Dean´s Award

The Dean of the Faculty of Science annually rewards authors of prestigious scientific publications as well as outstanding educators. The aim of the award is to support academics who increase the level and prestige of research and educational activities at the faculty. The call and deadline for submitting proposals of laureates are published on the Czech version of this website, as well as in the faculty Newsletter during September. The laureates of the Dean's Award from previous years are published on this website.
Dean's Award to Teachers and Authors Developing Their Field
Every year, the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc (FS UP), announces, in accordance with the internal standard PrF-B-19/07-ÚZ02, a competition for the Dean's Award for Teachers and Authors Developing Their Field.
The Dean will award the authors and author groups of teaching and popular science texts, monographs, and original scientific publications from among the staff and students of the faculty, who have published:
- a teaching text or a popular science text of extraordinary importance
- a monograph of extraordinary importance, or an overview sceintific publication meeting the criteria for an original scientific publication
- an original (not a review) scientific publication in a professional journal with IF, which in a given subject class, accordin to the Web of Science, is inthe 90th percentile or above
Dean's Award can be awarded for a publication in which the main or corresponding author is an employee of the Faculty of Science UP, to those members of the author's group who have listed the FS UP as their main workplace in their affiliation.
The Dean's Award can be awarded to faculty employees with a workload of minimum 50% and to the full-time students of the faculty who have met one of the conditions for awarding the Dean's Award in a given calendar year, or have met this condition in the previous calendar year and have not yet received the Dean's Award for its fulfilling.
A faculty employee or student can apply for the Dean's Award to the Authors of Prestigious Scientific Publications in the following way:
- complete the web application form for the Dean's Award
- If the publication is already listed in OBD, it is possible to use automatic retrieval of data from OBD when filling it out.
- The publication must be uploaded in pdf format to the electronic application.
- In the case of a monograph, it must be physically delivered to the Department of Science and Research (S&R).
- after submitting the application form, print it and send it with the signatures by internal mail to the S&R to Bc. Barbora Krudencová (office 6.012).
- The application form must specify the division of the prize among the co-authors, who will confirm their agreement with the division of the award by signing the application form.
The fulfillment of the requirements for the awards is assessed by a committee composed of Vice-Deans, which also proposes the award and its amount. By accepting the award, the awardee agrees to publish his/her name on the list of awardees on the website FS UP.
Dean's Award to the Academic Staff
This award is given by the Dean to employees of the Faculty of Science for outstanding teaching activities, and it is standardly given to five employees – one from each of the five fields of study at the FS UP (Mathematics and Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Ecology and Earth Sciences).
- The Dean's Award can only be received by an employee of the FS UP who taught an average of at least two contact teaching hours per week in the previous academic year.
- Students of third and higher years of Bachelor study and students of the Master study can vote for their favourite teacher. Each student can nominate up to three teachers, who will be assigned votes with a weight of 1,0, 0,7 and 0,5, respectively.
- Students can vote electronically. Logging in is the same as in the Portal, but further voting is anonymous.
- The prize will be awarded to the teacher who receives the highest number of votes. In the event of a tie, two prizes may be awarded in each of the above mentioned fields.