9. 11. 2018

Fourteen students from abroad have been chosen to participate in the two-year Master’s programme International Development Studies – GLODEP – which is run in conjunction with other foreign universities. During their first semester...

30. 10. 2018

Palacký University has been experiencing rising interest among international students, which is visible on increasing numbers of incoming exchange students.

26. 7. 2018

“We’re UP for it!” – this is the motto for the Palacký University alumni meeting on 8 September in Olomouc. The university continues in the contemporary tradition of bringing together its former students, commenced in 2016, when...

20. 7. 2018

The eldest is 74, the youngest is 18. Both share a passion for Czech, both will meet in Olomouc. They are part of a group of roughly one hundred applicants who will study Czech at Palacký University. On Saturday 21 July, the 32nd...

25. 5. 2018

Who in fact is and who is not a refugee? What are the EU rules concerning their protection and how are they applied in the Czech Republic? Who is entitled to protection under international refugee law? A unique opportunity to...

7. 5. 2018

On Wednesday May 9, the Olomouc’s Upper Square and Bezruč Park will become a playground decorated in the Czech national colours – red, blue and white – for children and adults alike. The Olomouc Majáles, the traditional May...

18. 4. 2018

Modern gastronomic equipment, a new serving counter, and more comfort for the diners – all of this and more will be offered in the central canteen starting in autumn 2018. The Palacký University Olomouc Accommodation and Dining...

13. 3. 2018

At Palacký University at present, there are about thirty student organisations and associations, uniting hundreds of active students throughout UP’s eight faculties. The majority of these, however, have lacked their own premises...

20. 2. 2018

Refugee Facilities Administration of the Ministry of Interior (www.suz.cz) opened within projects financed by the European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals Centers for support of the integration of foreigners...

9. 2. 2018

While summer schools have become traditional events at Palacký University, a winter school will have its premiere. The UP International Relations Office and the UP Faculty of Law are finishing the preparations of the Winter School...

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