doc. Mgr. Pavel ŠTARHA, Ph.D.

Zástupný obrázek
Kontaktní údaje


Katedra anorganické chemie

Přírodovědecká fakulta

17. listopadu 12



Vývoj a studium nových biologicky aktivních koordinačních sloučenin vybraných přechodných prvků.

Řezníčková E., Bárta O., Milde D., Kryštof V., Štarha P. Anticancer dinuclear Ir(III) complex activates Nrf2 and interferes with NAD(H) in cancer cells. JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY. 2025.
Ferraro G., Lyčková T., Massai L., Štarha P., Merlino A. Picoplatin binding to proteins: X-ray structures and mass spectrometry data on the adducts with lysozyme and ribonuclease A. Dalton Transactions. 2024.
Štarha P., Křikavová R. Platinum(IV) and platinum(II) anticancer complexes with biologically active releasable ligands. Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 2024.
Masaryk L., Weiser Drozdková D., Sloczynska K., Milde D., Křikavová R., Ondrušková K., Nemec I., Smešný Trtková K., Štarha P. Anti-myeloma pro-apoptotic Pt(II) diiodido complexes. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers. 2023.
Löffelmann M., Škrott Z., Majera D., Štarha P., Kryštof V., Mistrík M. Identification of novel dithiocarbamate-copper complexes targeting p97/ NPL4 pathway in cancer cells. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY. 2023.
Mrkvicová A., Peterová E., Nemec I., Křikavová R., Štarha P. Rh(III) and Ru(II) complexes with phosphanyl-alkylamines: inhibition of DNA synthesis induced by anticancer Rh complex. Future Medicinal Chemistry. 2023.
Masaryk L., Orvoš J., Sloczynska K., Herchel R., Milde D., Halaš P., Křikavová R., Šalitroš I., Nemec I., Štarha P. Anticancer half-sandwich Ir(III) complex and its interaction with various biomolecules and their mixtures - a case study with ascorbic acid. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers. 2022.
Hricovíni M., Owens RJ., Bak A., Štarha P. Chemistry towards Biology-Instruct: Snapshot. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 2022.
Masaryk L., Zoufalý P., Sloczynska K., Zahradníková E., Milde D., Koczurkiewicz-Adamczyk P., Štarha P. New Pt(II) diiodido complexes containing bidentate 1,3,4-thiadiazole-based ligands: Synthesis, characterization, cytotoxicity. INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA. 2022.
Masaryk L., Muthná D., Halaš P., Zoufalý P., Drahoš B., Milde D., Štarha P. Stability of a half-sandwich Os(II) complex with indomethacin-functionalized ligand in the presence of carboxypeptidase A. Dalton Transactions. 2022.
Máliková K., Masaryk L., Štarha P. Anticancer Half-Sandwich Rhodium(III) Complexes. Inorganics. 2021.
Masaryk L., Koczurkiewicz-Adamczyk P., Milde D., Nemec I., Słoczyńska K., Pękala E., Štarha P. Dinuclear half-sandwich Ir(III) complexes containing 4,4 '-methylenedianiline-based ligands: Synthesis, characterization, cytotoxicity. JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY. 2021.
Štarha P. Multinuclear biologically active Ru, Rh, Os and Ir arene complexes. Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 2021.
Masaryk L., Nemec I., Kašpárková J., Brabec V., Štarha P. Unexpected solution behaviour of ester-functionalized half-sandwich Ru(II) and Ir(III) complexes. Dalton Transactions. 2021.
Štarha P., Hošek J., Trávníček Z., Dvořák Z. Cytotoxic dimeric half-sandwich Ru(II), Os(II) and Ir(III) complexes containing the 4,4 '-biphenyl-based bridging ligands. APPLIED ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY. 2020.
Vančo J., Štarha P., Hošek J., Chalupova M., Suchy PJ., Trávníček Z. Platinum(II)-oxalato complexes of seliciclib (CYC202) derivatives show different cellular effects and lesser adverse effects in mouse lymphoma model than cisplatin. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 2020.
Trávníček Z., Štarha P., Čajan M., Dvořák Z. A half-sandwich Ta-V dichlorido complex containing an O,N,O '-tridentate Schiff base ligand: synthesis, crystal structure and in vitro cytotoxicity. Acta Crystallographica Section C-Structural Chemistry. 2019.
Štarha P., Trávníček Z. Azaindoles: Suitable ligands of cytotoxic transition metal complexes. JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY. 2019.
Štarha P., Trávníček Z., Vančo J., Dvořák Z. In vitro anticancer active cis-Pt(II)-diiodido complexes containing 4-azaindoles. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 2019.
Hošek J., Kos J., Strhársky T., Černá L., Štarha P., Vančo J., Trávníček Z., Devínsky F., Jampílek J. Investigation of Anti-Inflammatory Potential of N-Arylcinnamamide Derivatives. MOLECULES. 2019.
Štarha P., Trávníček Z. Non-platinum complexes containing releasable biologically active ligands. COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS. 2019.
Štarha P., Vančo J., Trávníček Z. Platinum iodido complexes: A comprehensive overview of anticancer activity and mechanisms of action. COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS. 2019.
Štarha P., Trávníček Z., Dvořák Z. A cytotoxic tantalum(v) half-sandwich complex: a new challenge for metal-based anticancer agents. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS. 2018.
Štarha P., Trávníček Z., Herchel R., Jewula P., Dvořák Z. A potential method to improve the in vitro cytotoxicity of half-sandwich Os(II) complexes against A2780 cells. DALTON TRANSACTIONS. 2018.
Štarha P., Trávníček Z., Drahoš B., Herchel R., Dvořák Z. Cell-based studies of the first-in-class half-sandwich Ir(III) complex containing histone deacetylase inhibitor 4-phenylbutyrate. APPLIED ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY. 2018.
Štarha P., Trávníček Z., Crlíková H., Vančo J., Kašpárková J., Dvořák Z. Half-Sandwich Ir(III) Complex of N1-Pyridyl-7-azaindole Exceeds Cytotoxicity of Cisplatin at Various Human Cancer Cells and 3D Multicellular Tumor Spheroids. ORGANOMETALLICS. 2018.
Prachařová J., Novohradský V., Kostrhunová H., Štarha P., Trávníček Z., Kašpárková J., Brabec V. Half-sandwich Os(ii) and Ru(ii) bathophenanthroline complexes: anticancer drug candidates with unusual potency and a cellular activity profile in highly invasive triple-negative breast cancer cells. DALTON TRANSACTIONS. 2018.
Potočňák I., Bukrynov O., Ráczová K., Cižmár ER., Vitushkina S., Váhovská L., Dušek M., Štarha P. Low-dimensional compounds containing cyanido groups. Part XXXV. Structure, spectral, thermal and magnetic properties of a binuclear Cu-II-biquinoline complex with bridging and terminal dicyanamide ligands. Acta Crystallographica Section C-Structural Chemistry. 2018.
Štarha P., Vančo J., Trávníček Z. Platinum complexes containing adenine-based ligands: An overview of selected structural features. Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 2017.
Štarha P., Habtemariam A., Romero-Canelon I., Clarkson G., Sadler P. Hydrosulfide Adducts of Organo-Iridium Anticancer Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry. 2016.
Štarha P., Trávníček Z., Drahoš B., Dvořák Z. In Vitro Antitumor Active Gold(I) Triphenylphosphane Complexes Containing 7-Azaindoles. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (online). 2016.
Štarha P., Trávníček Z., Pazderová L., Dvořák Z. Platinum(II) carboxylato complexes containing 7-azaindoles as N-donor carrier ligands showed cytotoxicity against cancer cell lines. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 2016.
Štarha P., Vančo J., Trávníček Z., Hošek J., Klusáková J., Dvořák Z. Platinum(II) Iodido Complexes of 7-Azaindoles with Significant Antiproliferative Effects: An Old Story Revisited with Unexpected Outcomes. PLoS One. 2016.
Štarha P., Smola D., Tuček J., Trávníček Z. Efficient Synthesis of a Maghemite/Gold Hybrid Nanoparticle System as a Magnetic Carrier for the Transport of Platinum-Based Metallotherapeutics. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (online). 2015.
Mašek V., Štarha P., Harvanová M., Michalová M., Milde D., Trávníček Z., Anzenbacherová E. Interaction of selected platinum(II) complexes containing roscovitine-based CDK inhibitors as ligands with human liver microsomal cytochrome P450. Biomedical Papers-Olomouc. 2015.
Štarha P., Trávníček Z., Dvořák Z., Radošová Muchová T., Prachařová J., Vančo J., Kašpárková J. Potentiating Effect of UVA Irradiation on Anticancer Activity of Carboplatin Derivatives Involving 7-Azaindoles. PLoS One. 2015.
Nováková O., Lišková B., Vystrčilová J., Suchánková T., Vrána O., Štarha P., Trávníček Z., Brabec V. Conformation and recognition of DNA damaged by antitumor cis-dichlorido platinum(II) complex of CDK inhibitor bohemine. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2014.
Štarha P., Hošek J., Vančo J., Dvořák Z., Suchý P., Popa I., Pražanová G., Trávníček Z. Pharmacological and Molecular Effects of Platinum(II) Complexes Involving 7-Azaindole Derivatives. PLoS One. 2014.
Štarha P., Trávníček Z. (Cyclo-butane-1,1-di-carboxyl-ato-kappa(2) O,O')(1,10-phenanthroline-kappa(2) N,N')platinum(II) dihydrate. Acta Crystallographica Section E - Structure Reports Online. 2013.
Muchová T., Prachařová J., Štarha P., Olivová R., Vrána O., Benešová B., Kašpárková J., Trávníček Z., Brabec V. Insight into the toxic effects of cis-dichloridoplatinum(II) complexes containing 7-azaindole halogeno derivatives in tumor cells. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 2013.
Štarha P., Trávníček Z. N-Benzyl-thieno[3,2-d]pyrimidin-4-amine. Acta Crystallographica Section E - Structure Reports Online. 2013.
Trávníček Z., Popa I., Dvořák Z., Štarha P. N-(2-Methoxybenzyl)-9-(oxolan-2-yl)-9H-purin-6-amine. Acta Crystallographica Section E - Structure Reports Online. 2013.
Štarha P., Popa I., Trávníček Z., Vančo J. N6-Benzyladenosine Derivatives as Novel N-Donor Ligands of Platinum(II) Dichlorido Complexes. Molecules. 2013.
Trávníček Z., Štarha P., Pastorek R. Synthesis and X-ray structure of nickel(II) benzylpiperazine-dithiocarbamate complex [Ni(bpdtc)(PPh3)2]ClO4PPh3. Journal of Molecular Structure. 2013.
Trávníček Z., Štarha P. trans-Dichloridobis{2-chloro-6-[(3-fluoro-benzyl)amino]-9-isopropyl-9H-purine-kappaN (7)}platinum(II). Acta Crystallographica Section E - Structure Reports Online. 2013.
Štarha P., Trávníček Z. 5-Bromo-1H-pyrrolo-[2,3-b]pyridine. Acta Crystallographica Section E - Structure Reports Online. 2013.
Štarha P., Popa I., Dvořák Z., Trávníček Z. 6-(3,5-Dimethoxy-benzylamino)-9-(oxan-2-yl)-9H-purine. Acta Crystallographica Section E - Structure Reports Online. 2013.
Trávníček Z., Štarha P., Vančo J., Šilha T., Hošek J., Suchy P., Pražanová G. Anti-inflammatory Active Gold(I) Complexes Involving 6-Substituted-Purine Derivatives. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2012.
Dvořák Z., Štarha P., Šindelář Z., Trávníček Z. Evaluation of in vitro cytotoxicity of one-dimensional chain [Fe(salen)(L)]n complexes against human cancer cell lines. Toxicology in Vitro. 2012.
Štarha P., Trávníček Z., Popa A., Popa I., Muchová T., Brabec V. How to modify 7-azaindole to form cytotoxic Pt(II) complexes: Highly in vitro anticancer effective cisplatin derivatives involving halogeno-substituted 7-azaindole. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 2012.
PASTOREK R., ŠTARHA P., PETEREK T., TRÁVNÍČEK Z. Nickel(IV) dithiocarbamato complexes of the [Ni(ndtc)3]X type: X-ray structure of [Ni(hmidtc)3][FeCl4]. Polyhedron. 2011.
Pastorek R., Trávníček Z., Štarha P. Octahedral nickel(II) hexamethyleneimine-dithiocarbamato complexes involving bidentate N,N-donor ligands. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 2011.
Dvořák L., Popa I., Štarha P., Trávníček Z. In Vitro Cytotoxic-Active Platinum(II) Complexes Derived from Carboplatin and Involving Purine Derivatives. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2010.
Trávníček Z., Pastorek R., Štarha P., Popa I., Slovák V. Nickel(II) N-Benzyl-N-methyldithiocarbamato Complexes as Precursors for the Preparation of Graphite Oxidation Accelerators. Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie. 2010.
Štarha P., Trávníček Z., Popa I. Platinum(II) oxalato complexes with adenine-based carrier ligands showing significant in vitro antitumor activity. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 2010.
Trávníček Z., Štarha P., Popa I., Vrzal R., Dvořák Z. Roscovitine-based CDK inhibitors acting as N-donor ligands in the platinum(II) oxalato complexes: Preparation, characterization and in vitro cytotoxicity. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2010.
Štarha P., Trávníček Z., Herchel R., Popa I., Suchý P., Vančo J. Dinuclear copper(II) complexes containing 6-(benzylamino)purines as bridging ligands: Synthesis, characterization, and in vitro and in vivo antioxidant activities. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 2009.
Štarha P., Popa I., Trávníček Z. Platinum(II) and palladium(II) oxalato complexes involving N6-benzyladenine-based CDK-inhibitors. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 2009.
Kutláková K., Smékal Z., Šindelář Z., Štarha P., Kameníček J. Syntéza a studium hexaizothiokyanatochromitanů měďnatých s vybranými N-donorovými ligandy. ChemZi. 2007.
Štarha P., Popa I., Trávníček Z. Novel palladium(II)-oxalato complexes involving N6-substituted derivatives of 2-chloro-9-isopropyladenine. 38th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry. 2008.
Smešný Trtková K., Weiser Drozdková D., Ondrušková K., Štarha P., Masaryk L., Nemec I. Komplexy platiny a jejich použití pro léčbu mnohočetného myelomu. 2023.
Štarha P., Trávníček Z., Popa I. Oxalátokomplexy platiny s deriváty N6-benzyladeninu. Univerzita Palackého. 2009.
Löffelmann M., Škrott Z., Majera D., Štarha P., Kryštof V., Mistrík M. Novel Dithiocarbamate-Copper Complexes Target p97/NPL4 System in Cancer Cells. IMTM REACTOR. 2023.
Löffelmann M., Škrott Z., Štarha P., Mistrík M. New NPL4 protein inhibitors and their mechanism of action. IMTM REACTOR: 6th Annual IMTM Retreat. 2022.
Löffelmann M., Škrott Z., Majera D., Štarha P., Mistrík M. New NPL4 protein inhibitors as possible anticancer therapeutics and their mechanism of action. Czech Annual Cancer Research Meeting ABSTRACT BOOK. 2022.
Štarha P., Dvořák Z., Trávníček Z. An overview of Anticancer Platinum(II) Complexes Containing Various Azaindole Derivatives as N-donor Carrier Ligands. 7th French-Czech “Vltava” Chemistry Meeting Book of Abstracts. 2016.
Štarha P., Smola D., Trávníček Z. Magnetické částice pro cílený transport léčiv. Czech Chem. Soc. Symp. Ser. 2016.
Štarha P., Hanousková L., Dvořák Z., Trávníček Z. Organo-Iridium(III) Complexes Containing Releasable Biologically Active O-Donor Ligands. 13th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry - Scientific Programme. 2016.
Hanousková L., Štarha P., Dvořák Z., Trávníček Z. Organometallic dichlorido ruthenium(II) complexes. Book of Abstracts. 2015.
Štarha P., Trávníček Z., Dvořák Z., Kašpárková J. Anticancer platinum(II) complexes involving 7-azaindole derivatives. Book of Abstracts. 2014.
Štarha P., Kubešová K., Trávníček Z. Gold-coated maghemite nanoparticles for magnetic delivery of antitumor platinum(II) complexes. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 2014.
Štarha P., Vančo J., Dvořák Z., Trávníček Z. Protinádorově aktivní platnaté komplexy s deriváty 7-azaindolu. ChemZi. 2013.
Štarha P., Vančo J., Dvořák Z., Trávníček Z. 7-Azaindole derivatives as the carrier-ligands in antitumor effective platinum(II) dichlorido complexes. ICBIC 16 - Book of Abstracts. 2013.
Štarha P., Popa A., Popa I., Vrzal R., Vančo J., Trávníček Z. Antitumor platinum(II) complexes with 7-azaindole halogeno derivatives. ICCC 40 Book of Abstracts. 2012.
Štarha P., Dvořák L., Dvořák Z., Trávníček Z. Platnaté a palladnaté karboxylato komplexy s vybranými N-donorovými ligandy a jejich in vitro cytotoxicita. Kniha abstraktů, Anorganická chémia v treťom tisícročí. 2010.
Petrželová K., Héžová R., Hošek J., Nemec I., Štarha P. Half-sandwich Ru, Os, Rh, Ir complexes with 2-(2-(diphenylphosphino)ethyl)pyridine. 2024.
Štarha P., Řezníčková E., Křikavová R., Milde D., Jewula P., Kryštof V. CO2-responsive NADH oxidation by half-sandwich Ir(III) complexes - a curiosity or a problem for cancer cells? 2023.
Štarha P., Dvořák Z., Trávníček Z. Half-sandwich iridium(III) complexes containing 7 azaindoles. 2017.
Štarha P., Smola D., Trávníček Z. Magnetické nanočástice pro cílený transport léčiv. 2016.
Štarha P., Hanousková L., Dvořák Z., Trávníček Z. Organo-Iridium(III) Complexes Containing Releasable Biologically Active O-Donor Ligands. 2016.
Štarha P., Drahoš B., Herchel R., Soural M., Plíhalová L., Bednář P., Panáček A. 12th Barrande-Vltava French-Czech Chemistry Meeting. 2023.

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