14. 3. 2023

Naši partneři z Duisbursko-essenské univerzity v Německu pořádají letní školu na téma The Enkelfähig Economy: Sustainable Transformation of Business Models. Letní škola se bude konat od 19. 6. 2023 do 7. 7. 2023.

27. 2. 2023

Olomouc has been listed among top 10 travel destinations for 2023 according to booking.com.

14. 2. 2023

Due to a heating system failure, the canteen in the Rector's Office Courtyard at Křížkovského 8 will be temporarily closed from Thursday 16 February.

13. 2. 2023

Are you studying at Palacký University and have your own vision? Do you want to try leading your own scientific or artistic project? Or improve your presentation skills? There is nothing easier: apply to the 8th call of the UP...

9. 2. 2023

Palacký University will again launch this year’s summer semester with Academic Week, where its students, employees, as well as the general public will be able to choose from a wide range of events.

9. 2. 2023

The Erasmus Student Network UP Olomouc (ESN) organisation moved in early February to its new address at 6 Vodární St.

7. 2. 2023

Our partners at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany are organizing a Summer School on the The Enkelfähig Economy: Sustainable Transformation of Business Models. This summer school will take place between 19 June 2023 and 7...

6. 2. 2023

The Faculty of Physical Culture has prepared lectures focused on physical activity and public health in cooperation with Michael Pratt, who is considered one of the leading international experts in this field. He teaches at the...

27. 1. 2023

The Societal Challenges Lecture Series is aimed at early career researchers with a two-fold objective: delivering cutting-edge academic analysis on the diverse problems of our times, and providing international networking...

10. 1. 2023

We would like to kindly ask you to participate in a survey dealing with the topic of the satisfaction of international students with their studies in the Czech Republic.

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