Study Abroad
Erasmus+ is a European Union's education programme for the period 2021 – 2027, which supports cooperation and mobility across all sectors of education.
Overview of qualification requirements
- The Palacký University (relevant faculty/department) has an inter-institutional Erasmus+ agreement with the partner institution.
- You are a student registered at an accredited study programme (Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctoral) at the Faculty of Science.
- You have successfully completed at least the first year of a Bachelor programme.
- The duration of the student mobility has to be a minimum of 3 months and maximum of 12 months – always within one academic year.
- The total maximum of all Erasmus+ study mobilities and Erasmus+ traineeships per study cycle is 12 months.
- In case of multiple mobilities under the Erasmus Programme, the European Commission has set the following rules: Erasmus students may study up to 12 months abroad in every study cycle (Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degree). You are free to use the said time allocation for both studying abroad and traineeships.
- For the entire duration of the planned mobility you have to be a student at the Faculty of Science (it is not possible to terminate or suspend your studies at FS prior to or in the course of your mobility).
- Find out how the programme is organized at the faculty. In order to do that, contact your department coordinator or the faculty coordinator.
- Find out the requirements and dates of the competitive selection. The criteria and dates are specified by your department. Competetive selections at the departments are typically set at the beginning of February.
- Find out the consequences of the exchange programme for your studies at the Faculty of Science (recognition of courses studied abroad, the need to prolong your graduation date, an individual study plan).
- Before the mobility you have to fill out the courses you will complete abroad in your Portal (Potral – STAG – My study – ECTS departures).
- Students are required to earn a minimum of 20 ECTS credits per semester during their Erasmus+ study abroad. The recommended number of credits in study plan is 20‐30 ECTS credits per semester. For more details see the Directive of the Dean regarding credit recognition of student stays abroad.
- Mobility is considered completed if the student submits the Transcript of Records that corresponds to the Learning Agreement. Students are thus obliged to not only spend the time stipulated in the Grant Agreement abroad, but also to fulfil the approved study programme specified in the Learning Agreement. If the student fails to follow the approved study programme, the institution may request that the student returns a part or entire grant.
- Student will present his/hers Transcrips of Records to the coordinator at his/hers department who will acknowledge the courses completed abroad as courses for which student would enroll for the semester or for the whole academic year.
More information on Erasmus+ is also available on the Rectorate's International Relations Office website.
Inter-institutional agreement
Erasmus+ Programme – Inter-institutional agreement (pre-filled document)
This mobility activity stimulates and strongly promotes the education and training of students through traineeships abroad.
It provides students with an opportunity to apply their current theoretical knowledge and skills related to their field of study in a specific work environment, expand these with new expert knowledge and capacities or strengthen key competencies such as efficient communication, including communication in foreign languages, intercultural competencies, team work, organizational skills, problem solution, information literacy, creativity, etc. Traineeships significantly enhance the qualification profile of students and recent graduates, boost their professional and personal development, and increase their employability.
The Traineeship does not require a bilateral agreement but must be agreed upon and confirmed in the form of a Letter of Admission (LoA) or Learning Agreement for Traineeships (LA). The traineeship must be closely related to the field of study, and following its completion must be fully recognized by the relevant department/centre. (Award of the agreed number of ECTS credits and/or a diploma supplement.)
All students going or interested in going on a traineeship have to always contact Mgr. Marie Raková at
Supporting documents of the Applicant
- motivation of applicant
- Learning Agreement for Traineeships (a detailed and well-structured work programme corresponding to the field of study and motivation factors of the applicant; relevant duration of mobility, etc.)
- recommendation of the departmental professional supervisor for traineeships
- language skills
Partner Institutions
An up-to-date list of international programes and partner institutions of the Faculty of Science.
Applied Mathematics
E BARCELO03 Barcelona, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (coordinator prof. RNDr. K. Hron, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
A WIEN02 Vienna University of Technology (coordinator prof. RNDr. K. Hron, Ph.D.)
in a total of 30 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
E GIRONA02 Universitat De Girona (coordinator prof. RNDr. K. Hron, Ph.D.)
3 students, in a total of 15 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
I MILANO 16 Universita degli Studi di Milano-Bicoca (coordinator prof. RNDr. K. Hron, Ph.D.)
3 students, in a total of 15 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
P PORT02 FEP – School of Economics and Management (coordinator prof. RNDr. K. Hron, Ph.D.)
3 students, in a total of 15 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
B LEUVEN01 KU Leuven, Faculty of Science (coordinator prof. RNDr. K. Hron, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
NL GRONING03 Hanze University Groningen (coordinator prof. RNDr. I. Frébort, CSc., Ph.D.)
1 student, in a total of 5 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
F PARIS77 Agro ParisTech (coordinator Mgr. D. Kopečný, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 12 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
F PARIS011 Iniversizé de Paris-Sud (coordinator Mgr. D. Kopečný, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 6 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
D HAMBURG01 Hamburk Universität (coordinator Mgr. D. Kopečný, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 12 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
I PADOVA01 Universita degli studi di Padova (coordinator prof. Mgr. M. Šebela, Dr.)
2 students, in a total of 8 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
SK KOSICE02 Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košicích (coordinator prof. Mgr. M. Šebela, Dr.)
4 students, in a total of 40 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
HR OSIJEK01 University of Osijek (coordinator doc. RNDr. V. Ondřej, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 5 months, 2017/18–2020/21.
PL KRAKOW01 Jagiellonian University in Kraków (coordinator doc. RNDr. V. Ondřej, Ph.D.)
3 students, in a total of 90 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
NL WAGENIN01 Wageningen University (coordinator doc. RNDr. V. Ondřej, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 12 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
Experimental Biology
B GENT01 Universiteit Gent (coordinator prof. RNDr. M. Fellner, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 12 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
LT KUNAS02 Kaunas University of Technology (coordinator dr. A. Žukauskaite, Ph.D.)
4 students, in a total of 4 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
TR DIYARBA01 Dicle University (coordinator prof. Ing. S. Bureš, CSc.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
Analytical Chemistry
F PARIS063 École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris (coordinator RNDr. J. Skopalová, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 6 months, 2015/16–2020/21.
A WIEN01 Universität Wien (coordinator prof. RNDr. K. Lemr, Ph.D.)
1 student, in a total of 5 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
Physical Chemistry
F LIMOGES01 Université de Limoges (coordinator prof. RNDr. M. Otyepka, Ph.D.)
UK BIRMING02 University of Birmingham (coordinator prof. Ing. L. Lapčík, CSc.)
Organic Chemistry
DK ODENSE01 University of Southern Denmark (coordinator RNDr. L. Brulíková, Ph.D.)
Ecology and Environmental Protection
Coimbra02 Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (coordinators prof. Dr. Ing. B. Šarapatka, CSc., doc. RNDr. M. Rulík, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 6 months, 2016/17–2020/21.
KZ S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, KZ (coordinator D. Gronychová)
2 students Ph.D., in a total of 6 months, 2015/16–2017/18.
SK NITRA01 Univerzita Konštantína Filozófa (coordinator prof. Dr. Ing. B. Šarapatka, CSc.)
2 students, in a total of 6 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
Geoinformatics and Geography
E SASTELL01 Universitat Jaume I (coordinator doc. RNDr. J. Burian, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 6 months, 2017/18–2020/21.
PL Krakow02 AGH University of Science and Technology (coordinator doc. RNDr. J. Burian, Ph.D.)
2 students, 2017/18–2020/21.
G THESSAL01 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (coordinator doc. RNDr. J. Burian, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2017/18–2020/21.
N TRONDHE01 Norwegian University of Science (coordinator doc. RNDr. J. Burian, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
PL WRCLAW01 University of Wroclav (coordinator doc. RNDr. J. Burian, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
HU BUDAPES01 Faculty of Informatics (coordinator doc. RNDr. J. Burian, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
A WIEN02 University of Vienna (coordinator doc. RNDr. J. Burian, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
International Development Studies
PL LODZ 01 Uniwersytet Lodzkieg (coordinator doc. Mgr. M. Syrovátka, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 5 months, 2016/17–2020/21
KZ S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, KZ (coordinator D. Gronychová)
2 students Ph.D., in a total of 6 months, 2015/16–2017/18.
UK BRIGHTO02 University of Brighton, UK (coordinator Mgr. S. Šafaříková, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2016/17–2020/21.
N TRONDHE01 Norwegian University of Science and Technology (coordinator doc. Mgr. M. Syrovátka, Ph.D.)
4 students, in a total of 40 months, 2016/17–2020/21.
SF HELSINK01 University of Helsinky (coordinator doc. Mgr. M. Syrovátka, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2016/17–2021/22.
E MALAGA01 Universidad De Malaga (coordinator Mgr. S. Šafaříková, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 20 months, 2014/15–2020/21
E GRANADA01 Universidad De Granada (coordinator Mgr. S. Šafaříková, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 12 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
A WIEN01 Universität Wien (coordinator Mgr. S. Šafaříková, Ph.D.)
1 student, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
E HUELVA01 University of Huelva (coordinator Mgr. S. Šafaříková, Ph.D.)
1 student, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
E MADRID01 Universidad Politécnica De Madrid (coordinator Mgr. S. Šafaříková, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 12 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
F POINT – P05 Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (coordinator Mgr. S. Šafaříková, Ph.D.)
2 studenti, in a total of 24 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
PL WARSZAW62 IFiA PAN Graduate School for Social Research (coord. Mgr. S. Šafaříková, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
F GRENOBLE02 Université Pierre Mendes France (coordinator Mgr. S. Šafaříková, Ph.D.)
1 student, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
F CLERMON01 Université d´Auvergne (coordinator Mgr. S. Šafaříková, Ph.D.)
5 students, in a total of 50 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
DK RISSKOV06 VIA University College (coordinator doc. Mgr. M. Syrovátka, Ph.D.)
1 student, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
B ANTWERP01 Universiteit Antwerpen (coordinator doc. Mgr. M. Syrovátka, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 24 months 2014/15–2020/21.
B GENT01 Universiteit Gent (coordinstor doc. Mgr. M. Syrovátka, Ph.D.)
1 student, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
SF HELSINK01 University of Helsinky (coordinator doc. Mgr. M. Syrovátka, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2016.
N OSLO01 University of Oslo (coordinator doc. Mgr. M. Syrovátka, Ph.D.)
3 students, in a total of 18 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
NL UTRECHT01 Utrecht University (coordinator doc. Mgr. M. Syrovátka, Ph.D.)
1 student, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2018/19.
TR ISTANBU13 Fatih Üniversitesi (coordinator doc. Mgr. M. Syrovátka, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 20 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
B-BRUXEL04 Universite Libre de Bruxelles (coordinator Mgr. S. Šafaříková, Ph.D.)
1 student, in a total of 6 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
FR NOUMEA03 Université de la Nouvelle-Calédonie (coordinator Mgr. S. Šafaříková, Ph.D.)
1 student, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
F MONTPEL 01 Université Montpellier 1 (coordinator Mgr. S. Šafaříková, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 20 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
E ALICANT01 Universidad de Alicante (coordinator Mgr. S. Šafaříková, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
ES LASPAL 01 Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (coordinator Mgr. S. Šafaříková, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 20 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
UK MANCHES01 University of Manchester (coordinator doc. Mgr. M. Syrovátka, Ph.D.)
1 student, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21
I TORINO01 University of Turin (coordinator doc. Mgr. M. Syrovátka, Ph.D.)
4 students, in a total of 36 months, 2015/16–2020/2021
Regional Geography
B SOFI01 Sofijski universitet "Sv. Kliment Ohridski" (coordinator Mgr. P. Šimáček, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
ET TARTU01 Tartu Ülikool (coordinator Mgr. P. Šimáček, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
F CLERMON02 Université Blaise Pascal (coordinator Mgr. P. Šimáček, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 8 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
HR ZADAR01 Sveučilište u Zadru (coordinator Mgr. P. Šimáček, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
D CHEMNIT01 Technische Universität (coordinator Mgr. P. Šimáček, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 12 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
PL KRAKOW01 Uniwersytet Jagielloński (coordinator Mgr. P. Šimáček, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
PL POZNAN01 Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza (coordinator Mgr. P. Šimáček, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
A KLAGENF01 Alpen-Adria Universität (coordinator Mgr. P. Šimáček, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
A GRAZ01 Karl-Franzens-Universität (coordinator Mgr. P. Šimáček, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
RO BUCURESTI01 Universitatea din Bucureşti (coordinator Mgr. P. Šimáček, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
SK BRAT Univerzita Komenského v Bratislavě (coordinator Mgr. P. Šimáček, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
SK PRESOV01 Prešovská univerzita v Prešově (coordinator Mgr. P. Šimáček, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
SI LJUBLJA01 Univerza v Ljubljani (coordinator Mgr. P. Šimáček, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 12 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
SI MARIBOR01 Univerza v Mariboru (coordinator Mgr. P. Šimáček, Ph.D.)
3 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
E KATAL Universitat de Girona (coordinator Mgr. P. Šimáček, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
SF FALUN01 Högskolan Dalarna (coordinator Mgr. P. Šimáček, Ph.D.)
3 students, in a total of 30 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
SI LJUBLJA01 Univerza v Ljublani, Lublaň (coordinator Ing. L. Hýlová, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 20 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
F TOURS01, Univeristé Francois Rabelais–Tours (coordinator Ing. L. Hýlová, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 20 months, 2015/16–2017/18.
E BARCELO02 Facultat De Filosofia, Barcelona (coordinator Ing. L. Hýlová, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
B LIEGE01 Univerity of Liege (coordinator Ing. L. Hýlová, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
A GRAZ01 University of Graz (coordinator Ing. L. Hýlová, Ph.D.)
2 students, in a total of 10 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
G PATRA01 University of Patras (coordinator Mgr. V. Vaněk, Ph.D.)
4 students, in a total of 24 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
SK KOSICE Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (coordinator Mgr. V. Vaněk, Ph.D.)
4 students, in a total of 4 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
SF Helsinky01 University of Helsinky (coordinator doc. RNDr. J. Švec, Ph.D.)
1 student, in a total of 3 months, 2017/18 – 2020/21.
Experimental Physics
TR IMANISA01 Celal Bayar University (coordinator doc. RNDr. J. Pechoušek, Ph.D.)
1 student, in a total of 5 months, 2016/17–2020/21.
SK BRATISL01 Slovenská technická univerzita (coordinator doc. RNDr. J. Pechoušek, Ph.D.)
4 students, in a total of 24 months, studijní stáž, 2 studenti, celkem 6 měsíců, pracovní stáž pro akademický rok 2014/15–2020/21.
TR IZMIR02 Ege Univeritesi (coordinator doc. RNDr. J. Pechoušek, Ph.D.)
PL GLIWICE01 Silesian University of Technology (coordinator prof. RNDr. Z. Hradil, CSc.)
2 studenti, in a total of 10 months, 2016/17–2020/21.
E GRANADA01 University of Granada (coordinator doc. RNDr. F. Pluháček, Ph.D.)
1 student, in a total of 9 months, 2016/17–2020/21.
D AALEN01 Hochschule Aalen (coordinator doc. RNDr. F. Pluháček, Ph.D.)
S UMEA01 Umea Univeritet (coordinator prof. RNDr. Z. Hradil, CSc.)
D ERLANGER01, Friedrich-Alexander-Univerität (coordinator prof. Mgr. R. Filip, Ph.D.)
5 students, in a total of 25 months, 2014/15–2020/21.
Contact person for international student mobility
Mgr. Marie Raková
+420 585 634 058
Room 1.005
Study stays within and outside Europe, international agreements, study in English, research stays abroad, diploma nostrification, Learning Agreements
Every mobility has to be reported in advance to Mrs. Raková.
Office hours
Please, respect the office hours or make a previous appointment by email.
Department coordinators of student mobility
Erasmus programme, consultation and approval of Learning Agreements including changes, recognition of courses completed abroad.
Department | Contact person | |
Department of Algebra and Geometry | Mgr. Eliška Beránková | |
Department of Analytical Chemistry | doc. RNDr. David Jirovský, Ph.D. | |
Department of Biochemistry | Mgr. Silvie Dostálková, Ph.D. | |
Department of Biophysics | prof. RNDr. Dušan Lazár, Ph.D. | |
Department of Biotechnology | Mgr. Ivan Luptovčiak, Ph.D. | |
Department of Botany | doc. RNDr. Vladan Ondřej, Ph.D. | |
Department of Cell Biology and Genetics | Mgr. Dana Šafářová, Ph.D. | |
Department of Chemical Biology | Mgr. Magdaléna Bryksová, Ph.D. | |
Department of Computer Science | Alena Kolovratníková | |
Department of Development & Environmental Studies | Mgr. Jiří Chovaneček | |
Department of Development & Environmental Studies - GLODEP | Mgr. Simona Šafaříková, Ph.D. | |
Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences | prof. Dr. Ing. Bořivoj Šarapatka, CSc. | |
Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences - stays abroad | Mgr. Martin Dančák, Ph.D. | |
Department of Experimental Biology | Mgr. Eva Hényková, Ph.D. | |
Department of Experimental Physics | doc. RNDr. Jiří Pechoušek, Ph.D. | |
Department of Physical Chemistry | RNDr. Eva Otyepková, Ph.D. | |
Department of Geography | Mgr. Petr Šimáček, Ph.D. | |
Department of Geoinformatics | Mgr. Radek Barvíř, Ph.D. | |
Department of Geology | doc. Ing. Jakub Jirásek, Ph.D. | |
Department of Inorganic Chemistry | doc. Mgr. Pavel Štarha, Ph.D. | |
Department of Mathematical Analysis and Applications of Mathematics | Mgr. Kamila Fačevicová, Ph.D. | |
Department of Optics – Optometry | doc. RNDr. František Pluháček, Ph.D. | |
Department of Optics – other study programmes | prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Hradil, CSc. | |
Department of Organic Chemistry | doc. RNDr. Lucie Brulíková, Ph.D. | |
Department of Zoology | doc. RNDr. Milan Veselý, Ph.D. | |
Laboratory of Growth Regulators & Institute of Experimental Botany CAS | Mgr. Eva Hényková, Ph.D. | |
Further information
Other information that might be useful if you are considering studying abroad.
- Information from International Relations Office UP about studying abroad.
- Academic Information Agency or Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (in Czech: Dům zahraniční spolupráce) informs about offers of scholarship stays abroad on the basis of international agreements and other possibilities of studying abroad.
- Directive of the Dean regarding credit recognition of student stays abroad.
- Scholarship for study abroad.