Other Departments

Department of Foreign Languages
The Department of Foreign Languages provides English, German and Russian lessons for Bachelor, postgraduate and Doctoral study programmes, as well as language training for staff of the Faculty of Science. It deals with general as well as academic language, and the basics of specialized language.
Department of Teacher Training
The Department of Teacher Training provides pedagogical practice for future teachers of natural scientific subjects and mathematics. Student teachers are going through an observatory pedagogical training, assistant internship and continuous pedagogical training. Individual types of practice give them an opportunity to learn about overall educational activities of schools.
Botanical Garden
The Botanical Garden disposes of roughly half an acre and is situated in the center of Olomouc, not far from Smetana's Orchards. It houses around 1,500 domestic and exotic plant species. Assembling, maintaining, and presenting the collection is the main task of local staff. The garden, however, also serves for educational purposes of students of the faculty as well as the general public.
The Library of the Faculty of Science is a part of Palacký University Library. It is located in the main building of the faculty on 17. listopadu 12. The library disposes of resources in the following fields: Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Earth sciences. There is a branch specialized in biological disciplines on campus in Olomouc-Holice (Šlechtitelů 27).
Virtual tour of the library and study room of the Faculty of Science at 17. listopadu 12 can be found here, and of the library at the Holice campus here.