doc. Ing. Ivan NEMEC, Ph.D.

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Katedra anorganické chemie

Přírodovědecká fakulta

17. listopadu 12



Šagátová A., Kotrle K., Brachňaková B., Nemec I., Herchel R., Fellner OF., Šalitroš I. Above room temperature spin crossover in mononuclear iron(II) complexes featuring pyridyl-benzimidazole bidentate ligands adorned with aliphatic chains. Dalton Transactions. 2024.
Pospíšilová J., Heger T., Kurka O., Kvasnicová M., Chládková A., Nemec I., Rárová L., Cankař P. Atropisomeric 1-phenylbenzimidazoles affecting microtubule organization: influence of axial chirality. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. 2024.
Biswas S., Havlíček L., Nemec I. Levamisole Based Co(II) Single-Ion Magnet. Chemistry-An Asian Journal. 2024.
Juráková J., Santana VT., Pavlik J., Nemec I., Šalitroš I. Magnetic anisotropy and slow relaxation of magnetisation in double salts containing four- and six-coordinate cobalt(ii) complex ions. Dalton Transactions. 2024.
Kotásková L., Jewula P., Herchel R., Nemec I. Photoswitchable hydrazones with pyridine-based rotors and halogen substituents. RSC Advances. 2024.
Loubalová I., Zahradníková E., Masaryk L., Nemec I., Hochvaldová L., Panáček A., Kvítek L., Večeřová R., Swiatkowski M., Kopel P. Antibacterial study on nickel and copper dicarboxylate complexes. INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA. 2023.
Masaryk L., Weiser Drozdková D., Sloczynska K., Milde D., Křikavová R., Ondrušková K., Nemec I., Smešný Trtková K., Štarha P. Anti-myeloma pro-apoptotic Pt(II) diiodido complexes. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers. 2023.
Tomanová M., Vaňková I., Toman D., Přibylka A., Nemec I., Cankař P. Axially Chiral Sulfonic Acids for Brønsted Acid Catalysis: 8-Benzoimidazolylnaphthalene-1-sulfonic Acids and Their Derivatives. JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 2023.
Křikavová R., Romanovová M., Jendželovská Z., Masaryk L., Zoufalý P., Milde D., Herchel R., Nemec I. Impact of the central atom and halido ligand on the structure, antiproliferative activity and selectivity of half-sandwich Ru(ii) and Ir(iii) complexes with a 1,3,4-thiadiazole-based ligand. Dalton Transactions. 2023.
Šilha T., Herchel R., Nemec I. Mn(III)-Salen Complexes with Metallophilic Interactions. Crystals. 2023.
Juráková J., Fellner OF., Schlittenhardt S., Nemec I., Herchel R., Šalitroš I. Neutral cobalt(II)-bis(benzimidazole)pyridine field-induced single-ion magnets for surface deposition. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers. 2023.
Mrkvicová A., Peterová E., Nemec I., Křikavová R., Štarha P. Rh(III) and Ru(II) complexes with phosphanyl-alkylamines: inhibition of DNA synthesis induced by anticancer Rh complex. Future Medicinal Chemistry. 2023.
Giraldo JN., Hrubý J., Vavrečková Š., Fellner OF., Herchel R., Nemec I., Neugebauer P. Tetracoordinate Co(ii) complexes with semi-coordination as stable single-ion magnets for deposition on graphene. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2023.
Masaryk L., Orvoš J., Sloczynska K., Herchel R., Milde D., Halaš P., Křikavová R., Šalitroš I., Nemec I., Štarha P. Anticancer half-sandwich Ir(III) complex and its interaction with various biomolecules and their mixtures - a case study with ascorbic acid. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers. 2022.
Janasik D., Jasiński K., Węglarz WP., Nemec I., Jewula P., Krawczyk T. Ratiometric pH-Responsive F-19 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents Based on Hydrazone Switches. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 2022.
Cao XT., Kumar S., Nemec I., Kopp J., Varma RS. Solvent-Directed Morphological Transformation in Covalent Organic Polymers. Frontiers in Materials. 2022.
Nemec I., Fellner OF., Indruchová B., Herchel R. Trigonally Distorted Hexacoordinate Co(II) Single-Ion Magnets. Materials. 2022.
Havlíček L., Herchel R., Nemec I., Neugebauer P. Weak antiferromagnetic interaction in Cu(II) complex with semi-coordination exchange pathway. POLYHEDRON. 2022.
Masaryk L., Koczurkiewicz-Adamczyk P., Milde D., Nemec I., Słoczyńska K., Pękala E., Štarha P. Dinuclear half-sandwich Ir(III) complexes containing 4,4 '-methylenedianiline-based ligands: Synthesis, characterization, cytotoxicity. JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY. 2021.
Masaryk L., Nemec I., Kašpárková J., Brabec V., Štarha P. Unexpected solution behaviour of ester-functionalized half-sandwich Ru(II) and Ir(III) complexes. Dalton Transactions. 2021.
Hrubý J., Dvořák D., Squillantini L., Mannini M., van Slageren J., Herchel R., Nemec I., Neugebauer P. Co(II)-Based single-ion magnets with 1,1 '-ferrocenediyl-bis(diphenylphosphine) metalloligands. Dalton Transactions. 2020.
Hrubý J., Vavrečková Š., Masaryk L., Herchel R., Nemec I. Deposition of Tetracoordinate Co(II) Complex with Chalcone Ligands on Graphene. MOLECULES. 2020.
St Marie L., El Fatímy A., Hrubý J., Nemec I. Nanostructured graphene for nanoscale electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-MATERIALS. 2020.
Pogány L., Brachňaková B., Masárová P., Herchel R., Nemec I., Šalitroš I. Impact of the Schiff base ligand substituents on the solid state and solution properties of eleven iron(iii) complexes. NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY. 2019.
Nemec I., Zoufalý P., Jewula P., Antal P., Linert W., Herchel R. Ion-pair complexes of Schiff base Fe(iii) cations and complex anions. NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY. 2019.
Pogány L., Brachňaková B., Moncol J., Pavlik J., Nemec I., Trávníček Z., Mazúr M., Bučinský L., Suchánek L., Šalitroš I. Impact of Substituent Variation on the Presence of Thermal Spin Crossover in a Series of Mononuclear Iron(III) Schiff Base Complexes with Terminal Pseudohalido Co-ligands. CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL. 2018.
Machata M., Nemec I., Herchel R., Trávníček Z. An octanuclear Schiff- base complex with a Na2Ni6 core: structure, magnetism and DFT calculations. RSC Advances (online). 2017.
Machata M., Herchel R., Nemec I., Trávníček Z. Crystal structures and magnetic properties of two series of phenoxo-O bridged dinuclear Ln(2) (Ln = Gd, Tb, Dy) complexes. Dalton Transactions (print). 2017.
Nemec I., Herchel R., Kern M., Neugebauer P., van Slageren J., Trávníček Z. Magnetic Anisotropy and Field-induced Slow Relaxation of Magnetization in Tetracoordinate Co-II Compound [Co(CH3-im)(2)Cl-2]. Materials. 2017.
Nemec I., Herchel R., Trávníček Z., Šilha T. Field-induced slow relaxation of magnetization in dinuclear and trinuclear Co-III ... Mn-III complexes. RSC Advances (online). 2016.
Gusev A., Herchel R., Nemec I., Shuľgin V., Eremenko I., Lyssenko K., Linert W., Trávníček Z. Tetranuclear Lanthanide Complexes Containing a Hydrazone-type Ligand. Dysprosium [2×2] Gridlike Single-Molecule Magnet and Toroic. Inorganic Chemistry. 2016.
Nemec I., Marx R., Herchel R., Neugebauer P., van Slageren J., Trávníček Z. Field-induced slow relaxation of magnetization in a pentacoordinate Co(II) compound [Co(phen)(DMSO)Cl-2]. Dalton Transactions (print). 2015.
Krueger C., Augustin P., Dlháň Ľ., Pavlik J., Moncoľ J., Nemec I., Boča R., Renz F. Iron(III) complexes with pentadentate Schiff-base ligands: Influence of crystal packing change and pseudohalido coligand variations on spin crossover. Polyhedron. 2015.
Nemec I., Herchel R., Svoboda I., Boča R., Trávníček Z. Large and negative magnetic anisotropy in pentacoordinate mononuclear Ni(II) Schiff base complexes. Dalton Transactions (print). 2015.
Masárová P., Zoufalý P., Moncol J., Nemec I., Pavlik J., Gembický M., Trávníček Z., Boča R., Šalitroš I. Spin crossover and high spin electroneutral mononuclear iron(III) Schiff base complexes involving terminal pseudohalido ligands. New Journal of Chemistry. 2015.
Gusev AN., Nemec I., Herchel R., Bayjyyev E., Nyshchimenko GA., Alexandrov GG., Eremenko IL., Trávníček Z., Hasegawa M., Linert W. Versatile coordination modes of bis[5-(2-pyridine-2-yl)-1,2,4-triazole-3-yl]alkanesin Cu(II) complexes. Dalton Transactions (print). 2014.
Nemec I., Zoufalý P., Herchel R., Trávníček Z. Cobalt(III) Schiff-base cyanido complex usable as a ligand in preparation of heterobimetallic Co(III)–Fe(III) building blocks. Inorganic Chemistry Communications. 2013.
Krueger C., Augustin P., Nemec I., Trávníček Z., Oshio H., Boča R., Renz F. Spin Crossover in Iron(III) Complexes with Pentadentate Schiff Base Ligands and Pseudohalido Coligands. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2013.
Nemec I., Machata M., Herchel R., Boca R., Trávníček Z. A new family of Fe(2)Ln complexes built from mononuclear anionic Schiff base subunits. Dalton Transactions (print). 2012.
Salitros I., Boca R., Herchel R., Moncol J., Nemec I., Ruben M., Renz F. Mixed-Valence Heptanuclear Iron Complexes with Ferromagnetic Interaction. Inorganic Chemistry. 2012.
Nemec I., Herchel R., Boča R., Svoboda I., Trávníček Z., Dľháň Ľ., Matelková K., Fuess H. Heterobimetallic assemblies of Ni(II) complexes with a tetradentate amine ligand and diamagnetic cyanidometallates. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 2011.
NEMEC I., HERCHEL R., BOČA R., TRÁVNÍČEK Z., SVOBODA I., FUESS H., LINERT W. Tuning of spin crossover behaviour in iron(III) complexes involving pentadentate Schiff bases and pseudohalides. Dalton Transactions (print). 2011.
Smešný Trtková K., Weiser Drozdková D., Ondrušková K., Štarha P., Masaryk L., Nemec I. Komplexy platiny a jejich použití pro léčbu mnohočetného myelomu. 2023.
Kotrle K., Nemec I., Antal P., Petrželová K., Herchel R. A series of trigonal prismatic Co(II) single-molecule magnets with 2-formylphenoxyacetic acid. 2024.
Kotrle K., Nemec I., Antal P., Petrželová K., Herchel R. A series of trigonal prismatic Co(II) single-molecule magnets with 2-formylphenoxyacetic acid. 2024.
Nemec I., Rárová L., Kopel P. Biologicaly Active Benzimidazole Complexes. 2024.
Petrželová K., Héžová R., Hošek J., Nemec I., Štarha P. Half-sandwich Ru, Os, Rh, Ir complexes with 2-(2-(diphenylphosphino)ethyl)pyridine. 2024.
Fellner OF., Sagar P., Sunil A., Herchel R., Nemec I. Modulation of Toroidal Moment by Carboxylate Ligands Exchange. 2024.
Fellner OF., Sagar P., Sunil A., Herchel R., Nemec I. Modulation of Toroidal Moment by Carboxylate Ligands Exchange. 2024.
Halaš P., Nemec I., Herchel R. Photomagnetically active molecular magnets. 2024.
Halaš P., Nemec I., Herchel R. Photomagnetically active single molecule magnets. 2024.
Fellner OF., Sagar P., Moreno-Pineda E., Herchel R., Nemec I. Towards a Toroidal Moment via Carboxylate Ligand Exchange. 2024.
Fellner OF., Přecechtěl P., Nemec I. Semi-coordination in Co(II) Schiff base Single-Ion Magnets. 2023.
Kotrle K., Nemec I., Moncol J., Čižmár E., Herchel R. Exchange interactions and anisotropy in V(IV)-Ln(III) complexes. 2022.
Fellner OF., Herchel R., Čižmár E., Nemec I. Semicoordination in mono- and tetranuclear Co(II) complexes. 2022.
Nemec I., Fellner OF., Havlíček L., Herchel R. Semicoordination in Co(II) Single-Ion Magnets. 2021.

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