200th anniversary of the birth of one of the greatest geniuses of his time, Johann Gregor Mendel. In honor of the founder of genetics, a memorial tree of Cercis Canadensis was planted. This year, the already traditional harvest wreath made of experimental barley and wheat was handed over to the vice-rector Vít Procházka Visitors could once again view agricultural technology, a drone or listen to presentations by experts in the field of agriculture. Traditionally, the dulcimer music of Primáš from Přerov made the atmosphere pleasant.
First Academic Harvest Festival
On September 17, 2021, the first Academic Harvest Festival organized by the Department of Chemical Biology took place on the research campus of the Faculty of Science in Olomouc, Holice. A demonstration of field mechanization, such as small-plot harvesters or a drone with a laser scanner, accompanied by videos of harvesting and the use of this technique in practice, was prepared for visitors from the academic public. To the vice-rector prof. MUDr. Vít Procházka, Ph.D. a harvest wreath made of experimental barley and wheat was handed over, and part of the event was also a meeting of the academic public with business entities involved in the development of new, environmentally friendly, modern fertilizers. Visitors could even view the products created so far. There were lectures charting both the development of biotechnology in small-scale cultivation on academic fields, as well as the development of sophisticated preparations for plant treatment. Stylish refreshments and dulcimer music by Primáš from Přerov contributed to the pleasant atmosphere.