Science and Research

Social fund (1%) in project applications

For the green request form "košilka" when submitting a project proposal, it is now necessary to include in the brief information of the project application (in case the project proposal itself is not yet finalised), in addition to the budget and co-financing, that you are counting on the creation of 1% for the social fund in your proposal. If the project allows it, the social fund must be applied for.

MEYS – mobility call CZ-DE 8J25DE (2025-2026)

MEYS has published a call for Czech-German mobility 2025-2026 with a deadline of 10.06.2024 (faculty deadline for submission of the green request form and brief project information: 05.06.2024). The signed project application can be sent via the data box no later than 10 June 2024 by 12:00. For further information contact Ing. Tea Pokorna (

MEYS – mobility call CZ-FR 8J25FR (2025-2026)

Dealine: 30 May 2024 (green request form until 27 May 2024 + brief project information/finished proposal) - Link to the call.

Environment for Life Programme 2: Announcement of the 1st public tender, PP1 and PP2

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment has announced the first public tender in the Programme for Support of Applied Research and Innovation in the Field of Environment, Climate Protection and Sustainable Development – Environment for Life 2, PP1 and PP2 – faculty deadline: 5 June 2024.

Subprogramme 1 (PP1) is aimed at supporting projects in the public interest, both in the field of research and development and in the field of innovation in the public sector, especially in public administration. The aim is to simplify, improve and streamline public administration in the field of environment and climate protection, creating an environment for promoting the principles of circular economy and sustainable development in the public sector.

Subprogramme 2 (PP2) focuses on new procedures, technologies, services and generally new solutions with high potential for rapid application in social, economic and environmental practice, including climate protection. Through the support of applied research, development and innovation in subprogramme 2, technologies, techniques and procedures will emerge that will contribute to increasing the competitiveness of companies, the innovativeness of the public sector and the attractiveness of the Czech Republic as a society developing using innovative solutions.

The tender period ends on 12 June 2024.

International and Non-university Affairs

Scholarships – Japan

The Embassy of Japan in the Czech Republic informs about a new call for applications for the so-called Japanese Government Scholarships. These scholarships can be used by: graduates of the Bachelor Study Programmes (BSP) or students or graduates of the Master Study Programmes (MSP) and Doctoral Study Programmes (DSP) for stays of 18 to 24 months (Research Students Scholarship), secondary school graduates or first-year university students to complete the BSP or the follow-up MSP - the length of study of 5 to 7 years including one year of language training (Undergraduate Students Scholarship). Interested students should submit an application with the required attachments to the address of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) of the Czech Republic. Application deadline: 3 June.

Scholarships – Thailand

Thailand's Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation has released a document with an overview of scholarship offers for 2024 for undergraduate and postgraduate studies in science, engineering and social sciences at Thai universities. Not all scholarships are open to applicants from Europe, this information is always given in the offer details under the line "Eligible region/country".

Mandatory reporting of mobilities

It is the responsibility of every outgoing student to report his/her mobility. Always report your intention to go and the duration of your mobility to Mrs. Dana Gronychová ( from the International section of the Student Affairs Office.

Information about foreign students who will come for an internship must also be sent to Mrs. Gronychová in advance by the department to which they are to come.

You will also find new information about traineeships, which must also be reported.

Records of foreign guests

It is the responsibility of the department to register foreign guests. If you have international guests visiting your department, please enter their information in the Portal.


  • click on "All Applications" in your Portal
  • click on the "Guest Admission" tile
  • press the "+New" button and fill out the newly opened form.

Co-financing of internships abroad

It is possible to apply for additional funding for student internships abroad if the primary source does not cover all the necessary costs. The completed and signed application form (available in both English and Czech) send either by internal mail to Waleria Slowiková (Student Affairs Office) or by scanning it to

Student Affairs

Vote for the best teacher!

The Dean's Award is given to employees of the Faculty of Science for outstanding teaching activities, and it is standardly given to five employees – one from each of the five fields of study at the FS UP (Mathematics and Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Ecology and Earth Sciences).

Students of third and higher years of Bachelor study and students of the Master study can vote for their favourite teacher. Each student can nominate up to three teachers, who will be assigned votes with a weight of 1,0, 0,7 and 0,5, respectively.

The prize will be awarded to the teacher who receives the highest number of votes. In the event of a tie, two prizes may be awarded in each of the above mentioned fields.

Students can vote electronically on this website until 30 September. Logging in is the same as in the Portal, but further voting is anonymous.


Do you want to become a star of the scientific sky and shine at one of the oldest international scientific competitions? Are you eager to hone your presentation skills, experience the big stage, get important networking opportunities and enjoy a weekend with other finalists? Then the FameLab competition is just for you!


  • You must be working or studying in the field of natural sciences, technology, medicine, mathematics or humanities, and be be over 21 years old;
  • You must study or work at Czech university or Czech research institution (e.g. Czech Academy of Sciences etc.) or Czech high school as a teacher;
  • You must have a prepared performance of no more than 3 minutes;
  • You must present in Czech, Slovak or English at the university and national rounds; present in English at the international final;
  • You must present a scientific topic without the use of a projector (i.e. e-presentations, videos, etc.).

By submitting your video to by 7 July 2024, you will enter a preliminary round where an expert jury will select the 8-10 best videos based on criteria (content, clarity and charisma). These will then receive the prestigious MASTERCLASS weekend training and then measure their strength in the national final in September in Prague. The winner then advances to the best presenters from the participating countries that year. Read more here.

Dormitory reservation

Current UP students (accommodated and non-accommodated) and students already admitted to the 1st year of study for the academic year 2024/2025 can apply for accommodation in the dormitories from 24 April 2024.

From 7 May 2024, all students (with a positively processed request) will be able to make a reservation in any dormitory and any vacant place, only until the accommodation capacity is exhausted.

Students submit their applications electronically in the ISKAM accommodation system. Current students proceed through the login to the UP Portal, then the Dormitories/ISKAM "tile". Students entering their first year apply directly at (use the "Links" and "Log Candidates" menus). Detailed information about the accommodation procedure (how to apply, choose a room, pay, etc.) is available in the instructions.

FB PřF UP jobs

For students and graduates, the faculty offers a Facebook page PřF UP jobs. On this social platform, it provides job opportunities in the fields of mathematics, computer science, physics, health sciences, biology, ecology and environment, chemistry and earth sciences, as well as part-time jobs, internships, trainee programmes or volunteering opportunities suitable for university students.

Milan Odehnal Award

The Czech Physical Society has announced a new round of the competition for scientific papers of young physicists for the Milan Odehnal Award for the years 2023-2024, with the deadline for applications for this round of the competition being 15 May 2024. The competition is open to authors of scientific papers in the field of physics from any Czech institution or graduates of Czech universities who are under the age of 30 on the closing date (date of birth 15 May 1994 and later), and only individually.

  • The competition accepts up to three related papers in all fields of physics that have been published or accepted for publication in the last five years.
  • The application must contain the personal data of the competitor (name, date of birth, education, workplace, e-mail address) and a maximum one-page summary of the significance of the works submitted. The application form and the competition entries should be sent by e-mail in pdf format to
  • For 2024, the total sum of prices is a minimum of CZK 70,000.

Josef Vavroušek Award

The Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University announces the 29th annual competition for the Josef Vavroušek Award. Students, PhD students and young graduates of Czech and Slovak universities can apply (approximate age limit up to 35 years). The basic issues areas can be found here. The competition deadline is set for Friday 26 July 2024 at 12:00.

Organization and Maintenance

Postal code change

The address of the Faculty of Science of Palacký University - Holice campus has changed its postal code, the original postcode 783 71 is replaced by the postcode 779 00.

Service Week

The annual Service Week of the UP Computer Centre (CVT UP) falls this year on 12-16 August 2024. During this week, important maintenance, updates or upgrades of the university's information networks and systems will take place on a larger scale.

Although CVT UP employees strive to minimize the impact of the interventions on users and make major adjustments primarily outside of normal working hours, there may be short-term outages of the website, UP Portal and related applications, STAG, email, single sign-on, storage, or internet connection in general during this period.

We therefore recommend that you take the dates of the service week into account when planning the summer vacations and direct important tasks that may be affected by the temporary unavailability of university systems to another date.

A detailed schedule of the Service Week can be found in the UP Portal and the UP Newsletter in early July.


Day of Fascination with Plants

Sleep is a key factor affecting human health and psychological well-being. Therefore, come to the Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Science on 15 May 2024 for the regular event Day of Fascination with Plants, this year with the subtitle Sleep Sweetly. Botanical, herbal and mycological stations will be open to schools and the public free of charge from 10:00 to 17:00.

Olomouc Museum Night

This year the Faculty of Science will also participate in the Olomouc Museum Night programme. The event will take place on Friday 17 May 2024 from 18:00 to 21:00 at the main building of the Faculty of Science. More information here.

Mattoni Olomouc Half Marathon

For the 14th time, the renowned half marathon will be held in Olomouc on 15 June in a new format as the Mattoni Olomouc Running Festival 2024. There will also be a 5km run, which will add a unique sporting atmosphere to the all-day event. The organization of such a large sporting event is not possible without the annual help of indispensable volunteers. This is a unique opportunity to enjoy this event from the front row and to spend a nice day in an environment of sports-minded people. If you are interested or would like further details, write to

UP Online Marketplace

Both at home and at work, there are always things that are no longer needed, but it's still a shame to throw them away. The new online UP Marketplace will help them find a new owner, facilitating the exchange of both university property between workplaces and private items between students and employees. It aims to reduce wastage, throwing away and unnecessary buying of new items and offer a secure listing environment in its own app linked to university user accounts. Read more here.


All faculty staff, doctoral students and seniors of the faculty are cordially invited to the “Post-Semester Gathering” (= PosPos). We will say goodbye to the summer semester on Tuesday, 11 June from 12:00. You can look forward to delicious refreshments and live music.

Karlov recreation centre

The recreation centre of the Faculty of Science in Karlov pod Pradědem offers free accommodation capacity. Karlov pod Pradědem is one of the most important recreation centres in the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains. It's a great starting point for cycling and hiking trips.


The next faculty Newsletter will be published on Monday, 27 May 2024.

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