Current Students

General Information
General information for international students (on visas, IT, medical care etc.) can be found:
- on the websites of Welcome Office,
- in our Student guide,
- on the websites of the university's International Relations Office.
Each student is obliged to use the university email address for official communication. This address is generated after the student’s enrolment. Information about using the university email is available on the UP Portal.
Confirmation of study can be generated directly from your Portal. Follow this guide.
Study literature can be found:
- in the department libraries,
- in the faculty library,
- in the central university library in the Armoury (Zbrojnice),
- in the Research Library,
- in the bookshop located in the Armoury or their eshop,
- through electronic information resources of UP.
Current information on study matters are available:
- on each department’s notice boards and websites,
- on the notice board and website of the Student Affairs Office in the faculty building (17. listopadu 12),
- on the faculty’s website,
- in the Newsletter of the Faculty of Science UP,
- on the university website.
Credit System
The effective functioning of the study credit system requires increased attention and good mutual communication on the part of students, teachers and administrative staff. To a large extent the study credit system allows students to independently decide on their study load, choose the rhythm and content of their studies, deepen their knowledge in the chosen field, but also expand their specialization. The broader possibilities for choice of the individual study progress, the greater demand on the student's responsibility and informedness.
In order for the student to effectively use everything that the system offers and not to get into study difficulties, he/she needs to get acquainted with his/her study programme and with basic documents, especially with the Study and Examination Code of Palacký University and other regulations, which can be found at this address. Additional regulations and standards applicable to students of the Faculty of Science are available here.
Each department has designated staff (credit advisor) who oversee the completeness and accuracy of the credit system of study programs guaranteed by the department and who can advise students in creating their study plan.
Credits and Courses
All courses are rated by a certain number of credits. The credit unit expresses the degree of the student's workload within the study of a given course. The student will receive credits for successful completion of courses (i.e. for passing an examination, colloquium or course credit). The number of obtained credits is a basic indicator of the fulfilment of study obligations in the set time. On average, a student should earn 60 credits per academic year.
Courses are divided into the following categories: compulsory (category A), compulsory-elective (category B) and elective (category C). The ratio of the number of credits that must be obtained for compulsory, compulsory-elective and optional courses is given by the study plan of the given study programme.
Compulsory courses (category A) are courses that the student must complete. Compulsory courses are the basis of the study programme and their content is usually included in the requirements of final exams. All students are required to enroll in all courses of this type. In the event that a student fails to complete a compulsory course and obtain credits for it, he/she is obliged to enroll in this course in the next academic year in which this course is reopened. If the student fails for a second time, his/her studies are terminated. When repeating the course, at the beginning of the semester the student can ask the teacher to recognize his/her already fulfilled obligations, such as the course credit, if the student is to take an exam. However, the teacher is not obliged to recognize the student’s fulfilment of the obligations (course credit granted) and has the right to insist on obtaining the course credit again before the exam.
Compulsory-elective courses (category B) allow specialization in the programme and the student enrolls in them according to his/her own choice. However, the student must obtain the prescribed minimum number of credits for this category of courses. For some study programmes, compulsory-elective courses may be grouped into blocks.
Elective courses (category C) represent the student’s possibility to suitably supplement the content of the study at his/her own discretion. Any course taught at Palacký University Olomouc can be an elective course. In addition, in the list of lectures there is usually a list of recommended elective courses provided for each study programme at the Faculty of Science. By completing elective courses, the student obtains the remaining number of credits necessary for the mandatory limit of the study programme. The registration of optional courses from other faculties of Palacký University Olomouc is regulated by the Dean's directive.
The choice of some courses is limited by ‘prerequisites’, i.e. by prerequisite and preclusive courses. Successful completion of a prerequisite course (gaining credits for it) is a necessary condition for passing a follow-up course (the one for which the prerequisite course is listed). The student can enroll in both prerequisite and follow-up course simultaneously, but in such a case, passing a prerequisite course is a necessary condition for enrollment in the follow-up course exam.
Preclusive course indicates a course, a completion of which precludes the student the registration of the given course. Preclusive courses are those with a similar content. A student can obtain credits for a given course no more than once within one study programme (or follow-up programmes).
Study Organization
The minimum amount of credits from all courses for the whole duration of study is:
- 180 credits in Bachelor study
- 120 credits in Master study
- 240 credits in Doctoral study
Fulfilment of these obligations is a necessary condition for admission to the final state examination. Students are required to acquire a minimum of 40 credits during one academic year or such a number of credits, which – together with the credits acquired in the previous academic year – equals a minimum of 80 credits; this does not apply to the last academic year of study.
To a certain extent students can choose their study progress individually. Compulsory courses should be registered in the recommended year and semester, if possible. By registering for courses, student creates a personal study plan. When choosing compulsory and optional courses, the student abides by the chosen study program, by the instructions of the department's credit advisors, by the instructions of the study affairs office and by course's annotations that contain information about the course content (i.e. course guarantor, scope of course's teaching, number of credits, prerequisite and preclusive courses, course completion). Compulsory-elective and elective courses listed in the study plans do not have to be opened annually due to capacity reasons. Instructions for course registration in the STAG database are set for each academic year by the Rector's directive, the dates are given in the schedule of the academic year.
Study Evaluation
Completion of the course means meeting its requirements in one of the following ways: course credit, colloquium, examination. Students register for the announced dates of colloquia and examinations through the electronic system of study records (STAG). The rules for enrolling are regulated by the UP Study and Examination Code and the directive of the Dean of the Faculty of Science.
The course credit is awarded for meeting the requirements, which for its acquisition is determined by the course program set by the course guarantor. The course credit is recorded in STAG, including the date of its award, as well as the dates on which the credit was not awarded.
The colloquium usually takes the form of an examiner's interview with a group of students in order to verify the required knowledge of individual students as well as their ability to cooperate with others and respond to the examiner's questions. The colloquium is recorded in STAG, including the date of its award, as well as the dates on which the colloquium was not awarded.
The examination aims to verify the depth and breadth of the student's theoretical knowledge and practical skills and student's ability to use them creatively. The aim of the exam is also to assess the student's understanding of the respective field. The exam may be oral or written, or may consist of an assessment of practical or creative performance. If the student did not pass the exam (was graded "F"), he/she is entitled to a first re-sit date. Should the student also fail the first re-sit, he/she is entitled to a second re-sit, which is always a board examination. The right to the first and second re-sit may only be exercised on the scheduled exam dates. The result of the exam is assessed in grades A to F. The exam result is recorded in the STAG by entering the letter designating the grade, and the exam date.
Student Obligations
For continuation to the second year of study, the student (Bc., Mgr., Ph.D.) must obtain at least 40 credits for the academic year (i.e. usually by the end of the 1st week in September).
For continuation to the third year (resp. fourth) of study, the student (Bc., Ph.D.) must obtain at least 80 credits for the 1st and 2nd (resp. 2nd and 3rd) year and pass all courses that he/she had enrolled for the second time.
To complete the whole study, the student must successfully complete all compulsory courses (cat. A), obtain the required number of credits from compulsory-elective courses (cat. B) and in total (including elective courses of cat. C) must obtain the required minimum amount of credits (see Study Organization above).
The student can take the final state examination, including the defense of a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral thesis, only after he/she has met all the conditions set by the study programme. The student must pass the final state examination (including the thesis defense) no later than two calendar years from the day when he/she fulfilled the conditions for its completion, while observing the maximum study period set by the study programme.
The credit system brings a number of benefits to the student, but at the same time places demands on him/her. The student bears full responsibility for each of his/her decisions. If the student does not follow the recommended study plan, he must be aware of certain risks, such as:
- the student does not have to have a secured schedule, because the teaching of the chosen courses can take place at the same time,
- the student must think ahead about the next step in his/her study, as an inappropriate choice could complicate or completely block the possibility to continue the studies (he/she can obtain a set number of credits but not meet other conditions, e.g. for prerequisite course),
- if the student enrols in courses worth the exact minimum number of credits (i.e. 40) within one year of study, he/she must complete all these courses, otherwise he/she will not be able to continue the studies,
- if the student decides to enrol in the maximum number of possible courses per year (90 credits) with the intention not to complete further courses after fulfilling the required 40 credits, he/she must realize, that non-completed courses will be graded "failed" and the student unnecessarily exhausts one of the two options for completing the course, and will negatively affect his/her weighted study average.
If the conditions defined by the study regulations are not met, the student's studies may be terminated.
Practical Advice
- Don't forget to study thoroughly all the important study rules
Above all, check the Study and Examination Code and the Disciplinary Code for Students. Likewise, don't forget the faculty's internal regulations and standards, as well as Student Accomodation Rules. Ignorance is no excuse. - Greet (not only) your teachers
Even if they sometimes don't answser you. - Behave yourself in the Student Affairs Office
Also, don't go there unnecessarily. Find out what you need in advance and whether it is not within someone else's competence. - Leave the cheat sheets at home
Here you are not only in danger of a confiscated test, but also of disciplinary proceedings. This also applies to plagiarism, which the university can detect. - Keep an eye on the schedule of the academic year
You will know by when you should have everything done, when there are days of sport, May Festival or other interesting events. - Rely primarily on yourself
No one will lead you by the hand here anymore. You have to watch the message boards and necessary facts for survival yourself. - Check your deadlines
- Count your credits right at the beginning of the academic year
Check how many do you need, where to get them, which courses to do in winter and which in summer semester. Worst case scenario: what will you catch up next year. - Be careful about your absences
Lectures are mostly optional, in seminars usually 25% absence per semester is tolerated, sometimes not even that.
How many credits do I have to have per year?
The minimum for continuation to the next year is 40 and at the same time the maximum is 90. The maximum number also includes recognized credits from previous studies. In total with the previous year, you must achieve at least 80 credits (however, this does not apply to the last academic year of the standard study period).
I need a confirmation of study, where can I get it?
You can generate the confirmation on your own whenever you need it via the UP Portal. Follow this guide.
How many times can I repeat the exam?
In addition to a regular exam date, you are entitled to two additional re-sittings. The second re-sitting, however, is always a board examination (with an examination committee, in written or oral form).
I failed the exam for the third time. What else can I do?
If it is a compulsory course (category A), you have to register it again the following year. You do not have to re-register the compulsory elective (category B) and optional (category C) courses. However, you must meet the credit limit set for that block of credits.
I would like to extend my studies.
The study can be extended in the third year of Bachelor's study, second year of Follow-up Master's study and fourth year of Doctoral study. You have to fill in the general request form and give a proper reason for the extension. (Without it your request can be disapproved and you may be expelled.) In case of doctoral students, the request has to be signed by the student, the supervisor and the chairman of the Subject-Area Board of the student's study programme.
Didn't find the answer to your question? Send your suggestions at
Bachelor Study
The Bachelor degree programmes usually take three years, and end with the final state examination and the bachelor thesis defense. Graduates obtain the academic title of "Bachelor of Arts/Science" (in Czech bakalář), abbreviated as "B.A./B.Sc." (in Czech Bc.).
Basic Information
Make yourself familiar with the Credit System of the university and your obligations during the course of your studies.
Study plans
Study plans of Bachelor Study 2023/2024 (IS/STAG).
Master Study
The follow-up Master degree programmes usually take two years, and end with the final state examination and the diploma thesis defense. Graduates obtain the academic title of "Master of Arts/Science" (in Czech magistr), abbreviated as "M.A./M.Sc." (in Czech Mgr.).
Basic Information
Make yourself familiar with the Credit System of the university and your obligations during the course of your studies.
Study plans
Study plans of Folow-up Master Study 2023/2024 (IS STAG).
Forms for M.Sc.
Foreign mobility
Everything connected with international student mobility falls within the competence of Mgr. Marie Raková. While planning your stay, you must contact her immediately and report the details of your stay, otherwise, it will not appear in your Transcript of Records afterwards.
For the recognition of the stay abroad it is necessary to:
- Before the stay:
- report the plan for your stay to Mgr. Raková in advance but no later than 2 weeks before leaving
- submit to her a request for Extraordinary scholarship for study abroad
- After the stay submit the following to Mgr. Raková:
- application for recognition of the stay (for this application use the general request form supplemented by the following information about you:
- name and surname,
- department,
- study programme,
- form of study,
- start of study,
- total duration of the stay,
- list of all stays (place, date from-to),
- very brief description of the issues you dealt with,
- date and your signature);
- provide the confirmation from the supervisor that he/she considers the stay beneficial;
- attach the confirmation from the foreign institution in which the stay took place.
- application for recognition of the stay (for this application use the general request form supplemented by the following information about you:
Incoming Exchange Students
Students who come for the ERASMUS+ programme or other short term programmes choose subjects from the section Short-term Courses available at this link.
Most departments at the Faculty of Science offer courses in the English language. These courses are not exclusively intended for foreign students only, the exchange students will study alongside Czech students. Exchange students must enroll a minimum of 15 ECTS (20 ECTS for Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility students) out of the usual maximum of 30 ECTS. Students must select most of the courses at the contractual faculty. In addition, students can choose courses with the remaining minimum number of credits at another faculty of UP. Students must be enrolled in full-time study.
In case you need more information about study opportunities at the faculty, please contact Mgr. Marie Raková,
Doctoral Study
Doctoral study programmes are conducted in full-time or combined form with a study period of four years. Doctoral study ends with the state doctoral examination and the dissertation defense, by which the student proves his/her ability to work independently. Graduates are awarded the academic title "Doctor", abbreviated as "Ph.D."
Full-time students may be accommodated in university dormitories, if they meet the relevant criteria, and dine in the university canteen under the same conditions as full-time Bachelor and Master students.
Students in the part-time form of study are not entitled to the above benefits.
Basic Information
Make yourself familiar with the Credit System of the university and your obligations during the course of your studies.
Brief decription of activities
By October | submission of the list of opened study programmes and offered thesis topics to Student Affairs Office |
By 30 April 2024 2nd round: by 15 August | submission of applications for the academic year 2024/2025 (including the topic proposal and the supervisor) |
June | entrance examinations |
First week of September | enrollment |
By the end of September | submission of the individual study plan and document on thesis registration in STAG |
Every year before each semester | registration of courses; at the prescribed time for course resgistration register your courses for the following semester in the STAG database |
Every year by the end of June | submission of evaluation of Ph.D. student; the supervisor will make an evaluation of his/her student for the past academic year (including the plan for the following year) and submit it to the relevant Student Affairs Officer; for continuing to the next year, you have to obtain the required number of credits; students of 4th and higher year include the request for extension of studies, if needed |
Continuously | send the examination record after passing each exam; the department guaranteeing the given course will enter the evaluation in STAG within 5 working days and will send the record to the Student Affairs Office |
Research stay abroad | While planning it, contact Mgr. Marie Raková. After the stay, deliver her a report on the results of the stay confirmed by the supervisor. Mrs. Raková will enter the research stay in STAG. |
State doctoral examination | At least 2 months before the estimated date of the examination notify your Student Affairs Officer and submit the Application for the state doctoral examination |
Dissertation defense | At least 3 months before the estimated date of the defense notify your Student Affairs Officer and submit the Application for dissertation defense |
Study plans
Research Stay
As a part of the accreditation of all four-year Doctoral study programmes at our faculty you have to fulfill an obligatory research stay abroad (usual course abbreviations PGST, PGST1, PGS01).
Everything connected with international student mobility falls within the competence of Mgr. Marie Raková. While planning your stay, you must contact her immediately and report the details of your stay, otherwise, it will not appear in your Transcript of Records afterwards.
General information
- Minimum duration: 12 weeks.
- The stay may consist of several short stays abroad during the whole study with a total duration of at least 12 weeks, however, the length of each stay should be at least one month.
- The so-called "work stays" can be recognized as a research stay if the work specialization corresponds to the dissertation topic and if the supervisor confirms the benefit of such a stay.
- Only the stays at foreign research institutes can be recognized; as a part of documentation it is necessary to submit a confirmation from the foreign institution of stay completion.
- The same rules apply to students of the combined study.
- Failure to complete the course means failure to fulfill study obligations and thus the impossibility of successful completion of studies.
- Consult the relevant internal standards of the faculty regarding the credit recognition of student stays abroad (PrF-B-18/02) and possible scholarship
For the recognition of the stay abroad as a course Research stay it is necessary to:
- Before the stay:
- report the plan for your stay to Mgr. Raková in advance but no later than 2 weeks before leaving
- submit to her a request for Extraordinary scholarship for study abroad
- After the stay submit the following to Mgr. Raková:
- application for recognition of the stay (for this application use the general request form supplemented by the following information about you:
- name and surname,
- department,
- study programme,
- form of study,
- start of study,
- total duration of all stays,
- list of all stays (place, date from-to),
- very brief description of the issues you dealt with,
- date and your signature);
- provide the confirmation from the supervisor that he/she considers the stay beneficial;
- attach the confirmation from the foreign institution in which the stay took place.
- application for recognition of the stay (for this application use the general request form supplemented by the following information about you:
Publishing activities
Students should submit their Application for recognition of publishing activities only when they have met all the conditions for recognition of publication activity.
For students of doctoral study programmes accredited under Institutional Accreditation, the conditions are given by the new accreditation and by the Provision of the Dean of the Faculty of Science UP, which regulates the structure of doctoral study programmes in credit system within Institutional Accreditation of the faculty (PrF-B-18/04-UZ02, Article 3. d).
For students of higher years, the conditions are determined by the current study plan in accordance with the relevant accreditation, either new (see above) or old one (A-14/10/OD, section III.).
Students prove the fulfillment of partial courses from the section (Compulsory) Elective Subjects/Courses - Publication activity (B) by submitting a general request form. The request form shall include:
- the abbreviation and name of the course,
- the full title of the article,
- where was the article published,
- whether the student is the main author or co-author, or a confirmation of the publication of the article.
If the student has the article in printed form, he/she can submit it together with the request form. The request form is being approved and course fulfillment entered in the STAG by guarantor of the course. Then the student delivers it to the Student Affairs Office.
State Doctoral Examination
It is necessary to apply for the state doctoral examination at least 2 months before the estimated date of the exam.
To your student affairs officer you have to submit:
- the application for a state doctoral examination, including a brief supervisor's statement, signed by you, your supervisor and the chairman of the Subject-area Board,
- printed Course of study form with the list of all exams from IS STAG (you have to have a minimum of 180 credits from particular courses - see Provision of the Dean, Art 5, 2c.),
- dissertation's annotation printed 7x (free form, at least one A4 page, describe thesis topic and summarize the results so far).
Dissertation Defense
It is necessary to apply for the dissertation defense at least 3 months before the estimated date of the exam.
Before submitting the application for dissertation defense it is necessary to apply for recognition of publishing activities at the Student Affairs Office. The application must be accompanied by a list of publications – for each of them it is necessary to state an impact factor of the journal, and to add a brief statement, in which the student describes his/her contribution to the publication, signed by the supervisor.
To your student affairs officer you have to submit:
- application for dissertation defense,
- supervisor's statement as to whether the dissertation meets the requirements for its defense
- brief statement on the application and more extensively on a separate A4 document,
- required number of copies of the dissertation (number of reviewers + 1), all with your signature,
- is the opponents agree with electronic version of the thesis, submit only 1 dissertation copy + a statement from the department stating that the reviewers are fine with thesis in pdf and that you will distribute it yourself to them, with signatures of you, your supervisor, Chairman of the Subject-Area Board
- 15x thesis summary (in Czech: autoreferat); summary should be in a booklet form: A5 format bound with a thread binding or an office stapler in the binding bend,
- approved application for recognition of publishing activities,
- + Upload your dissertation in STAG and fill out the obligatory data:
- As the "electronic thesis" upload your dissertation merged together with the summary (autoreferát)
- In the section "appendices" you can upload any supplements to your thesis if you have
- Consult the Instruction of the rector of UP (or its updated Czech version) + Dean's provision + Dean's directive.
The Student Affairs Office will check the submitted application along with the documents required and ensure their distribution.
The time for writing a reviewer's report is 6 weeks. After receiving all reviewer's reports, the Chairman of the Dissertation Defense Board, in agreement with the student, shall propose to the Dean a time and a place for the Dissertation defense. Reviewer's reports should be available at least 20 days before the date of defense. The announcement of the date of the defense, distribution of decrees and invitations to the members of the examination board shall be ensured by the Student Affairs Office. The exmination board is appointed by the Dean.
Forms for Ph.D.
Subject-area Boards
The most important provisions concerning all university students are listed in the section Rights, Obligations & Fees of a student.
For students of the Faculty of Science there are also faculty provisions applicable.
Faculty provisions
Number | Title | In effect since |
PrF-B-18/04-UZ04 | Provision of the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc regulating structure of doctoral study programs in credit system within Institutional Accreditation of the Faculty | 07/01/2022 |
A-17/4/SD | Directive of the Dean of the Faculty of Science which regulates certain issues of the Study and Examinations Code of UP (hereinafter referred to as "SEC") | 09/01/2017 |
A-15/7/SD-UZ04 | Directive of the Dean of the Faculty of Science, UP of 17.12.2015, which regulates certain provisions of Scholarship Code of UP (IV. Full version effective by 24.1.2022) | 01/24/2022 |
1/2014 | Directive Regulating Acknowledgment of Credits from Foreign Student Mobility | 01/13/2014 |
1/2010 | Dean's Provision to Regulate Certain Issues of the Study and Examinations Code of Palacký University and the Rigorous Code of Palacký University | 01/01/2010 |
The conditions for granting scholarships to students enrolled at the Faculty of Science UP are regulated by the Directive of the Dean.
Extraordinary scholarship for study abroad
Purpose | study stays, research internships, work placements, summer schools abroad lasting at least 30 days |
Amount | 5 000 CZK |
Application | should be submitted before the mobility through a filled-in general form (available in the Portal or on the faculty website) stating the exact dates of the mobility, the institution and country where it is located; submit the signed application to Mgr. Marie Raková at the Foreign Relations Office; it is possible to apply for each planned mobility |
Information about university scholarships are available on the university website.
Student Affairs Office
The faculty's Student Affairs Office is located on the ground floor of the building on 17. listopadu 12.
Please, respect the office hours or make a previous appointment by email.