27. 2. 2020

Czech it UP. This is the name of the UP project under the imprimatur of Palacký University which has just published the first volume of a new series of textbooks for teaching Czech to foreigners. Its publication is testimony to...

10. 2. 2020

With the new year and new semester also come new opportunities. One offered to students is from the Palacký University Endowment Fund, which today announced its sixth call, to which students can apply until 30 March in order to...

3. 2. 2020

A smiling face from the UP Faculty of Education greets readers from the cover of the new UP Žurnál in English. Pavel Kučera, a sign language interpreter, is actually an icon for the entire issue of the magazine, which shows a...

28. 1. 2020

Univerzitu Palackého navštívila delegace partnerské Universitas Airlangga. Během krátké návštěvy se obě strany dohodly na posílení vzájemných aktivit. Díky dosavadní bezproblémové spolupráci bude FF UP patrně první v Evropě, kde...

24. 1. 2020

Ośrodek “Pamięć i Przyszłość” (The “Remembrance and Future” Centre) in Wrocław, Poland, has the pleasure to invite applications for the Western and Northern Territories Network Scholarship for young researchers from outside...

16. 1. 2020

Currently, 4497 international students from 108 countries study at Palacký University Olomouc. Year-on-year their number has been growing, increasing by more than a hundred percent over the past decade.

16. 12. 2019

Dear Colleagues and Students,

7. 12. 2019

We would like to share the invitation to attend the 14th International Scientific Conference „Society. Integration. Education” (SIE2020) that is going to be held on May 22 - 23, 2020 at Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne,...

20. 11. 2019

The 10th edition of Greifswald International Students Festival will be held from the 5th to the 13th of June 2020 under the motto "From Ego to Echo - creating ideas for collective change".

15. 11. 2019

The Palacký University Rector's Award recognises the best academic and artistic works and sporting achievements of UP students. The top prizes include financial rewards. Applications and other necessary forms will be accepted...

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