24. 2. 2022

Regarding the escalating conflict in Ukraine, Palacký University is prepared to help its Ukrainian students and employees living in Olomouc. According to UP Rector Martin Procházka, this is an unambiguous expression of solidarity...

16. 2. 2022

Sixteen students from eight countries attended a February seminar for Fischer scholarship recipients. The scholarship is awarded by the Faculty of Science to foreign students of doctoral study programmes.

12. 2. 2022

The GLODEP (Global Development Policy) study programme offers students the opportunity to study at three European universities that implement programmes in the field of development studies and development economics.

4. 2. 2022

Univerzita Palackého je součástí mezinárodní aliance Aurora, která sdružuje devět univerzit napříč celou Evropou. Přijďte se s ní seznámit v pátek 18. února na první UP Aurora International Pub Quiz v 18:00 v hospodě Kateřinská...

17. 1. 2022

Support blood donation and join the event Donate Blood with Rector! The eleventh year of this campaign aims to promote free blood donation, especially potential first-time donors among students and employees of Palacký University...

6. 12. 2021

In December 2021 and January 2022, Palacký University Olomouc offered its students and employees the possibility to be vaccinated against Covid-19 directly in UP’s historic Rector’s Office. The professional supervision was carried...

22. 12. 2021

Esteemed colleagues and dear students, With the end of the year approaching, I would very much like to wish you a wonderful Christmas holiday in the company of your loved ones, and also good health and joy in the New Year. Given...

14. 12. 2021

We would like to ask you to share anonymously with your lecturers, heads of the departments, and the whole faculty your views on the way the courses were conducted.

10. 12. 2021

Aurora partners are invited to the webinar series on Open Educational Resources starting December 14th. The series are meant to illustrate a strategic part of universities’ improvement in the sector of Open Education.

29. 11. 2021

Do you like to discover new things? Do you enjoy accepting challenges and want to test your knowledge and practical skills in the field? Then let’s gain international work experience in the Czech Republic.

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