Granting associate or full professorship

Proceedings to grant associate or full professorship at the Faculty of Science of the Palacký University Olomouc are regulated by Sections 30, 71 - 75 of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., on higher edudation institutions and on the amendment and modification of other acts (the Higher Education Act) and the internal standards of the university:
- Code of Procedure to Grant Associate or Full Professorships at Palacký University Olomouc
- Criteria and requirements for the procesure to grant associate of full professorship at Palacký University Olomouc (document in Czech)
The title of Associate Professor is awarded to a university lecturer on the basis of the procedure to grant associate professorship (sometimes called habilitation procedure). Associate Professors are appointed by the Rector of Palacký University. There are a few prerequisites for granting the status of an Associate Professor, i.e. a successful defense of the associate professor thesis before a board, presenting an associate professor lecture, and other requirements, such as quotes and articles in professional journals and scientific experience.
Professor is the highest academic degree at a university. The title of a university professor is awarded to an associate professor who is a recognized scientific or artistic personality in his/her respective field and who successfully meets the conditions for the appointment of a professor. A proposal for appointing a professor is assessed by the Scholarly Board of the faculty, followed by the Palacký University Scholarly Board. Professors, upon the proposal of the Rector, are appointed by the President of the Czech Republic.
Initiated and concluded proceedings
Current information on the initiated and concluded proceedings can be found only on the following Czech webites:
Initiated proceedings to grant associate professorship
Initiated proceedings to grant full professorship