Mathematics and Computer Science

Department of Algebra and Geometry
The department offers Bachelor and Master degree programme for teaching Mathematics and analogous forms of study for Descriptive Geometry. It also provides Bachelor and Master degree programme in Discrete Mathematics and last but not least it guarantees Doctoral studies with the possibility to defend a dissertation in the fields of Algebra and Geometry, and Didactics of Mathematics. Research at the department is conducted in similar three areas: Algebraic structure, Geometry and Didactics of Mathematics.
Department of Algebra and Geometry continues a long tradition of teaching mathematics, which began at the University of Olomouc in 1579.
The department employs 17 teachers, five of which are professors and seven associate professors.
Department of Mathematical Analysis and Applications of Mathematics
Department of Mathematical Analysis and Applications of Mathematics was established within the Faculty of Science of UP in 1962, the present name has been used since 1996. The department offers studies in the fields for Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Economic Applications of Mathematics on undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral level. Mathematics is not a discipline of natural science, but all the natural sciences speak the language. Therefore, the department also provides teaching of Mathematics in many different fields of science of our faculty.
The department has more than 20 members of various research focus. Research of differential equations, inclusions and fractal analysis of various structures, such as linguistics has the longest tradition at the department. Department staff also deals with statistics and data processing methods, even non-standard, such as compositional data. Another direction of research is mathematical modeling of real processes including numerical analysis and optimization. Lately, the members of the department have been showing a growing interest in complex systems and Bayesian approaches to data. The department is gradually widening its focus from basic research of traditional areas of Mathematics to perspective, rapidly developing areas with numerous applications.
Department of Computer Science
The department offers Bachelor studies, follow-up Master and Doctoral degree programmes of Computer Science and Applied Computer Science in full-time and combined form. Department staff is engaged in scientific and research activities in various fields of science. They run research projects in collaboration with partners from local and foreign universities, research institutions and companies.
The department benefits from more than thirty years of tradition in education and research of Computer Science. The department disposes of a young team of professors, associate professors, lecturers and tutors. The department provides high quality education conforming to the leading Czech universities. It has at its disposal first-class facilities, which include well equipped computer classrooms and laboratories, as well as a large library with the latest literature.