12. 1. 2021

The Rector of Palacký University Olomouc has made an emphatic appeal for the necessity of reflecting on the critical epidemic situation in the Czech Republic and examining students on-line, whenever possible, if their physical...

8. 1. 2021

The withdrawal of Great Britain from the European Union also entails changes that affect universities – for example, those involved in the EU’s Erasmus+ programme. How will Palacký University Olomouc, which currently has nineteen...

5. 1. 2021

With the launch of AURORA Co-Creation Community in December 2020, three AURORA Universities have opened up their Co-creation courses for all AURORA partners.

18. 12. 2020

Austria, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Spain, Romania, Finland, Russia, Taiwan, and of course, Czechia. There, wherever foreigners are learning advanced Czech, it’s from the Czech it UP textbooks published by Palacký University Press...

7. 12. 2020

We would like to share with you an interesting interview by Study in the Czech Republic with our UP Alumni Paolo Barone.

2. 12. 2020

Yesterday, in the premises in building no. 47 of the Faculty of Science in Olomouc-Holice the FreshUP bistro was opened. It will complement and enrich the operations of the Holice canteen with its operating hours and offer of...

19. 11. 2020

Tereza Kalousková from the International Relations Office of the Palacký University Rector’s Office is the laureate of the Aspen Central Europe Leadership Award. The award is bestowed to inspiring young leaders from Central and...

4. 11. 2020

The Palacký University Rector’s Award recognises the best academic and artistic works and sporting achievements of UP students. Applications and other necessary forms will be accepted until 1 December 2020.

23. 10. 2020

With respect to the current Czech Government measures in effect, the UP Library Zbrojnice (Armoury) main branch and all other faculty branches are closed as of 22 October. But lending books has not stopped. In order for UP...

16. 10. 2020

The Czech Republic is launching a new alumni programme connecting all international students who have studied at the Czech higher education institutions.

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