Application, Deadlines & Fees
Processing fee
Processing fee of 50 EUR is paid for the administrative costs connected with each application.
The smoothest way to pay the fee is ONLINE by a valid debit/credit card following the instructions in the "payment gate" in your application (section "Application Overview"). For that you do not need to have a Czech bank account.
A transcript of the bank transfer must accompany the application. Without the payment, the application will not be considered.
You will receive information about the acceptance of your application by e-mail.
The fee is paid separately for each application and is non-refundable.
Tuition fee
In accordance with section 58 paragraph 5 of Act No. 111/1998 (amended and consolidated) on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Supplements to Some Other Acts (The Higher Education Act) (hereinafter stated as „Act No. 111/1998“) and Article 22 paragraph 9 and Article 23 paragraph 4 of the UP Constitution all students enrolled in Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctoral degree programmes carried out in a foreign language are obliged to pay a tuition fee. A student who has failed to pay the annual tuition fee by the due date will be summoned before disciplinary committee. One of the possible sanctions which can be imposed is the expulsion from the programme.
In addition to tuition fees, students are expected to cover the cost of their own accommodation and subsistence, including food and travel.
Tuition fee depends on the study programme. The list of tuition fees valid from the academic year 2024/2025 can be found below (update from November 2023) or in the 10th full version of the UP Constitution (available in Czech version "Statut Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci" on the UP Official Notice Board). Previous versions available on UPShare.
For the entire period of study, the amount of tuition fees is the same as in the first year of study.
Tuition fees valid for the academic year 2024/2025:

Why choose Faculty of Science?
Faculty of Science of the Palacký University Olomouc is a research-oriented faculty. It offers
►Bachelor's, ►Master's and ►Doctoral studies in various fields of Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, and Earth Sciences. Currently there are approximately 3,900 students and over 800 employees at the faculty.
Palacký University is an integral part of the city of Olomouc - one of the most beautiful in the Czech Republic. With its almost 100,000 inhabitants it is rightly called a university city, as it grows by more than 23,000 students during the academic year. The history of the local university, which is the second oldest in the Czech Republic, dates back to 1573. Nowadays it represents a modern educational and research institution offering a wide range of study programmes at eight faculties.
Reasons to study at the Faculty of Science:
- friendly and individual approach to students
- high-quality education in modern facilities
- top experts with excellent scientific achievements
- students can participate in research
- contacts with future employers during studies
- motivational scholarships
- support for international mobility
- chance to participate in popularization of science
- living in Olomouc, a university city with rich offer of cultural and sporting activities
Incoming Exchange Students
Students who come for the ERASMUS+ programme or other short term programmes choose courses from the section Short-term Courses below.
Most departments at the Faculty of Science offer courses in the English language. These courses are not exclusively intended for foreign students only, the exchange students will study alongside Czech students. Exchange students must enroll a minimum of 15 ECTS (20 ECTS for Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility students) out of the usual maximum of 30 ECTS. Students must select most of the courses at the contractual faculty. In addition, students can choose courses with the remaining minimum number of credits at another faculty of UP. Students must be enrolled in full-time study.
In case you need more information about study opportunities at the faculty, please contact Mrs. Marie Raková,
Short-term Courses
Mathematics and Computer Science
Winter Semester
OPT/KOKT | Conceptual Issues in Quantum Theory |
OPT/KTI | Quantum Information Theory |
OPT/QE1 | Quantum Electrodynamics 1 |
OPT/SYN | Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Synergetics |
OPT/TSF | Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics |
KBF/FOSY | Photosynthesis and Stress |
KBF/MBM | Molecular Biology of Mutagens, Carcinogens and Cytostatics |
KEF/TMN | Fundamentals of Mechanics |
KEF/TSI1E | Theory of Signals and Information 1 |
SLO/PROG1 | Computer Programming and Numerical Methods |
VCJ/CFF | Czech for Foreigners |
Summer Semester
OPT/FZL | Laser Physics |
OPT/KTI | Quantum Information Theory |
KBF/BISE | Biological Experiments in Silico |
KEF/BMCHE | Biomechanics |
KEF/NBIO | Bionanotechnology |
KEF/TR | Theory of Relativity |
KEF/TSI2E | Theory of Signals and Information 2 |
KEF/VIJE | Virtual Instrumentation in Nuclear Physics |
SLO/OVN-E | Optical Properties of Solid Materials |
SLO/PROG2 | Programming in C Language for Physicists |
VCJ/CFF | Czech for Foreigners |
Winter Semester
ACH/AACZP | Analytical Applications in Environmental Chemistry |
ACH/PHS | Mass Spectrometry |
ACH/RLE | Research Laboratory Experiments |
ACH/UAOS | Analysis of Organic Compounds |
AFC/KSRD | Crystal Structure and X-ray Diffraction |
AFC/SMVL | Spectral and Magnetic Properties of Matter |
AFC/SMVLA | Spectral and Magnetic Properties of Matter |
AFC/PSAM | Advanced Synthesis of Inorganic Materials |
AFC/ZRSA | X-ray structural analysis |
AFC/ICSA | Inorganic Compounds Structure Analysis |
KFC/ADD | Advanced Rational Drug Design |
KFC/ELC | Electrochemistry |
KFC/MVM | Mechanicals Properties of Materials |
KFC/NEK | Noncovalent Interactions |
KFC/NNM1 | Nanomaterials 1 |
KFC/QCH | Quantum Chemistry |
KFC/RKPF | Solid Phase Reaction Kinetics |
KFC/SP | Study of Surface |
KFC/SPM1 | Spectroscopic Methods 1 |
KFC/SSM | Seminar in Spectroscopic Method |
KFC/STBI | Structural Bioinformatics |
KFC/DD | Drug Design |
OCH/CHHC | Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds |
OCH/CNA | Chemistry of Nucleic Acids |
OCH/KBC | Lectures in Bioorganic Chemistry |
OCH/OOS | Organometallics in Organic Synthesis |
VCJ/CFF | Czech for Foreigners |
Summer Semester
ACH/MTAC | Microtechniques in Analytical Chemistry |
ACH/RLE | Research Laboratory Experiments |
AFC/BACH | Bioinorganic Chemistry |
AFC/BACHU | Bioinorganic Chemistry |
AFC/ANMT | Inorganic Metallotherapeutics |
AFC/STCH | Structural Chemistry |
AFC/MOMA | Molecular Magnetism |
AFC/MSALA | Methods of Inorganic Compounds Study |
AFC/TA | Thermal Analysis |
AFC/FLCH | Flow Chemistry |
AFC/NMRS | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy |
KFC/HS | Heterogenous Systems |
KFC/MSKX | Methods of Study of Colloid Systems |
KFC/NNM2 | Nanomaterials 2 |
KFC/RTGM | X-ray Methods for Characterization of Nanomaterials |
KFC/SPM2 | Spectroscopic Methods 2 |
KFC/VVL | Methods for Study of Surface Tension and Viscoelasticity of Matherials |
OCH/CHHC | Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds |
OCH/CNA | Chemistry of Nucleic Acids |
OCH/KBC | Lectures in Bioorganic Chemistry |
OCH/OOS | Organometallics in Organic Synthesis |
VCJ/CFF | Czech for Foreigners |
Winter Semester
BOT/FTGSB | Plant Geography |
BOT/GME | General Mycology in English Language |
EKO/ADF1 | English Documentary Series |
EKO/EMG | Environmental Modeling in GIS |
EKO/MVPO | Methods of Scientific Research |
LRR/MBTEN | Principles and Applications of Molecular Biotechnology |
LRR/SFRZE | Plant Physiology |
VCJ/CFF | Czech for Foreigners |
Summer Semester
Winter Semester
KGE/ENGPR | Ground Penetration Radar Applications |
KGE/FPEMF | Practicals in Environmental Monitoring for Foreigners |
KGE/GEZPF | Geological Factors of Environment for Foreigners |
KGE/GK | Quaternary Geology |
KGE/TCEGF | Field Labs in Environmental Geology 1 for Foreigners |
KGE/VCL | Human Evolution |
KGE/XAG | Aquatic Geochemistry |
KGE/XASG | Applied and Structural Geology |
KGE/XDE | Drilling Engineering |
KGE/XDG | Dynamic Geology |
KGE/XFE | Formation Evaluation |
KGE/XGME | Geology of Middle East |
KGE/XGPH | Geophysics |
KGE/XMECH | Rock and Soil Mechanics |
KGE/XMP | Mineralogy and Petrology |
KGE/XMRR | Microscopy of Reservoir Rocks |
KGE/XPPE | Principles of Petroleum Engineering |
KGE/XSP | Separation Processes |
KGE/XSTGE | Statistics in Geosciences |
KGG/QALM | Advanced Landscape Mapping Methods |
KGG/QBAL | Regional Geography of the Balkans |
KGG/QCLIC | Geography of Climate Change |
KGG/QCZR | Geography of the Czech Republic |
KGG/QGAM | Didactic Games in Geography |
KGG/QGIG | GIScience for Geographers |
KGG/QKGEX | Geographical Field Trip in the Czech Republic |
KGG/QLMAP | Landscape Mapping |
KGG/QOR | Geographically Oriented Research |
KGG/QRGCE | Regional Geography of Central Europe |
KGG/QRIS | Regional Information Systems |
KGI/DALPZ | Earth Remote Sensing |
KGI/DIMOT | Digital Elevation Models |
KGI/GI | Geoinformatics |
KGI/GINEW | New Issues of Geosciences |
KGI/TRITE | 3D Technologies |
KGI/XGCC | Cognitive Cartography |
KGI/XGDG | Design in Geovisualization |
KGI/XGDPC | Desktop Publishing in Cartography |
KGI/XGPG | Principles of Geovisualization |
KGI/XGTC | Thematic Cartography |
VCJ/CFF | Czech for Foreigners |
Summer Semester
KGE/GEGEF | Field Trip in Geology and Geomorphology |
KGE/TCGEF | Field Trip in Geology for Foreigners |
KGE/UGM | Úvod do geochemického modelován |
KGE/VCMKF | Evolution of Man and his Material Civilization for Foreigners |
KGE/ZGEX | Foreign geological Field Trip |
KGE/XGH | Groundwater Hydraulics |
KGE/XHYGE | Hydrogeology |
KGE/XPPG | Principles of Petroleum Geology |
KGE/XRE | Reservoir Engineering |
KGE/XSES | Sedimentology and Stratigraphy |
KGE/XPEC | Petroleum Economics |
KGE/PKLIM | Palaeoclimatology |
KGE/XWLA | Well Log analysis |
KGE/XWT | Well Testing |
KGE/XWCW | Well Completions and Workovers |
KGE/XEOR | Enhanced Oil Recovery |
KGE/XCRCH | Carbonate Reservoir Characterization |
KGG/QALM | Advanced Landscape Mapping Methods |
KGG/QBAL | Regional Geography of the Balkans |
KGG/QCRCW | Conflict Regions of the Contemporary World |
KGG/QCZR | Geography of the Czech Republic |
KGG/QDCLI | Geography of Climate Change |
KGG/QDGCE | Regional Geography of Central Europe |
KGG/QGAM | Didactic Games in Geography |
KGG/QGIG | GIScience for Geographers |
KGG/QKGEX | Geographical Field Trip in the Czech Republic |
KGG/QLMAP | Landscape Mapping |
KGG/QOR | Geographically Oriented Research |
KGG/QRIS | Regional Information Systems |
KGG/QZDG | Fundamentals of Demography |
KGG/QZGEX | Geographical Field Trip to a Foreign Country |
KGI/ANGIS | Analyzes in GIS |
KGI/COCAR | Cognitive Cartography |
KGI/GEOPR | Project in Geography |
KGI/GI | Geoinformatics |
KGI/GINEW | New Issues of Geosciences |
KGI/GURBA | GI in Urban Applications |
KGI/INUZ | Land Information Systems |
KGI/XG3DV | 3D Visualization |
KGI/XGAVM | Advanced Visualization Methods |
KGI/XGCP | Cartographic Project |
KGI/XGWC | Web Cartography |
VCJ/CFF | Czech for Foreigners |
Development and Environmental Studies
Winter Semester
MRS/GIEEL | International and European Environmental Law |
MRS/GPM | Project Management |
MRS/GSTC | Social and Technological Change |
MRS/MANG1 | English Language 1 |
MRS/SEI1 | Development Challenges 1 (short-term course for visiting scholars) |
MRS/WDAF | Development Opportunities of Africa |
MRS/WPGP | Politico-Geographical Processes in the Developing World |
MRS/WSD | Sustainable Development |
MRS/WSPD | Sport and Development |
VCJ/CFF | Czech for Foreigners |
Summer Semester
MRS/GESDP | EU Dimension in Sport for Development and Peace |
MRS/GKCJ | English Language - Conversation |
MRS/GMGDS | Measuring Growth, Development and Sustainability |
MRS/ISS1 | Development Topics (short-term course of visiting scholars) |
MRS/MANG2 | English Language |
MRS/MDCJ2 | Spanish Language |
MRS/SANGE | Environmental English |
MRS/WDA | Development Assistance |
MRS/WHF | History of the Future |
MRS/WMW | Migration in Today's World |
MRS/WSCD | Security, Conflict and Development |
VCJ/CFF | Czech for Foreigners |
This mobility activity stimulates and strongly promotes the education and training of students through traineeships abroad. It provides students with an opportunity to apply their current theoretical knowledge and skills related to their field of study in a specific work environment, expand these with new expert knowledge and capacities or strengthen key competencies such as efficient communication, including communication in foreign languages, intercultural competencies, team work, organizational skills, problem solution, information literacy, creativity, etc. Traineeships significantly enhance the qualification profile of students and recent graduates, boost their professional and personal development, and increase their employability. The Traineeship does not require a bilateral agreement but must be agreed upon and confirmed in the form of a Letter of Admission (LoA) or Learning Agreement for Traineeships (LA). The traineeship must be closely related to the field of study, and following its completion must be fully recognized by the relevant department/centre. (Award of the agreed number of ECTS credits and/or a diploma supplement.)
Applicants wishing to participate in a traineeship, please contact Mrs. Marie Raková,
Supporting documents of the Applicant
- motivation of applicant
- Learning agreement for traineeships (a detailed and well-structured work programme corresponding to the field of study and motivation factors of the applicant; relevant duration of mobility, etc.)
- recommendation of the departmental professional supervisor for traineeships
- language skills