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Student guide
Important information and useful tips for international students:
Student organizations
Student organizations are an integral part of the Faculty of Science of Palacký University. They are involved in study, cultural, sports and social life, cooperate with students, academics and faculty management. They promote the natural sciences and especially the study offer at the faculty. Any student of the faculty who wants to help with these activities or comes up with new ideas can be accepted into the organization. It can be either volunteering, or it is possible to apply for support for a specific event organized by the association at this address. The Department for External and Internal Relations can not only provide financial or material support for the event, but also cooperates in the field of promotion or by providing rooms for planned activities.
An overview of all student organizations at the Palacký University can be found on this website.
Sustainable Palacký
Sustainable Palacký club was founded from the initiative of students of Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development from the Department of Development & Environmental Studies. Its main objective is to strengthen social responsibility and promote environmentally friendly behavior. It provides an opportunity for students from across the university to use their knowledge gained in classes in practice and to engage in a number of projects. We always try to take into account all the aspects of sustainable development: economic, environmental, social and institutional. We have come to realize that we do not have to wait until the end of our studies to change things around us. Exactly the opposite. There will never be a better time than now.
UP Chemistry Club
UP Chemistry club brings together and supports active students of various areas of Chemistry from different departments of UP. It organizes lectures focused on current topics in Chemistry and on research at Palacký University. Its members go on excursions, help each other with studying, promote Chemistry through educational articles online, and inspire high-school students to study Chemistry. The club welcomes anyone who is interested in enhancing their knowledge of Chemistry or just wants to be inspired by interesting news from the world of Chemistry.
UP Crowd
UP Crowd brings together students and friends of Natural Sciences - the members are representatives of the Faculty of Science as well as the Faculty of Arts, and the Faculty of Education of UP. In addition to linking students across disciplines, our goal is to promote both local and world science. We do so mainly through popularizing lectures and experiments at secondary and elementary schools, but we also organize Science Café Olomouc, we cooperate with FameLab competition, and we also work on social networks - you may know our facebook page The Scientist.
Board game club "DoUPě"
Modern board games have become very popular in Czech households. The aim of the club is to introduce classic as well as brand new games not only to students and employees of Palacký University but also to the general public. Playing games brings an opportunity to spend your free time meaningfully, meet new people and become educated while learning to play. The club disposes of an ever growing collection of board games and a number of enthusiasts who like to play and explain the rules to those interested.
Zatrolené hry
Geographical club of the Faculty of Science UP EGEA
It brings together a group of students from departments of Geography, Geoinformatics, Development & Environmental Studies, who can pass on and develop their knowledge and experience of these different yet intertwined Earth sciences. They organize various events not only in our locality but also thanks to the connections with other geographic associations all over Europe. This geographic network is the organizer of congresses, scientific seminars and thematic events that are based on the principle of sharing among students. Another good way to get in touch with geography students from other countries and to broaden your horizons is through exchanges that allow members of the association to host foreign students of selected destination as well as offer our young geographers to visit students abroad. This exchange is a unique opportunity to learn about geography of a specific region in a foreign country.
Physics Club
Physics Club was created as a place for everyone who likes physics. Our goal is to build a community of young and enthusiastic people who can share not only their troubles and worries, but also hobbies and ideas. We organize physics quizzes, presentations on various topics, funny workshops, discussions or games. The club is a place for students who are interested in fulfilling themselves and bringing something new to others. We try to help each other with student responsibilities and pass on valuable advice and experience. Do not hesitate and come and meet and have fun with us!
The Ombudsman’s (student rights defender) competence includes protecting students enrolled at the Faculty of Science UP from such actions by bodies of FS UP, academic staff working at FS UP, other employees associated with FS UP, as well as actions of students who violate the Act on universities or other generally binding legal regulations, internal regulations or other provisions of UP or FS UP, ethical principles embedded in the relevant UP code, mission of the University or principles embedded in the preamble of the UP Constitution, as well as before inaction of UP bodies.