General Information

Research at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry focuses on the preparation and study of coordination compounds, especially of transition metals. These compounds may have interesting properties from the point of view of materials research - in particular, interesting magnetic, optical, catalytic or redox properties, or may find applications in medicine - especially as drugs (metallopharmaceuticals) or contrast agents and sensors in various diagnostic methods.


Materials research and coordination compounds

Coordination compounds exhibiting magnetic bistability

Research on molecular magnetic materials has seen significant developments in recent decades. Magnetism is inevitably linked to the presence of unpaired electrons, and so both organic molecular materials (such as radical compounds or graphene derivatives) and coordination (complex) compounds show interesting magnetic properties. Anyway, complexes are more promising because they allow fine tuning of the resulting properties. Different types of magnetic centres, their mutual spatial arrangement and their magnetic interactions lead to different types of magnetic behaviour, of which magnetic bistability is probably studied the most. It is manifested by the existence of two stable magnetic states and is often accompanied by some type of hysteresis (e.g. temperature, field). Traditional materials exhibiting magnetic bistability include magnetically ordered materials such as ferro- and ferrimagnetics, which are part of many technological devices (e.g. electric motors, hard disks and magnetic tapes) and are known in everyday life as classical magnets. The new types of molecular materials can also exhibit magnetic ordering and, in addition, compared to traditional metal- or metal oxide-based magnets, bring more varied possibilities for chemical tuning, solubility in conventional solvents, transparency, and more.

Molecular materials exhibit magnetic bistability even in the cases where there is no magnetic ordering, but the material is able to exhibit slow relaxation of magnetization. Such materials include so-called Single-Molecule Magnets (SMMs), in which each individual molecule behaves like a nanomagnet. Discoveries and phenomena at the quantum level manifested in single-molecule magnets provide a perspective in the field of further miniaturization of storage media or recording units. The phenomenon of quantum entanglement of SMMs is also of great interest and is studied for the potential use in quantum computers, in which SMMs could represent so-called qubits, i.e. carriers of quantum information. In general, SMM behaviour can be observed for molecules with different numbers of paramagnetic centres, and due to their composition and structure, the following subgroups are usually distinguished. Single-Ion Magnets: these are SMMs with a single paramagnetic centre. They represent the most promising group of SMMs so far, showing slow relaxation of magnetization and magnetic field hysteresis up to 80 K. Single-Chain Magnets: these are polymeric substances in which a 1D chain is responsible for the slow relaxation of magnetization. Single-Molecule Toroics: these are SMMs that also exhibit a toroidal magnetic moment topology.

Another important group of paramagnetic coumpounds with no magnetic ordering is represented by compounds that exhibit spin state crossover (SCO from "Spin Crossover"). This phenomenon can occur for central atoms with electron configurations 3d4 to 3d7 in octahedrally coordinated complex compounds. SCO refers to the thermodynamic transition between different spin states, and thus at least two different spin states (with different magnetic and other physical properties) can coexist under the same conditions, where the equilibrium between them depends on temperature, pressure and radiation. From the technical point of view, the most interesting cases are those where the transition occurs at room temperature and, in addition, temperature hysteresis is observed (for real applications, a hysteresis width of about 50 K is needed), and thus such substance can store information, which can be used in the production of memory devices. Other important characteristic involves a colour change at the spin transition and the possibility of inducing the spin transition by radiation - properties that can be used in the design of molecular sensors and switches.

At the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, we synthesize and investigate magnetic properties of 3d, 3d-4f and 4f coordination compounds with heterocyclic or macrocyclic ligands or Schiff base type ligands. We focus on the study of the relationship between the structure and magnetic properties of the prepared compounds. Examples of such research include the study of the effect of coordination polyhedron topology and magnetic anisotropy in, for example, 3d single-ion magnets, or the effect of the strength of intermolecular interactions on the critical temperature and the steepness of the spin transition in compounds exhibiting SCO.

Coordination compounds applicable in medicine

Coordination compounds in bioinorganic chemistry

Bioinorganic chemistry is a field of chemistry which deals with compounds and chemical processes in living organisms whose key role is tied to the presence of primarily metallic elements. Examples include metalloenzymes (which represent about 30% of all enzyme systems), metal-based drugs (e.g. platinum-based anticancer drugs), metal-based diagnostics and sensors (e.g. gadolinium-based contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging), or systems for the transport of respiratory gases and other molecules. The relevance of the field can be demonstrated by the intensive development in the field of pharmaceuticals, which has increasingly been focused on biologically active transition metal coordination compounds. In view of the enormous chemical and structural variability and the ever-expanding possibilities of pharmacological research of these compounds, not only the extensive development of new biologically active coordination compounds of transition metals as well as the increase in their use in clinical practice can be expected in the coming years.

One of the main directions of bioinorganic chemistry is represented by the development of new biologically active coordination compounds. The history of this direction dates back to the discovery of the anticancer properties of the so-called cisplatin (cis-diammine-dichloridoplatinum complex). Cisplatin was followed by some other platinum complexes (e.g. oxaliplatin), which are also used in oncological practice for the treatment of various types of tumours, and later also by complexes of other transition metals (e.g. copper, titanium, palladium or ruthenium), which were tested in the past or are currently being tested as potential therapeutics in human cancer patients in various phases of clinical experiments. It can be concluded that one of the goals of bioinorganic chemists is to develop new anticancer active compounds which are (a) more active than conventional chemotherapeutic drugs, (b) exhibit no or negligible side effects, (c) act by a different mechanism of action than currently used drugs, and (d) overcome the resistance of certain types of tumours to commercial chemotherapeutic drugs.

Another important area of bioinorganic chemistry is represented by the preparation and research of contrast agents used in various diagnostic imaging methods in medicine, which are very often based on coordination compounds. These very sophisticated imaging methods allow images to be obtained of internal body structures varying in intensity or contrast. This contrast is usually not sufficient, and so so-called contrast agents are used to increase it. Due to the varying distribution of the contrast agent in the body, it is possible to image or highlight anatomical structures, pathological phenomena or functions and processes. The most commonly used diagnostic methods involve magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), as well as optical imaging (OI) or methods which use ionising radiation, such as positron emission tomography (PET), etc. If the contrast agents are at the same time drugs, allowing their therapeutic effect to be mapped in the body, these are so-called theranostics, which represent the latest research focus in this field.

Within the long-term systematic research activities, members of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry are focused on the rational design, synthesis and characterisation of new pharmacologically promising coordination compounds of various transition elements, coordination compounds with potential use in diagnostic imaging methods, or nanoparticles/quantum dots usable in biological systems. Currently, these involve mainly innovative coordination compounds based on various platinum (e.g. ruthenium or iridium) or other metals (e.g. tantalum, manganese, copper). In cooperation with various domestic and foreign external partners, the compounds prepared by us are then biologically analysed in detail for their e.g. anticancer, antimicrobial or antiradical activity or their stability and effectiveness as potential contrast agents can be investigated.


As one of the 12 principles of green chemistry, catalysis strongly contributes to the development of more eco-friendly approaches in the chemical industry. Catalysts help to increase selectivity of chemical reactions, minimise waste and reduce time and energy demands.  Nowadays, most of the synthetic routes towards value-added chemicals such as polymers, drugs etc. contains a reaction step which is performed catalytically. However, with the inevitable transition from fossil to renewable sources, new types of catalytic systems need to be developed to use this type of feedstock (biomass, carbon dioxide, hydrogen) to its full potential. With this motivation, the Catalysis research programme at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry covers both homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis.

Homogeneous catalysis

In homogeneous catalysis, the catalyst is present in the same phase as the reactants. Catalysts of this type are often organometallic or coordination compounds of transition metals and the individual steps of the catalytic cycle take place in the coordination sphere of a single metal ion/atom. The efficiency and selectivity of such catalytic systems can be tuned by the choice of ligands which are coordinated to the metal centre, typically by varying the electronic and steric properties of these ligands.

At the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, we are focused on transition metal complexes of carbene- and phosphine‑based functional hybrid ligands. These ligands should benefit from properties such as hemilability, redox activity and non-innocence and have the potential to induce positive cooperative effects, namely metal-ligand and metal-metal cooperation, and to actively participate on the catalytic cycle. The goal is to develop new efficient and selective catalysts via rational ligand design and utilise them in transformations such as transfer hydrogenation, C−C and C−heteroatom coupling, and small molecule activation.

Heterogeneous catalysis

A section of our department is fully devoted to developing novel functional nanomaterials which can be used as catalysts or support materials for the immobilization of metal-based species including single atoms. Functionalization of nanomaterials is a well-accepted approach in the various fields of research including thermal-, photo- and electrolysis for the development of efficient catalysts via doping (metal/non-metal), covalent bonding and physical deposition.

Single atom catalysts (SACs) are the new type of heterogeneous catalyst comprising isolated single atoms deposited on the surface of a solid support. SACs display unprecedented catalytic activity due to novel support-atom interactions, neighbouring environment and coordination number. In general, we determine the relation between functionality and activity of the catalysts to investigate the real active sites and reaction mechanism. Support plays a vital role in determining the catalytic activity and therefore its selection and functionalization is important to achieve optimum results. Subsequently, we work on various types of nanomaterials such as graphene derivatives, porous carbon material, carbon nanotubes, organic polymers and carbon nitride depending on the target application. Moreover, the synthesised catalysts can be integrated with the micro-flow reactor to investigate their efficacy under flow conditions for a green transformation reaction with the aim to scale up the process.

Didactics of Chemistry

At the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, we focus on the development of chemistry didactics and the improvement of education for future teachers. In addition to participating in research projects such as EU ERDF projects (Improvement of the Study Environment), EU ESF projects (Modern Teaching Methods for Comprehensive Education), and the Undergraduate Education II project (Improving the Preparation of Future Teachers), we contribute to the creation of new didactic materials, aids, and support active teaching methods. Chemistry didactics at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry closely cooperates with chemistry didactics from other faculties (Education and Natural Sciences), for example, through joint projects and participation in projects such as the Operational Programme Research, Development, and Education - Didactics - Human and Nature A and the NATURE Project (Natural Science Subject Didactics A Practicing Teachers). We collaborate with the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Education of the University on didactic research in the field of chemical education in secondary schools throughout the Czech Republic. We participate in the analysis of the initial level of subject knowledge and skills of students as a prerequisite for their university studies.

One of our activities is the creation of didactic websites called "CHEMIE ŽIJE!" (, which serve as a source of new online available materials for chemical education. These websites are developed in collaboration with university students who contribute to the creation of educational materials using modern information and communication technologies and gain valuable experience in this field. The websites gradually accumulate study materials that are accessible not only to our students but also to teachers and students in educational practice and the general public. They can find interesting teaching materials, professional photographs, presentations, videos, and didactic games. One of the attractive features of the websites is an interactive map of industrial chemistry, which displays chemical companies in the Czech Republic and also includes accompanying materials for possible excursions. These websites represent a useful resource not only for our students but also for teachers who want to enrich their teaching and present chemistry in a playful form connected to real-life situations.

The didactics section of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry actively engages in the popularization of science through various events such as Researchers' Night, Open Day, Science Fair, University Student Week in Nature, Nature Roadshow, and Explorer. We aim to bring science closer to the general public and motivate young people to take an interest in natural science fields. In addition, we organize targeted excursions for primary and secondary schools, which allow students to discover interesting aspects of science and can motivate them to study natural science fields. The creation of didactic materials and participation in popularization events provide us with an opportunity to expand students' and the public's interest in science and support its promotion.




D. Toman, I. Nemec, O. Kurka, A. Přibylka, P. Cankař, Axially chiral dimethylaminobenzimidazoles and their preliminary evaluation as acyl-transfer reagents. Org. Biomol. Chem., 2025, 23, 2672–2682 DOI: 10.1039/D4OB02052A


K. Petrželová, O. Bárta, R. Héžová, A. Andrýsková, J. Hošek, P. Štarha, Improved Synthesis of Dinuclear [M(μ-X)(η5-Cp*)X]2 Precursors for Half-Sandwich Complexes (M=Rh or Ir; X=Br or I). ChemistryOpen 2025, e202500026. DOI: 10.1002/open.202500026


J. Torrent, C. Puigjaner, R. Herchel, J. Mayans, Cerium-Based Metal–Organic Frameworks: Unveiling the Role of Terahertz Vibrations in the Spin Relaxation Dynamics. Inorg. Chem. 2025, 64, 3735–3746. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.4c04542


I. Nemec, R. Herchel, The Role of Methyl Substitution in Spin Crossover of Fe(III) Complexes with Pentadentate Schiff Base Ligands. Inorganics 2025, 13(2), 57. DOI: 10.3390/inorganics13020057


I. Haque, M. Enamullah, N. T. Jhumur, B. K. Sidhu, D. E. Herbert, T. H. H. Sohi, L. Havlíček, I. Nemec, C. Janiak, Ferromagnetically coupled tetranuclear Ni(II)-2-oxy-aceto- or benzo-phenonate complexes. RSC Adv., 2025, 15, 4250-4261. DOI: 2025/RA/D4RA08700C


N. L. Le, T. N. T. Nguyen, N. N. B. Le, P. T. Nam, S. Kumar, X. T. Cao, Furfuryl alcohol-assisted deep eutectic solvent-derived Fe-doped porous carbon: a robust magnetically separable catalyst for dye degradation via a Fenton-like reactionNew J. Chem.2025, 49, 2841-2849. DOI: 10.1039/D4NJ04066J


P. Štarha, Anticancer iridium(III) cyclopentadienyl complexes. Inorg. Chem. Front. 2025, 12, 897–954. DOI: 10.1039/D4QI02472A


P. Antal, J. Kuchár, L. Rigamonti, M. Kvasnicová, G. Gonzalez, L. Rárová, M. Strnad, P. Kopel, Co(II), Cu(II), and Zn(II) thio-bis(benzimidazole) complexes induce apoptosis via mitochondrial pathway. J. Inorg. Biochem. 2025, 264, 112786. DOI: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2024.112786


E. Řezníčková, O. Bárta, D. Milde, V. Kryštof, P. Štarha, Anticancer dinuclear Ir(III) complex activates Nrf2 and interferes with NAD(H) in cancer cells. J. Inorg. Biochem. 2025, 262, 112704. DOI: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2024.112704




A. Panja, Z. Jagličić, R. Herchel, N. C. Jana, P. Brandão, K. Pramanik, The Distinguishing Effect of the Magnetic States of Cobalt on the Performance of Single-Molecule Magnet Behaviors in Closely Related CoIIIDyIII and CoIIDyIII Complexes. New J. Chem. 2024, 48 (48), 20410–20422. DOI: 10.1039/D4NJ03979C


D. Petric, K. Mikulová, A. Bombárová, D. Battányi, K. Cobanová, P. Kopel, A. Lukomska, P. Pawlak, P. Sidoruk, S. Kotwica, S., et al. Efficacy of zinc nanoparticle supplementation on ruminal environment in lambs. BMC Vet. Res. 2024, 20, 13, DOI: 10.1186/s12917-024-04281-8


A. Špičáková, Z. Horáčková, P. Kopel, P. Anzenbacher, In Vitro Interaction of Binuclear Copper Complexes with Liver Drug-Metabolizing Cytochromes P450. Pharmaceuticals 2024, 17, 1194. DOI: 10.3390/ph17091194


I. Loubalová, K. Kotrle, P. Antal, L. Hochvaldová, A. Panáček, I. Císařová, M. Świątkowski, P. Kopel, Dithiodipropionate and Fumarate Ni, Cu, and Zn Mixed Ligand Complexes. Inorganics, 2024, 12, 260. DOI: 10.3390/inorganics12100260


N. C. Jana, R. Herchel, B. Bagh, Cu(II) Coordination Polymers for the Selective Oxidation of Biomass-Derived Veratryl Alcohol in Green Solvents: A Sustainable Catalytic Approach. Inorg. Chem., 2024, 63, 18615–18631. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.4c02344


N.Ch. Jana, Z. Jagličić, R. Herchel, P. Brandão, R. Nandy, A. Panja, Insight into the Magnetic Exchange Interactions and Anisotropy in Heterobimetallic CuII–LnIII Complexes: A Rare Example of Cu–Gd Single-Molecule Magnets. Crystal Growth & Design 2024, 24, 7537–7548. DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.4c00752


T. N. T. Nguyen, S. Kumar X. T. Cao, Synthesis of dendrimer stabilized high-density silver nanoparticles on reduced graphene oxide for catalytic and antibacterial properties. Energy Adv., 2024, 3, 2399–2406. DOI: 10.1039/D4YA00284A


S. Biswas,  L. Havlicek,  I. Nemec, I. Salitros, L. Mandal, P. Neugebauer,  S. Kumar Kuppusamy, M. Ruben, Levamisole Based Co(II) Single-Ion Magnet,  Chem Asian J., 2024, 19, e202400574. DOI: 10.1002/asia.202400574


E. Zahradníková, C. Pichon, C. Duhayon, J.-P. Sutter, P. Halaš, B. Drahoš, Synthesis, structural and magnetic properties of cobalt(ii) complexes with pyridine-based macrocyclic ligand containing two pyridine pendant arms, RSC Advances, 2024, 14, 28138–28147. DOI: 10.1039/D4RA02387K


J.Pospíšilová, T. Heger, O. Kurka,  M. Kvasnicová, A. Chládková,  I. Nemec,  L. Rárová,  P. Cankař, Atropisomeric 1-phenylbenzimidazoles affecting microtubule organization: influence of axial chirality, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2024, 22, 6966–6980. DOI: 10.1039/D4OB00863D


A. Šagátová, K. Kotrle, B. Brachňaková, L. Havlíček, I. Nemec, R. Herchel, M. Hofbauerova, Y. Halahovets, P. Šiffalovič, E. Čižmár, O. F. Fellner, I. Šalitroš, Above room temperature spin crossover in mononuclear iron(ii) complexes featuring pyridyl-benzimidazole bidentate ligands adorned with aliphatic chains, Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 14037–14045. DOI: 10.1039/D4DT01338G


J. Juráková, V. T. Santana, J. Pavlik, J. Moncoľ, I. Nemec,  M. Clemente-León, S. K. Kuppusamy, M. Ruben, E. Čižmár, I. Šalitroš, Magnetic anisotropy and slow relaxation of magnetisation in double salts containing four- and six-coordinate cobalt(ii) complex ions, Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 12962–12972. DOI: 10.1039/D4DT01509F


N. Ch. Jana, A. Escuer, R. Herchel, J. Serra, R. Nandy, A. Panja, Impact of 3d Metal Ions on the Magnetic Dynamics in Isostructural Tetranuclear Butterfly {Ni2IIDy2III} and {Co2IIDy2III} Complexes, Cryst. Growth Des. 2024, 24 (15), 6492–6502 . DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.4c00812


N.C. Jana, Y.-C. Sun, R. Herchel, R. Nandy, P. Brandão, B. Bagh, X.-Y. Wang, A. Panja, Chemical fixation of atmospheric CO2 in tricopper(ii)-carbonato complexes with tetradentate N-donor ligands: reactive intermediates, probable mechanisms, and catalytic and magneto-structural studies, Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 11514–11530. DOI: 10.1039/D4DT00503A.


Alexey Gusev, Ivan Nemec, Radovan Herchel, Yuriy Baluda, Konstantin Babeshkin, Nikolay Efimov, Mikhail Kiskinc, Wolfgang Linert, Lanthanide(iii) SMMs with cationic and anionic complex fragments formed by a Schiff base: structure, luminescence, magnetic properties and ab initio calculationsDalton Trans., 2024, 53, 11531–11542. DOI: 10.1039/D4DT01284D


Lucie Kotásková, Pawel Jewula, Radovan Herchel, Ivan Nemec, Petr Neugebauer, Photoswitchable hydrazones with pyridine-based rotors and halogen substituents, RSC Advances, 2024,14, 20856–20866. DOI: 10.1039/D4RA02909G


E. Manu Manohar, S. Roy, X.-L. Li, S. Tothadi, J.-G. Mok, J. Tang, R. Herchel, J. Lee, A. Dey, S. Das, Halide mediated modulation of magnetic interaction and anisotropy in dimeric Co(II) complexes. Dalton Trans. 2024, 53, 10499–10510. DOI: 10.1039/D4DT00927D.


M. Rusek, V. Machková, D. Koperová, I. Bártová, V. Sirotek, J. Štrofová, Rozsah a zpracování tématu chemických výpočtů v učebnicích chemie pro střední školy. Chemické Listy 2024118(6), 348–353. DOI: 10.54779/chl20240348


G. Ferraro, T. Lyčková, L. Massai, P. Štarha, L. Messori, A. Merlino, Picoplatin binding to proteins: X-ray structures and mass spectrometry data on the adducts with lysozyme and ribonuclease A. Dalton Trans. 2024, 53, 8535–8540. DOI: 10.1039/D4DT00773E


B. Dutta, Z. Jagličić, M. Fitta, R. Herchel, D. Ray, New Candy-Shaped Hexanuclear CoII2CoIII2Gd2 Aggregate: Synthesis, Structures, and Magnetic Performance for Magnetocaloric Effect and Theoretical Understanding, Cryst. Growth Des. 2024, 24 (9), 3899–3909. DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.4c00198


E. M. Manohar, T. Guizouarn, N. Ahmed, R. Herchel, F. Pointillart, S. Das, A. Dey, Ligand-field effect to harness the magnetic anisotropy in a series of mixed valence Co (III)–Co (II) dinuclear complexes. Appl. Organomet. Chem. 2024, e7441. DOI: 10.1002/aoc.7441


A. Panja, S. Paul, E. Moreno-Pineda, R. Herchel, N. C. Jana, P. Brandão, G. Novitchi, W. Wernsdorfer, Insight into Ferromagnetic Interactions in CuII–LnIII Dimers with a Compartmental Ligand. Dalton Trans. 2024, 53, 2501–2511. DOI: 10.1039/D3DT03557C


W. Li, X. Li, K. Robeyns, M. Wolff, J. Kfoury, J. Oláh, R. Herchel, S. Demeshko, F. Meyer and Y. Garcia, Spin-state versatility in FeII4L6 supramolecular cages with a pyridyl-hydrazone ligand scaffold modulated by solvents and counter anions. Dalton Trans. 2024, 53, 1449–1459. DOI: 10.1039/D3DT02474A


P. Štarha, R. KřikavováPlatinum(IV) and platinum(II) anticancer complexes with biologically active releasable ligands. Coord. Chem. Rev. 2024, 501, 215578. DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2023.215578


S. Kumar, X. T. Cao, Natural bio-sourced polymers: Emerging precursors for the synthesis of single atom catalystsCoord. Chem. Rev., 2024, 499, 215524. DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2023.215524


P. Kumar, P. Antal, X. Wang, J. Wang, D. Trivedi, O. F. Fellner, Y. A. Wu, I. Nemec, V. T. Santana, J. Kopp, P. Neugebauer, J. Hu, M. G. Kibria, S. Kumar, Partial Thermal Condensation Mediated Synthesis of High‐Density Nickel Single Atom Sites on Carbon Nitride for Selective Photooxidation of Methane into Methanol. Small, 2024, 20, 2304574. DOI: 10.1002/smll.202304574



A. Mrkvicová, E. Peterová, I. Nemec, R. Křikavová, D. Muthná, R. Havelek, P. Kazimírová, M. Řezáčová, P. Štarha, Rh(III) and Ru(II) complexes with phosphanyl-alkylamines: inhibition of DNA synthesis induced by anticancer Rh complex. Future Med. Chem. 2023, 15, 1583–1602. DOI: 10.4155/fmc-2023-0170


K. Kotrle, I. Nemec, P. Antal, K. Petrželová, E. Čižmár, R. Herchel, 2-Formylphenoxyacetic acid Schiff bases: a promising ligand scaffold for readily available trigonal prismatic Co(II) single-ion magnets. Inorg. Chem. Front., 2023, 10, 7319-7332. DOI: 10.1039/D3QI01691A


E. Zahradníková, J. P. Sutter, P. Halaš, B. Drahoš, Trigonal prismatic coordination geometry imparted by a macrocyclic ligand: an approach to large axial magnetic anisotropy for Co(II). Dalton Trans. 2023, 52, 18513–1852. DOI: 10.1039/D3DT02639F


R. G. Kadam, M. Medved’, S. Kumar, D. Zaoralová, G. Zoppellaro, Z. Bad’ura, T. Montini, A. Bakandritsos, E. Fonda, O. Tomanec, M. Otyepka, R. S. Varma, M. B. Gawande, P. Fornasiero, R. Zbořil, Linear-Structure Single-Atom Gold(I) Catalyst for Dehydrogenative Coupling of Organosilanes with Alcohols. ACS Catal., 2023, 13, 16067-16077. DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.3c03937


P. Halaš, I. Nemec, R. Herchel, Honey-like Odor Meets Single-Ion Magnet: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Magnetism of Cobalt(II) Complex with Aromatic Trans-Cinnamic Acid. Magnetochemistry 20239, 229. DOI: 10.3390/magnetochemistry9110229


L. Kosaristanova, M. Rihacek, F. Sucha, V. Milosavljevic, P. Svec, J. Dorazilova, L. Vojtova, P. Antal, P. Kopel, Z. Patocka, V. Adam, L. Zurek, K. Dolezelikova, Synergistic antibacterial action of the iron complex and ampicillin against Staphylococcus aureus. BMC Microbiology 2023, 23, 288. DOI: 10.1186/s12866-023-03034-1


A. B. Younis, V. Milosavljevic, T. Fialova, K. Smerkova, H. Michalkova, P. Svec, P. Antal, P. Kopel, V. Adam, L. Zurek, K. Dolezelikova, Synthesis and characterization of TiO2 nanoparticles combined with geraniol and their synergistic antibacterial activity. BMC Microbiology 2023, 23, 207. DOI: 10.1186/s12866-023-02955-1 


J. N. Giraldo, J. Hrubý, Š. Vavrečková, O. F. Fellner, L. Havlíček, D. Henry, S. de Silva, R. Herchel, M. Bartoš, I. Šalitroš, V. T. Santana, P. Barbara, I. Nemec, P. Neugebauer, Tetracoordinate Co(II) complexes with semi-coordination as stable single-ion magnets for deposition on graphene. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023, 25, 29516–29530. DOI: 10.1039/D3CP01426F


K. Kotrle, M. Atanasov, F. Neese, R. Herchel, Theoretical Magnetic Relaxation and Spin–Phonon Coupling Study in a Series of Molecular Engineering Designed Bridged Dysprosocenium Analogues. Inorg. Chem. 2023, 62 (42), 17499–17509. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.3c02916.


R. Křikavová, M. Romanovová, Z. Jendželovská, M. Majerník, L. Masaryk, P. Zoufalý, D. Milde, J. Moncol, R. Herchel, R. Jendželovský, I. Nemec, Impact of the central atom and halido ligand on the structure, antiproliferative activity and selectivity of half-sandwich Ru(II) and Ir(III) complexes with a 1,3,4-thiadiazole-based ligand. Dalton Trans. 2023, 52, 12717–12732.  DOI: 10.1039/D3DT01696J


J. Juráková, O. F. Fellner, S. Schlittenhardt, Š. Vavrečková, I. Nemec, R. Herchel, E. Čižmár, V. T. Santana, M. Orlita, D. Gentili, G. Ruani, M. Cavallini, P. Neugebauer, M. Ruben, I. Šalitroš, Neutral cobalt(ii)-bis(benzimidazole)pyridine field-induced single-ion magnets for surface deposition. Inorg. Chem. Front. 2023, 10, 5406–5419. DOI:  10.1039/D3QI00931A


M. Tomanová, I. Vaňková, D. Toman, A. Přibylka, I. Nemec, P. Cankař, Axially Chiral Sulfonic Acids for Brønsted Acid Catalysis: 8-Benzoimidazolylnaphthalene-1-sulfonic Acids and Their Derivatives, J. Org. Chem. 2023, 88, 9265–9276. DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.3c00818


M. Loffelmann, Z. Škrott, D. Majera, P. Štarha, V. Kryštof, M. Mistrík, Identification of novel dithiocarbamate-copper complexes targeting p97/NPL4 pathway in cancer cells. Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2023, 261, 115790. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2023.115790


J. Haribabu, N. Balakrishnan, S. Swaminathan, D.P. Dorairaj, M. Azam, M.K.M. Subarkhan, Y.-L. Chang, S.C.N. Hsu, P. Štarha, R. Karvembu, Michael addition-driven synthesis of cytotoxic palladium(II) complexes from chromone thiosemicarbazones: investigation of anticancer activity through in vitro and in vivo studies. New. J. Chem. 2023, 47, 15748–15759. DOI: 10.1039/D3NJ02067C


B. Dutta, T. Guizouarn, F. Pointillart, K. Kotrle, R. Herchel, D. Ray, Lanthanoid coordination prompts unusually distorted pseudo-octahedral NiII coordination in heterodinuclear Ni–Ln complexes: synthesis, structure and understanding of magnetic behaviour through experiment and computation. Dalton Trans., 2023, 52, 10402–10414. DOI: 10.1039/D3DT01387A


T. Šilha, R. Herchel, I. Nemec, Mn(III)–Salen Complexes with Metallophilic Interactions. Crystals 2023, 13, 1217. DOI: 10.3390/cryst13081217


T. N. T. Nguyen, N. T. Pham, D. H. Ngo, S. Kumar, X. T. Cao, Covalently Functionalized Graphene with Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Selective Adsorption and Electrochemical Detection of Chloramphenicol. ACS Omega, 2023, 8(28), 25385–25391. DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.3c02839


M. Schoeller, M. Piroš, M. Litecká, K. Koňariková, F. Jozefíková, A. Šagátová, E. Zahradníková, J. Valentová, J. Moncol, Bipyridine Ruthenium(II) Complexes with Halogen-Substituted Salicylates: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Biological Activity. Molecules, 2023, 28, 4609. DOI: 10.3390/molecules28124609


M. Pražáková, D. Ndiaye, É. Tóth, B. Drahoš, A seven-coordinate Mn(II) complex with a pyridine-based 15-membered macrocyclic ligand containing one acetate pendant arm: structure, stability and relaxation properties. Dalton Trans. 2023, 52, 7936–7947. DOI: 10.1039/D3DT00701D


L. Masaryk, D. Weiser Drozdková, K. Słoczyńska, J. Moncol’, D. Milde, R. Křikavová, J. Popiół, E. Pękala, K. Ondrušková, I. Nemec, K. Smešný Trtková, P. Štarha, Anti-myeloma pro-apoptotic Pt(II) diiodido complexes. Inorg. Chem. Front. 2023, 10, 3307–3318. DOI: 10.1039/d3qi00327b


Z. Šindelář, P. Kopel, Bis(benzimidazole) Complexes, Synthesis and Their Biological Properties: A Perspective. Inorganics 2023, 11(3), 113. DOI: 10.3390/inorganics11030113


N.C. Jana, M. Jagodič, P. Brandão, M. Patra, R. Herchel, Z. Jagličić, A. Panja, Magneto-structural studies on a number of doubly end-on cyanate and azide bridged dinuclear nickel(ii) complexes with {N3O} donor Schiff base ligands, RSC Adv. 2023, 13, 11311–11323. DOI: 10.1039/D3RA00737E


K. Mitrevska, M.A.M. Rodrigo, N. Cernei, H. Michalkova, Z. Splichal, D. Hynek, O. Zitka, Z. Heger, P. Kopel, V. Adam, Chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay for the evaluation of the antitumor and antimetastatic activity of platinum-based drugs in association with the impact on the amino acid metabolism. Mater. Today Bio 2023, 19, 14. DOI: 10.1016/j.mtbio.2023.100570


E.S. Bazhina, A.A. Bovkunova, M.A. Shmelev, A.A. Korlyukov, A.A. Pavlov, L. Hochvaldova, L. Kvitek, A. Panacek, P. Kopel, I.L. Eremenko, Zinc(II) and copper(II) complexes with N-substituted imines derived from 4-amino-1,2,4-triazole: Synthesis, crystal structure, and biological activity. Inorg. Chim. Acta 2023, 547, 9. DOI: 10.1016/j.ica.2022.121359


I. Loubalova, P. Kopel, Coordination Compounds of Cu, Zn, and Ni with Dicarboxylic Acids and N Donor Ligands, and Their Biological Activity: A Review. Molecules 2023, 28, 29. DOI: 10.3390/molecules28031445


B. Dutta, E.C. Sañudo, R. Herchel, D. Ray, Ancillary Ligand Coordination Directed Modes of Aggregation in Mixed-Valence Tetranuclear Cobalt Complexes: Synthesis, Structure, Field-Induced SIM Behavior, and Theoretical Insights, Cryst. Growth Des. 2023, 23, 2169–2181. DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.2c01192.


N. Malinová, J. Juráková, B. Brachňaková, J.D. Midlíková, E. Čižmár, V.T. Santana, R. Herchel, M. Orlita, I. Mohelský, J. Moncol, P. Neugebauer, I. Šalitroš, Magnetization Slow Dynamics in Mononuclear Co(II) Field-Induced Single-Molecule Magnet, Cryst. Growth Des. 2023, 23, 2430–2441. DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.2c01388.


K. Petrželová, K. Sadílková, M. Klečková, Exkurze do chemických podniků – metodika, tvorba interaktivní mapy chemického průmyslu a podpůrných materiálů. Chemické Listy 2023, 117(3), 177–184. DOI: 10.54779/chl20230177


S. M. Hossain, S. Kamilya, S. Ghosh, R. Herchel, M. A. Kiskin, S. Mehta, A. Mondal, Tuning of Dimensionality and Nuclearity as a Function of Ligand Field Modulation Resulting in Field-Induced Cobalt(II) Single-Ion Magnet. Cryst. Growth Des. 2023, 23(3), 1656–1667. DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.2c01255


I. Nemec, L. Kotásková, R. Herchel, Variation of Spin-Transition Temperature in the Iron(III) Complex Induced by Different Compositions of the Crystallization Solvent. Cryst. Growth Des. 2023, 23(3), 1323–1329. DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.2c01411


J. Orvoš, R. Fischer, B. Brachňaková, J. Pavlik, J. Moncoľ, A. Šagátová, M. Fronc, J. Kožíšek, L. Routaboul, A. Bousseksou, I. ŠalitrošPyridyl-benzimidazole derivatives decorated with phenylazo substituents and their low-spin iron(ii) complexes: a study of the synthesis, structure and photoisomerization. New J. Chem. 2023, 47, 1488–1497. DOI:10.1039/D2NJ04774H


K. Pramanik, Z. Jagličić, R. Herchel, P. Brandão, N.C. Jana, A. Panja, Combined experimental and theoretical studies on a series of mononuclear LnIII single-molecule magnets: dramatic influence of remote substitution on the magnetic dynamics in Dy analogues. Dalton Trans. 2023, 52, 1241–1256. DOI: 10.1039/D2DT03354B.


I. Loubalova, E. Zahradnikova, L. Masaryk, I. Nemec, L. Hochvaldova, A. Panacek, L. Kvitek, R. Vecerova, M. Swiatkowski, P. Kopel, Antibacterial study on nickel and copper dicarboxylate complexes. Inorg. Chim. Acta 2023, 545, 121273. DOI: 10.1016/j.ica.2022.121273


R. Pechancová, J. Gallo, D. Baron, D. Milde, P. Antal, Z. Svobodová, K. Lemr, T. Pluháček, Detailed insight into chromium species released from failed CoCrMo implants: Ex vivo periprosthetic tissues study. J. Biomed. Mat. Res. B2023, 111(2), 271–283. DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.35149



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B. Drahoš, R. Herchel, Effective tuning of magnetic anisotropy in distorted pentagonal bipyramidal Ni(ii) complexes via substitution of axial coligands. Dalton Trans. 2022, 51, 18033–18044. DOI: 10.1039/D2DT02867K


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P. Antal, I. Nemec, J. Pechoušek, R. Herchel, New Ferrocene-Based Metalloligand with Two Triazole Carboxamide Pendant Arms and Its Iron(II) Complex: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, 57Fe Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Magnetic Properties and Theoretical Calculations, Inorganics, 2022, (10), 199. DOI: 10.3390/inorganics10110199.


X. T. Cao, T. Q. N. Tran, D. H. Ngo, D. C. Tai, S. KumarClick-Chemistry-Mediated Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle-Supported Polymer-Wrapped Carbon Nanotubes: Glucose Sensor and Antibacterial Material. ACS Omega20227(42), 37095–37102. DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.2c02832


J. Juráková, J. Dubnická Midlíková, J. Hrubý, A. Kliuikov,V. T. Santana, J. Pavlik, J. Moncoľ, E. Čižmár, M. Orlita, I. Mohelský, P. Neugebauer, D. Gentili, M. Cavallini, I. Šalitroš, Pentacoordinate cobalt(II) single ion magnets with pendant alkyl chains: shall we go for chloride or bromide? Inorg. Chem. Front., 2022, 9, 1179–1194. DOI: 10.1039/D1QI01350E


K. Mitrevska, N. Cernei, H. Michalkova, M.A.M. Rodrigo, L. Sivak, Z. Heger, O. Zitka, P. Kopel, V. Adam, V. Milosavljevic, Platinum-based drug-induced depletion of amino acids in the kidneys and liver. Front. Oncol. 2022, 12, 20. DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2022.986045.


M. Brezovan, J. Juráková, J. Moncol, Ľ. Dlháň, M. Korabik, I. Šalitroš, J. Pavlik, P. Segľa, The Role of the Bridge in Single-Ion Magnet Behaviour: Reinvestigation of Cobalt(II) Succinate and Fumarate Coordination Polymers with Nicotinamide. Inorganics, 2022, 10, 128. DOI: 10.3390/inorganics10090128


P. Antal, J. Kuchár, E. Čižmár, I. Císařová, R. Herchel, P. Kopel, Two novel 1D chain bis(benzimidazole) Co(II) complexes, their crystal structures and magnetic properties. Polyhedron, 2022, 116154. DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2022.116154


A. Panja, Z. Jaglicic, R. Herchel, P. Brandão, N.C. Jana, Influence of bridging and chelating co-ligands on the distinct single-molecule magnetic behaviours in ZnDy complexes. New J. Chem., 2022, 46, 18751–18763. DOI: 10.1039/D2NJ03793A


X. T. Cao, D. M. Kabtamu, S. Kumar, R. S. Varma, Advances in Thermo-, Photo-, and Electrocatalytic Continuous Conversion of Carbon Dioxide into Liquid Chemicals. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2022, 10(39), 12906–12932. DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.2c02491


P. Drożdżewski, M. Malik, P. Kopel, D. C. Bieńko, Normal vibrations and vibrational spectra of trithiocyanuric acid in its natural, deuterated, anionic and metal coordinated forms. Polyhedron, 2022, 220, 115819. DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2022.115819


N. Cankařová, I. Nemec, V. Krchňák, p-TSA-Mediated Four-Component Reaction: One-Step Access to Mesoionic 1H-Imidazol-3-ium-4-olates, Direct NHC Precursors. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2022, 364, 1–9. DOI: 10.1002/adsc.202200398


T. H. A. Nguyen, T. Q. N. Tran, T. N. T. Nguyen, T. Khue Van, D.-H. Ngo, S. Kumar, X. T. Cao, Deep eutectic solvent-assisted synthesis of poly(furfuryl alcohol) grafted carbon nanotubes: a metal free electrocatalyst for non-enzymatic glucose detection. New J. Chem. 2022, 46, 15799-15803. DOI: 10.1039/D2NJ02713E


A. Panja, Z. Jagličić, R. Herchel, P. Brandão, K. Pramanik, N.C. Jana, Three angular Zn2Dy complexes showing the effect of remote coordination at Zn and counter ions on slow magnetic relaxation at Dy centres. New J. Chem. 2022, 46,13546–13557. DOI: 10.1039/D2NJ01759H


L. Masaryk, J. Orvoš, K. Słoczyńska, R. Herchel, J. Moncol, D. Milde, P. Halaš, R. Křikavová, P. Koczurkiewicz-Adamczyk, E. Pękala, R. Fischer, I. Šalitroš, I. Nemec, P. Štarha, Anticancer half-sandwich Ir(III) complex and its interaction with various biomolecules and their mixtures - a case study with ascorbic acid. Inorg. Chem. Front. 2022, 9, 3758–3770. DOI: 10.1039/D2QI00535B


X.T. Cao, S. Kumar, I. Nemec, J. Kopp, R.S. Varma, Solvent-Directed Morphological Transformation in Covalent Organic Polymers. Front. Mater. 2022, 9, 889679. DOI: 10.3389/fmats.2022.889679 


L. Masaryk, D. Muthná, P. Halaš, P. Zoufalý, E. Peterová, R. Havelek, B. Drahoš, D. Milde, A. Mrkvicová, P. ŠtarhaStability of a half-sandwich Os(ii) complex with indomethacin-functionalized ligand in the presence of carboxypeptidase A. Dalton Trans. 2022, 51, 9213–9217. DOI: 10.1039/D2DT01085B


L. Havlíček, R. Herchel, I. Nemec, P. Neugebauer, Weak antiferromagnetic interaction in Cu(ii) complex with semi-coordination exchange pathway. Polyhedron 2022, 223, 115962. DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2022.115962


S. Ghosh, S. Kamilya, S. Mehta, R. Herchel, M. Kiskin, S. Veber, M. Fedin, A. Mondal, Effect of Ligand Chain Length for Tuning of Molecular Dimensionality and Magnetic Relaxation in Redox Active Cobalt(II) EDOT Complexes (EDOT=3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene). Chem. Asian J. 2022, e202200404. DOI: 10.1002/asia.202200404


J. Juráková, I. Šalitroš, Co(II) single-ion magnets: synthesis, structure, and magnetic properties, Monatsh. Chem. 2022. DOI: 10.1007/s00706-022-02920-0


H. Caloudova, J. Blahova, J. Mares, L. Richtera, A. Franc, M. Garajova, F. Tichy, J. Lenz, J. Caloudova, V. Enevova, P. Kopel, B. Havelkova, P. Lakdawala, Z. Svobodova, The effects of dietary exposure to Magnéli phase titanium suboxide and titanium dioxide on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Chemosphere 2022293, 133689. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.133689


S. Ghosh, S. Bagchi, S. Kamilya, S. Mehta, D. Sarkar, R. Herchel, A. Mondal, Impact of counter anions on spin-state switching of manganese(III) complexes containing an azobenzene ligand. Dalton Trans. 2022, 51, 7681–7694. DOI: 10.1039/D2DT00660J


M. Rusek, K. Vojíř, I. Bártová, M. Klečková, V. Sirotek, J. Štrofová, To what extent do freshman university chemistry students master chemistry calculations? Acta chimica slovenica 2022, 69, 371–377. DOI: 10.17344/acsi.2021.7250


L. Dobešová, T. Gier, O. Kopečná, E. Pagáčová, T. Vičar, F. Bestvater, J. Toufar, A. Bačíková, P. Kopel, R. Fedr, G. Hildenbrand, I. Falková, M. Falk, M. Hausmann, Incorporation of Low Concentrations of Gold Nanoparticles: Complex Effects on Radiation Response and Fate of Cancer Cells. Pharmaceutics 2022, 14, 166. DOI: 10.3390/pharmaceutics14010166


A. Panja, Z. Jagličić, R. Herchel, P. Brandão, K. Pramanik, N. C. Jana, The first exploration of coordination chemistry using a methyl substituted o-vanillin based ligand: an example starting with Dy4/Zn2Dy2 systems displaying slow relaxation of magnetization. New J. Chem. 2022, 46, 5627–5637. DOI: 10.1039/D1NJ05717K


D. Janasik, K. Jasiński, W. P. Węglarz, I. Nemec, P. Jewula, T. Krawczyk, Ratiometric pH-Responsive 19F Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents Based on Hydrazone Switches, Anal.Chem.  2022, 94(8), 3427–3431, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.1c04978


L. Masaryk, P. Zoufalý, K. Słoczyńska, E. Zahradniková, D. Milde, P. Koczurkiewicz-Adamczyk, P. ŠtarhaNew Pt(II) diiodido complexes containing bidentate 1,3,4-thiadiazole-based ligands: Synthesis, characterization, cytotoxicity. Inorg. Chim. Acta 2022, 536, 120891. DOI: 10.1016/j.ica.2022.120891


T. P. Cao, C. N. Hang, H. Vu-Quang, D. M. Kabtamu, S. Kumar, V. C. Nguyen, X. T. Cao, Catalyst-free synthesis of poly(furfurylalcohol) using deep eutectic solvents. New J. Chem. 2022, 46, 3786–3793. DOI: 10.1039/D1NJ05723E


I. Nemec I, O. F. Fellner, B. Indruchová, R. HerchelTrigonally Distorted Hexacoordinate Co(II) Single-Ion Magnets. Materials 2022, 15(3), 1064. DOI: 10.3390/ma15031064


Z. Smékal, P. Novák, M. Zeller, P. Antal, E. Čižmár, R. Herchel, Synthesis, crystal structure, 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy and magnetic properties of high-spin iron(III) anionic complexes [Fe(azp)2]- (H2azp = 2,2′- dihydroxyazobenzene) with organic cations. Polyhedron 2022, 212, 115586. DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2021.115586


E. Zahradníková, I. Císařová, B. Drahoš, Syntheses and crystal structures of Ni(II) complexes with pyridine-based macrocyclic ligands. Polyhedron 2022, 211, 115552. DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2021.115552




M. Janik, E. Jamróz, J. Tkaczewska, L. Juszczak, P. Kulawik, M. Szuwarzyński, K. Khachatryan, P. Kopel, Utilisation of Carp Skin Post-Production Waste in Binary Films Based on Furcellaran and Chitosan to Obtain Packaging Materials for Storing Blueberries. Materials 2021, 14, 7848. DOI: 10.3390/ma14247848


P. Halaš, J. Kuchár, R. Herchel, Anion-Dependent Synthesis of Cu(II) Complexes with 2-(1H-Tetrazol-5-yl)-1H-indole: Synthesis, X-Ray Structures, and Radical Scavenging Activity. Bioinorg. Chem. Appl. 2021, 2021, 6736908. DOI: 10.1155/2021/6736908


E. Jamróz, A. Cabaj, L. Juszczak, J. Tkaczewska, M. Zimowska, A. Cholewa-Wójcik, P. Krzyściak, P. Kopel, Active Double-Layered Films Enriched with AgNPs in Great Water Dock Root and Pu-Erh Extracts. Materials 2021, 14(22), 6925. DOI: 10.3390/ma14226925


K. Kotrle, I. Nemec, J. Moncol, E. Čižmár, R. Herchel, 3d–4f magnetic exchange interactions and anisotropy in a series of heterobimetallic vanadium(IV)–lanthanide(III) Schiff base complexes, Dalton Trans. 2021, 50, 13883–13893. DOI: 10.1039/D1DT01944A


A. Bhanja, R. Herchel, E. Moreno-Pineda, A. Khara, W. Wernsdorfer, D. Ray, Synthesis, characterization, magnetism and theoretical analysis of hetero-metallic [Ni2Ln2] partial di-cubane assemblies. Dalton Trans. 2021, 50, 12517–12527. DOI: 10.1039/D1DT00510C


D. Basak, L. Smythe, R. Herchel, M. Murrie, I. Nemec, D. Ray, From tetranuclear to pentanuclear [Co–Ln] (Ln = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho) complexes across the lanthanide series: effect of varying sequence of ligand addition. Dalton Trans. 2021, 50, 11861–11877. DOI: 10.1039/D1DT02038B.


A. Pluta-Kubica, E. Jamróz, G. Khachatryan, A. Florkiewicz, P. Kopel, Application of Furcellaran Nanocomposite Film as Packaging of Cheese. Polymers 2021, 13, 1428. DOI: 10.3390/polym13091428


H. Stepankova, M. Swiatkowski, R. Kruszynski, P. Svec, H. Michalkova, V. Smolikova, A. Ridoskova, Z. Splichal, P. Michalek, L. Richtera, P. Kopel, V. Adam, Z. Heger, S. Rex, The Anti-Proliferative Activity of Coordination Compound-Based ZnO Nanoparticles as a Promising Agent Against Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells. Int. J. Nanomed. 2021, 16, 4431–4449. DOI: 10.2147/IJN.S304902


J. Muchová, V. Hearnden, L. Michlovská, L. Vištejnová, A. Zavaďáková, K. Šmerková, S. Kočiová, V. Adam, P. Kopel, L. Vojtová, Mutual influence of selenium nanoparticles and FGF2-STAB® on biocompatible properties of collagen/chitosan 3D scaffolds: in vitro and ex ovo evaluation. J. Nanobiotechnol. 2021, 19, 103. DOI: 10.1186/s12951-021-00849-w


N. Suryadevara, A. Pausch, E. Moreno-Pineda, A. Mizuno, J. Bürck, A. Baksi, T. Hochdörffer, I. Šalitroš, A. S. Ulrich, M. M. Kappes, V. Schünemann, W. Klopper, M. Ruben, Chiral Resolution of Spin-Crossover Active Iron(II) [2x2] Grid Complexes. Chem. Eur. J. 2021, 27, 1–10. DOI: 10.1002/chem.202101432


B. Brachňaková, J. Moncoľ, J. Pavlik, I. Šalitroš, S. Bonhommeau, F. J. Valverde-Muñoz, L. Salmon, G. Molnár, L. Routaboul, A. Bousseksou, Spin crossover metal–organic frameworks with inserted photoactive guests: on the quest to control the spin state by photoisomerization. Dalton Trans. 2021, 50, 8877–8888. DOI: 10.1039/D1DT01057C


M. Gurská, V. Brezová, I. Šalitroš, Ľ. Švorc, I. Špánik, J. Moncoľ, J. Pavlik, P. Szolcsányi, Polyradical PROXYL/TEMPO Conjugates Connected by Ester/Amide Bridges: Synthesis, Physicochemical Studies, and DFT Calculations. ChemPlusChem 2021, 86, 396–405. DOI:10.1002/cplu.202000803


B. Drahoš, I. Šalitroš, I. Císařová, R. Herchel, A multifunctional magnetic material based on a solid solution of Fe(II)/Co(II) complexes with a macrocyclic cyclam-based ligand. Dalton Trans. 2021, 50, 11147–1115. DOI: 10.1039/D1DT01534F


A. Bhanja, L. Smythe, K. Kotrle, F. Ortu, R. Herchel, M. Murrie, D. Ray, Synthesis of heptanuclear Ni4Dy3 coordination aggregate using tridentate ligand: X-ray structure, magnetism and theoretical studies. Inorg. Chim. Acta 2021, 526, 120524. DOI: 10.1016/j.ica.2021.120524


D. Basak, E. R. Martí, M. Murrie, I. Nemec, D. Ray, Solvent-induced structural transformation from heptanuclear to decanuclear [Co–Ln] coordination clusters: trapping of unique counteranion and understanding of aggregation pathways. Dalton Trans., 2021, 50, 9574–9588. DOI: 10.1039/D1DT01278A


L. Masaryk, I. Nemec, J. Kašpárková, V. Brabec, P. Štarha, Unexpected solution behaviour of ester-functionalized half-sandwich Ru(II) and Ir(III) complexes. Dalton Trans. 2021, 50, 8017–8028. DOI: 10.1039/D1DT00466B


S. Ghosh, S. Kamilya, T. Pramanik, A. Mohanty, M. Rouzières, R. Herchel, S. Mehta, A. Mondal, Thermo- and photoinduced spin state switching in an iron(II) 2D coordination network associated with large light-induced thermal hysteresis and tuning of dimensionality via ligand modulation. Dalton Trans. 2021, 50, 7725–7735. DOI: 10.1039/D1DT00212K


P. Štarha, B. Drahoš, R. Herchel, An unexpected in-solution instability of diiodido analogue of picoplatin complicates its biological characterization. Dalton Trans. 2021, 50, 6071–6075. DOI:10.1039/D1DT00740H


E. Zahradníková, I. Císařová, B. Drahoš, Triple M as Manganese: Medicine, magnetism and macrocycles. Seven-coordinate Mn(II) complexes with pyridine-based macrocyclic ligands. Polyhedron 2021, 203, 115231. DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2021.115231


A. Bhanja, L. Smythe, R. Herchel, I. Nemec, M. Murrie, D. Ray, Hydroxido supported and differently networked octanuclear Ni6Ln2 [Ln = GdIII and DyIII] complexes: structural variation, magnetic properties and theoretical insights. Dalton Trans. 2021, 50, 5023–5035. DOI: 10.1039/D0DT04168H


K. Máliková, L. Masaryk, P. Štarha, Anticancer Half-Sandwich Rhodium(III) Complexes. Inorganics 2021, 9, 26. DOI: 10.3390/inorganics9040026


P. Zoufalý, A. Kliuikov, E. Čižmár, I. Císařová, R. Herchel, Cis and Trans Isomers of Fe(II) and Co(II) Complexes with Oxadiazole Derivatives ‐ Structural and Magnetic Properties. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2021, 1190–1199. DOI: 10.1002/ejic.202001148

L. Masaryk, P. Koczurkiewicz-Adamczyk, D. Milde, I. Nemec, K. Słoczyńska, E. Pękala, P. Štarha,  Dinuclear half-sandwich Ir(III) complexes containing 4,4′-methylenedianiline-based ligands: Synthesis, characterization, cytotoxicity. J. Organomet. Chem. 2021, 938, 121748. DOI: 10.1016/j.jorganchem.2021.121748

L. Masaryk, B. Tesarova, D. Choquesillo-Lazarte, V. Milosavljevic, Z. Heger, P. Kopel, Structural and biological characterization of anticancer nickel(II) bis(benzimidazole) complex. J. Inorg. Biochem. 2021, 217, 111395. DOI: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2021.111395

P. Štarha, Multinuclear biologically active Ru, Rh, Os and Ir arene complexes. Coord. Chem. Rev. 2021, 431,213690. DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2020.213690

A. N. Gusev, I. Nemec, R. Herchel, Y. I. Baluda, M. A. Kryukova, N. N. Efimov, M. A. Kiskin, W. Linert, A new series of Schiff base Ni(II)4 cubanes: Evaluation of magnetic coupling via carboxylate bridges. Polyhedron 2021, 196, 115017. DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2020.115017


B. Brachňaková, J. Adamko Kožíšková, J. Kožíšek, E. Melníková, M. Gál, R. Herchel, T. Dubaj, I. Šalitroš, Low-spin and spin-crossover iron(ii) complexes with pyridyl-benzimidazole ligands: synthesis, and structural, magnetic and solution study. Dalton Trans. 2020, 49, 17786–17795. DOI: 10.1039/D0DT03497E

A. Bhanja, M. Schulze, R. Herchel, E. Moreno-Pineda, W. Wernsdorfer, D. Ray, Selective Coordination of Self-Assembled Hexanuclear [Ni4Ln2] and [Ni2Mn2Ln2] (Ln = DyIII, TbIII, and HoIII) Complexes: Stepwise Synthesis, Structures, and Magnetic Properties. Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 17929–17944. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c02148

S. Ghosh, S. Kamilya, M. Rouzières, R. Herchel, S. Mehta, A. Mondal, Reversible Spin-State Switching and Tuning of Nuclearity and Dimensionality via Nonlinear Pseudohalides in Cobalt(II) Complexes. Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 17638–17649. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c02887

J. Hrubý, Š. Vavrečková, L. Masaryk, A. Sojka, J. Navarro-Giraldo, M. Bartoš, R. Herchel, J. Moncol, I. Nemec, P. Neugebauer, Deposition of Tetracoordinate Co(II) Complex with Chalcone Ligands on Graphene. Molecules 2020, 25, 5021. DOI: 10.3390/molecules25215021

L. Rigamonti, F. Reginato, E. Ferrari, L. Pigani, L. Gigli, N. Demitri, P. Kopel, B. Tesarova, Z. Heger, From solid state to in vitro anticancer activity of copper(II) compounds with electronically-modulated NNO Schiff base ligands. Dalton Trans. 2020, 49, 14626–14639. DOI: 10.1039/D0DT03038D

J. Dorazilová, J. Muchová, K. Šmerková, S. Kočiová, P. Diviš, P. Kopel, R. Veselý, V. Pavliňáková, V. Adam, L. Vojtová, Synergistic Effect of Chitosan and Selenium Nanoparticles on Biodegradation and Antibacterial Properties of Collagenous Scaffolds Designed for Infected Burn Wounds. Nanomaterials 2020, 10, 1971. DOI:10.3390/nano10101971

D. Hlavkova, H. Caloudova, P. Palikova, P. Kopel, L. Plhalova, M. Beklova, B. Havelkova, Effect of Gold Nanoparticles and Ions Exposure on the Aquatic Organisms. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 2020, 105, 530–537. DOI: 10.1007/s00128-020-02988-6

S. Ghosh, S. Kamilya, T. Pramanik, M. Rouzières, R. Herchel, S. Mehta, A. Mondal, ON/OFF Photoswitching and Thermoinduced Spin Crossover with Cooperative Luminescence in a 2D Iron(II) Coordination Polymer. Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 13009–13013. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c02136

D. Hlavkova, M. Beklova, P. Kopel, B. Havelkova, Effects of Silver Nanoparticles and Ions Exposure on the Soil Invertebrates Folsomia candida and Enchytraeus crypticus. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 2020, 105, 244–249. DOI: 10.1007/s00128-020-02909-7

E. Jamroz, P. Kopel, Polysaccharide and Protein Films with Antimicrobial/Antioxidant Activity in the Food Industry: A Review. Polymers 2020, 12, 1289. DOI: 10.3390/polym12061289

J. Hrubý, D. Dvořák, L. Squillantini, M. Mannini, J. van Slageren, R. Herchel, I. Nemec, P. Neugebauer, Co(II)-Based single-ion magnets with 1,1′-ferrocenediyl-bis(diphenylphosphine) metalloligands. Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 11697–11707. DOI: 10.1039/D0DT01512A

E. Zahradníková, R. Herchel, I. Šalitroš, I. Císařová, B. Drahoš, Late first-row transition metal complexes of a 17-membered piperazine-based macrocyclic ligand: structures and magnetism. Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 9057–9069. DOI: 10.1039/d0dt01392g

K. Shi, L. Mathivathanan, R. Herchel, A. K. Boudalis, R. G. Raptis, Supramolecular Assemblies of Trinuclear Copper(II)-Pyrazolato Units: A Structural, Magnetic and EPR Study. Chemistry, 2020, 2, 626–644. DOI: 10.3390/chemistry2030039

S. Kociova, K. Dolezelikova, P. Horky, S. Skalickova, D. Baholet, L. Bozdechova, E. Vaclavkova, J. Belkova, P. Nevrkla, J. Skladanka, T. Do, O. Zitka, Y. Haddad, P. Kopel, L. Zurek, V. Adam, K. Smerkova, Zinc phosphate-based nanoparticles as alternatives to zinc oxide in diet of weaned piglets. J. Anim. Sci. Biotechnol., 2020, 11, 59. DOI: 10.1186/s40104-020-00458-x

A. Bhanja, E. Moreno-Pineda, R. Herchel, W. Wernsdorfer, D. Ray, Self-assembled octanuclear [Ni5Ln3] (Ln = Dy, Tb and Ho) complexes: synthesis, coordination induced ligand hydrolysis, structure and magnetism. Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 7968–7976. DOI: 10.1039/D0DT01675F

A. Gee, A. H. Jaafar, B. Brachňaková, J. Massey, C. H. Marrows, I. Šalitroš, N. T. Kemp, Multilevel Resistance Switching and Enhanced Spin Transition Temperature in Single- and Double-Molecule Spin Crossover Nanogap Devices. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2020, 124, 13393–13399. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c03824

S. Ghosh, S. Kamilya, M. Das, S. Mehta, M.-E. Boulon, I. Nemec, M. Rouzières, R. Herchel, A. Mondal, Effect of Coordination Geometry on Magnetic Properties in a Series of Cobalt(II) Complexes and Structural Transformation in Mother Liquor. Inorg. Chem., 2020, 59, 7067–7081. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c00538

E. Jamróz, G. Khachatryan, P. Kopel, L. Juszczak, A. Kawecka, P. Krzyściak, M. Kucharek, Z. Bębenek, M. Zimowska, Furcellaran nanocomposite films: The effect of nanofillers on the structural, thermal, mechanical and antimicrobial properties of biopolymer films. Carbohydr. Polym., 2020, 240, 116244.DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2020.116244

L. Masaryk, J. Moncol, R. Herchel, I. Nemec, Halogen Bonding in New Dichloride-Cobalt(II) Complex with Iodo Substituted Chalcone Ligands. Crystals, 2020, 10, 354. DOI: 10.3390/cryst10050354

V. P. Sur, A. Mazumdar, A. Ashrafi, A. Mukherjee, V. Milosavljevic, H. Michalkova, P. Kopel, L. Richtera, A. Moulick, A Novel Biocompatible Titanium-Gadolinium Quantum Dot as a Bacterial Detecting Agent with High Antibacterial Activity. Nanomaterials, 2020, 10, 778. DOI: 10.3390/nano10040778

V. P. Sur, A. Mazumdar, P. Kopel, S. Mukherjee, P. Vitek, H. Michalkova, M. Vaculovicova, A. Moulick, A Novel Ruthenium Based Coordination Compound Against Pathogenic Bacteria. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2020, 21, 2656. DOI: 10.3390/ijms21072656

B. Rybníčková, J. Kuchár, P. Antal, R. Herchel, Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of tetranuclear copper complex based on [(4-bromophenyl)(hydroxy)methylene]bis(phosphonic acid). Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2020, 119689. DOI: 10.1016/j.ica.2020.119689

B. Drahoš, I. Císařová, O. Laguta, V. T. Santana, P. Neugebauer, R. Herchel, Structural, magnetic, redox and theoretical characterization of seven-coordinate first-row transition metal complexes with a macrocyclic ligand containing two benzimidazolyl N-pendant arms. Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 4425–4440. DOI: 10.1039/D0DT00166J

B. Drahoš, P. Antal, I. Šalitroš, R. Herchel, Magnetic Properties of Fe(II) Complexes of Cyclam Derivative with One p-Aminobenzyl Pendant Arm. Metals, 2020, 10, 366. DOI: 10.3390/met10030366

J. Pavlik, P. Masárová, I. Nemec, O. Fuhr, M. Ruben, I. Šalitroš, Heteronuclear Iron(III)-Schiff Base Complexes with the Hexacyanidocobaltate(III) Anion: On the Quest To Understand the Governing Factors of Spin Crossover. Inorg. Chem., 2020, 59, 2747–2757. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b03097

K. Senthil Kumar, I. Šalitroš, B. Heinrich, S. Moldovan, M. Mauro, M. Ruben, Spin-crossover in iron(II)-phenylene ethynylene-2,6-di(pyrazol-1-yl) pyridine hybrids: toward switchable molecular wire-like architectures. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 2020, 32, 204002. DOI: 10.1088/1361-648X/ab6cc2

M. Gagic, L. Nejdl, K. Xhaxhiu, N. Cernei, O. Zitka, E. Jamroz, P. Svec, L. Richtera, P. Kopel, V. Milosavljevic, V. Adam, Fully automated process for histamine detection based on magnetic separation and fluorescence detection. Talanta, 2020, 212, 120789. DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2020.120789

B. Brachňaková, S. Matejová, J. Moncol, R. Herchel, J. Pavlik, E. Moreno-Pineda, M. Ruben , I. Šalitroš, Stereochemistry of coordination polyhedra vs. single ion magnetism in penta- and hexacoordinated Co(II) complexes with tridentate rigid ligands. Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 1249–1264. DOI: 10.1039/C9DT04592A

L. St Marie, A. El Fatimy, J. Hrubý, I. Nemec, J. Hunt, R. Myers-Ward, D. K. Gaskill, M. Kruskopf, Y. Yang, R. Elmquist, R. Marx, J. van Slageren, P. Neugebauer, P. Barbara, Nanostructured graphene for nanoscale electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. J. Phys. Mater., 2020, 3(1), 014013. DOI: 10.1088/2515-7639/ab6af8

P. Zoufalý, E. Čižmár, J. Kuchár, R. Herchel, The Structural and Magnetic Properties of FeII and CoII Complexes with 2-(furan-2-yl)-5-pyridin-2-yl-1,3,4-oxadiazole. Molecules, 2020, 25(2), 277. DOI: 10.3390/molecules25020277


  1. E. Jamroz, P. Kopel, J. Tkaczewska, D. Dordevic, S. Jancikova, P. Kulawik, V. Milosavljevic, K. Dolezelikova, K. Smerkova, P. Svec, V. Adam, Nanocomposite Furcellaran Films-the Influence of Nanofillers on Functional Properties of Furcellaran Films and Effect on Linseed Oil Preservation. Polymers 2019, 11, 2046. DOI: 10.3390/polym11122046
  2. K. Kotrle, R. Herchel, Are Inorganic Single-Molecule Magnets a Possibility? A Theoretical Insight into Dysprosium Double-Deckers with Inorganic Ring Systems.  Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 14046-14057. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b02039
  3. A. Bhanja, R. Herchel, Z. Trávníček, D. Ray, Two Types of Hexanuclear Partial Tetracubane [Ni4Ln2] (Ln = Dy, Tb, Ho) Complexes of Thioether-Based Schiff Base Ligands: Synthesis, Structure, and Comparison of Magnetic Properties. Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 12184-12198. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b01517
  4. L. Pogány, B. Brachňaková, P. Masárová, J. Moncol, J. Pavlik, M. Gál, M. Mazúr, R. Herchel, I. Nemec, I. Šalitroš, Impact of the Schiff base ligand substituents on the solid state and solution properties of eleven iron(iii) complexes. New J. Chem. 2019, 43, 13916-13928. DOI: 10.1039/C9NJ03087E
  5. I. Nemec, I. Svoboda, R. Herchel, Spin Crossover in Three Mononuclear Iron (III) Schiff Base Complexes. Metals 2019, 9(8), 849. DOI: 10.3390/met9080849
  6. A. Gusev, I. Nemec, R. Herchel, I. Riush, J. Titiš, R. Boča, K. Lyssenko, M. Kiskin, I. Eremenko, W. Linert, Structural and magnetic characterization of Ni(II), Co(II), and Fe(II) binuclear complexes on a bis(pyridyl-triazolyl)alkane basis. Dalton Trans. 2019, 48, 10526-10536. DOI: 10.1039/c9dt01391a
  7. C. Meseguer, M. A. Palacios, A. J. Mota, B. Drahoš, E. K. Brechin, R. Navarrete, J. M. Moreno, E. Colacio, Effect of π-aromatic spacers on the magnetic properties and slow relaxation of double stranded metallacyclophanes with a LnIII-MII-MII-LnIII (LnIII = GdIII, DyIII, YIII; MII = NiII, CoII) linear topology. Polyhedron 2019, 170, 373-387. DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2019.05.054
  8. B. Drahoš, I. Šalitroš, R. Herchel, First step in preparation of multifunctional spin crossover material based on Fe(II) complex of cyclam-based ligand. Magnetism and DFT studies. Inorg. Chim. Acta 2019, 495, 118921. DOI: 10.1016/j.ica.2019.05.020
  9. A. Bakandritsos, R. G. Kadam, P. Kumar, G. Zoppellaro, M. Medved', J. Tuček, T. Montini, O. Tomanec, P. Andrýsková, B. Drahoš, R. S. Varma, M. Otyepka, M. B. Gawande, P. Fornasiero, R. Zbořil, Mixed-Valence Single-Atom Catalyst Derived from Functionalized Graphene. Adv. Mater. 2019, 1900323. DOI: 10.1002/adma.201900323
  10. I. Šalitroš, R. Herchel, O. Fuhr, R. González-Pieto, M. Ruben, Polynuclear Iron(II) Complexes with 2,6-Bis(pyrazol-1-yl)pyridine-anthracene Ligands Exhibiting Highly Distorted High-Spin Centers. Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58(7), 4310-4319. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.8b03432
  11. I. Nemec, P. Zoufalý, P. Jewula, P. Antal, W. Linert, R. Herchel, Ion-pair complexes of Schiff base Fe(III) cations and complex anions. New J. Chem. 2019, 43, 4937-4946. DOI: 10.1039/c9nj00192a
  12. A. Gusev, I. Nemec, R. Herchel, V. Shul'gin, I. Ryush, M. Kiskin, N. Efimov, E. Ugolkova, V. Minin, K. Lyssenko, I. Eremenko, W. Linert, Copper(ii) self-assembled clusters of bis((pyridin-2-yl)-1,2,4-triazol-3-yl)alkanes. Unusual rearrangement of ligands under reaction conditions. Dalton Trans. 2019, 48, 3052-3060. DOI:10.1039/C8DT04816A
  13. L. Váhovská, O. Bukrynov, I. Potočňák, E. Čižmár, A. Kliuikov, S. Vitushkina, M. Dušek, R. Herchel, New Co(II) field-induced single-molecule magnet and the first example of Co(III) complex with tridentate binding of deprotonated 4-amino-3,5-bis(pyridin-2-yl)-1,2,4-triazole ligand. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2019, 2, 250-261. DOI: 10.1002/ejic.201801225
  14. R. Herchel, P. Zoufalý, I. Nemec, The effect of the second coordination sphere on the magnetism of [Ln(NO3)3(H2O)3]·(18-crown-6) (Ln = Dy and Er). RSC Advances 2019, 9, 569-575. DOI: 10.1039/c8ra09648a


  • Antal, P.; Drahoš, B.; Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z. Structure and Magnetism of Seven‐Coordinate Fe(III), Fe(II), Co(II) and Ni(II) Complexes Containing a Heptadentate 15‐Membered Pyridine‐Based Macrocyclic Ligand. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (2018) 4286-4297. DOI: 10.1002/ejic.201800769
  • Drahoš, B.; Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z. Single-Chain Magnet Based on 1D Polymeric Azido-Bridged Seven-Coordinate Fe(II) Complex with a Pyridine-Based Macrocyclic Ligand. Inorg. Chem. 57 (2018) 12718-12726. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.8b01798
  • Drahoš, B.; Trávníček, Z. Spin crossover Fe(II) complexes of a cross-bridged cyclam derivative. Dalton Transactions 47 (2018) 6134-6145. DOI:10.1039/C8DT00414E
  • Štarha, P.; Trávníček, Z.; Herchel, R.; Jewula, P.; Dvořák, Z. A possible way how to improve in vitro cytotoxicity of half-sandwich Os(II) complexes against A2780 cells. Dalton Transactions 47 (2018) 5714-5724. DOI:10.1039/C8DT00193F
  • Nemec, I.; Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z. Two polymorphic Co(II) field-induced single-ion magnets with enormous angular distortion from the ideal octahedron. Dalton Transactions 47 (2018) 1614-1623. DOI:10.1039/C7DT03992A
  • Štarha, P.; Trávníček, Z.; Drahoš, B.; Herchel, R.; Dvořák, Z. Cell-based studies of the first-in-class half-sandwich Ir(III) complex containing histone deacetylase inhibitor 4-phenylbutyrate. Applied Organometallic Chemistry 32 (2018) e4246. DOI:10.1002/aoc.4246
  • Pogány, L.; Brachňaková, B.; Moncol, J.; Pavlik, J.; Nemec, I.; Trávníček, Z.; Mazúr, M.; Bučinský, L.; Suchánek, L.; Šalitroš, I. Impact of Substituent Variation on the Presence of Thermal Spin Crossover in a Series of Mononuclear Iron(III) Schiff Base Complexes with Terminal Pseudohalido Co-ligands. Chemistry - A European Journal 24 (2018) 5191-5203. DOI:10.1002/chem.201704546
  • Váhovská, L.; Vitushkina, S.; Potočňák, I.; Trávníček, Z.; Herchel, R. Effect of linear and non-linear pseudohalides on the structural and magnetic properties of Co(II) hexacoordinate single-molecule magnets. Dalton Transactions 47 (2018) 1498-1512. DOI:10.1039/C7DT04256F
  • Štarha, P.; Trávníček, Z.; Vančo, J.; Dvořák, Z. Half-sandwich Ru(II) and Os(II) bathophenanthroline complexes containing a releasable dichloroacetato ligand. Molecules 23 (2018) 420. DOI:10.3390/molecules23020420
  • Massoud, S.S.; Louka, F.R.; Ducharme, G.T.; Fischer, R.C.; Mautner, F.A.; Vančo, J.; Herchel, R.; Dvořák, Z.; Trávníček, Z. Copper(II) complexes based on tripodal pyrazolyl amines: Synthesis, structure, magnetic properties and anticancer activity. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 180 (2018) 39-46. DOI:10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2017.11.023
  • Pisár, M.; Schütznerová, E.; Hančík, F.; Popa, I.; Trávníček, Z.; Cankař, P. Modification of Boc-protected CAN508 via acylation and Suzuki-Miyaura coupling. Molecules 23 (2018) 149. DOI:10.3390/molecules23010149
  • Massoud, S.S.; Fischer, R.C.; Mautner, F.A.; Parfait, M.M.; Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z. Pentacoordinate cobalt(II) complexes with neutral tripodal N-donor ligands: Zero-field splitting for a distorted trigonal bipyramidal geometry. Inorganica Chimica Acta 471 (2018) 630-639. DOI:10.1016/j.ica.2017.11.036
  • Ahmad, S.; Altoum, A.O.S.; Vančo, J.; Křikavová, R.; Trávníček, Z.; Dvořák, Z.; Altaf, M.; Sohail, M.; Isabb, A.A. Synthesis, crystal structure and anticancer activity of tetrakis(N-isopropylimidazolidine-2-selenone)platinum(II) chloride. Journal of Molecular Structure 1152 (2018) 232-236. DOI:10.1016/j.molstruc.2017.09.068


  • Machata, M.; Herchel, R.; Nemec , I.; Trávníček, Z. Crystal structures and magnetic properties of two series of phenoxo-O bridged dinuclear Ln2 (Ln = Gd, Tb, Dy) complexes. Dalton Transactions 46 (2017) 16294-16305, DOI:10.1039/C7DT03441E
  • Nemec, I.; Herchel, R.; Machata, M.; Trávníček, Z. Tetranuclear Ni(II) and Co(II) Schiff-base complexes with an M4O6 defective dicubane-like core: zero-field SMM behavior in the cobalt analogue. New Journal of Chemistry 41 (2017) 11258-11267. DOI:10.1039/C7NJ02281F
  • Vančo, J.; Trávníček, Z.; Hošek, J.; Suchý, P. Jr. In vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory active copper(II)-lawsone complexes. PLoS ONE 12 (2017) e0181822. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0181822
  • Vančo, J.; Trávníček, Z.; Křikavová, R.; Gáliková, J.; Chalupová, M. Molecular, cellular and pharmacological effects of platinum(II) diiodido complexes containing 9-deazahypoxanthine derivatives: A group of broad-spectrum anticancer active agents. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 173 (2017) 423-433. DOI:10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2017.06.017
  • Drahoš, B.; Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z. Impact of Halogenido Coligands on Magnetic Anisotropy in Seven-Coordinate Co(II) Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry 56 (2017) 5076-5088. DOI:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b00235
  • Herchel, R.; Kotrle, K.; Trávníček, Z. Magnetorefrigeration capability of a gadolinium(III) coordination polymer containing trimesic acid: a correlation between the isothermal magnetic entropy change and the gadolinium content. RSC Advances 7 (2017) 30763-30769. DOI:10.1039/c7ra04945e
  • Machata, M.; Nemec, I.; Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z. An octanuclear Schiff-base complex with a Na2Ni6 core: structure, magnetism and DFT calculations. RSC Advances 7 (2017) 25821-25827. DOI:10.1039/c7ra01374d
  • Massoud, S.S.; Williams, G.F.; Louka, F.R.; Henary, M.M.; Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z.; Fischer, R.C.; Mautner, F.A. Croconato-bridged copper(II) complexes: synthesis, structure and magnetic characterization. New Journal of Chemistry 41 (2017) 3846-3856. DOI:10.1039/c6nj03943j
  • Altoum, A.O.S.; Vančo, J.; Křikavová, R.; Trávníček, Z.; Dvořák, Z.; Altaf, M.; Ahmad, S.; Sulaiman, A.A.A.; Isab, A.A. Synthesis, structural characterization and cytotoxicity evaluation of platinum(II) complexes of heterocyclic selenones. Polyhedron 128 (2017) 2-8. DOI:10.1016/j.poly.2017.02.027
  • Nemec, I.; Herchel, R.; Kern, M.; Neugebauer, P.; van Slageren, J.; Trávníček, Z. Magnetic Anisotropy and Field‐induced Slow Relaxation of Magnetization in Tetracoordinate CoII Compound [Co(CH3‐im)2Cl2]. Materials 10 (2017) 249. DOI:10.3390/ma10030249
  • Ručil, T.; Trávníček, Z.; Cankař, P. Ring-Opening Reactions of the N-4-Nosyl Hough-Richardson Aziridine with Nitrogen Nucleophiles. Journal of Organic Chemistry 82 (2017) 723-730. DOI:10.1021/acs.joc.6b01942
  • Kubát, V.; Babiak, M.; Trávníček, Z.; Novosad, J. 3-(Diphenylchalcogenophosphoryl)propionic acids as precursors for metal selenides and tellurides. Polyhedron 124 (2017) 62–67. DOI:10.1016/j.poly.2016.12.034
  • Štarha, P.; Vančo, J.; Trávníček, Z. Platinum complexes containing adenine-based ligands: An overview of selected structural features. Coordination Chemistry Reviews 332 (2017) 1–29. DOI:10.1016/j.ccr.2016.09.017.
  • Bondarev, D.; Sivkova, R.; Šuly, P.; Polášková, M.; Krejčí, O.; Křikavová, R.; Trávníček, Z.; Zukal, A.; Kubů, M.; Sedláček, J. Microporous conjugated polymers via homopolymerization of 2,5-diethynylthiophene. European Polymer Journal 92 (2017) 213-219. DOI:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2017.04.042
  • Mirtamizdoust, B.; Trávníček, Z.; Hanifehpour, Y.; Talemi, P.; Hammud, H.; Joo, S.W. Synthesis and characterization of nano-peanuts of lead(II) coordination polymer [Pb(qcnh)(NO3)2]n with ultrasonic assistance: A new precursor for the preparation of pure-phase nano-sized PbO. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 34 (2017) 255-261. DOI:10.1016/j.ultsonch.2016.05.041


  • Štarha, P.; Trávníček, Z.; Křikavová, R.; Dvořák, Z. Half-sandwich Ru(II) halogenido, valproato and 4-phenylbutyrato complexes containing 2,2′-dipyridylamine: synthesis, characterization, solution chemistry and in vitro cytotoxicity. Molecules 21 (2016) 1725. DOI:10.3390/molecules21121725
  • Štarha, P.; Trávníček, Z.; Drahoš, B.; Dvořák, Z. In vitro antitumor active gold(I) triphenylphosphane complexes containing 7-azaindoles. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 17 (2016) 2084. DOI:10.3390/ijms17122084
  • Nemec, I.; Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z. Pentacoordinate and hexacoordinate Mn(III) complexes of tetradentate Schiff-base ligands containing tetracyanidoplatinate(II) bridges and revealing uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. Molecules 21 (2016) 1681. DOI:10.3390/molecules21121681
  • Gusev, A.; Herchel, R.; Nemec, I.; Shulgin, V.; Eremenko, I. L.; Lyssenko, K.; Linert, W.; Trávníček, Z. Tetranuclear lanthanide complexes containing a hydrazone-type ligand. Dysprosium [2 × 2] gridlike single-molecule magnet and toroic. Inorg. Chem. 55 (2016) 12470-12476. DOI:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.6b02449
  • Štarha, P.; Vančo, J.; Trávníček, Z.; Hošek, J.; Klusáková, J.; Dvořák, Z. Platinum(II) iodido complexes of 7-azaindoles with significant antiproliferative effects: an old story revisited with unexpected outcomes. PLoS ONE 11 (2016) e0165062. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0165062
  • Herchel, R.; Nemec, I.; Machata, M.; Trávníček, Z. Solvent-induced structural diversity in tetranuclear Ni(II) Schiff-base complexes: the first Ni4 single-molecule magnet with a defective dicubane-like topology. Dalton Transactions 45 (2016) 18622-18634. DOI:10.1039/C6DT03520E
  • Štarha, P.; Trávníček, Z.; Pazderová, L.; Dvořák, Z. Platinum(II) carboxylato complexes containing 7-azaindoles as N-donor carrier ligands showed cytotoxicity against cancer cell lines. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 162 (2016) 109–116. DOI:10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2016.06.018.
  • Antal, P.; Drahoš, B.; Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z. Muffin-like lanthanide complexes with an N5O2-donor macrocyclic ligand showing field-induced single-molecule magnet behaviour. Dalton Transactions 45 (2016) 15114-15121. DOI:10.1039/C6DT02537D
  • Gajewska, M. J.; Bienko, A.; Herchel, R.; Haukka, M.; Jerzykiewicz, M.; Ozarowski, A.; Drabent, K.; Hung, C.-H. Iron(III) bis(pyrazol-1-yl)acetate based decanuclear metallacycles: synthesis, structure, magnetic properties and DFT calculations. Dalton Transactions 45 (2016) 15089-15096. DOI:10.1039/C6DT02333A
  • Massoud, S. S.; Ledet, C. C.; Junk, T.; Bosch, S.; Comba, P.; Herchel, R.; Hošek, J.; Trávníček, Z.; Fischer, R. C.; Mautner, F. A.Dinuclear metal(ii)-acetato complexes based on bicompartmental 4-chlorophenolate: syntheses, structures, magnetic properties, DNA interactions and phosphodiester hydrolysis. Dalton Transactions 45 (2016) 12933-12950. DOI:10.1039/C6DT02596J
  • Nemec, I.; Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z. Ferromagnetic coupling mediated by Co⋯π non-covalent contacts in a pentacoordinate Co(II) compound showing field-induced slow relaxation of magnetization. Dalton Transactions 45 (2016) 12479-12482. DOI:10.1039/C6DT01539E
  • Křikavová, R.; Vančo, J.; Trávníček, Z.; Hutyra, J.; Dvořák, Z. Design and characterization of highly in vitro antitumor active ternary copper(II) complexes containing 2′-hydroxychalcone ligands. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 163 (2016) 8-17. DOI:10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2016.07.005
  • Herchel, R.; Dvořák, Z.; Trávníček, Z.; Mikuriya, M.; Louka, F. R.; Mautner, F. A.; Massoud, S. S. Cobalt(II) and copper(II) covalently and non-covalently dichlorido-bridged complexes of an unsymmetrical tripodal pyrazolyl-pyridyl amine ligand: structures, magnetism and cytotoxicity. Inorganica Chimica Acta 451 (2016) 102-110. DOI:10.1016/j.ica.2016.06.030
  • Machalová Šišková, K.; Jančula, D.; Drahoš, B.; Machala, L.; Babica, P.; Alonso, P.G.; Trávníček, Z.; Tuček, J.; Maršálek, B.; Sharma, V.K.; Zbořil, R. High-valent iron (FeVI, FeV, and FeIV) species in water: characterization and oxidative transformation of estrogenic hormones. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (2016) 18802-18810. DOI:10.1039/C6CP02216B
  • Kubešová, K.; Trávníček, Z.; Dvořák, Z. Pleiotropic effects of gold(I) mixed-ligand complexes of 9-deazahypoxanthine on transcriptional activity of receptors for steroid hormones, nuclear receptors and xenoreceptors in human hepatocytes and cell lines. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 121 (2016) 530-540. DOI:10.1016/j.ejmech.2016.05.064
  • Křikavová, R.; Vančo, J.; Šilha, T.; Marek J.; Trávníček Z. Synthesis, characterization, DNA binding studies and in vitro cytotoxicity of platinum(II)-dihalogenido complexes containing bidentate chelating N-donor ligands. Journal of Coordination Chemistry 69 (2016) 2422-2436. DOI:10.1080/00958972.2016.1199862
  • Antal, P.; Drahoš, B.; Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z. Late First-Row Transition-Metal Complexes Containing a 2-Pyridylmethyl Pendant-Armed 15-Membered Macrocyclic Ligand. Field-Induced Slow Magnetic Relaxation in a Seven-Coordinate Cobalt(II) Compound. Inorganic Chemistry 55 (2016) 5957-5972. DOI:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.6b00415
  • Znaleziona, J.; Drahoňovský, D.; Drahoš, B.; Ševčík, J.; Maier, V. Novel cationic coating agent for protein separation by capillary electrophoresis. Journal of Separation Science 39 (2016) 2406-2412. DOI:10.1002/jssc.201501349
  • Kubešová, K.; Dořičáková, A.; Trávníček, Z.; Dvořák, Z. Mixed-ligand copper(II) complexes activate aryl hydrocarbon receptor AhR and induce CYP1A genes expression in human hepatocytes and human cell lines. Toxicology Letters 255 (2016) 24-35. DOI:10.1016/j.toxlet.2016.05.014
  • Rathi, A.K.; Gawande, M.K.; Pechoušek, J.; Tuček, J.; Aparicio, C.; Petr, M.; Tomanec, O.; Křikavová, R.; Trávníček, Z.; Varma, R.S.; Zbořil, R. Maghemite decorated with ultra-small palladium nanoparticles (γ-Fe2O3–Pd): applications in the Heck–Mizoroki olefination, Suzuki reaction and allylic oxidation of alkenes. Green Chemistry 18 (2016) 2363-2373. DOI:10.1039/C5GC02264A
  • Drahoš, B.; Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z. Structural and magnetic properties of heptacoordinated MnII complexes containing a 15-membered pyridine-based macrocycle and halido/pseudohalido axial coligands. RSC Advances 6 (2016) 34674-34684. DOI:10.1039/C6RA03754B
  • Nemec, I.; Liu, H.; Herchel, R.; Zhang, X.; Trávníček, Z. Magnetic anisotropy in pentacoordinate 2,6-bis(arylazanylidene-1-chlorometyl)pyridine cobalt(II) complexes with chlorido co-ligands. Synthetic Metals 215 (2016) 158-163. DOI:10.1016/j.synthmet.2016.02.014
  • Štarha, P.; Habtemariam, A.; Romero-Canelón, I.; Clarkson, G.J.; Sadler, P.J. Hydrogensulfide Adducts of Organo-Iridium Anticancer Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry 55 (2016) 2324-2331. DOI:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.5b02697
  • Jeremiáš, L.; Babiak, M; Kubát, V.; Calhorda, M.J.; Trávníček, Z.; Novosad, J. Reaction of Ph2P(CH2)nPPh2 (n = 1, 3, 5) with elemental tellurium and comparison with members of even-numbered series. Inorganica Chimica Acta 443 (2016) 230-234. DOI:10.1016/j.ica.2016.01.015
  • Křikavová, R.; Vančo, J.; Trávníček, Z.; Buchtík, R.; Dvořák, Z. Copper(II) quinolinonato-7-carboxamido complexes as potent antitumor agents with broad spectra and selective effects. RSC Advances 6 (2016) 3899-3909. DOI:10.1039/C5RA22141B
  • Nemec, I.; Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z.; Šilha, T. Field-induced slow relaxation of magnetization in dinuclear and trinuclear CoIII/MnIII complexesRSC Advances 6 (2016) 3074-3083. DOI:10.1039/c5ra23922b


  • Altaf, M.; Isab, A. A.; Vančo, J.; Dvořák, Z.; Trávníček, Z.; Stoeckli-Evans, H. Synthesis, characterization and in vitro cytotoxicity of gold(III) dialkyl/diaryldithiocarbamato complexes. RSC Advances 5 (2015) 81599-81607. DOI:10.1039/C5RA15123F
  • Jeremias, L.; Nečas, M.; Moravec, Z.; Trávníček, Z.; Novosad, J. Syntheses and X-ray structures of heteroleptic octahedral Mn(II)-xanthato complexes involving N-donor ligands. Journal of Coordination Chemistry 68 (2015) 4242-4254. DOI:10.1080/00958972.2015.1102228
  • Mathivathanan, L.; Al-Ameed, K.; Lazarou, K.; Trávníček, Z.; Sanakis, Y.; Herchel, R.; McGrady, J. E.; Raptis, R. G. A trigonal prismatic Cu6-pyrazolato complex containing a small m6-F ligand. Dalton Transactions 44 (2015) 20685-20691. DOI:10.1039/C5DT03892H
  • Štarha, P; Hanousková, L; Trávníček, Z. Organometallic half-sandwich dichloridoruthenium(II) complexes with 7-azaindoles: synthesis, characterization and elucidation of their anticancer inactivity against A2780 cell line. PLoS ONE 10 (2015) e0143871. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0143871
  • Massoud, S. S.; Junk, T.; Louka, F. R.; Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z.; Fischer, R. C.; Mautner, F. A. Synthesis, structure and magnetic characterization of dinuclear copper(II) complexes bridged by bicompartmental phenolate. RSC Advances 5 (2015) 87139-87150. DOI: 10.1039/C5RA19358C
  • Kašpárková, J.; Kostrhunová, H.; Nováková, O.; Křikavová, R.; Vančo, J.; Trávníček, Z.; Brabec, V. A Photoactivatable Platinum(IV) Complex Targeting Genomic DNA and Histone Deacetylases. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54 (2015) 14478-14482. DOI:10.1002/anie.201506533
  • Štarha, P.; Dvořák, Z.; Trávníček, Z. Highly and Broad-Spectrum In Vitro Antitumor Active cis-Dichloridoplatinum(II) Complexes with 7-Azaindoles. PLoS ONE 10 (2015) e0136338. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0136338
  • Herchel, R.; Nemec, I.; Machata, M.; Trávníček, Z. Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Magnetic Exchange Pathways in Structurally Diverse Iron(III) Schiff-Base Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry 54 (2015) 8625-8638. DOI:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.5b01271
  • Nemec, I.; Marx, R.; Herchel, R.; Neugebauer, P.; van Slageren, J.; Trávníček, Z. Field-induced slow relaxation of magnetization in a pentacoordinate Co(II) compound [Co(phen)(DMSO)Cl2]. Dalton Transactions 44 (2015) 15014-15021. DOI:10.1039/C5DT02162F
  • Billik, P.; Antal, P.; Gyepes, R. Product of dissolution of V2O5 in the choline chloride–urea deep eutectic solvent. Inorganic Chemistry Communications 60 (2015) 37-40. DOI:10.1016/j.inoche.2015.07.030
  • Massoud, S.S.; Junk, T.; Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z.; Mikuriya, M.; Fischer, R.C.; Mautner, F.A. Structural characterization of ferromagnetic bridged-acetato and -dichlorido copper(II) complexes based on bicompartmental 4-t-butylphenol. Inorganic Chemistry Communications 60 (2015) 1-3. DOI:10.1016/j.inoche.2015.07.010
  • Gáliková, J.; Trávníček, Z. Structural Diversity of Copper(II) Complexes with 
    9-Deazahypoxanthine and Their in VitroSOD-Like Activity
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 16 (2015) 15954-15970. DOI:10.3390/ijms160715954
  • Nemec, I.; Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z. Suppressing of slow magnetic relaxation in tetracoordinate Co(II) field-induced single-molecule magnet in hybrid material with ferromagnetic barium ferrite. Scientific Reports 5 (2015) 10761. DOI:10.1038/srep10761
  • Gáliková, J.; Hošek, J.; Trávníček, Z. Synthesis, X-ray crystal structure and biological evaluation of zinc(II)-dichlorido complexes with 9-deazahypoxathine derivatives. Inorganica Chimica Acta 434 (2015) 67-73. DOI:10.1016/j.ica.2015.05.013
  • Nemec, I.; Herchel, R.; Svoboda, I.; Boča, R.; Trávníček, Z. Large and negative magnetic anisotropy in pentacoordinate mononuclear Ni(II) Schiff base complexes. Dalton Transactions 44 (2015) 9551-9560. DOI:10.1039/c5dt00600g
  • Vančo, J.; Trávníček, Z.; Kozák, O.; Boča, R. Structural, Magnetic and Luminescent Properties of Lanthanide Complexes with N-Salicylideneglycine. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 16 (2015) 9520-9539. DOI:10.3390/ijms16059520
  • Štarha, P.; Trávníček, Z.; Dvořák, Z.; Radošová-Muchová, T.; Prachařová, J.; Vančo, J.; Kašpárková, J. Potentiating Effect of UVA Irradiation on Anticancer Activity of Carboplatin Derivatives Involving 7-Azaindoles. PLoS ONE 10 (2015) e0123595. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0123595
  • Drahoš, B.; Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z. Structural, Magnetic, and Redox Diversity of First-Row Transition Metal Complexes of a Pyridine-Based Macrocycle: Well-Marked Trends Supported by Theoretical DFT Calculations. Inorganic Chemistry 54 (2015) 3352-3369. DOI:10.1021/ic503054m
  • Křikavová, R.; Hanousková, L.; Dvořák, Z.; Trávníček, Z. Dichlorido-platinum(II) complexes with kinetin derivatives as promising cytotoxic agents avoiding resistance of cancer cells: Contrasting results between cisplatin and oxaliplatin analogues. Polyhedron 90 (2015) 7-17. DOI:10.1016/j.poly.2015.01.033
  • Nemec, I.; Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z. The relationship between the strength of hydrogen bonding and spin crossover behaviour in a series of iron(III) Schiff base complexes. Dalton Trans. 44 (2015) 4474-4484. DOI:10.1039/C4DT03400G 
  • Massoud, S. S.; Spell, M.; Ledet, C. C.; Junk, T.; Herchel, R.; Fischer, R.; Trávníček, Z.; Mautner, F. A. Magnetic and Structural Properties of Dinuclear Singly Bridged-Phenoxido Metal(II) Complexes. Dalton Transactions 44 (2015) 2110-2121. DOI:10.1039/C4DT03508A
  • Masárová, P.; Zoufalý, P.; Moncol, J.; Nemec, I.; Pavlik, J.; Gembický, M.; Trávníček, Z.; Boča, R.; Šalitroš, I. Spin crossover and high spin electroneutral mononuclear iron(III) Schiff base complexes involving terminal pseudohalido ligands. New Journal of Chemistry 39 (2015) 508-519. DOI:10.1039/c4nj01363h
  • Štarha, P.; Smola, D.; Tuček, J.; Trávníček, Z. Efficient Synthesis of a Maghemite/Gold Hybrid Nanoparticle System as a Magnetic Carrier for the Transport of Platinum-Based Metallotherapeutics. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 16 (2015) 2034-2051. DOI:10.3390/ijms16012034


  • Vančo, J.; Šindelář, Z.; Dvořák, Z.; Trávníček, Z. Iron-salophen complexes involving azole-derived ligands: A new group of compounds with high-level and broad-spectrum in vitro antitumor activity. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 142 (2015) 92-100. DOI:10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2014.10.002
  • Vančo, J.; Gáliková, J.; Hošek, J.; Dvořák, Z.; Paráková, L.; Trávníček, Z. Gold(I) Complexes of 9-Deazahypoxanthine as Selective Antitumor and Anti-Inflammatory Agents. PLoS ONE 9 (2014) e109901. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0109901
  • Nemec, I.; Herchel, R.; Šilha, T.; Trávníček, Z. Towards a better understanding of magnetic exchange mediated by hydrogen bonds in Mn(III)/Fe(III) salen-type supramolecular dimers. Dalton Transactions 43 (2014) 15602-15616. DOI:10.1039/C4DT02025A
  • Čajan, M.; Trávníček, Z. Impact of solvent models and van der Waals corrections on DFT geometric and 57Fe Mössbauer parameters of trans-[FeCl2(iPrOH)4]. Inorganica Chimica Acta 423A (2014) 369-372. DOI:10.1016/j.ica.2014.08.042
  • Křikavová, R.; Hošek, J.; Vančo, J.; Hutyra, J.; Dvořák, Z.; Trávníček, Z. Gold(I)-Triphenylphosphine Complexes with Hypoxanthine-Derived Ligands: In Vitro Evaluations of Anticancer and Anti-Inflammatory Activities. PLoS ONE 9 (2014) e107373. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0107373
  • Trávníček, Z.; Buchtík, R.; Nemec, I. Novel Schiff Bases Based on the Quinolinone Skeleton: Syntheses, X-ray Structures and Fluorescent Properties. Molecules 19 (2014) 13509-13525. DOI:10.3390/molecules190913509
  • Štarha, P.; Trávníček, Z.; Popa, I.; Dvořák, Z. Synthesis, Characterization and In Vitro Antitumor Activity of Platinum(II) Oxalato Complexes Involving 7-Azaindole Derivatives as Coligands. Molecules 19 (2014) 10832-10844. DOI:10.3390/molecules190810832
  • Raptis, R.; Zueva, E.; Herchel, R.; Borshch, S. A.; Govor, E. V.; Sameera, W. M. C.; McDonald, R.; Singleton, J.; Krzystek, J.; Travnicek, Z.; Sanakis, Y.; McGrady, J. E. Double exchange in a mixed-valent octanuclear iron cluster, [Fe8(m4-O)4(m-4-Cl-pz)12Cl4]. Dalton Transaction 43 (2014) 11269-11276. DOI:10.1039/C4DT00020J
  • Herchel, R.; Váhovská, L.; Potočňák, I.; Trávníček, Z. Slow Magnetic Relaxation in Octahedral Cobalt(II) Field-Induced Single-Ion Magnet with Positive Axial and Large Rhombic Anisotropy. Inorganic Chemistry 53 (2014) 5896-5898. DOI:10.1021/ic500916u
  • Gáliková, J.; Trávníček, Z. Effect of different reaction conditions on the structural diversity of zinc(II) complexes with 9-deazahypoxanthine. Polyhedron 79 (2014) 269-276. DOI:10.1016/j.poly.2014.05.008
  • Gusev, A. N.; Nemec, I.; Herchel, R.; Bayjyyev, E.; Nyshchimenko, G. N.; Aleksandrov, G. G.; Eremenko, I. L.; Trávníček, Z.; Hasegawa, M.; Linert, W. Versatile coordination modes of bis[5-(2-pyridine-2-yl)-1,2,4-triazole-3-yl]alkanes in Cu(II) complexes. Dalton Transactions 43 (2014) 7153-7165. DOI:10.1039/C4DT00462K
  • Štarha, P.; Popa, I.; Trávníček, Z. Platinum(II) Oxalato Complexes Involving Adenosine-Based N-Donor Ligands: Synthesis, Characterization and Cytotoxicity Evaluation. Molecules 19 (2014) 3832-3847. DOI:10.3390/molecules19033832
  • Nováková, O.; Lišková, B.; Vystrčilová, J.; Suchánková, T.; Vrána, O.; Štarha, P.; Trávníček, Z.; Brabec, V. Conformation and recognition of DNA damaged by antitumor cis-dichlorido platinum(II) complex of CDK inhibitor bohemine. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 78 (2014) 54-64. DOI:10.1016/j.ejmech.2014.03.041
  • Buchtík, R.; Nemec, I.; Trávníček, Z. A zinc(II) quinolinone complex (Et3NH)[Zn(qui)Cl2]: Synthesis, X-ray structure, spectral properties and in vitro cytotoxicity. Journal of Molecular Structure 1060 (2014) 42-48. DOI:10.1016/j.molstruc.2013.12.050
  • Štarha, P.; Hošek, J.; Vančo, J.; Dvořák, Z.; Suchý Jr., P.; Popa, I.; Pražanová, G.; Trávníček, Z. Pharmacological and Molecular Effects of Platinum(II) Complexes Involving 7-Azaindole Derivatives. PLoS ONE 9 (2014) e90341. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0090341
  • Křikavová R.; Hošek J.; Suchý P.; Vančo J.; Trávníček Z. Diverse in vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory effects of trichlorido-gold(III) complexes with N6-benzyladenine derivatives. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 134 (2014) 92-99. DOI:10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2014.02.002
  • Štarha P.; Stavárek M.; Tuček J.; Trávníček Z. 4-Aminobenzoic Acid-Coated Maghemite Nanoparticles as Potential Anticancer Drug Magnetic Carriers: A Case Study on Highly Cytotoxic Cisplatin-Like Complexes Involving 7-Azaindoles. Molecules 19 (2014) 1622-1634. DOI:10.3390/molecules19021622
  • Pastorek R.; Štarha P.; Drahoš B.; Trávníček Z. Effect of diverse solvents on the composition and structure of mixed-ligand nickel(II) dithiocarbamates: [NiX(ndtc)(PPh3)]. Polyhedron 69 (2014) 174-180. DOI:10.1016/j.poly.2013.11.041


  • Hošek, J.; Vančo, J.; Štarha, P.; Paráková, L.; Trávníček, Z. Effect of 2-Chloro-Substitution of Adenine Moiety in Mixed-Ligand Gold(I) Triphenylphosphine Complexes on Anti-Inflammatory Activity: The Discrepancy between the In Vivo and In Vitro Models. PLoS ONE 8 (2013) e82441. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0082441
  • Dvořák, Z.; Novotná, A.; Vančo, J.; Trávníček, Z. Influence of gold(I) complexes involving adenine derivatives on major drug–drug interaction pathway. Toxicology in Vitro 27 (2013) 2331–2334. DOI:10.1016/j.tiv.2013.10.008
  • Šilha, T.; Čajan, M.; Trávníček, Z. Investigation of Ag(I) complexes involving 6-(benzylamino)purine derivatives. Monatshefte für Chemie 144 (2013) 1797-1806. DOI: 10.1007/s00706-013-1078-4
  • Drahoš, B.;  Trávníček, Z. Synthesis of a Versatile Building Block Combining Cyclen-derivative DO3A with a Polyamine via a Rigid Spacer. Molecules 18 (2013) 13940-13956. DOI:10.3390/molecules181113940
  • Trávníček, Z.; Štarha, P.; Pastorek, R. Synthesis and X-ray structure of nickel(II) benzylpiperazinedithiocarbamate complex [Ni(bpdtc)(PPh3)2]ClO4.PPh3Journal of Molecular Structure 1049 (2013) 22-26. DOI:10.1016/j.molstruc.2013.06.021
  • Nemec, I.; Šilha, T.; Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z. Investigation of Magnetic Exchange Pathways in Heterotrinuclear Manganese(III) Schiff Base Complexes Involving Tetrathiocyanidoplatinate(II) Bridges. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2013) 5781-5789. DOI:10.1002/ejic.201301031
  • Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z. 5-Aminotetrazole induces spin crossover in iron(III) pentadentate Schiff base complexes: experimental and theoretical investigations. Dalton Transactions 42 (2013) 16233–16438. DOI:10.1039/C3DT52301B
  • Nemec I.; Zoufalý P.; Herchel R.; Trávníček Z. Cobalt(III) Schiff-base cyanido complex usable as a ligand in preparation of heterobimetallic Co(III)–Fe(III) building blocks. Inorganic Chemistry Communications 35 (2013) 50-53. DOI:10.1016/j.inoche.2013.05.026
  • Štarha P.; Popa I.; Trávníček Z.; Vančo J. N6-Benzyladenosine Derivatives as Novel N-Donor Ligands of Platinum(II) Dichlorido Complexes. Molecules 18 (2013) 6990-7003. DOI:10.3390/molecules18066990
  • Hošek J.; Novotná R.; Babula P.; Vančo J.; Trávníček Z. Zn(II)-Chlorido Complexes of Phytohormone Kinetin and Its Derivatives Modulate Expression of Inflammatory Mediators in THP-1 Cells. PLoS ONE 6 (2013) e65214. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0065214
  • Šilha T.; Nemec I.; Herchel R.; Trávníček Z. Structural and magnetic characterizations of the first manganese(III) Schiff base complexes involving hexathiocyanidoplatinate(IV) bridges. CrystEngComm 15 (2013) 5351-5358. DOI:10.1039/C3CE40524A
  • Muchová T.; Prachařová J.; Štarha P.; Olivová R.; Vrána O.; Benešová B.; Kašpárková J.; Trávníček Z.; Brabec V. Insight into the toxic effects ofcis-dichloridoplatinum(II) complexes containing 7-azaindole halogeno derivatives in tumor cells. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 18 (2013) 579-589. DOI:10.1007/s00775-013-1003-7
  • Trávníček Z.; Zbořil R.; Matiková-Maľarová M.; Drahoš B.; Černák J. Thermal decomposition of [Co(en)3][Fe(CN)6]∙2H2O: Topotactic dehydration process, valence and spin exchange mechanism elucidation. Chemistry Central Journal 7 (2013) 28. DOI:10.1186/1752-153X-7-28


  • Nemec, I.; Machata, M.; Herchel, R.; Boča, R.; Trávníček, Z. A new family of Fe2Ln complexes built from mononuclear anionic Schiff base subunits. Dalton Transactions 41 (2012) 14603-14610. DOI:10.1039/C2DT31809A
  • Buchtík R., Trávníček Z., Vančo J. In vitro cytotoxicity, DNA cleavage and SOD-mimic activity of copper(II) mixed-ligand quinolinonato complexes. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 116 (2012) 163-171. DOI:10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2012.07.009
  • Nemec, I.; Herchel, R.; Šalitroš, I.; Trávníček, Z.; Moncoľ, J.; Fuess, H.; Ruben, M.; Linert, W. Anion driven modulation of magnetic intermolecular interactions and spin crossover properties in an isomorphous series of mononuclear iron(iii) complexes with a hexadentate Schiff base ligand. CrystEngComm 14 (2012) 7015-7024. DOI:10.1039/C2CE25862E
  • Štarha, P.; Trávníček, Z.; Popa, A.; Popa, I.; Muchová, T.; Brabec, V. How to modify 7-azaindole to form cytotoxic Pt(II) complexes: Highly in vitro anticancer effective cisplatin derivatives involving halogeno-substituted 7-azaindole. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 115 (2012) 57-63. DOI:10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2012.05.006
  • Trávníček, Z.; Štarha, P.;Vančo, J.; Šilha, T.; Hošek, J.; Suchý, P.; Pražanová, G. Anti-inflammatory Active Gold(I) Complexes Involving 6-Substituted-Purine Derivatives. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 55 (2012) 4568-4579. DOI:10.1021/jm201416p
  • Čajan, M.; Trávníček, Z. Calculations of 57Fe Mossbauer parameters of mononuclear iron(II) N4 Schiff-base complexes by HF and DFT quantum-chemical approaches. Inorganica Chimica Acta 387 (2012) 412-419. DOI:10.1016/j.ica.2012.02.039
  • Drahoš, B.; Lukeš, I.; Tóth, É. Manganese(II) Complexes as Potential Contrast Agents for MRI. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2012) 1975-1986. DOI:10.1002/ejic.201101336
  • Dvořák, Z.; Štarha, P.; Šindelář, Z.; Trávníček, Z. Evaluation of in vitro cytotoxicity of one-dimensional chain [Fe(salen)(L)]n complexes against human cancer cell lines. Toxicology in Vitro 26 (2012) 480-484. DOI:10.1016/j.tiv.2012.01.006
  • Herchel, R.; Novosád, D.; Trávníček, Z. A dinuclear manganese(II) complex {[Na2(H2O)4Mn2(μ-pmtz)4(NCS)2]•xH2O}n with 5-(pyrimidyl)tetrazolato bridges involved in 1D ladder-like chains: Synthesis, X-ray structure, magnetic properties and DFT calculations. Polyhedron 42 (2012) 50-56. DOI:10.1016/j.poly.2012.04.041
  • Klanicová, A; Houck, J.D.; Baran, P.; Trávníček, Z. Synthesis, X-ray structures, properties and SOD-like activity of ternary copper(II) complexes showing the N4O2 coordination with a combination of monodentate and bidentate N-donor ligands.Inorganica Chimica Acta 384 (2012) 47-53. DOI:10.1016/j.ica.2011.11.021
  • Lišková, B.; Zerzánková, L.; Nováková, O.; Kostrhunová, H.; Trávníček, Z.; Brabec, V. Cellular Response to Antitumor cis-Dichlorido Platinum(II) Complexes of CDK Inhibitor Bohemine and Its Analogues. Chemical Research in Toxicology 25 (2012) 500-509. DOI:10.1021/tx200525n
  • Schütznerová, E.; Popa, I.; Kryštof, V.; Koshino, H.; Trávníček, Z.; Hradil, P.; Cankař, P. Utilization of DmbNHNH2 in the synthesis of amino-substituted 4-((3,5-diamino-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)diazenyl)phenols. Tetrahedron 68 (2012) 3996-4002. DOI:10.1016/j.tet.2012.03.063
  • Štarha, P.; Marek, J.; Trávníček, Z. Cisplatin and oxaliplatin derivatives involving 7-azaindole: Structural characterisations.Polyhedron 33 (2012) 404-409. DOI:10.1016/j.poly.2011.11.059
  • Novotná, R.; Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z. Structurally varied Cu(II) complexes involving kinetin and its derivatives: Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of SOD-mimic activity. 




K. Smešný Trtková, D. Weiser Drozdková, K. Ondrušková, I. Nemec, L. Masaryk, P. Štarha, Komplexy platiny a jejich použití pro léčbu mnohočetného myelomu. CZ 309542 B6 (granted 29. 3. 2023). link

Projects and grants

Current projects

Standard project of Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) 25-16980S

  • Name: „Passivation of layered black phosphorous with single-molecule magnets”
  • Time period: 1. 1. 2025 – 31. 12. 2027
  • Main investigator: doc. Ing. Ivan Nemec, Ph.D.

Bilateral project (Czech Republic - United States) MŠMT INTER-EXCELLENCE II / INTER-ACTION LUAUS25219

  • Name: „ Air-stable lanthanide-based single-molecule magnets with radical and sulfonylated ligands ”
  • Time period: 1. 1. 2025 – 31. 12. 2027
  • Main investigator: doc. Ing. Radovan Herchel, Ph.D.

Project of MSTC Danube program (MŠMT) 8X23030

  • Name: „Novel Magnetically Bistable Cobalt(II) and Iron(II) Hofmann-like Polymers for Surface Deposition
  • Time period: 1. 7. 2023 – 30. 06. 2025
  • Main investigator: doc. RNDr. Bohuslav Drahoš, Ph.D.

Standard project of Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) 23-07175S

  • Name: „Semicoordination: a way to chemically stable molecular nanomagnets”
  • Time period: 1. 1. 2023 – 31. 12. 2025
  • Main investigator: doc. Ing. Radovan Herchel, Ph.D.

Standard project of Agency for medicinal research in Czech Republic (AZV) NU22-08-00236

  • Name: „Preklinické studie neplatinových metaloléčiv v terapii rakoviny plic
  • Time period: 1. 5. 2022 – 31. 12. 2025
  • Main investigator: doc. RNDr. Jan Hošek, Ph.D. (Výzkumný ústav veterinárního lékařství, v. v. i. Brno)
  • Co-investigator: doc. Mgr. Pavel Štarha, Ph.D.

Project of Student Grant Competition at Palacky University Olomouc IGA_PrF_2024_009

  • Name: Research of the coordination compounds with selected transition and inner transition metals VI”
  • Time period: 1. 3. 2024 – 28. 2. 2025
  • Main investigator: doc. Ing. Radovan Herchel, Ph.D.

Project of Student Grant Competition at Palacky University Olomouc IGA_PrF_2024_031

  • Name: Development and modernisation of the field of Didactics of Chemistry
  • Time period: 1. 3. 2024 – 28. 2. 2025
  • Main investigator: doc. RNDr. Bohuslav Drahoš, Ph.D.


Former finished projects

Project of Student Grant Competition at Palacky University Olomouc IGA_PrF_2023_007

  • Name: Studium koordinačních sloučenin vybraných přechodných a vnitřně přechodných kovů V
  • Time period: 1. 3. 2023 – 28. 2. 2024
  • Main investigator: doc. Ing. Radovan Herchel, Ph.D.

Project of Student Grant Competition at Palacky University Olomouc IGA_PrF_2022_006

  • Name: Studium koordinačních sloučenin vybraných přechodných a vnitřně přechodných kovů IV
  • Time period: 1. 3. 2022 – 28. 2. 2023
  • Main investigator: doc. Ing. Radovan Herchel, Ph.D.

Project of Doctoral Student Grant Competition (DSGC) at Palacky University Olomouc IGRÁČEK 2021-0032:

  • Name: Towards Zero-Field Co(II) Single Ion Magnets
  • Time period: 1. 1. 2022 – 31. 12. 2022
  • Main investigator: Mgr. Ondřej František Fellner

U ERDF II CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/18_057/ 0013296  

  • Name: Zkvalitnění studijního prostředí
  • Time period: 1. 1. 2020 – 31. 12. 2022
  • Main investigator: Ing. Jiří Přidal

EU ESF II CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_056/ 0013259   

  • Name: Moderní výukové metody pro komplexní vzdělávání
  • Time period: 1. 1. 2020 – 31. 12. 2022
  • Main investigator: prof. RNDr. Jitka Ulrichová, CSc.

Pregradual II CZ.02.3.68/0.0/0.0/19_068/0015922

  • Name: Zkvalitňování přípravy budoucích učitelů na Univerzitě Palackého v Olomouci
  • Time period: 1. 1. 2020 – 31. 12. 2022
  • Coordinator for PřF: Mgr. Vladimír Vaněk, Ph.D.

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