
Chemical disciplines have been a part of Palacký University in Olomouc since its re-establishment in 1946. In the beginning, there was the so-called Biennium of Natural Sciences, which educated students of the first two years of Science Education studies at the Faculty of Arts in 1948-1951. The follow-up study years had to be completed at universities in Brno or Prague.


In the following years (1953-1959) the Department of Chemistry belonged to the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Education. The study of Chemistry was focused on teaching methodology in combination with physics, mathematics or biology. The University of Education was closed in 1959 and its Faculty of Natural Sciences transformed to the Faculty of Science of Palacký University. In addition to pedagogical work, scientific work was also continuously developed, both in the field of basic research and in cooperation with industry, especially in the Olomouc region.

In 1960, the original Department of Chemistry was divided into two new departments. This created the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Methodology of Chemistry, which was housed in the original premises at Křížkovského No.10, and the Department of Analytical, Organic and Physical Chemistry, which took over the premises vacated by the Faculty of Medicine at Leninova No.8 (now Svobody Avenue No.8).

The beginnings of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Methodology of Chemistry were not easy. Gradually, instrumental equipment and premises for experimental teaching of students were built. From the scientific point of view, the Department focused on research of compounds of rare earth elements, later transition elements. The work in the field of Chemistry education of prospective teachers continued.

In 1970-1971, further organisational changes and reallocation of chemistry disciplines took place, in which the Department of Physical Chemistry was assigned to the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Methodology of Chemistry, thus establishing the Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry. Since 1972, the Department has been accredited for the professional master studies of Inorganic Chemistry. The extension of the study to non-teaching disciplines naturally placed considerable demands on the professional level of the staff. It was also necessary to develop study materials for specialised lectures. In the following years, the Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry provided quality education for professional chemists and secondary school teachers. Graduates of the professional studies in Inorganic Chemistry found employment in academic institutions focused on basic research, as well as in research and operational laboratories in industrial practice or government. In the early 1990s, the Department was accredited for postgraduate studies enabling talented students of professional Inorganic Chemistry studies to further increase their qualifications by obtaining the academic degree of RNDr. or Ph.D.

In 2003, the Department of Physical Chemistry was establihed and a separate Department of Inorganic Chemistry was housed in the original premises at Křížkovského No.10. In 2009, the Department of Inorganic Chemistry was moved to its current location in the new building of the Faculty of Science at 17. listopadu No.12.

For more information about the history of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, please see this article in Czech by Professor Emeritus Richard Pastorek.

Staff List

Doc. Ing. Radovan Herchel, Ph.D.

head of the department
room: 3053

Věra Dostálová

room: 3052

prof. RNDr. Pavel Kopel, Ph.D.

room: 3050

prof. RNDr. Jiří Kameníček, CSc.

Professor Emeritus
room: 3048

prof. RNDr. Richard Pastorek, CSc.

Professor Emeritus
room: 3048

doc. RNDr. Bohuslav Drahoš, Ph.D.

Associate Professor - Deputy head of the department
room: 2035


2007:     Msc., field Inorganic Chemistry, PřF UK Prague
2011:     Ph.D., field Inorganic Chemistry, PřF UK Prague and Université d’Orléans, Orleans, Francie
2011:     RNDr.,field Inorganic Chemistry,, PřF UK Prague
2021:     assoc. prof., field Inorganic Chemistry,, PřF UP Olomouc

Research area
Coordination chemistry of transition metal complexes (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Pt, Pd, Rh, etc.) and lanthanides (Gd, Dy, Tb, etc.) ) and investigation of their structural and magnetic properties (spin crossover, molecular magnets), chemistry of contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), synthesis of nitrogen macrocyclic ligands, synthesis of phosphorus ligands, manipulation under inert conditions (Schlenk), potentiometric titrations, mass spectrometry and high-performance liquid chromatography, cyclic voltammetry, multinuclear 1D/2D NMR spectroscopy, chemical experiment in science education.


doc. Ing. Ivan Nemec, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
room: 2032

doc. Mgr. Pavel Štarha, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
room: 3043


2006            Mgr., Učitelství biologie a chemie pro střední školy, Přírodovědecká fakulta,
                     Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci (dále jen PřF UP)
2010            Ph.D., Anorganická chemie, PřF UP
2016            doc., Anorganická chemie, PřF UP

2006–2010    vědecký pracovník, Katedra anorganické chemie, PřF UP
2010–2016    odborný asistent, Katedra anorganické chemie, PřF UP
2010–2016    Junior Researcher, Regionální centrum pokročilých technologií a materiálů, PřF UP
2016–2018    docent, Katedra anorganické chemie PřF UP
2016–2020    Senior Researcher, Regionální centrum pokročilých technologií a materiálů PřF UP
od 2020          docent, Katedra anorganické chemie PřF UP

Přednášky: Obecná chemie (AFC/OBC1), Anorganická chemie 1 (AFC/AGX1), Repetitorium středoškolské chemie (AFC/RSCHU)

Vědecké zaměření:

  • Syntéza a fyzikálně-chemická charakterizace komplexů vybraných přechodných kovů (Ir, Ru, Os, Rh, Pt, Ta atd.)
  • Studium roztokové stability nových koordinačních sloučenin a jejich interakcí s vybranými biomolekulami (např. glutathionem)
  • Biologická aktivita komplexů přechodných kovů
  • Nukleární magnetická resonance (NMR), hmotnostní spektrometrie

Cena Alfreda Badera za bioanorganickou a bioorganickou chemii za rok 2017 (udělováno Českou společností chemickou).

Mgr. Peter Antal, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
room: 3046

2005 – 2008 Bc., obor Chemie, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave
2008 – 2010 Mgr., obor Anorganická chemie, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave
2010 – 2014 Ph.D., obor Anorganická chemie, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave


2014 – 2018 junior researcher, Regionální centrum pokročilých technologií a materiálů PřF UP v Olomouci
2018 – dosud odborný asistent, Katedra anorganické chemie, PřF UP v Olomouci


Zaměření výzkumné práce
- syntéza a charakterizace nových N,O - ligandů
- syntéza a studium komplexů přechodných kovů (V, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, atd.) a lanthanoidů (Tb, Dy, Er, atd.)


ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-5513-6410
SCOPUS: 55499876200

Mgr. Ondřej Bárta, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
room: 3045

Mgr. Iveta Bártová, Ph.D.

Assistant professor
room: 3049

Mgr. Radka Křikavová, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
room: 3043


2012                      Ph.D., Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc (UPOL)
2009                      Teaching English as Second Language, Faculty of Arts, UPOL
2007                      Mgr., Teaching Chemistry in Secondary Schools and English Philology, Faculty of Science/Faculty of Arts, UPOL



From 2023          Assistant Professor, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, UPOL
2021-2023           Research Assistant, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, UPOL
2010-2021          Junior Researcher, Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials, UPOL 
2012-2015           Lecturer, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, UPOL
2007-2008          Research Assistant, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, UPOL


Research Interests

Synthesis, characterization and study of biological activity of transition metal complexes (Pt, Ir, Ru, Ta, Zn, Cu, Pd, Au)
Solution behaviour, stability studies and studies of interactions with biomolecules of biologically active complexes – multinuclear NMR, mass spectrometry


ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-8466-4829
Scopus: 56082414700

RNDr. Helena Mašláňová, Ph.D.

room: 3049

Mgr. Kamila Petrželová, Ph.D.

Assistant professor
room: 2034


2008    Mgr., obor Anorganická chemie, UP Olomouc
2015    Ph.D., obor Analytická chemie, UP Olomouc

Pracovní zkušenosti
2005 – 2014    Státní veterinární ústav Olomouc, pracoviště Kroměříž, oddělení cizorodých látek a Národní referenční laboratoř pro chemické prvky. (Obsluha přístroje ICP-MS od firmy PerkinElmer. Měření těžkých kovů v různých matricích, vývoj nových metod, monitoring cizorodých látek)
Od roku 2019  Lektor na katedře anorganické chemie

Zahraniční stáže
2013 - Tříměsíční výzkumná stáž na Univerzitě BOKU (Vídeň) zaměřená na speciační analýzu prvků technikami CE, HPLC ve spojení s ICP-MS.
2006 - Tříměsíční výzkumná stáž na Juniata College (USA) zaměřená na syntézu a charakterizaci nových komplexních sloučenin mědi.
2005 - Tříměsíční výzkumná stáž na Univerzitě v Kansasu (USA) zaměřená na studium organokovových sloučenin.

Přednášky        AFC/PRACH,  AFC/PROCH
Semináře          AFC/CHN1, AFC/KOC, AFC/OBC
Cvičení             AFC/LABT, AFC/AGCC

Mgr. Jana Prášilová, Ph.D.

Assistent Professor
místnost: 2034

RNDr. Zdeněk Smékal, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
room: 3046

Mgr. Kamil Kotrle, Ph.D.

room: 3045

Mgr. Tomáš Šilha, Ph.D.

room: 2032



2004-2007      Bc., obor Anorganická chemie, UP Olomouc
2007-2009      Mgr., obor Anorganická chemie, UP Olomouc
2009-2010      aprobace učitelství chemie, UP Olomouc
2009-2014      Ph.D., obor Anorganická chemie, UP Olomouc


2011-2017      akademický vědecký pracovník, Katedra anorganické chemie, PřF UP v Olomouci
2012-2017      výzkumný pracovník, Regionální centrum pokročilých technologií a materiálů PřF UP v Olomouci
2017-2020      učitel, Základní škola a Mateřská škola Tovačov
2019-2020      vědecký pracovník, Katedra anorganické chemie, PřF UP v Olomouci


Zaměření výzkumné práce:

Syntéza a strukturní charakterizace komplexů přechodných kovů (Mn, Fe, Co). Studium magnetických vlastností těchto koordinační sloučenin.

ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-8380-8512
publons: publons.com/researcher/AAH-9775-2020
Scopus: 55229322600

2013–2016      Bachelor's degree, field of Mathematics-Chemistry, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
2016–2018      Master's degree, field of Mathematics-Chemistry (academic subjects teaching), Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
2018–2022      Doctoral degree, field of Inorganic chemistry, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
2023               RNDr. degree, field of Inorganic chemistry, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice


Traineeships abroad:
2019                Three-month research traineeship at The University of Zaragoza in Spain
2021                Three-month research traineeship at The University of Zaragoza in Spain
2022                Short-term research traineeships at The University of Zaragoza in Spain and at The Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences
2022-2023      Eight-month research traineeship for recent graduate at The University of Zaragoza in Spain


2023–2023      junior researcher, University of Zaragoza in Spain
2023–present  researcher, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Palacký University Olomouc


A research focus:
-synthesis and characterization of new coordination compounds based on metals of Ru, Rh, Os, Ir
-study of solution stability of the prepared compounds and their interactions with selected biomolecules


ORCID: orcid.org/0009-0000-3766-6015

Subodh Kumar, Ph.D.

room: 2033


2006-2008 M.Sc. “Industrial Chemistry”, A. M. U. Aligarh, India
2010-2015 Ph.D. “Utilization of CO2 for the Production of Value Added Chemicals” CSIR/AcSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun, India
2013 Visiting Research Fellow, Pukyong National University, Busan, South Korea


2015-2017 Postdoctoral Fellow, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
2017-2021 Scientific Researcher, Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials, Faculty of Science, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
2021- Scientific Researcher, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic


2016 PBC-International Post-Doctoral Fellowship, PBC, Israel.
2013 Visiting Research Fellowship, DST-India- NRF South Korea Research Project.
2010-2015 Junior & Senior Research Fellowships, CSIR India.


  •  Thermal/photo catalytic CO2 utilization to synthesize fuel and chemicals.
  •  Design and synthesis of bi-functional immobilized/doped nanocatalysts.
  •  Waste to value added chemicals including biomass upgradation.
  •  Process development and intensification for the production of industrially important chemicals by means of flow chemistry.


ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-8872-2785

Scopus ID: 57197068496

Pavla Richterová

Laboratory Assistant
room: 3061



Mgr. Marie Pražáková

Ph.D. student
room: 2031

Mgr. Ondřej František Fellner

Ph.D. student
room: 3044

Mgr. Petr Halaš

Ph.D. student
room: 3047

Mgr. Eva Zahradníková

Ph.D. student
room: 3047

Mgr. Adam Sztula

Ph.D. student
room: 3044

Mgr. Patrik Pospíšil

Ph.D. student
room: 3047

Mgr. Radana Koudelíková

Ph.D. student
room: 3044

Mgr. Vladimír Maňas

Ph.D. student
room: 3047

MSc. Shivani Shivani

Ph.D. student
room: 2033

Mgr. Pavel Svozil

Ph.D. student
room: 3047



The Department of Inorganic Chemistry has the instrumentation necessary for the analysis of the composition and structure of inorganic compounds. These instruments are used by students for their theses, by staff for research tasks and are also offered for scientific or commercial collaboration.


  • C, H, N, S chemical elemental analysis - Thermo Scientific Flash 2000 Analyzer
  • flame atomic absorption spectrometer iCE 3300 (Thermo Scientific) for determination of metals (Cu, Pt, Fe, Au, Zn, Ru, Co, Dy) with air/C2H2/N2O flame
  • UHPLC-MS (Dionex/Thermo Scientific) mass spectrometer with 3D ion trap and atmospheric pressure ionization sources (ESI and APCI)
  • 400 MHz NMR spectrometer from Varian for measuring high resolution spectra of samples in solution
  • Jasco FT-IR spectrometer FT/IR-4700 for measuring infrared spectra (transmission, ATR, DRIFT techniques)
  • Perkin-Elmer Spectrum One FT-IR spectrometer for measurement of solids spectra by transmission technique in the mid-infrared
  • FT-IR microscope Nicolet iN10 (Thermo Scientific) for IR spectral analysis of microscopic samples with spectral range 7800-450 cm-1
  • Cintra 3030 dual beam automatic UV-VIS spectrometer (GBC Scientific Instruments) with a wavelength range of 190-900 nm
  • UV-VIS spectrometer Lambda 35 (Perkin-Elmer) for measuring absorption and diffuse-reflection spectra
  • Fluorescence spectrometer Agilent Cary Eclipse for fluorescence, phosphorescence, chemiluminescence, and bioluminescence measurements of liquid and solid state samples in spectral range 200 – 1100 nm. Measurements of liquid samples with temperature control in range 0 – 100 °C.  
  • handheld X-ray spectrometer Delta Professional (Olympus) for elemental composition analysis of materials
  • single crystal X-ray diffractometer XtaLAB Synergy-i (Rigaku) with microfocused X-ray source PhotonJet-i (Cu) and flat panel detector HyPix Bantam  
  • MiniFlex600 powder X-ray diffractometer (Rigaku) for qualitative and quantitative analysis of diffraction patterns of powdered polycrystalline materials
  • CHI600C potentiostat (CH Instruments) for cyclic voltammetry (CV) and other electrochemical methods (LSV, CA, CC or BA)
  • Monowave 300 microwave reaction system (Anton Paar) - microwave synthesis reactor with a wide range of operating conditions (300 °C, 30 bar)
  • MSB-AUTO magnetometer (Sherwood Scientific) for measuring the bulk and mass susceptibility of solid, liquid and gaseous samples at room temperature (ca. 293 K)


The Department of Inorganic Chemistry has several types of laboratories.


The teaching laboratories serve mainly first-year students, mostly often for teaching basic subjects such as Laboratory Technology (AFC/LABT) and Laboratory Exercises in Inorganic Chemistry (AFC/AGCC). You can visit the 3D virtual four here.

Synthetic laboratories are designated for the preparation of various types of organic and coordination compounds, and instrumentation laboratories, which house instruments used for basic or advanced characterization of the studied compounds.

Synthetic Laboratories


Laboratory of NMR Spectroscopy


X-ray Diffraction Laboratory


Laboratory of Spectral Methods

3D vitrual tour of the laboratory

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