prof. Ing. Aleš LEBEDA, DrSc.

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585634800, 585634801

Katedra botaniky

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Šlechtitelů 27 - objekt 53 (G)



Vědecké zaměření 1/ Biologie a genetická variabilita fytopatogenních organizmů (zejména biotrofních hub, plísní a padlí) 2/ Metody studia rezistence rostlin vůči patogenům 3/ Biodiverzita a genetická variabilita genových zdrojů rostlin (planě rostoucí progenitory, např. Lactuca spp., Cucurbitaceae, Pisum spp., Lycopersicon spp.) 4/ Biodiverzita a genetická variabilita interakcí hostitel-patogen v přírodním rostlinném patosystému 5/ Biodiverzita a genetická variabilita interakcí hostitel-patogen v kulturním patosystému (např. zeleniny a jejich patogeny) 6/ Mechanismy rezistence v interakcích hostitel-patogen 7/ Choroby rostlin (zejména zelenin) a jejich epidemiologie 8/ Šlechtění rostlin (klasické i biotechnologické přístupy) na rezistenci k chorobám (zejména zeleniny), využití genových zdrojů planě rostoucích rostlin ve šlechtění na rezistenci 9/ Kultury rostlin in vitro a biotechnologie, jejich aplikace ve šlechtění rostlin

Kitner M., Thines M., Sedlářová M., Vaculná L., Nádvorník P., Lebeda A. Genetic structure of Plasmopara halstedii populations across Europe and South Russia. PLANT PATHOLOGY. 2023. (ČLÁNEK)
Kitner M., Runge F., Lebeda A., Vaculná L., Sedláková B., Thines M. Pseudoperonospora humuli might be an introduced species in Central Europe with low genetic diversity but high distribution potential. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2021. (ČLÁNEK)
Braun U., Shin H., Takamatsu S., Lebeda A., Kitner M. Phylogeny and taxonomy of Golovinomyces orontii revisited. MYCOLOGICAL PROGRESS. 2019. (ČLÁNEK)
Pirondi A., Kitner M., Iotti M., Sedláková B., Lebeda A., Collina M. Genetic structure and phylogeny of Italian and Czech populations of the cucurbit powdery mildew fungus Golovinomyces orontii inferred by Multilocus Sequence Typing. Plant Pathology (print). 2016. (ČLÁNEK)
Kitner M., Lebeda A., Sharma R., Runge F., Dvořák P., Tahir A., Choi Y., Sedláková B., Thines M. Coincidence of virulence shifts and changes in the population genetic structure of Pseudoperonospora cubensis populations revealed by multilocus analyses. Plant Pathology (print). 2015. (ČLÁNEK)
Kitner M., Majeský L., Křístková E., Jemelková M., Lebeda A., Beharav A. Genetic structure and diversity in natural populations of three predominantly self-pollinating wild Lactuca species in Israel. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 2015. (ČLÁNEK)
Sedlářová M., Jedelská T., Lebeda A., Petřivalský M. Progress in Plant Nitric Oxide Studies: Implications for Phytopathology and Plant Protection. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 2025.
Lebeda A., Lobin KK., Mieslerová B., Křivánková T., Kitner M. Occurrence and epidemiological consequences of Erysiphe neolycopersici on tomato plants in Mauritius. MYCOLOGICAL PROGRESS. 2024.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B. Pathotypes and races of Pseudoperonospora cubensis: Two concepts of virulence differentiation. PLANT PATHOLOGY. 2024.
Michutová M., Mieslerová B., Šafránková I., Jílková B., Neoralová M., Lebeda A. Powdery mildews (Erysiphales) species spectrum on plants of family Lamiaceae in the Czech Republic. PLANT PROTECTION SCIENCE. 2024.
Lebeda A., Kroftová V., Pokorný R. Sixty-year anniversary of the journal Plant Protection Science. PLANT PROTECTION SCIENCE. 2024.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Mieslerová B., Dhillon NPS., McCreight JD. Status, Gaps and Perspectives of Powdery Mildew Resistance Research and Breeding in Cucurbits. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 2024.
Mieslerová B., Kitner M., Šenkyřík JB., Křivánková T., Sedlářová M., Uwe B., Lebeda A. The co-occurrence of two powdery mildew species on Cannabis sativa in the Czech Republic. JOURNAL OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY. 2024.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Khoury CK., Carver D., Sosa ChC. Distribution and ecology of wild lettuces Lactuca serriola L. and Lactuca virosa L. in central Chile. Hacquetia. 2022.
Mieslerová B., Cook RTA., Wheater CP., Lebeda A. Ecology of Powdery Mildews – Influence of Abiotic Factors on their Development and Epidemiology. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 2022.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Kitner M., Widrlechner MP., Maras M., El-Esawi MA. Egypt as one of the centers of lettuce domestication: morphological and genetic evidence. EUPHYTICA. 2022.
Souza LN., Marin MV., Franco CA., Lebeda A. Monitoring virulence and sexual compatibility in Brazilian Bremia lactucae populations. PLANT PATHOLOGY. 2022.
Palicová J., Křížková I., Lebeda A. Obituary of Professor Ing. Karel Veverka, DrSc. (1943–2021). PLANT PROTECTION SCIENCE. 2022.
Lebeda A. Vzpomínka na prof. Ing. V. Kůdelu, DrSc. Rostlinolékař. 2022.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Křístková E., McCreight JD., den Hertog M., Reitsma K. Development and Availability of a Melon Differential Set for Determination of Virulence Variation of Cucurbit Powdery Mildews (Podosphaera xanthii and Golovinomyces orontii). Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report. 2021.
Šuštar-Vozlič J., Ugrinović K., Maras M., Křístková E., Lebeda A., Meglič V. Morphological and genetic diversity of Slovene lettuce landrace ‘Ljubljanska ledenka’ (Lactuca sativa L.). GENETIC RESOURCES AND CROP EVOLUTION. 2021.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Křístková E., Widrlechner MP., Kosman E. Understanding pathogen population structure and virulence variation for efficient resistance breeding to control cucurbit powdery mildews. PLANT PATHOLOGY. 2021.
Mieslerová B., Kitner M., Petřeková V., Dvořáková J., Sedlářová M., Cook R., Lebeda A. Golovinomyces powdery mildews on Asteraceae in the Czech Republic. PLANT PROTECTION SCIENCE. 2020.
Sochor M., Manning JCh., Šarhanová P., van Herwijnen ZO., Lebeda A., Doležalová I. Lactuca dregeana DC. (Asteraceae: Chicorieae) - A South African crop relative under threat from hybridization and climate change. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY. 2020.
Sedlářová M., Dobešová K., Lebeda A. Plíseň slunečnice v České republice. Agromanuál. 2020.
Mieslerová B., Kitner M., Křístková E., Majeský L., Lebeda A. Powdery Mildews on Lactuca Species - A Complex View of Host-Pathogen Interactions. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 2020.
Mieslerová B., Sedlářová M., Michutová M., Petřeková V., Cook R., Lebeda A. Powdery Mildews on Trees and Shrubs in Botanical Gardens, Parks and Urban Green Areas in the Czech Republic. Forests. 2020.
Nožková V., Mieslerová B., Luhová L., Piterková J., Novák O., Špundová M., Lebeda A. Effect of heat-shock pre-treatment on tomato plants infected by powdery mildew fungus. PLANT PROTECTION SCIENCE. 2019.
Trecate L., Sedláková B., Mieslerová B., Manstretta V., Rossi V., Lebeda A. Effect of temperature on infection and development of powdery mildew on cucumber. PLANT PATHOLOGY. 2019.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A. K devadesátým narozeninám prof. Bronislava Hlůzy. Mykologické listy. 2019.
Lebeda A., Kitner M., Mieslerová B., Křístková E., Pavlíček T. Leveillula lactucae-serriolae on Lactuca serriola in Jordan. PHYTOPATHOLOGIA MEDITERRANEA. 2019.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Kitner M., Majeský L., Doležalová I. Research gaps and challenges in the conservation and exploitation of North American wild lettuce (Lactuca L.) germplasm. CROP SCIENCE. 2019.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., Kitner M., Widrlechner MP. Status of research, breeding and protection of cucurbits in relation to cucurbit downy mildew: their limits and perspectives. Acta Horticulturae. 2019.
Spring O., Gomez-Zeledon J., Hadziabdic D., Trigiano RN., Thines M., Lebeda A. Biological characteristics and assessment of virulence diversity in pathosystems of economically important biotrophic oomycetes. CRITICAL REVIEWS IN PLANT SCIENCES. 2018.
Dhillon NPS., Sanguansil S., Srimat S., Schafleitner R., Manjunath B., Agarwal P., Xiang Q., Masud MAT., Myint T., Hanh NT., Cuong TK., Balatero CH., Salutan-Bautista V., Pitrat M., Lebeda A., McCreight JD. Cucurbit powdery mildew-resistant bitter gourd breeding lines reveal four races of Podosphaera xanthii in Asia. HORTSCIENCE. 2018.
Jemelková M., Kitner M., Křístková E., Doležalová I., Lebeda A. Genetic variability and distance between Lactuca serriola L. populations from Sweden and Slovenia assessed by SSR and AFLP markers. ACTA BOTANICA CROATICA. 2018.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight JD. Initiative for uniform cucurbit powdery mildew race determination and denomination: status of race differentials. Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report. 2018.
Tichá T., Sedlářová M., Činčalová L., Drábková Trojanová Z., Mieslerová B., Lebeda A., Luhová L., Petřivalský M. Involvement of S-nitrosothiols modulation by S-nitrosoglutathione reductase in defence responses of lettuce and wild Lactuca spp. to biotrophic mildews. PLANTA. 2018.
Drábková Trojanová Z., Sedlářová M., Pospíchalová R., Lebeda A. Pathogenic variability of Plasmopara halstedii infecting sunflower in the Czech Republic. Plant Pathology (print). 2018.
Rsaliyev AS., Amirkhanova NT., Rametov NM., Pahratdinova ZU., Ojiambo PS., Lebeda A. Pseudoperonospora cubensis virulence and pathotype structure in Kazakhstan. PLANT PATHOLOGY. 2018.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight JD., Kosman E. Virulence variation of cucurbit powdery mildews in the Czech Republic - population approach. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY. 2018.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., Štěpánková J., Widrlechner MP. Race-specificity in interactions between Cucumis melo germplasm and Pseudoperonospora cubensis. Acta Horticulturae. 2017.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B., Petřivalský M., Luhová L., Špundová M., Sedlářová M., Nožková V., Pink DAC. Review of tomato powdery mildew - a challenging problem for researchers, breeders and growers. Acta Horticulturae. 2017.
Thomas A., Carbone I., Lebeda A., Ojiambo PS. Virulence structure within the population of Pseudoperonospora cubensis in the United States. Phytopathology. 2017.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight JD., Coffey MD. Cucurbit powdery mildews: methodology for objective determination and denomination of races. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2016.
Sedlářová M., Pospíchalová R., Drábková Trojanová Z., Bartůšek T., Slobodianová L., Lebeda A. First report of Plasmopara halstedii new races 705 and 715 on sunflower from the Czech Republic – Short communication. Plant Protection Science. 2016.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Roháčková J., Sedláková B., Widrlechner MP., Paris HS. Race-specific response of Cucurbita germplasm to Pseudoperonospora cubensis. Euphytica. 2016.
Parra L., Maisonneuve B., Lebeda A., Schut J., Christopoulou M., Jeuken M., McHale L., Truco M., Crute i., Michelmore R. Rationalization of genes for resistance to Bremia lactucae in lettuce. Euphytica. 2016.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Štěpánková J., Sedláková B., Widrlechner MP. Response of Cucumis melo accessions to isolates of Pseudoperonospora cubensis with different levels of virulence. Sciencia Horticulturae. 2016.
Jemelková M., Kitner M., Křístková E., Beharav A., Lebeda A. Biodiversity of Lactuca aculeata germplasm assessed by SSR and AFLP markers, and resistance variation to Bremia lactucae. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 2015.
Lobin KK., Svoboda J., Lebeda A., Dhooky DY., Benimadhu SP. Cucumber mosaic virus Causal Pathogen of Oily Spots on Cucumber cv. Locale Fruits in Mauritius. Plant Protection Science. 2015.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B., Jankovics T., Kiss L., Van der Linde EJ. First detection of tomato powdery mildew caused by Oidium neolycopersici in South Africa. South African Journal of Botany. 2015.
Petrželová I., Kitner M., Doležalová I., Ondřej V., Lebeda A. First Report of Basil Downy Mildew Caused by Peronospora belbahrii in the Czech Republic. Plant Disease. 2015.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Kitner M., Mieslerová B., Jemelková M., Pink DAC. Resistance of wild Lactuca genetic resources to diseases and pests, and their exploitation in lettuce breeding. Acta Horticulturae. 2015.
Cohen Y., Van den Langenberg KM., Wehner TC., Ojiambo PS., Hausbeck M., Quesada-Ocampo LM., Lebeda A., Sierotzki H., Gisi U. Resurgence of Pseudoperonospora cubensis: The Causal Agent of Cucurbit Downy Mildew. Phytopathology. 2015.
Lebeda A., Kroftová V., Kůdela V., Braunová M. Fifty-year Anniversary of Plant Protection Science. Plant Protection Science. 2014.
Polat İ., Baysal Ö., Mercati F., Kitner M., Cohen Y., Lebeda A., Carimi F. Molecular characterization of Pseudoperonospora cubensis isolates from different countries of Europe and Asia using genetic markers (ISSR and SRAP). European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2014.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Novotná A., Doležalová I., Berka T. Morphological variation of Lactuca serriola L. achenes as a function of their geographic origin. Acta Botanica Croatica. 2014.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B., Petřivalský M., Luhová L., Špundová M., Sedlářová M., Nožková V., Pink D. Resistance mechanisms of wild tomato germplasm to infection of Oidium neolycopersici. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2014.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Kitner M., Mieslerová B., Jemelková M., Pink DA. Wild Lactuca species, their genetic diversity, resistance to diseases and pests, and exploitation in lettuce breeding. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2014.
Sedlářová M., Trojanová Z., Lebeda A. Distribution and harmfulness of Plasmopara halstedii on sunflower in the Czech Republic. Plant Protection Science. 2013.
Kubienová L., Sedlářová M., Vítečková-Wuenschová A., Piterková J., Luhová L., Mieslerová B., Lebeda A., Navrátil M., Petřivalský M. Effect of Extreme Temperatures on Powdery Mildew Development and Hsp70 Induction in Tomato and Wild Solanum spp. Plant Protection Science. 2013.
Horáček J., Švábová L., Šarhanová P., Lebeda A. Variability for resistance to Fusarium solani culture filtrate and fusaric acid among somaclones in pea. Biologia Plantarum. 2013.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Kitner M., Petrželová I., Mieslerová B., Doležalová I. Biodiversity of wild Lactuca species – challenge to our (re)search. Úroda. 2012.
Lebeda A., Kitner M., Křístková E., Doležalová I., Beharav A. Genetic polymorphism in Lactuca aculeata populations and occurrence of natural putative hybrids between L. aculeata and L. serriola. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 2012.
Skálová D., Navrátilová B., Doležalová I., Vašut R., Lebeda A. Haploid and mixoploid cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) protoplasts - isolation and fusion. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality-Angewandte Botanik. 2012.
Li C., Faino L., Dong L., Fan J., Kiss L., de Giovanni C., LEBEDA A., Scott J., Matsuda Y., Toyoda H., Lindhout P., Visser RGF., Bonnema G., Bai Y. Characterization of polygenic resistance to powdery mildew in tomato at cytological, biochemical and gene expression level. Molecular Plant Pathology. 2012.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B., Petrželová I., Korbelová P., Česneková E. Patterns of virulence variation in the interaction between Lactuca spp. and lettuce powdery mildew (Golovinomyces cichoracearum). Fungal Ecology. 2012.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Kitner M., Vafková B., Matoušková Z., Doležalová I., Beharav A. Phenotypes of the natural interspecific hybrids in the genus Lactuca. Úroda. 2012.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A., Jeřábková H., Paulík R., Vajdová M. Resistance to fenarimol, dinocap, benomyl, thiophanate-methyl and azoxystrobin in cucurbit powdery mildew populations in the Czech Republic. Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica. 2012.
Lebeda A., Pavelková J., Sedláková B., Urban J. Structure and temporal shifts in virulence of Pseudoperonospora cubensis populations in the Czech Republic. Plant Pathology (print). 2012.
Quesada-Ocampo LM., Granke LL., Olsen J., Gutting HC., Runge F., Thines M., Lebeda A., Hausbeck MK. The genetic structure of Pseudoperonospora cubensis populations. Plant Disease. 2012.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Novotná A. Wild and weedy Lactuca species, their distribution, ecogeography and ecobiology in USA and Canada. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 2012.
NAVRÁTILOVÁ B., SKÁLOVÁ D., ONDŘEJ V., KITNER M., LEBEDA A. Biotechnological methods utilized in Cucumis research - A review. Zahradnictví - Horticultural Science. 2011.
Švábová L., LEBEDA A., KITNER M., SEDLÁŘOVÁ M., PETŘIVALSKÝ M., Dostálová R., Ondřej M., Horáček J., Smýkalová I., Griga M. Comparison of the effects of Fusarium solani filtrates in vitro and in vivo on the morphological characteristics and peroxidase activity in pea cultivars with different susceptibility. Journal of Plant Pathology. 2011.
LEBEDA A., PAVELKOVÁ J., URBAN J., SEDLÁKOVÁ B. Distribution, host range and disease severity of Pseudoperonospora cubensis on cucurbits in the Czech Republic. Journal of Phytopathology. 2011.
PITERKOVÁ J., Hofman J., MIESLEROVÁ B., SEDLÁŘOVÁ M., LUHOVÁ L., LEBEDA A., PETŘIVALSKÝ M. Dual role of nitric oxide in Solanum spp. - Oidium neolycopersici interactions. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2011.
PAVELKOVÁ J., LEBEDA A., SEDLÁKOVÁ B. First report of Pseudoperonospora cubensis on Cucurbita moschata in the Czech Republic. Plant Disease. 2011.
LEBEDA A., KŘÍSTKOVÁ E., SEDLÁKOVÁ B., COFFEY MD., MC CREIGHT JD. Gaps and perspectives of pathotype and race determination in Golovinomyces cichoracearum and Podosphaera xanthii. Mycoscience. 2011.
SEDLÁŘOVÁ M., PETŘIVALSKÝ M., PITERKOVÁ J., LUHOVÁ L., Kočířová J., LEBEDA A. Influence of nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species on development of lettuce downy mildew in Lactuca spp. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2011.
NOVOTNÁ A., DOLEŽALOVÁ I., LEBEDA A., KRŠKOVÁ M., BERKA T. Morphological variability of achenes of some European populations of Lactuca serriola L. Flora. 2011.
Beharav A., Maras M., Kitner M., Šuštar-Vozlič J., Sun G., Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Meglič V. Comparison of three genetic similarity coefficients based on dominant markers from predominantly self-pollinating species. Biologia Plantarum. 2010.
Beharav A., Ben-David R., Doležalová I., Lebeda A. Eco-geographical distribution of Lactuca aculeata natural populations in northeastern Israel. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 2010.
Choi YJ., Lebeda A., Sedlářová M., Shin HD. First report of downy mildew caused by Peronospora verbenae on verbena in the Czech Republic. Plant Pathology (print). 2010.
PROKOPOVÁ J., Mieslerová B., Hlaváčková V., HLAVINKA J., Lebeda A., Nauš J., ŠPUNDOVÁ M. Changes in photosynthesis of Lycopersicon spp. plants induced by tomato powdery mildew infection in combination with heat shock pre-treatment. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. 2010.
Skálová D., Navrátilová B., Ondřej V., Lebeda A. Optimizing culture for in vitro pollination and fertilization in Cucumis sativus and C. melo. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series Botanica. 2010.
PROKOPOVÁ J., ŠPUNDOVÁ M., Sedlářová M., HUSIČKOVÁ A., Novotný R., Doležal K., Nauš J., Lebeda A. Photosynthetic responses of lettuce to downy mildew infection and cytokinin treatment. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2010.
Skálová D., Ondřej V., Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Navrátilová B. Polyploidization Facilitates Biotechnological In Vitro Techniques in the Genus Cucumis. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology (online). 2010.
Ondřej V., Navrátilová B., Protivánková I., Piterková J., Sedlářová M., Luhová L., Lebeda A. Recondensation level of repetitive sequences in the plant protoplast nucleus is limited by oxidative stress. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2010.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Pejchar M., Jeřábková H. Variation for fungicide resistance among cucurbit powdery mildew populations in the Czech Republic. Acta Horticulturae. 2010.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Paris HS. Variation for morphologic traits within and among Cucurbita pepo genotypes. Acta Horticulturae. 2010.
Beharav A., Ben-David R., Malarz J., Stojakowska A., Michalska K., Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Kisiel W. Variation of sesquiterpene lactones in Lactuca aculeata natural populations from Israel, Jordan and Turkey. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 2010.
Lebeda A., Kitner M., Dziechciarková M., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Lindhout P. An insight into the genetic polymorphism among European populations of Lactuca serriola assessed by AFLP. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 2009.
Pokorný R., Lebeda A. Foreword. Plant Protection Science. 2009.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A., Mikšíková P., Duchoslav M., Sedláková B., McCreight JD. Histological aspects of Cucumis melo PI 313970 resistance to Podosphaera xanthii and Golovinomyces cichoracearum. Journal of Plant Diseases and Plant Protection. 2009.
Ondřej V., Kitner M., Doležalová I., Nádvorník P., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A. Chromatin Structural Rearrangement during Dedifferentiation of Protoplasts of Cucumis sativus L. Molecules and Cells. 2009.
Piterková J., Petřivalský M., Luhová L., Mieslerová B., Sedlářová M., Lebeda A. Local and systemic production of nitric oxide in tomato responses to powdery mildew infection. Molecular Plant Pathology. 2009.
Sarris P., Abdelhalim M., Kitner M., Skandalis N., Panopoulos N., Doulis A., Lebeda A. Molecular polymorphism between populations of Pseudoperonospora cubensis from Greece and the Czech Republic and their phytopathological and phylogenetic implications. Plant Pathology (print). 2009.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Sedláková B. Species spectra, distribution and host range of cucurbit powdery mildew in the Czech Republic, and in some other European and Middle Eastern countries. Phytoparasitica: Israel Journal of Plant Protection Sciences (print). 2009.
Michalska K., Stojakowska A., Malarz J., Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Kisiel W. Systematic implications of sesquiterpene lactones in Lactuca species. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 2009.
Ondřej V., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A. The heterochromatin as a marker for protoplast differentiation of Cucumis sativus. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (online). 2009.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Kitner M., Petrželová I., Mieslerová B., Novotná A. Wild Lactuca germplasm for lettuce breeding: current status, gaps and challenges. Euphytica. 2009.
Kitner M., Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Maras M., Křístková E., Nevo E., Pavlíček T., Meglič V., Beharav A. AFLP analysis of Lactuca saligna germplasm collections from four European and three Middle Eastern countries. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences. 2008.
Švábová L., Klenotičová H., Griga M., Lebeda A., Kitner M., Sedlářová M. Alternativní biotechnologické postupy ve šlechtění luskovin. Úroda. 2008.
Sretenović Rajičić T., Lebeda A., van Hintum T., Dehmer K. Analysis of wild Lactuca accessions: conservation and identification of redundancy. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization. 2008.
Křístková E., Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Vinter V., Novotná A. Description of morphological characters of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) genetic resources. Zahradnictví - Horticultural Science. 2008.
Lebeda A., Sedlářová M., Petřivalský M., Prokopová J. Diversity of defence mechanisms in plant-oomycete interactions: a case study of Lactuca spp. and Bremia lactucae. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2008.
Beharav A., Ben-David R., Doležalová I., Lebeda A. Eco-geographical distribution of Lactuca saligna natural populations in Israel. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences. 2008.
Skálová D., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A. Embryo rescue of cucumber (Cucumis sativus), muskmelon (C. melo) and some wild Cucumis species (C. anguria, C. zeyheri, C. metuliferus). Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality-Angewandte Botanik. 2008.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B., Sedlářová M. First report of Erysiphe palczewskii on Caragana arborescens in the Czech Republic. Plant Pathology (print). 2008.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A. Fungicide resistance in Czech populations of cucurbit powdery mildews. Phytoparasitica: Israel Journal of Plant Protection Sciences (print). 2008.
Skálová D., Dziechciarková M., Lebeda A., Křístková E., Navrátilová B. Interspecific hybridization of Cucumis anguria L. var. longaculeatus J. H. Kirk. and C. zeyheri Sond. via embryo-rescue. Biologia Plantarum. 2008.
Lebeda A., Petrželová I., Maryška Z. Structure and variation in the wild-plant pathosystem: Lactuca serriola-Bremia lactucae. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2008.
Ondřej V., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A. The heterochromatin as a marker for protoplast differentiation of Cucumis sativus. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (online). 2008.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Valentová K., Gasmanová N., Dziechciarková M., Ulrichová J. Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) - A traditional crop of andean indians as a challenge for the future - The news about biological variation and chemical substances contents. Acta Horticulturae. 2008.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Dehmer KJ., Astley D.A.C., van de Wiel CCM., van Treuren R. Acquisition and ecological characterization of Lactuca serriola L. germplasm collected in the Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands and United Kingdom. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 2007.
Bartoš P., Kůdela V., Lebeda A. Eightieth Birthday of Dr. Jens Nielsen. Plant Protection Science. 2007.
Gajdová J., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A., Smolná J. Factor affecting protoplast isolation and cultivation of Cucumis spp. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality-Angewandte Botanik. 2007.
Lebeda A., Sedlářová M., Jankovský L., Shin H.D. First report of rhododendron powdery mildew on Rhododendron spp. in the Czech Republic. Plant Pathology (print). 2007.
Gasmanová N., Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Cohen T., Pavlíček T., Fahima T., Nevo E. Genome size variation of Lotus peregrinus at Evolution Canyon I miicrosite, Lower Nahal Oren, Mt. Carmel, Israel. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series Botanica. 2007.
Skálová D., Dziechciarková M., Lebeda A., Navrátilová B., Křístková E. Interspecific hybridization of C. anguria x C. zeyheri, C. sativus x C. melo and C. sativus x C. metuliferus with the use of embryo cultures. Acta Horticulturae. 2007.
Sedlářová M., Luhová L., Petřivalský M., Lebeda A. Localization and metabolism of reactive oxygen species during Bremia lactucae pathogenesis in Lactuca sativa and wild Lactuca spp. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2007.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Sedláková B. Temporal and spatial dynamics of powdery mildew species on cucurbits in the Czech Republic. Acta Horticulturae. 2007.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Křístková E. Temporal changes in pathogenicity structure of cucurbit powdery mildew populations. Acta Horticulturae. 2007.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B., Rybka V., Sedlářová M., Petrželová I. The first record of Powdery Mildew caused Erysiphe polygoni DC. on Homalocladium platycladium (F. J. Muell.) L. H. Bailey in Czech Republic. Plant Pathology (print). 2007.
Gasmanová N., Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Paris HS. Variability of nuclear DNA content among and within three cucurbit genera. Acta Horticulturae. 2007.
Tománková K., Luhová L., Petřivalský M., Peč P., Lebeda A. Biochemical aspects of reactive oxygen species formation in the interaction between Lycopersicon spp. and Oidium neolycopersici. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. 2006.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Lechnerová M., Všetička V., Krška B. Following almond footprints in Czech Republic. Scripta Horticulturae. 2006.
Beharav A., Lewinsohn D., Lebeda A., Nevo E. New wild Lactuca genetic resources with resistance against Bremia lactucae. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 2006.
Lebeda A., Veverka K.. Seventieth Birthday of Professor Ing. Václav Kůdela, DrSc. Plant Protection Science. 2006.
Valentová K., Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Jirovský D., Simonovska B., Vovk I., Kosina P., Gasmanová N., Dziechciarková M., Ulrichová J. The biological and chemical variability of yacon. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2006.
Valentová K., Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Jirovský D., Simonovska B., Vovk I., Kosina P., Gasmanová N., Dziechciarková M., Ulrichová J. The biological and chemical variability of yacon. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2006.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B., Doležalová I. Erysiphe pachypodii - a new species on Pachypodium lamerei. Mycotaxon. 2005.
Švábová L., Lebeda A. In vitro selection for improved plant resistance to toxin-producing pathogens. Journal of Phytopathology. 2005.
Lebeda A., Paris H.S.. Report on the 8th EUCARPIA meeting Cucurbitaceae: Cucurbitaceae 2004. In Prohens J.., Badenes M.L.. (Eds.) Bulletin Eucarpia. 2005.
Sedlářová M., Výtisková M., Doležal K., Lebeda A. Treatment with cytokinins delays chlorophyll degradation induced by Bremia lactucae pathogenesis on host Lactuca spp. Biologia Plantarum. 2005.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Křístková E. Distribution, harmfulness and pathogenic variability of cucurbit powdery mildew in the Czech Republic. Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica. 2004.
Ale-Agha N., Bolay A., Braun U., Feige BU., Jage H., Kummer V., Lebeda A., Piatek M., Shin HD., Zimmermanová-Pastirčaková K. Erysiphe catalpae and E. elevata in Europe. Mycological Progress. 2004.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Feráková V., Astley D. Geographic distribution of wild Lactuca spp. (Asteraceae, Lactuceae). The Botanical Review. 2004.
Sedlářová M., Luhová L., Lebeda A. Histochemical localization of active oxygen species and study of antioxidant enzymes involved in defence mechanisms of Lactuca spp. to Bremia lactucae. In Frébort I. Walterová D. (Eds.) Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Rerum Naturalium, Chemica. 2004.
Dziechciarková M., Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Astley D. Characterization of Lactuca spp. germplasm by protein and molecular markers - a review. Plant, Soil and Environment. 2004.
Lebeda A., Urban J. Nové poznatky o plísni okurkové. Rostlinolékař. 2004.
Petrželová I., Lebeda A. Occurrence of Bremia lactucae in natural populations of Lactuca serriola. Journal of Phytopathology. 2004.
Gajdová J.., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A. Progress in research of Cucurbitaceae protoplast cultures. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2004.
Skálová D.., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A. Progress in research of embryo cultures in Cucumis spp. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2004.
Mlíčková K., Luhová L., Lebeda A., Mieslerová B., Peč P. Reactive oxygen species generation and peroxidase activity during Oidium neolycopersici infection on Lycopersicon species. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2004.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Astley D. Representation of wild Lactuca spp. (Asteraceae, Lactuceae) in world genebank collections. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 2004.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A. Resistance to fungicides in cucurbit powdery mildew populations in the Czech Republic. Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica. 2004.
Urban J., Lebeda A. Resistance to fungicides in population of cucurbit downy mildew in the Czech Republic. Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica. 2004.
Mlíčková K., Luhová L., Peč P., Lebeda A. Study of the reactive oxygen species and antioxidant enzymes during Oidium neolycopersici infection on Lycopersicon spp. In Frébort I. Walterová D. (Eds.) Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Rerum Naturalium, Chemica. 2004.
Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Tiefenbachová I., Křístková E. Taxonomic reconsideration of some Lactuca spp. germplasm maintained in world genebank collections. In Davidson CG., Trehane P. (Eds.) Acta Horticulturae. 2004.
Mlíčková K., Luhová L., Peč P., Lebeda A. The role of active oxygen species in defense of Lycopersicon spp. against Oidium neolycopersici. Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica. 2004.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A., Luhová L. The role of active oxygen species in resistance of Lactuca spp. to Bremia lactucae. Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica. 2004.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Doležal K. Variation in morphological and biochemical characters in genotypes of maca and yacon. Acta Horticulturae. 2004.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Sedláková B. Virulence of Czech cucurbit powdery mildew isolates on Cucumis melo genotypes MR-1 and PI 124112. Sciencia Horticulturae. 2004.
Lebeda A., Widrlechner M.P.. A set of Cucurbitaceae taxa for differentiation of Pseudoperonospora cubensis pathotypes. Zeitschrift fuer Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz. 2003.
Luhová L., Lebeda A., Hedererová D., Peč P. Activities of amine oxidase, peroxidase and catalase in seedlings of Pisum sativum L. under different light conditions. Plant, Soil and Environment. 2003.
Křístková E., Sedláková B., Vinter V., Lebeda A. Aggressiveness of Erysiphe cichoracearum isolates pathotype AB1B2CCm on differential plant genotypes. Scientific Works of the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture and Lithuanian University of Agriculture. Horticulture and Vegetable Growing. 2003.
Doležalová I., Křístková E., Lebeda A., Vinter V., Astley D., Boukema I.W.. Basic morphological descriptors for genetic resources of wild Lactuca spp. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter. 2003.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Valentová K., Dziechciarková M., Greplová M., Opatová H., Ulrichová J. Biologická a chemická variabilita maky a jakonu. Chemické listy. 2003.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Valentová K., Dziechciarková M., Greplová M., Opatová H., Ulrichová J. Biologická a chemická variabilita maky a jakonu. Chemické listy. 2003.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Duchoslav M., Dančák M. Distribution of powdery mildew species on Cucurbitaceaous vegetables in the Czech Republic. Scientific Works of the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture and Lithuanian University of Agriculture. Horticulture and Vegetable Growing. 2003.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Vinter V., Blahoušek O. Genetic resources of the genus Cucumis and their morphological description (English-Czech version). Zahradnictví - Horticultural Science. 2003.
Mlíčková K., Sedlářová M., Luhová L., Peč P., Lebeda A. Histochemické metody stanovení patologických změn v listech rostlin v průběhu patogeneze biotrofních houbových parazitů. Biologické listy. 2003.
Ombiri J., Zinkernagel V., Gathuru E., Achwanya O., Lebeda A. Induction of post-infection ethylene and ist role in resistance of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) against Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. Plant Protection Science. 2003.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Dziechciarková M., Doležal K., Frček J. Morphological variability and isozyme polymorphisms in maca and yacon. Genetika a šlechtění. 2003.
Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Dziechciarková M., Křístková E., Astley D., van de Wiel C.C.M.. Relationships among morphological characters, isozymes polymorphism and DNA variability ? the impact on Lactuca germplasm taxonomy. Genetika a šlechtění. 2003.
Mieslerová B., Lebeda A., Kennedy R., Novotný R. Comparative morphological studies on tomato powdery mildew ( Oidium neolycopersici ). Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica. 2002.
SEDLÁŘOVÁ M., LEBEDA A. Cytologické aspekty interakce rostlin a pathogenů. Biologické listy. 2002.
Doležalová I., Křístková E., Lebeda A., Vinter V. Description of morphological characters of wild Lactuca spp. genetic resources (English-Czech version). Zahradnictví - Horticultural Science. 2002.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Duchoslav M. Distribution of cucurbit powdery mildew species in the Czech Republic. Plant Protection Science. 2002.
Ondřej V., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A. In vitro cultivation of Cucumis sativus ovules after fertilization. Acta Horticulturae. 2002.
Ondřej V., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A. Influence of GA3 on the zygotic embryogenesis of Cucumis species in vitro. Biologia. Section: Botany. 2002.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Dziechciarková M., Doležal K., Frček J. Morfologická variabilita a polymorfismus isoenzymů maky a jakonu. Využití molekulárních markerů v biologii, šlechtění a uchovávání genových zdrojů rostlin. 2002.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B., Doležalová I., Křístková E. Occurrence of powdery mildew on Lactuca viminea subsp. chondrilliflora in south France. Mycotaxon. 2002.
Dziechciarková M., Lebeda A., Doležalová I. Proteinové a molekulární markery u rodu Lactuca spp. Využití molekulárních markerů v biologii, šlechtění a uchovávání genových zdrojů rostlin. 2002.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B., Luhová L., Mlíčková K. Resistance mechanisms in Lycopersicon spp. to tomato powdery mildew (Oidium neolycopersici). Plant Protection Science. 2002.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A., Binarová P., Luhová L. Role of plant cell in host-pathogen interactions: Lactuca spp.-Bremia lactucae. Plant Protection Science. 2002.
Luhová L., Hederová D., Lebeda A., Peč P. The influence of Fusarium solani on enzyme activity of Pisum sativum cultivars. Zeitschrift fuer Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz. 2002.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B. Variability in pathogenicity of Oidium neolycopersici on Lycopersicon species. Zeitschrift fuer Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz. 2002.
Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Janeček J., Číhalíková J., Křístková E., Vránová O. Variation in chromosome numbers and nuclear DNA contents in genetic resources of Lactuca L. species (Asteraceae). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 2002.
Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Dziechciarková M., Křístková E., Astley D., van de Wiel C.C.M.. Vztahy mezi morfologickými znaky, polymorfismem isoenzymů a variabilitou DNA - jejich význam v taxonomii rodu Lactuca. Využití molekulárních markerů v biologii, šlechtění a uchovávání genových zdrojů rostlin. 2002.
Lebeda A. Westcott´s Plant Disease Handbook, 6th Edition. Plant Protection Science. 2002.
Křístková E., Lebeda A. Aggressiveness of powdery mildew isolates on Cucurbita maxima. Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report. 2001.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Mieslerová B. Biodiversity and ecogeography of wild Lactuca spp. in some European countries. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 2001.
Ondřej V., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A. Determination of the crossing barriers in hybridization of Cucumis sativus and Cucumis melo. Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report. 2001.
Lebeda A., Pink D.A.C.., Mieslerová B. Host-parasite specificity and defense variability in the Lactuca spp. Journal of Plant Pathology. 2001.
Lebeda A. Mechanisms of resistance to plant diseases. Plant Protection Science. 2001.
Rokytová L., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A. Mezophyll protoplasts of some wild and cultivated Cucumis spp. Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report. 2001.
Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Křístková E. Prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola L.) germpasm collecting and distribution study in Slovenia and Sweden. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter. 2001.
Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Křístková E. Původ a variabilita kulturních forem salátu. Živa. 2001.
Lebeda A., Křístková E. Seventh international conference "Eucarpia Cucurbitaceae 2000" in Israel. Zahradnictví - Horticultural Science. 2001.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A., Pink D.A.C.. The early stages of interaction between effective and non-effective race-specific genes in Lactuca sativa, wild Lactuca spp. and Bremia lactucae. Zeitschrift fuer Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz. 2001.
Lebeda A., Luhová L., Sedlářová M., Jančová D. The role of enzymes in plant - fungal pathogens interactions. Zeitschrift fuer Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz. 2001.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Rybka V., Havránek P. Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae) - a new host plant genus of powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca sp.). Journal of Phytopathology. 2001.
Lebeda A., Kusák P., Rybka V., Všetička V. 100 let botanické zahrady PřF UP v Olomouci. Živa. 2001.
Křístková E., Lebeda A. Citrullus lanatus - a potential host of powdery mildew in the Czech Republic. Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report. 2000.
Lebeda A., Křístková E. Cucurbitaceae 2000 - The VIIth Eucarpia Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. Zahradnictví - Horticultural Science. 2000.
Jančová D., Luhová L., Lebeda A., Peč P., Kutrová E. Dynamics of enzymes during pathogenesis of Fusarium oxysporum on pea seedlings. Czech Mycology. 2000.
Ondřej V., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A. Embryo cultures of wild and cultivated species of the genus Cucumis L. Acta Horticulturae. 2000.
Sedlářová M., Binarová P., Lebeda A. Imunochemické metody v cytopatologii rostlin. Biologické listy. 2000.
Lebeda A., Křístková E. International Scientific Conference Eucarpia: Leafy Vegetables ´99. Zahradnictví - Horticultural Science. 2000.
Ondřej V., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A. Isolation of mesophyll protoplasts of Cucumis spp. and Cucurbita spp. Acta Horticulturae. 2000.
Navrátilová B., Rokytová L., Lebeda A. Isolation of mesophyll protoplasts of Cucumis spp. and Cucurbita spp. Acta Horticulturae. 2000.
Lebeda A., Křístková E. Ochrana rostlin proti fytopatogenním houbám - součastnost a možný výhled; příklad: Cucurbitaceae - padlí tykvovitých. Proc. from Internat. Seminar "Mycological Phythopathology in 20. and 21. Century". 2000.
Petrželová I., Lebeda A. Plíseň salátová, její genetická variabilita a rezistence salátu. Rostlinolékař. 2000.
Mieslerová B., Lebeda A. První mezinárodní konference o padlí v Avignonu. Rostlinolékař. 2000.
Křístková E., Lebeda A. Resistance in Cucurbita pepo and Cucurbita maxima germplasm to watermelon mosaic potyvirus -2. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter. 2000.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Kozelská S., Jokeš M., Rodová J. Response of Cucurbita pepo and Cucurbita maxima genotypes to Czech isolate of zucchini yellow mosaic virus. Petria. 2000.
Luhová L., Jančová D., Frébort I., Lebeda A., Šebela M., Křístková E., Peč P. Amine oxidase, peroxidase, catalase and acid phosphatase activities in powdery mildew infected plants of Cucumis sativus. Phyton - Annales rei Botanicea. 1999.
Křístková E., Lebeda A. Disease resistance of Cucurbita pepo and C. maxima genetic resources. Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report. 1999.
Jančová D., Luhová L., Lebeda A. Enzymes in fungal plant pathogenesis. Phyton - Annales rei Botanicea. 1999.
Lebeda A., Jančová D., Luhová L. Enzymes in fungal plant pathogenesis. Phyton - Annales rei Botanicea. 1999.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B. Identification, occurrence and host range of tomato powdery mildew (Oidium lycopersici) in the Czech Republic. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica. 1999.
Lebeda A., Křístková E. International Scientific Conference "Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables '99". Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter. 1999.
Lebeda A., Křístková E. International Scientific Conference "Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables ´99". Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter. 1999.
Lebeda A., Kubaláková M., Křístková E., Navrátilová B., Doležal K., Lysák MA. Morphological and physiological characteristics of plants issued from an interspecific hybridization of Cucumis sativus x Cucumis melo. Acta Horticulturae. 1999.
Křístková E., Lebeda A. Powdery mildew on Cucurbita spp. in the Czech Republic. Acta Horticulturae. 1999.
Lebeda A., Juřík M., Matisová J., Mieslerová B. Susceptibility of Pisum spp. germplasm to legume viruses and virus transmission by seeds. Plant Varieties and Seeds. 1999.
Mieslerová B., Lebeda A. Taxonomy, distribution and biology of tomato powdery mildew (Oidium lycopersici). Zeitschrift fuer Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz. 1999.
Švábová L., Lebeda A., Griga A. Comparison of in vitro testing methods for resistance screening of peas to Fusarium spp. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica. 1998.
Křístková E., Lebeda A. Occurrence of powdery mildew species on cucurbits in the Czech Republic. Acta Horticulturae et Regiotecturae. 1998.
Mieslerová B., Lebeda A. Variability in response of wild Lycopersicon species to Oidium lycopersicum. Acta Horticulturae et Regiotecturae. 1998.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Kozelská S. Wild Pisum species susceptibility to legume viruses and virus transmission by seeds. Screening of Cucumis sativus germplasm for resistance to CMV and WMV-2. Twenthy Sixth Annual Newsletter (for 1997) of the ISHS-Vegetable Virus Working Group. Instituto Fito. 1998.
Skálová D., Dziechciarková M., Lebeda A., Navrátilová B., Křístková E. Interspecific hybridization of C. anguria x C. zeyheri, C. sativus x C. melo and C. sativus x C. matuliferus. .
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Pavelková J., Doudová T., Urban J. Long-lasting study of fungicide efficacy against Czech cucurbit downy mildew populations. In Deising HB., Fraaije B., Mehl A., Oerke E., Sierotzki H., Stammler G. (Eds.) Modern fungicides and antifungal compounds VIII. 2017.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A., Paulík R., Šrajbr M., Jeřábková H. Long-lasting study of fungicide efficacy against Czech cucurbit powdery mildew populations. In Deising HB., Fraaije B., Mehl A., Oerke E., Sierotzki H., Stammler G. (Eds.) Modern fungicides and antifungal compounds VIII. 2017.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight JD. Initiative for international cooperation of researchers and breeders related to determination and denomination of cucurbit powdery mildew races. In Kozik EU., Paris HS. (Eds.) Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2016, The XIth Eucarpia Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics & Breeding, July 24-28, 2016, Warsaw, Poland. 2016.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Štěpánková J., Sedláková B., Roháčková J., Paris HS., Widrlechner MP. Interactions of Cucumis melo and Cucurbita spp. accessions with Pseudoperonospora cubensis are race- (pathotype-) specific. In Kozik EU., Paris HS. (Eds.) Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2016. 2016.
Sedláková B., Rušáková E., Křístková E., Lebeda A. Long-lasting (2001 to 2009) Variation in Virulence among Czech Cucurbit Powdery Mildew Populations Screened on Eleven Cucumis melo Differential Genotypes. In Kozik EU., Paris HS. (Eds.) Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2016. 2016.
Lebeda A., Kitner M., Sedláková B., Sharma R., Runge F., Thines M. Biological and molecular evidences about changes in the host range and virulence of Pseudoperonospora cubensis populations in the Czech Republic. In Grumet R., Day B., Havey M., Weng Y. (Eds.) Cucurbitaceae 2014 Proceedings. 2014.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A., Gryczová K., Křístková E. Virulence structure (pathotypes, races) of cucurbit powdery mildew populations in the Czech Republic in the years 2010 – 2012. In Grumet R., Day B., Havey M., Weng Y. (Eds.) Cucurbitaceae 2014 Proceedings. 2014.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Křístková E., Vajdová M., McCreight JD. Application of a new approach for characterization and denomination of races of cucurbit powdery mildews – a case study of Czech pathogen populations. In Sari N., Solmaz I., Aras V. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Xth Eucarpia meeting on genetics and breeding of Cucurbitaceae. 2012.
McCreight JD., Coffey MD., Sedláková B., Lebeda A. Cucurbit powdery mildew of melon incited by Podosphaera xanthii: Global and western U.S. perspectives. In Sari N., Solmaz I., Aras V. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Xth Eucarpia meeting on genetics and breeding of Cucurbitaceae. 2012.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Paris HS. Genetic variation of the leaf laminae of Cucurbita pepo. In Sari N., Solmaz I., Aras V. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Xth Eucarpia meeting on genetics and breeding of Cucurbitaceae. 2012.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Pavelková J. New hosts of Pseudoperonospora cubensis in the Czech Republic and pathogen virulence variation. In Sari N., Solmaz I., Aras V. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Xth Eucarpia meeting on genetics and breeding of Cucurbitaceae. 2012.
Pavelková J., Lebeda A. Fungicide Effectiveness on Czech Populations of Pseudoperonospora cubensis. In Sun X. (Eds.) Acta Horticulturae. 2010.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A. Temporal population dynamics of cucurbit powdery mildews (Golovinomyces cichoracearum and Podosphaera xanthii) in the Czech Republic. In Thies JA., Kousik S., Levi A. (Eds.) Cucurbitaceae 2010 Proceedings. 2010.
Lebeda A., Pavelková J., URBAN J. Temporal population dynamics of Pseudoperonospora cubensis. In Thies JA., Kousik S., Levi A. (Eds.) Cucurbitaceae 2010 Proceedings. 2010.
Sedlářová M., Petřivalský M., Sedlář J., Navrátilová B., Luhová L., Lebeda A. Distribution of reactive nitrogen and oxygen species within stressed plant cells. Interdisciplinary Symposium on 3 Dimensional Microscopy SSOM. 2009.
Sedlářová M., Stojaspal K., Lebeda A. Biologie, rozšíření a patogenita Plasmopara halstedii v České republice. Proceedings of MICROMYCO 2008. 2008.
Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Vondráková D. Current status of the Lactuca working collection of Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic. Report of a Vegetables Network. 2008.
Skálová D., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A. Methods of isolation of Cucumis sativus and C. melo pollen grains and their utilization in in vitro pollination. Cucurbitaceae 2008: Proceedings of the IXth EUCARPIA Meeting on Genetics and Breeding Cucurbitaceae. 2008.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight J., Coffey M. New concept for determination and denomination of pathotypes and races of cucurbit powdery mildew. In Pitrat M. (Eds.) Cucurbitaceae 2008, Proceedings of the IXth EUCARPIA meeting on genetics and breeding of Cucurbitaceae, Avignon (France), May 21-24th, 2008. 2008.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Kitner M., Petrželová I., Mieslerová B., Novotná A. Wild Lactuca germplasm for lettuce breeding: recent status, gaps and challenges. Modern Variety Breeding for Present and Future Needs. 2008.
Lebeda A., Petrželová I. Comparison of resistance to Bremia lactucae in populations of Lactuca serriola occurring in Central Europe (Czech Republic) and the British Isles (England, U.K.). Plant Genetic Resources of Geographical and "other" Islands (conservation, evaluation and use for plant breeding). 2007.
Skálová D., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A. Metody izolace pylových zrn Cucumis spp. (C. sativus a C. melo) využitelné při in vitro opylování. Nové poznatky z genetiky a šľachtenia poľnohospodárskych rastlín. 2007.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B., Sedlářová M., Rybka V., Petrželová I., Doležalová I. Nově potvrzené výskyty padlí na okrasných rostlinách v České republice. Proceedings of MICROMYCO 2007. 2007.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A. Patogeny rostlin - peronosporální houby. Proceedings of MICROMYCO 2007. 2007.
Petřivalský M., Kočířová J., Sedlářová M., Piterková J., Luhová L., Lebeda A. Studium úlohy oxidu dusnatého v průběhu patogeneze u Lactuca spp. Vliv abiotických a biotických stresorů na vlastnosti rostlin 2007. 2007.
Piterková J., Luhová L., Petřivalský M., Mieslerová B., Hofman J., Adámková Š., Lebeda A. Studium úlohy oxidu dusnatého v průběhu patogeneze u Lycopersicon spp. Vliv abiotických a biotických stresorů na vlastnosti rostlin 2007 - sborník příspěvků. 2007.
Skálová D., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A., Gasmanová N. Embryo culture as a tool of interspecific hybridization of Cucumis sativus and wild Cucumis spp. Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2006. 2006.
Urban J., Lebeda A. Fungicide resistance: A case study with cucurbit downy mildew in the Czech Republic. Proceedings of the XVIIth Czech and Slovak Plant Protection Conference. 2006.
Lebeda A., Sedlářová M., Mieslerová B. Mechanismy rezistence v interakcích rostlina-patogen. Proceedings of the XVIIth Czech and Slovak Plant Protection Conference. 2006.
Gajdová J., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A. Protoplast fusion in genus Cucumis. Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2006. 2006.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A. Survey of fungicide resistance in cucurbit powdery mildews populations in the Czech Republic. Proceedings of the XVIIth Czech and Slovak Plant Protection Conference. 2006.
Mieslerová B., Lebeda A., Vaculíková I. The effect of temperature on development of tomato powdery mildew (Oidium neolycopersici) and expression of host plant resistance. Proceedings of the XVIIth Czech and Slovak Plant Protection Conference. 2006.
Petrželová I., Lebeda A., Maryška Z. Variability of lettuce downy mildew (Bremia lactucae) populations on cultivated lettuce in the Czech Republic. Proceedings of the XVIIth Czech and Slovak Plant Protection Conference. 2006.
Mieslerová B., Lebeda A., Česneková E., Petrželová I. Variability of the interactions of wild Lactuca species and lettuce powdery mildew (Golovinomyces cichoracearum). Proceedings of the XVIIth Czech and Slovak Plant Protection Conference. 2006.
Sedlářová M., Adámková Š., Grúz J., Gášková Z., Luhová L., Lebeda A. Změny obsahu fenolických látek v listech Lactuca spp. po infekci Bremia lactucae. Vliv abiotických a biotických stresorů na vlastnosti rostlin. 2006.
Lebeda A., Boukema I.W.. Ad Hoc Meeting on Leafy Vegetables. Report of a Vegetables Network. 2005.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Dančák M., Havránek P. Botanical Garden of Palacký University in Olomouc ? history and recent development. Konference Introdukce a genetické zdroje rostlin, Botanické zahrady v novém tisíciletí. 2005.
Sedlářová M., Luhová L., Lebeda A. Lokalizace produkce aktivních forem kyslíku a studium antioxidačních enzymů u Lactuca spp. během patogeneze Bremia lactucae (původce plísně salátové). In Bláha L. (Eds.) Vliv abiotických a biotických stresorů na vlastnosti rostlin (Influence of abiotic and biotic stressors on characters of plants). 2005.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Mieslerová B., Duchoslav M., Havránek P., Vondráková D. Maintenance of and research on wild crop relatives at Department of Botany, Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic. Konference Introdukce a genetické zdroje rostlin, Botanické zahrady v novém tisíciletí. 2005.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B. Ochrana okurek a dalších tykvovitých zelenin vůči padlí tykvovitých. Metodika pro integrovaný systém ochrany polní zeleniny vůči škodlivým organizmům. 2005.
Lebeda A., Urban J. Ochrana okurek a dalších tykvovitých zelenin vůči plísni okurkové. Metodika pro integrovaný systém ochrany polní zeleniny vůči škodlivým organismům. 2005.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Vondráková D. The working collection of the genus Lactuca at the Palacký University , Czech Repubilc. Report of a Vegetables Network. 2005.
Lužný J., Lebeda A., Křístková E. A dedication to Franz Frimmel, a Czech leader of cucurbit breeding. In Lebeda A. Paris HS. (Eds.) Progress in Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding Research. Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2004, the 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. 2004.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A., Luhová L. Buněčný stres v interakcích rostlina -biotrofní houba. In Hnilička F. (Eds.) Vliv abiotických a biotických stresorů na vlastnosti rostlin. 2004.
Vinter V., Křístková A., Lebeda A., Křístková E. Descriptor lists for genetic resources of the genus Cucumis and cultivated species of the genus Cucurbita. In Lebeda A. Paris HS. (Eds.) Progress in Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding Research. Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2004, the 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. 2004.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Janeček J., Gasmanová N. Differences in relative DNA content of Lactuca serriola germplasm collected in Europe. Summaries and Program, 17th International Lettuce and Leafy Vegetable Conference. 2004.
Urban J., Lebeda A. Differential sensitivity to fungicides in Czech populations of Pseudoperonospora cubensis. In Lebeda A., Paris HS. (Eds.) Progress in Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding Research. Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2004, the 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. 2004.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B. Disease impact and pathogenicity variation in Czech populations of cucurbit powdery mildews. In Lebeda A., Paris HS. (Eds.) Progress in Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding Research. Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2004, the 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. 2004.
Lebeda A., Urban J.. Disease impact and pathogenicity variation in Czech populations of Pseudoperonospora cubensis. In Lebeda A., Paris HS. (Eds.) Progress in Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding Research. Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2004, the 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. 2004.
Skálová D. D., Lebeda A., Navrátilová B. Embryo and ovule cultures in Cucumis species and their utilization in interspecific hybridization. In Lebeda A., Paris H.S. . (Eds.) Progress in Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding research. Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2004, The 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding, PU Olomouc,. 2004.
Moravec J., Lebeda A., Křístková E. History of growing and breeding of cucurbitaceaous vegetables in Czech Lands. In Lebeda A., Paris HS. (Eds.) Progress in Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding Research. Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2004, the 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. 2004.
Lebeda A. Introduction. In Lebeda A. Paris HS. (Eds.) Progress in Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding Research. Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2004, the 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. 2004.
Dziechciarková M., Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E. Isozyme variation in European Lactuca serriola germplasm. In Vollmann J., Grausgruber H., Ruckenbauer P. (Eds.) Genetic variation for plant breeding. Proceedings of the 17th EUCARPIA General Congress. 2004.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Novotná A. Morphological and developmental characteristics of Lactuca serriola germplasm originating from Europe. 17th International Lettuce and Leafy Vegetable Conference. 2004.
Lebeda A., Sedlářová M. Obranné mechanismy rostlin v interakcích hostitel -patogen. In Věchet L. (Eds.) Choroby rostlin, s důrazem na obilniny, jejich symptomy a rezistence, molekulární a biochemická charakteristika interakcí hostitel-patogen. 2004.
Lebeda A., Petrželová I. Occurrence of race-specific resistance to Bremia lactucae in Lactuca serriola germplasm originating from four European countries. In Vollmann J. Grausgruber H. Ruckenbauer P. (Eds.) Genetic variation for plant breeding. Proceedings of the 17th EUCARPIA General Congress. 2004.
Mlíčková K., Luhová L., Peč P., Lebeda A. Peroxidasy v procesu patogeneze Oidium neolycopersici na Lycopersicon spp. In Hnilička F. (Eds.) Vliv abiotických a biotických stresorů na vlastnosti rostlin. 2004.
Gajdová J., Lebeda A., Navrátilová B. Protoplast cultures of Cucumis and Cucurbita spp. In Lebeda A., Paris HS. (Eds.) Progress in Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding Research. Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2004, the 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. 2004.
Lebeda A., Sedlářová M., Pink DAC. Response of wild Lactuca spp. and their hybrids with L. sativa to Bremia lactucae: histological study. 17th International Lettuce and Leafy Vegetable Conference. 2004.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Astley D., Feráková V. Systematics, geography and biodiversity of wild Lactuca spp. germplasm. In Vollmann P., Grausgruber H., Ruckenbauer P. (Eds.) Genetic variation for plant breeding. Proceedings of the 17th EUCARPIA General Congress. 2004.
Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Gasmanová N. Variation in relative DNA content in maca and yacon germplasm. In Vollmann J., Grausgruber H., Ruckenbauer P. (Eds.) Genetic variation for plant breeding. Proceedings of the 17th EUCARPIA General Congress. 2004.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A. Variation in sensitivity to fungicides in Czech populations of cucurbit powdery mildews. In Lebeda A., Paris HS. (Eds.) Progress in Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding Research. Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2004, the 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. 2004.
Lebeda A., Petrželová I. Variation in wild pathosystem (Lactuca serriola - Bremia lactucae) and its significance for lettuce resistance breeding and growing. 17th International Lettuce and Leafy Vegetable Conference. 2004.
Lebeda A., Sedlářová M. Cellular mechanisms involved in the expression of specificity in Lactuca spp. ? Bremia lactucae interactions. In: Hintum, Th.J.L. van, Lebeda, A., Pink, D.A., Schut, J.W. (eds.): Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables 2003, Proceedings of the Eucarpia Meeting on Leafy Vegetables Genetics and Breeding. 2003.
Lebeda A., Widrlechner M.P.. Differentiation of Pseudoperonospora cubensis (cucurbit downy mildew) pathogenicity. 8th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Sunday 2 ? Friday 7 February 2003, Christchurch, New Zealand; Volume 2 ? Offered Papers, Abstracts of Offered Papers. 2003.
Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Vinter V., Křístková E. Indumentum and epidermis structure variation in wild Lactuca spp. genetic resources. In: Hintum, Th.J.L. van, Lebeda, A., Pink, D.A., Schut, J.W. (Eds.): Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables 2003, Proceedings of the Eucarpia Meeting on Leafy Vegetables Genetics and Breeding. 2003.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B. Lettuce powdery mildew - an unknown disease of lettuce. In: Hintum, Th.J.L. van, Lebeda, A., Pink, D.A., Schut, J.W. (Eds.): Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables 2003, Proceedings of the Eucarpia Meeting on Leafy Vegetables Genetics and Breeding. 2003.
Ulrichová J., Lebeda A., Škottová N., Valentová K., Krečman V., Šimánek V. Obsahové látky jakonu ( Smallanthus sonchifolius ) a jeho chemopreventivní účinky. I. mezinárodní seminář "Andské plodiny" v České republice. Sborník referátů. 2003.
Ulrichová J., Lebeda A., Škottová N., Valentová K., Krečman V., Šimánek V. Obsahové látky jakonu (Smallanthus sonchifolius) a jeho chemopreventivní účinky (Chemical compounds of jacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) and its chemopreventive effects). In: Fernández, E. (Ed.): I. mezinárodní seminář ?Andské plodiny? v České republice; Sborník referátů, 12. května 2003. 2003.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A. Rezistence k fungicidům v populaci padlí tykvovitých v České republice (Resistance to fungicides in cucurbit powdery mildews populations in the Czech Republic). In: Hudec, K., Huszár, J. (Eds.): XVI. Slovenská a česká konferencia o ochrane rastlín (XVI. Slovak and Czech Plant Protection Conference, Abstracts supplement). 2003.
Urban J., Lebeda A. Rezistence k fungicidům v populaci plísně okurkové v České republice (Resistance to fungicides in population of cucurbit downy mildew in the Czech Republic). In: Hudec, K., Huszár, J. (Eds.): XVI. Slovenská a česká konferencia o ochrane rastlín (XVI. Slovak and Czech Plant Protection Conference, Abstracts supplement). 2003.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Křístková E. Rozšíření, škodlivost a variabilita patogenity padlí tykvovitých v České republice (Distribution, harmfulness and pathogenic variability of cucurbit powdery mildew in the Czech Republic). In: Hudec, K., Huszár, J. (Eds.): XVI. Slovenská a česká konferencia o ochrane rastlín, Zborník abstraktov (XVI. Slovak and Czech Plant Protection Conference, Abstracts supplement). 2003.
Lebeda A., Urban J. Rozšíření, škodlivost a variabilita patogenity plísně okurkové v České republice (Distribution, harmfulness and pathogenic variability of cucurbit downy mildew in the Czech Republic). In: Hudec, K., Huszár, J. (Eds.): XVI. Slovenská a česká konferencia o ochrane rastlín, Zborník abstraktov (XVI. Slovak and Czech Plant Protection Conference, Abstracts supplement). 2003.
Petrželová I., Lebeda A. Srovnání virulence izolátů Bremia lactucae pocházejících z Lactuca sativa a L. serriola (Comparison of virulence of Bremia lactucae isolates originating from Lactuca sativa and Lactuca serriola). In: Hudec, K., Huszár, J. (Eds.): XVI. Slovenská a česká konferencia o ochrane rastlín (XVI. Slovak and Czech Plant Protection Conference, Abstracts supplement). 2003.
Lebeda A., Petrželová I. Structure and variation of the Lactuca serriola (prickly lettuce) ? Bremia lactucae (lettuce downy mildew) pathosystem. 8th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Sunday 2 ? Friday 7 February 2003, Christchurch, New Zealand; Volume 2 ? Offered Papers, Abstracts of Offered Papers. 2003.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B., Luhová L., Mlíčková K. Tissue, cellular and enzyme mechanisms of Lycopersicon spp. resistance to Oidium neolycopersici. 8th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Sunday 2 ? Friday 7 February 2003, Christchurch, New Zealand; Volume 2 ? Offered Papers, Abstracts of Offered Papers. 2003.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A., Luhová L. Úloha aktivních forem kyslíku v obranné reakci Lactuca spp. vůči Bremia lactucae (The role of active oxygen species in defence response of Lactuca spp. to Bremia lactucae). In: Hudec, K., Huszár, J. (Eds.): XVI. Slovenská a česká konferencia o ochrane rastlín (XVI. Slovak and Czech Plant Protection Conference, Abstracts supplement). 2003.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Janeček J. Variabilita obsahu DNA u rodu Lactuca L. (Variability of DNA content in the genus Lactuca L.). In: Kozubík, A. (Ed.): Analytická cytometrie II (Analytical cytometry II). Sborník Abstrakt konference se zahraniční účastí, Brno (Czech Republic). 2003.
Petrželová I., Lebeda A. Variability of virulence phenotypes in natural populations of Bremia lactucae occurring on Lactuca serriola (prickly lettuce). In: Hintum, Th.J.L. van, Lebeda, A., Pink, D.A., Schut, J.W. (Eds.): Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables 2003, Proceedings of the Eucarpia Meeting on Leafy Vegetables Genetics and Breeding. 2003.
Mlíčková K., Luhová L., Peč P., Lebeda A. Význam aktivních forem kyslíku v obraně Lycopersicon spp. vůči Oidium neolycopersici (The role of active oxygen species in defense of Lycopersicon spp. against Oidium neolycopersici). In: Hudec, K., Huszár, J. (Eds.): XVI. Slovenská a česká konferencia o ochrane rastlín, Zborník abstraktov (XVI. Slovak and Czech Plant Protection Conference, Abstracts supplement). 2003.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Sedláková B. Distribution of cucurbit powdery mildew species in the Czech Republic. 6th Conference of EFPP, "Diseases Resistance in Plant Pathology. 2002.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Astley D. Genetic resources of wild Lactuca spp., their natural distribution and representation in Ex-situ collections. XXVIth International Horticultural Congress and Exhibition (IHC 2002). 2002.
Špundová M., Útratová .., Nauš J., Lebeda A. Chlorophyll fluorescence in cucumber cotyledons inoculated by cucumber powdery mildews (Erysiphe cichoracearum and Sphaerotheca fuliginea). ISHS Acta Horticulturae 588, II International Symposium on Cucurbits. 2002.
Ondřej V., Navrátilová B., Tarkowski P., Doležal K., Lebeda A. In vitro pollination as a tool of overcoming crossing barriers between Cucumis sativus L. and Cucumis melo L. Acta Facultas Rerum Naturalium Universitatis Comenianae. Botanica. 2002.
Luhová L., Mlíčková K., Mieslerová B., Lebeda A., Peč P. Pathobiochemical changes of host tissue during Oidium neolycopersici infection on Lycopersicon species. Zborník XVIII. Biochemický zjazd (Proceedings of XVIII. Biochemical Symposium). 2002.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A., Binarová P. Plant cytoskeleton in fungal pathogenesis. Cytoskeletální Klub. 2002.
Lebeda A., Meislerová B., Luhová L., Mlíčková K. Resistance mechanisms in Lycopersicon spp. to Oidium neolycopersici. 6th Conference of European Foundation for Plant Pathology: Disease Resistance in Plant Pathology. 2002.
Ondřej V., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A. Role of the growth regulators in cucumber zygotic embryogenesis. XVIIth International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction. 2002.
Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Tiefenbachová I., Křístková E. Taxonomic reconsideration of some Lactuca spp. germplasm maintained in world genebank collections. XXVIth International Horticultural Congress and Exhibition (IHC 2002). 2002.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A., Binarová P., Luhová L. The role of plant cell in host-pathogen interactions: Lactuca spp. Bremia lactucae. 6th Conference of European Foundation for Plant Pathology: Disease Resistance in Plant Pathology. 2002.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Doležal K. Variation in morphological and biochemical characters in genotypes of maca and yacon. XXVIth International Horticultural Congress and Exhibition (IHC 2002). 2002.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Janeček J., Vinter V., Vránová O., Doležal K., Tarkowski P., Petrželová I., Trávníček B., Novotný R. Biodiversity of genetic resources of wild Lactuca spp. EUCARPIA Section Genetic Resources, "Broad Variation and Precise Characterization - Limitation for the Future", May 16-20, 2001, Poznan (Poland). 2001.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Doležalová I. Collecting and evaluation of wild Lactuca spp. germplasm in Europe. EUCARPIA Section Genetic Resources, "Broad Variation and Precise Characterization - Limitation for the Future", May 16-20, 2001, Poznan (Poland). 2001.
Sedlářová M., Binarová P., Lebeda A. Cytoskeleton role in plant defense response to fungal pathogen attack. IX. Cytoskeletální Klub, Vranovská Ves u Znojma (25.-27.4.2001) - Book of Abstracts. 2001.
Ondřej V., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A. Effect of GA3 on the embryo cultures of Cucumis species. Salaj, J., Obert, B., Salaj, T. (Eds.): From Gametes to Embryos. Xth International Conference on Plant Embryology, September 5-8, 2001, Nitra (Slovak Republic). 2001.
Lebeda A., Luhová L. Enzymes and their role in pathogenesis and plant defense responses. XVI. Biologické dny "Aktuální témata z buněčné a molekulární biologie" (XVI. Biological Days "Recent topics of cell and molecular biology"), 5.-7.9.2001, Olomouc (Czech Republic). 2001.
Křístková E., Lebeda A. Genetic resources of cultivated Cucurbita spp. - a potential source of disease resistance. EUCARPIA Section Genetic Resources, "Broad Variation and Precise Characterization - Limitation for the Future", May 16-20, 2001, Poznan (Poland). 2001.
Lebeda A., Petrželová I. Genetic variation of virulence in natural populations of Bremia lactucae. XVI. Biologické dny "Aktuální témata z buněčné a molekulární biologie" (XVI. Biological Days "Recent topics of cell and molecular biology"), 5.-7.9.2001, Olomouc (Czech Republic). 2001.
Špundová M., Útratová R., Nauš J., Lebeda A. Changes in chlorophyll fluorescence parametres of cucumber cotyledons during infection of Erysiphe cichoracearum and Sphaerotheca fuliginea. IXth Days of Plant Physiology, September 17-21, 2001, České Budějovice. 2001.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B., Luhová L. Characterization of wild Lycopersicon spp. germplasm for resistance to tomato powdery mildew (Oidium lycopersici). EUCARPIA Section Genetic Resources, "Broad Variation and Precise Characterization - Limitation for the Future", May 16-20, 2001, Poznan (Poland). 2001.
Špundová M., Útratová R., Nauš J., Lebeda A. Chlorophyll fluorescence in cucumber cotyledons inoculated by cucumber powdery mildews (Erysiphe cichoracearum and Sphaerotheca fuliginea). 2nd International Symposium on Cucurbits, September 28-October 1, 2001, Epochal, Tsukuba (Japan). 2001.
Ondřej V., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A. In vitro cultivation of Cucumis sativus ovules after fertilization. 2nd International Symposium on Cucurbits, September 28-October 1, 2001, Epochal, Tsukuba (Japan). 2001.
Lebeda A. Interactions of plants and microorganisms - challenge for biological sciences. XVI. Biologické dny "Aktuální témata z buněčné a molekulární biologie" (XVI. Biological Days "Recent topics of cell and molecular biology"), 5.-7.9.2001, Olomouc (Czech Republic). 2001.
Lebeda A., Boukema I.W.. Leafy vegetables genetic resources. Maggioni, L., Spellman, O. (Comps.): Report of a Network Coordinating Group on Vegetables; Ad hoc meeting, 26-27 May 2000. 2001.
Lebeda A., Petrželová I. Occurrence and characterization of race-specific resistance to Bremia lactucae in wild Lactuca spp. EUCARPIA Section Genetic Resources, "Broad Variation and Precise Characterization - Limitation for the Future", May 16-20, 2001, Poznan (Poland). 2001.
Lebeda A., Gadasová V. Pathogenic variation of Pseudoperonospora cubensis in the Czech Republic and some other Europian countries. 2nd International Symposium on Cucurbits, September 28-October 1, 2001, Epochal, Tsukuba (Japan). 2001.
Křístková E., Lebeda A. Physiological specialization of Erysiphales on Cucurbitaceae. XVI. Biologické dny "Aktuální témata z buněčné a molekulární biologie" (XVI. Biological Days "Recent topics of cell and molecular biology"), 5.-7.9.2001, Olomouc (Czech Republic). 2001.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A., Binarová P. Plant cytoskeleton in defense responses to fungal pathogens. J. Berger: Cells III. 2001.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Katovská J. Response of Cucumis melo genotypes MR-1 and PI 124112 to the Czech isolates of cucurbit powdery mildew. 2nd International Symposium on Cucurbits, September 28-October 1, 2001, Epochal, Tsukuba (Japan). 2001.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A., Binarová P. The role and changes of cytoskeleton during plant pathogenesis. XVI. Biologické dny "Aktuální témata z buněčné a molekulární biologie" (XVI. Biological Days "Recent topics of cell and molecular biology"), 5.-7.9.2001, Olomouc (Czech Republic). 2001.
Křístková E., Lebeda A. Effect of leaf side of Cucurbita maxima on development of powdery mildew infection. Proceedings of the XVth Czech and Slovak Plant Protection Conference in Brno. 2000.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A., Binarová P. Histochemical study on phenolic compounds in leaf tissues of Lactuca spp. infected by Bremia lactuae. Ecophysiology of plant production processes in stress conditions (Abstracts of 4th International conference). 2000.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A. Histological and cytological expression of the host- parasite specificity in Lactuca spp.- Bremia lactucae interaction. Plant-pathogen interactions: understanding mechanisms of resistance and pathogenicity for disease control. British Society for Plant Pathology, Presidential meeting 2000. 2000.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A. Histological and cytological expression of the host-parasite specificity in Lactuca spp. - Bremia lactucae interaction. British Society for Plant Pathology, Presidential meeting 2000, Wye College, UK, 18-20 December 2000; "Plant-pathogen interactions: understanding mechanisms of resistance and pathogenicity for disease. 2000.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A. Histological and cytological characterization of initial stages of Lactuca spp. - Bremia lactucae interaction. Proceedings of the XVth Czech and Slovak Protection Conference. 2000.
Lebeda A. Host-parasite specificity and defense variability in the Lactuca spp. - Bremia lactucae pathosystem. Biodiversity in Plant Pathology (Book of Abstracts), 5th Congress of the European Foundation for Plant Pathology. 2000.
Petrželová I., Lebeda A. Nové poznatky o výskytu a variabilitě Bremia lactucae v přírodních populacích Lactuca serriola. Proceedings of the XVth Czech and Slovak Plant Protection Conference in Brno. 2000.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B. Progress and gap of knowledge in phytopathology. Case study of host-pathogen interaction: Tomato (Lycopersicon spp.) - tomato powdery mildew (O. lycopersici). Proceedings of the XVth Czech and Slovak Plant Protection Conference in Brno, September 12.-14., 200. 2000.
Křístková E., Lebeda A. Collection of Lactuca spp. genetic resources in the Czech Republic. Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables ´99. Olomouc. 1999.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Vinter V., Vránová O., Doležal K., Tarkowski P., Petrželová I., Trávníček B., Novotný R., Janeček J. Complex research of taxonomy and ecobiology of wild Lactuca spp. genetic resources. Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables ´99. Olomouc. 1999.
Lebeda A., Zinkernagel V. Durability of race-specific resistance in lettuce against lettuce downy mildew (Bremia lactucae). Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables ´99. Olomouc. 1999.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A., Binarová P. Early changes in microtubular arrangement in epidermal cells of Lactuca spp. infected by Bremia lactucae. International Plant Physiology Congress of Ph.D. Students and Young Scientists? Book of Abstracts. 1999.
Moravec J., Křístková E., Lebeda A. Leafy vegetable growing and breeding in the Czech Republic - history and the present time. Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables ´99. Olomouc. 1999.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B. Morphological characterization and host range of tomato powdery mildew (Oidium lycopersici) originating from the Czech Republic. The First International Powdery Mildew Conference. Avignon (France). 1999.
Křístková E., Lebeda A. Powdery mildew of cucurbits in the Czech Republic - species, pathotype and race spectra. The First International Powdery Mildew Conference. Avignon (France). 1999.
Lebeda A. Powdery mildew on lettuce and wild Lactuca species. The First International Powdery Mildew Conference. Avignon (France). 1999.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A., Binarová P. Reorganization of microtubular cytoskeleton in Lactuca spp. cells during early stages of infection by lettuce downy mildew (Bremia lactucae). In: Lebeda, A., Křístková, E. (Eds.): Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables ´99, Palacký University, Olomouc. 1999.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B., Luhová L. Resistance mechanisms of wild Lycopersicon species against tomato powdery mildew (Oidium lycopersici). 2. Symposium Phytomedizin und Pflanzenschutz im Gartenbau, Wien (Austria). 1999.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Havránek P., Rybka V. Utricularia spp. - a new host of powdery mildew. The First International Powdery Mildew Conference. Avignon (France). 1999.
Mieslerová B., Lebeda A. Variability in the early development of tomato powdery mildew (Oidium lycopersici) on the host and non-host species. The First International Powdery Mildew Conference. Avignon (France). 1999.
Lebeda A., Astley D. World genetic resources of Lactuca spp., their taxonomy and biodiversity. Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables ´99. Olomouc. 1999.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A., Binarová P. Změny cytoskeletu Lactura spp. v iniciálních stadiích infekce Bremia lactucae. Rostlinolékařství. 1999.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A., Binarová P. Změny cytoskeletu v iniciálních stadiích infekce Bremia lactucae. Badalíková, B., Pokorný, R. (Eds.): Rostlinolékařství, Book of Abstracts. 1999.
Jančová D., Luhová L., Peč P., Lebeda A., Křístková E. Amine oxidase and peroxidase activity in intact and powdery mildew infected plants of Cucumis sativus and some Cucurbitaceae species. Xth Conference on Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of Young Scientists, Liblice Castle (The Czech. 1998.
Lebeda A., Jančová D., Luhová L. Enzymes in plant pathogenesis - biochemical aspects of interactions between plants and pathogens. 2nd Slovenian Symposium on Plant Physiology, Gozd Martuljek (Slovenia). 1998.
Lebeda A., Zinkernagel V. Evolution of virulence in German population of lettuce downy mildew, Bremia lactucae. 7th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Edinburgh (Scotland);. 1998.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B. Research on tomato powdery mildew (Oidium lycopersicum) in the Czech Republic. 1. Symposium Phytopathologie im Gartenbau. Universität für Bodenkultur Wien. 1998.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Kozelská S., Jokeš M., Rodová J. Response of Cucurbita pepo and Cucurbita maxima genotypes to a Czech isolate of zucchini yellow mosaic virus. Ninth Conference of the I.S.H.S. Torino, Italy. 1998.
Mieslerová B., Lebeda A. Sources of resistance to Oidium lycopersicum among wild Lycopersicon species. Proceedings of the Conference "Agriculture and Environment", Bled (Slovenia). 1998.
Křístková E., Lebeda A. Variation in response of Cucurbita spp. to watermelon mosaic virus-2 (WMV-2) infection. Ninth Conference of the I.S.H.S. Torino, Italy. 1998.
Lebeda A. Virulence variation in lettuce downy mildew (Bremia lactucae) and effectivity of race-specific resistance genes in lettuce. Proceedings of the Conference "Agriculture and Environment", Bled (Slovenia). 1998.
Sedlářová M., Mieslerová B., Drábková Trojanová Z., Lebeda A. Biotrofní houby a peronospory planě rostoucích rostlin. In Marková J., Šafránková I., Jankovský L. (Eds.) 2021.
Sedlářová M., Mieslerová B., Drábková Trojanová Z., Lebeda A. Biotrofní houby a peronospory planě rostoucích rostlin. In Marková J., Šafránková I., Jankovský L. (Eds.) 2021.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B., Huszár J., Sedláková B. Padlí kulturních a planě rostoucích rostlin. 2017.
Mieslerová B., Sedlářová M., Lebeda A. Houby a houbám podobné organismy v biotechnologiích. 2016.
.. The Downy Mildews – Biology, Mechanisms of Resistance and Population Ecology. In LEBEDA A., Holmes GJ., Mauch-Mani B., Jeger MJ. (Eds.) 2011.
Křístková E., Lebeda A. Index seminum 2009 Hortus botanicus Facultatis Rerum naturalium Universitatis Palackianae Olomouc. Index seminum 2009 Hortus botanicus Facultatis Rerum naturalium Universitatis Palackianae Olomouc. 2009.
Lebeda A., Křístková E. Botanic garden Faculty of Science Palacký University in Olomouc - Botanická zahrada Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci. Botanic garden Faculty of Science Palacký University in Olomouc - Botanická zahrada Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci. 2008.
The Downy Mildews - Genetics, Molecular Biology and Control. In Lebeda A., Spencer-Phillips P., Cooke BM. (Eds.) The Downy Mildews - Genetics, Molecular Biology and Control. 2008.
Advances in downy mildew research, Vol. 3. In Lebeda A., Spencer-Phillips PTN. (Eds.) Advances in downy mildew research, Vol. 3. 2007.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Dančák M. Index seminum 2006: Hortus Botanicus Facultatis Rerum Naturalium, Univesrsitatis Palackianae Olomouc Czech Republic. Index seminum 2006: Hortus Botanicus Facultatis Rerum Naturalium, Universitatis Palackianae Olomouc. 2006.
Lebeda A., Mazáková J., Táborský V. PROTOZOA a CHROMISTA - taxonomie, biologie a hospodářský význam. PROTOZOA a CHROMISTA - taxonomie, biologie a hospodářský význam. 2006.
Spencer-Phillips P.T.N.., Gisi U., Lebeda A. Advances in Downy Mildew Research. In Lebeda A. (Eds.) Advances in Downy Mildew Research. 2002.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Doležalová I., Kitner M., Widrlechner MP. Wild Lactuca Species in North America. North American Crop Wild Relatives, Volume 2. 2019.
Sedlářová M., Kubienová L., Drábková Trojanová Z., Luhová L., Lebeda A., Petřivalský M. The Role of Nitric Oxide in Development and Pathogenesis of Biotrophic Phytopathogens - Downy and Powdery Mildews. Advances in Botanical Research. 2016.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Kitner M., Mieslerová B., Pink DA. Wild Lactuca saligna: a rich source of variation for lettuce breeding. Enhancing Crop Genepool Use: Capturing Wild Relative and Landrace Diversity for Crop Improvement. 2016.
LEBEDA A., Cohen Y. Fungicide resistance in Pseudoperonospora cubensis, the causal pathogen of cucurbit downy mildew. Fungicide resistance in crop protection: risk and management. 2012.
Singh R., LEBEDA A., Tucker AO. Medicinal plants-nature's pharmacy, Chapter 2. In Singh R. (Eds.) Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement. 2011.
LEBEDA A., Holmes GJ., Mauch-Mani B., Jeger MJ. "The downy mildews-Biology, mechanisms of resistance, population ecology" Foreword. In Holmes GJ., Mauch-Mani B., Jeger MJ. (Eds.) The Downy Mildews – Biology, Mechanisms of Resistance, Population Ecology. 2011.
LEBEDA A., DOLEŽALOVÁ I., Fernández C., Viehmannová I. Yacon (Asteraceae; Smallanthus sonchifolius). Chapter 20. In Singh R. (Eds.) Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement. 2011.
Dančák M., Hradílek Z., Křístková E., Lebeda A., Vašut R., Vinter V. Botanická zahrada Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci. In Chytrá M., Hanzelka P., Kacerovský R. (Eds.) Botanické zahrady a arboreta České republiky. 2010.
Lebeda A., Švábová L. In vitro screening methods for assessing plant disease resistance. In Spencer MM., Lebeda A. (Eds.) Mass Screening Techniquesfor Selecting Crops Resistant to Disease. 2010.
Lebeda A., Urban J. Screening for resistance to cucurbit downy mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis). In Spencer MM., Lebeda A. (Eds.) Mass Screening Techniquesfor Selecting Crops Resistant to Disease. 2010.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B. Screening for resistance to cucurbit powdery mildew (Golovinomyces cichoracearum, Podosphaera xanthii). In Spencer M., Lebeda A. (Eds.) Mass screening techniques for selecting crops resistant to diseases. 2010.
Lebeda A., Petrželová I. Screening for resistance to lettuce downy mildew (Bremia lactucae). In Spencer M., Lebeda A. (Eds.) Mass screening techniques for selecting crops resistant to diseases. 2010.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B. Screening for resistance to tomato powdery mildew (Oidium neolycopersici). In Spencer M., Lebeda A. (Eds.) Mass Screening Techniques for Selecting Crops Resistant to Disease. 2010.
Lebeda A., Švábová L., Dostálová R. Screening of peas for resistance to Fusarium wilt and root rot (Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium solani). In Spencer MM., Lebeda A. (Eds.) Mass Screening Techniquesfor Selecting Crops Resistant to Disease. 2010.
Spencer MM., Lebeda A. Summary: Improvement of crop production and disease resistance through mutation induction: the IAEA mandate. In Spencer MM., Lebeda A. (Eds.) Mass Screening Techniques for Selecting Crops Resistant to Disease. 2010.
Lebeda A., Spencer-Phillips PTN., Cooke BM. Foreword. The Downy Mildews - Genetics, Molecular Biology and Control. 2008.
Lebeda A., Widrlechner MP., Staub JE., Ezura H., Zalapa J., Křístková E. Cucurbits (Cucurbitaceae; Cucumis spp., Cucurbita spp., Citrullus spp.), Chapter 8. Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement Series, Volume 3 Vegetable Crops. 2007.
Urban J., Lebeda A., Pejchar M. Differential sensitivity to fungicides in Czech populations of cucumber downy mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis). Advances in downy mildew research, Vol. 3. 2007.
Lebeda A. Introduction and welcome. Advances in downy mildew research, Vol. 3. 2007.
Singh RJ., Lebeda A. Landmark Research in Vegetable Crops, Chapter 1. Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement Series, Volume 3 - Vegetable Crops. 2007.
Lebeda A., Ryder E., Grube R., Doležalová I., Křístková E. Lettuce (Asteraceae; Lactuca spp.). Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement, Vol. 3, Vegetable Crops. 2007.
Mieslerová B., Petrželová I., Lebeda A., Česneková E. Occurrence of lettuce downy mildew and powdery mildew in natural populations of prickly lettuce. Advances in downy mildew research, Vol. 3. 2007.
Petřivalský M., Kočířová J., Sedlářová M., Piterková J., Luhová L., Lebeda A. On the role of nitric oxide in Bremia lactucae pathogenesis on Lactuca sativa. Advances in downy mildew research, Vol. 3. 2007.
Lebeda A., Spencer-Phillips PTN. Preface. Advances in downy mildew research, Vol. 3. 2007.
Sedlářová M., Výtisková M., Doležal K., Lebeda A. Pre-incubation with cytokinins delays chlorophyll degradation in Lactuca spp. tissues and reduces Bremia lactucae sporulation. Advances in downy mildew research, Vol. 3. 2007.
Lebeda A., Štěpánková J., Kršková M., Widrlechner MP. Resistance in Cucumis melo germplasm to Pseudoperonospora cubensis pathotypes. Advances in downy mildew research, Vol. 3. 2007.
Petrželová I., Lebeda A., Nevo E., Beherav A. Variation of response against Bremia lactucae in natural populations of Lactuca saligna. Advances in downy mildew research, Vol. 3. 2007.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B. Charakteristika a význam říše Chromista se zaměřením na třídu Peronosporomycetes. Protozoa a Chromista. Taxonomie, biologie a hospodářský význam. 2006.
Lebeda A., Štěpánková J., Urban J. Plíseň okurky (Pseudoperonospora cubensis) ? taxonomie, biologie, ekologie, interakce hostitel-patogen a možnosti ochrany. PROTOZOA a CHROMISTA - taxonomie, biologie a hospodářský význam. 2006.
Lebeda A., Táborský V. Úvod. PROTOZOA a CHROMISTA - taxonomie, biologie a hospodářský význam. 2006.
Petrželová I., Lebeda A. Temporal and spatial variation in virulence of natural populations of Bremia lactucae occurring on Lactuca serriola. In Spencer-Phillips P.T.N.., Jeger M. (Eds.) Advances in Downy Mildew Research, Vol. 2. 2004.
Lebeda A. Šlechtění rostlin na odolnost. Mareček, F. (Ed.): Zahradnický slovník naučný (Horticultural Dictionary), Vol. 5, R-Ž. 2001.
Lebeda A., Křístková E. Ochrana rostlin proti fytopatogenním houbám - současnost a možný výhled; příklad: Cucurbitaceae - padlí tykvovitých. Hýsek, J. (Ed.): Proc. from Internat. Seminar "Mycological Phytopathology in 20. and 21. Century". 2000.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight JD., Kosman E. Application of a new approach for study of virulence variation in cucurbit powdery mildew populations. PHYTOPATHOLOGY. 2018.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Kitner M., Doležalová I., Mieslerová B., Petrželová I., Beharav A. Wild Lactuca saligna richness for lettuce breeding. PLANT health for sustainable agriculture – book of abstracts: scientific conference in the frame of Cropsustain project, 11 – 12 May 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 2015.
LEBEDA A., SEDLÁKOVÁ B., PAVELKOVÁ J., JEŘÁBKOVÁ H. Usage of novel action fungicides and their limitations - examples from biotrophic parasites of cucurbits. Sborník abstraktů z konference. 2012.
KŘÍSTKOVÁ E., LEBEDA A., DOLEŽALOVÁ I., PETRŽELOVÁ I., MELICHAŘÍKOVÁ Z. Breeding value of old lettuce cultivars and landraces in germplasm collections. To serve and conserve, Abstracts of oral presentations and posters of the European Plant Genetic Resources Conference 2011. 2011.
LEBEDA A., KŘÍSTKOVÁ E., DOLEŽALOVÁ I., KITNER M., PETRŽELOVÁ I., MIESLEROVÁ B., KORBELOVÁ P., Beharav A., Nevo E., Ben David R., Meglic V., Maras M. Complex view on biodiversity of Lactuca saligna L. germplasm. To serve and conserve, Abstracts of oral presentations and posters of the European Plant Genetis Resources Conference 2011. 2011.
LEBEDA A., SEDLÁKOVÁ B. Fungicide resistance in Czech cucurbit powdery mildew populations. Phytopathology. 2011.
KŘÍSTKOVÁ E., Tvardová M., LEBEDA A. Characterization of developmental stages in Lactuca saligna germplasm from Europe and USA. Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables 2011 Abstracts. 2011.
KORBELOVÁ P., MIESLEROVÁ B., LEBEDA A. Patogenní variabilita Golovinomyces cichoracearum na Lactuca spp. Spravodajca Slovenskej mykologickej spoločnosti. 2011.
LEBEDA A., MIESLEROVÁ B., KORBELOVÁ P. Race-specificity in interactions between Lactuca spp. and Golovinomyces cichoracearum. Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables 2011 Abstracts. 2011.
PETRŽELOVÁ I., LEBEDA A., Beharav A. Resistance to Bremia lactucae in natural populations of Lactuca saligna from some Middle Eastern countries. EUCARPIA Leafy Vegetables 2011 Abstracts. 2011.
TROJANOVÁ Z., SEDLÁŘOVÁ M., LEBEDA A. Rozšíření a patogenní variabilita Plasmopara halstedii v České republice, a patologické změny v metabolismu slunečnice. Spravodajca Slovenskej mykologickej spoločnosti. 2011.
LEBEDA A., PETRŽELOVÁ I. Temporal variation in wild plant pathosystem Lactuca serriola - Bremia lactucae. XVIII International Botanical Congress IBC2011, Abstract Book. 2011.
Quesada-Ocampo LM., Granke L., Olsen J., Gutting H., Runge F., Thines M., LEBEDA A., Hausbeck MK. The genetic structure of Pseudoperonospora cubensis global populations. Phytopathology. 2011.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Kitner M., Petrželová I., Mieslerová B., Novotná A., Korbelová P. Biodiversity of wild Lactuca spp.., their evaluation and exploitation. Book of Abstracts, 5th Slovenian Symposium on Plant Biology with International Participation, September 6-8 2010, Ljubljana. 2010.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight JD., Coffey MD. Gaps and perspectives of pathogenicity evaluation and denomination in cucurbit powdery mildew (Golovinomyces cichoracearum and Podosphaera xanthii). Abstracts - A Special Interest Group Meeting of the 9th International Mycological Congress (IMC9) - Biology, Biodiversity, Evolution and Systematics of the Erysiphales. 2010.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Doležalová I., Petrželová I., Melichaříková Z. Germplasm collections of old lettuce cultivars and landraces for modern breeding. Book of Abstracts. Volume II (Symposia). 2010.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Kitner M., Petrželová I., Mieslerová B., Korbelová P., Šmachová P., Beharav A., Nevo E., Ben David R., Meglic V., Maras M. Willow-leaf lettuce - distribution and variation. Book of abstracts 5th Slovenian Symposium on Plant Biology with international participation, September 6 - 9 2010, Ljubljana. 2010.
Novotná A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Berka T., Lebeda A. COMPARATIVE STUDY OF ACHENES CHARACTERS WITHIN GENETIC RESOURCES OF LACTUCA SERRIOLA FROM SLOVENIA AND SWEDEN. Book of Abstracts, 19th Eucarpia Conference, Genetic Resources Section. 2009.
Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Špoková M., Křístková E. COMPARISON OF PHENOTYPIC VARIABILITY OF LACTUCA SERRIOLA GENETIC RESOURCES FROM SLOVENIA AND SWEDEN. Book of Abstracts, 19th EUCARPIA Conference, Genetic Resources Section. 2009.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Kitner M., Petrželová I., Mieslerová B., Novotná A. Comprehensive strategy for searching of valuable traits in wild Lactuca germplasm. Book of Abstracts, 19th EUCARPIA Conference, Genetic Resources Section. 2009.
Lebeda A., Hübschová J., Urban J. Cucurbit downy mildew: Variation in pathogenicity and resistance to recently introduced fungicides in Czech Republic. Souvenir & Abstracts. 5th International conference Plant Pathology in the Globalized Era in India. 2009.
Lebeda A., Hübschová J. Distribution and harmfulness of Pseudoperonospora cubensis on cucurbits in the Czech Republic. The 4th International cucurbitaceae Symposium in China. 2009.
Švábová L., Lebeda A., Kitner M. Effect of Fusarium solani filtrate on pea grown in planta and in vitro. XVIII. Česká a Slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin. Sborník abstraktů. 2009.
Hübschová J., Lebeda A. Fungicide effectiveness on Czech populations of Pseudoperonospora cubensis. The 4th International Cucurbitaceae Symposium in China. 2009.
Kitner M., Maras M., Lebeda A., Meglič V., Šmachová P., Novotná A., Doležalová I. Genetic diversity analysis of wild Lactuca serriola germplasm collection from North America assessed by AFLP. Joint congress of the Slovenian Biochemical Society and the Genetic Society of Slovenia: Book of Abstracts. 2009.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Křístková E., Vysoudil M. Long-lasting changes in the species spectrum of cucurbit powdery mildew in the Czech Republic - influence of climate changes or random effect? XVIII. Česká a Slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin. Sborník abstraktů. 2009.
Doležalová I., Pavlíček T., Gasmanová N., Nevo E., Hammerová I., Lebeda A. Microgeographic genome size differentiation of the wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum, at "Evolution Canyon", Israel and multispecies comparison. Analytical Cytometry V. International Conference. Book of Abstracts. 2009.
Skálová D., Navrátilová B., Doležalová I., Lebeda A. Mixoploid and haploid (pollen) protoplasts of Cucumis spp. New developments in green technology - Program, Abstracts. 2009.
Křístková E., Doležalová I., Lebeda A. Morphological grouping of Lactuca saligna germplasm originating from Italy and France. Book of Abstracts of 19th EUCARPIA Conference, Genetic Resources Section, Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 26-29, 2009. 2009.
Lebeda A., Hübschová J. Occurrence, distribution and harmfulness of cucurbit downy mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis) in the Czech Republic. XVIII. Česká a Slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin. Sborník abstraktů. 2009.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A. Occurrence of Ampelomyces quisqualis on the cucurbit powdery mildew species in the Czech Republic. 4th International Cucurbitaceae Symposium in China. 2009.
Hübschová J., Lebeda A. Occurrence of fungicide resistance in Czech cucurbit downy mildew populations (Pseudoperonospora cubensis). XVIII. Česká a Slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin. Sborník abstraktů. 2009.
Mieslerová B., Sedlářová M., Lebeda A. Occurrence of representatives of family Erysiphaceae (powdery mildews) on ornamental plants in the middle Moravia. XVIII. Česká a Slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin. Sborník abstraktů. 2009.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A., Pejchar M., Jeřábková H. Occurrence of the strains with resistance to fungicides in Czech cucurbit powdery mildew populations. XVIII. Česká a Slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin. Sborník abstraktů. 2009.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight J., Coffey D. Pathogenic variability of individuals and populations of cucurbit powdery mildew ? great confusion and great mystery, or why we still need the classical phytopathology. XVIII. Česká a Slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin. Sborník abstraktů. 2009.
Sedlářová M., Stojaspal K., Trojanová Z., Prokopová J., Lebeda A. Plíseň slunečnice (Plasmopara halstedii) v České republice - výskyt, variabilita, vliv na metabolismus hostitelských rostlin. Mykologické listy. 2009.
Sedlářová M., Petřivalský M., Luhová L., Piterková J., Mieslerová B., Lebeda A. RNOS in pathogenesis of biotrophic fungal plant pathogens. Plant ROS 2009 - Plant Oxygen Group meeting on reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. 2009.
Ondřej V., Protivánková I., Doležalová I., Lebeda A. Structural changes of the chromatin during protoplastization of the plant cells and their regeneration. Analytical Cytometry V, Book of Abstracts. 2009.
Mieslerová B., Lebeda A., Česneková E. Study of interactions of Lactuca spp. (lettuce) and lettuce powdery mildews (Golovinomyces cichoracearum). XVIII. Česká a Slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin. Sborník abstraktů. 2009.
Petrželová I., Lebeda A. Temporal shift in virulence in recent Czech populations of Bremia lactucae occurring on lettuce (Lactuca sativa). XVIII. Česká a Slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin. Sborník abstraktů. 2009.
Navrátilová B., Skálová D., Ondřej V., Kitner M., Lebeda A. The novel approaches in the biotechnological research of Cucumis spp. Abstracts The 4th International Cucurbitaceae Symposium. 2009.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Pejchar M., Jeřábková H. Variation for fungicide resistance among cucurbit powdery mildew populations in the Czech Republic. 4th International Cucurbitaceae Symposium in China. 2009.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Paris H., Zadrobílková I. Variation in phenotypic traits within and among Cucurbita pepo genotypes. Abstracts, The 4th International Cucurbitaceae Symposium, Changsha, Hunan, China. 2009.
Mieslerová B., Sedlářová M., Lebeda A. Výskyt zástupců Erysiphaceae (padlí) na okrasných rostlinách na střední Moravě. Mykologické listy. 2009.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B. Fungicide resistance in populations of cucurbit powdery mildew. Journal of Plant Pathology. 2008.
Lebeda A., Švábová L., Kitner M., Digaňová E., Sedlářová M., Vinklárková P., Griga M. Characterization and selection in vitro of peas for resistance to nectrotrophic fungal (Fusarium solani, Ascochyta pisi, Phoma pisi) pathogens, biochemical and morphological approach. Modern Variety Breeding for Present and Future Needs. EUCARPIA 18th General Congress (Book of Abstracts). 2008.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Superatová L. Morphological variation within and between lettuce accessions of cv. 'Atrakce' in the Czech national germplasm collection. In Prohens J., Badenes ML. (Eds.) Modern Variety Breeding for Present and Future Needs. Proceedings of the 18th EUCARPIA General Congress, 9-12.9.2008. 2008.
Sedlářová M., Kitner M., Lebeda A., Piterková J., Luhová L., Petřivalský M., Kyseláková H., Navrátil M., Švábová L. Reactive nitrogen and oxygen species in pea responses to biotic stress stimuli. 2nd International Plant NO Club Workshop, July 21. - 22, 2008, (Book of Abstracts). 2008.
Cagaš B., Lebeda A., Ondřej M., Odstrčilová L. Resistance of a collection of rye and triticale varieties to ergot (Claviceps purpurea). Journal of Plant Pathology. 2008.
Lebeda A., Petrželová I., Maryška Z. Srovnávací analýza virulence Bremia lactucae v populacích Lactuca sativa a L. serriola. Mykologické listy. 2008.
Piterková J., Luhová L., Petřivalský M., Mieslerová B., Lebeda A. The comparison of the development of Oidium neolycopersici on the leaf and leaf discs of Lycopersicon spp. exposed to heat and cold shock pre-treatment. 21st Joint Congress of the Czech and Slovak Societies for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (21. biochemický sjezd), Sborník přednášek a posterů. 2008.
Piterková J., Hofman J., Petřivalský M., Luhová L., Mieslerová B., Lebeda A. The involvement of nitric oxide in the development of Oidium neolycopersici on the leaf discs of Lycopersicon spp. Physiologia Plantarum. 2008.
Sedlářová M., Petřivalský M., Luhová L., Hašová M., Hofman J., Kočířová J., Lebeda A. The role of nitric oxide in development of biotrophic pathogens and their interaction with host cells. Journal of Plant Pathology. 2008.
Petřivalský M., Kočířová J., Sedlářová M., Luhová L., Lebeda A. The role of NO in the development of Bremia lactucae and lettuce resistance. 2nd International Plant NO Club Workshop, July 21. - 22, 2008, (Book of Abstracts). 2008.
Mieslerová B., Lebeda A., Česneková E. Variabilita interakcí Lactuca spp.-Golovinomyces cichoracearum. Mykologické listy. 2008.
Kitner M., Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Beharav A., Nevo E., Pavlíček T., Maras M., Meglic V. AFLP analysis of Lactuca saligna germplasm collections from four European and three Near East countries. Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables 2007 Conference Abstracts. 2007.
Sedlářová M., Stojaspal K., Lebeda A. Biology of Erysiphe azaleae on Rhododendron luteum in the Czech Republic. Mykologické listy. 2007.
Lebeda A., Sedlářová M., Mieslerová B. Buněčné mechanismy rezistence rostlin vůči patogenům. Bulletin České společnosti experimentální biologie rostlin. 2007.
Lebeda A., Petrželová I., Maryška Z. Comparative analysis of variation and dynamics of virulence of Bremia lactucae populations on Lactuca sativa and Lactuca serriola. Population and Evolutionary Biology of Fungal Symbionts. 2007.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Novotná A. Comparative study of variation of some morphological characteristics of Lactuca serriola germplasm collected in Central Europe (Czech Republic) and the British Isles (England, U.K.). Plant Genetic Resources of Geographical and "other" Islands (conservation, evaluation and use for plant breeding). 2007.
Petrželová I., Lebeda A., Maryška Z. Comparison of virulence variation in Bremia lactucae populations in Lactuca wild and crop pathosystems. EUCARPIA Leafy Vegetables 2007 Conference Abstracts. 2007.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Doležalová I. Genetic resources of Lactuca saligna and their morphological assessment. Plant Genetic Resources and their Exploitation in the Plant Breeding for Food and Agriculture. Book of Abstracts. 2007.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Mieslerová B., Kitner M., Navrátilová B., Duchoslav M., Havránek P., Vondráková D. Germplasm collections of crop wild relatives - Research, study and use on the Department od Botany, Palacký University in Olomouc (Czech Republic). Plant Genetic Resources and their Exploitation in the Plant Breeding for Food and Agriculture. Book of Abstracts. 18th EUCARPIA Genetic Resources Section Meeting. 2007.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E. Identification of duplicates in Lactuca germplasm collections. Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables 2007 Conference Abstracts. 2007.
Skálová D., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A. In vitro opylování a jeho využití při mezidruhové hybridizaci u rodu Cucumis. Bulletin České společnosti experimentální biologie rostlin. 2007.
Skálová D., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A. In vitro pollination in the genus Cucumis. Plant Biotechnology: Impact on high quality plant production. 2007.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A., Luhová L., Grúz J. Interactions between Lactuca spp. and Bremia lactucae from histological and biochemical perspective. EUCARPIA Leafy Vegetables 2007 Conference Abstracts. 2007.
Mieslerová B., Lebeda A., Česneková E., Petrželová I. Interactions between wild Lactuca spp. and lettuce powdery mildew (Golovinomyces cichoracearum). EUCARPIA Leafy Vegetables 2007, Conference Abstracts. 2007.
Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Gasmanová N., Pavlíček T., Nevo E., Hammerová I. Intraspecific DNA content variability in wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum (C. Koch) Thell.) in relation to microclimate conditions. Analytical Cytometry IV, Book of Abstracts, International Conference. 2007.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Doležalová I. Phenotypic variability of Lactuca saligna germplasm collected in Italy and France. EUCARPIA Leafy Vegetables 2007, Conference Abstracts. 2007.
Lebeda A., Petrželová I. Race-specific resistance to Bremia lactucae in European populations of Lactuca serriola. EUCARPIA Leafy Vegetables 2007 Conference Abstracts. 2007.
Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Křístková E., Novotná A. Relevance of morphologic assessment of wild Lactuca spp. germplasm for their taxonomic determination. Bulletin of Botanical Gardens, Museums & Collections, Polish Botanical Society, Programme and Abstracts - The 2nd International Conference of Eastern and Central European Botanic Gardens. 2007.
Lebeda A., Urban J. Structure and dynamics of pathogenicity and fungicide resistance in populations of Pseudoperonospora cubensis. Population and evolutionary biology of fungal symbionts. 2007.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Novotná A. Taxonomic determination of plant genetic resources - impact and consequences: case study of Lactuca spp. Plant Genetic Resources and their Exploitation in the Plant Breeding for Food and Agriculture. Book of Abstracts. 18th EUCARPIA Genetic Resources Section Meeting. 2007.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Vinter V., Křístková A. Variation in developmental stages within Lactuca serriola L. (prickly lettuce) collected in Europe. EUCARPIA Leafy Vegetables 2007, Conference Abstracts. 2007.
Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Novotná A., Kršková M. Variation in fruit morphology of Lactuca serriola populations from Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands and United Kingdom. Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables 2007 Conference Abstracts. 2007.
Beharav A., Lebeda A., Petrželová I., Doležalová I., Nevo E. Variation in response to Bremia lactucae through natural populations of Lactuca saligna collected in Israel. EUCARPIA Leafy Vegetables 2007 Conference Abstracts. 2007.
Prokopová J., Špundová M., Sedlářová M., Husičková A., Doležal K., Nauš J., Lebeda A. Vliv cytokininů na změny fotosyntetického aparátu salátu (Lactuca sativa L.) vyvolané plísní salátovou (Bremia lactucae Regel). Bulletin České společnosti experimentální biologie rostlin. 2007.
Skálová D., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A., Gasmanová N. Effect of colchicine application on interspecific hybridization between cucumber (Cucumis sativus) and wild Cucumis spp. XIX International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction.From gametes to genes. 2006.
Sedlářová M., Adámková Š., Grúz J., Mikšíková P., Gášková Z., Lebeda A. Fenolické látky a aktivita PAL v interakcích rostlina-patogen. XVII. Česká a slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin, Sborník abstraktů/XVIIth Czech and Slovak Plant Protection Conference, Book of Abstracts. 2006.
Urban J., Lebeda A. Fungicide resistance: A case study with cucurbit downy mildew in the Czech Republic. XVII. Česká a slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin, Sborník abstraktů/XVIIth Czech and Slovak Plant Protection Conference, Book of Abstracts. 2006.
Lebeda A., Sedlářová M., Mieslerová B. Mechanismy rezistence v interakcích rostlina-patogen: strukturální, histologické, cytologické a fyziologicko-biochemické aspekty. XVII. Česká a slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin, Sborník abstraktů/XVIIth Czech and Slovak Plant Protection Conference, Book of Abstracts. 2006.
Šustar-Vozlič J., Ugrinovič K., Maras M., Javornik B., Lebeda A., Petrželová I., Meglič V. Slovene autochtonous collection of crisp lettuce (Lactuca sativa L): morphological and molecular variability, Bremia resistance. Genetika 2006. Book of Abstracts. 4th Congress of Slovenian Genetic Society and 2nd Meeting of The Slovenian Society of Human Genetics. 2006.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A. Survey of fungicide resistance in cucurbit powdery mildews populations in the Czech Republic. XVII. Česká a slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin, Sborník abstraktů/XVIIth Czech and Slovak Plant Protection Conference, Book of Abstracts. 2006.
Adámková Š., Luhová L., Petřivalský M., Mieslerová B., Lebeda A., Peč P. The production of nitric oxide and the activity of NO synthase during pathogenesis in tomato. 20. biochemický zjazd. 2006.
Mieslerová B., Lebeda A., Česneková E., Petrželová I. Variabilita interakcí planých zástupců rodu Lactuca a padlí čekankového (Golovinomyces cichoracearum). XVII. Česká a slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin, Sborník abstraktů/XVIIth Czech and Slovak Plant Protection Conference, Book of Abstracts. 2006.
Petrželová I., Lebeda A., Maryška Z. Variabilita populací plísně salátové (Bremia lactucae) v porostech kulturního salátu na území České republiky. XVII. Česká a slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin, Sborník abstraktů/XVIIth Czech and Slovak Plant Protection Conference, Book of Abstracts. 2006.
Mieslerová B., Lebeda A., Vaculíková I. Vliv teploty na vývoj padlí rajčat (Oidium neolycopersici) a na projev rezistence u hostitelských rostlin. XVII. Česká a slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin, Sborník abstraktů/XVIIth Czech and Slovak Plant Protection Conference, Book of Abstracts. 2006.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Valentová K., Gasmanová N., Dziechciarková M., Ulrichová J. Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius): Traditional crop of Andean Indians and challenge for the future - news on biological variation and chemical substances. 27th International Horticultural Congress & Exhibition (IHC 2006); Seoul, Korea. 2006.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Valentová K., Gasmanová N., Dziechciarková M., Ulrichová J. Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius): Traditional crop of Andean Indians and challenge for the future - news on biological variation and chemical substances. 27th International Horticultural Congress & Exhibition (IHC 2006); Seoul, Korea. 2006.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Dančák M., Havránek P. Botanical Garden of Palacký University in Olomouc ? history and recent development. Konference Introdukce a genetické zdroje rostlin, Botanické zahrady v novém tisíciletí. 2005.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Novotná A. Comparative study of variation in some morphological and developmental characteristics of Lactuca serriola germplasm collected in Central Europe (Czech Republic) and the British Isles (England, U.K). Bullita, S. (Ed.): Book of abstracts of XVII Eucarpia Gen. Res. Sect. Meeting. Plant Genetic Resources of Geographical and ?other? islands. Conservation, evaluation and use for plant breeding. 2005.
Lebeda A., Petrželová I. Comparison of resistance to Bremia lactucae in populations of Lactuca serriola occurring in Central Europe (Czech Republic) and the British Isles (England, U.K.). In Bullita S. (Eds.) Book of abstracts of XVII Eucarpia Gen. Res. Sect. Meeting. Plant Genetic Resources of Geographical and ?other? islands. Conservation, evaluation and use for plant breeding. 2005.
Gajdová J., Lebeda A., Navrátilová B. Effect of genotype, media composition and type of tissue on Cucumis and Cucurbita protoplast isolation and regeneration. Poster Abstracts, 3rd International Cucurbit Symposium and 7th Australian Melon Conference. 2005.
Skálová D., Gasmanová N., Lebeda A., Navrátilová B. Interspecific hybridization between Cucumis sativus and wild Cucumis species through embryo culture. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series Botanica. 2005.
Skálová D., Dziechciarková M., Lebeda A., Navrátilová B., Křístková E. Interspecific hybridization C. anguria x C. zeyheri, C. sativus x C. melo and C. sativus x C. metuliferus through embryo cultures. Poster Abstracts, 3rd International Cucurbit Symposium and 7th Australian Melon Conference, 11?17 September 2005, Townsville, Australia. 2005.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Mieslerová B., Duchoslav M., Havránek P., Vondráková D. Maintenance of and research on wild crop relatives at Department of Botany, Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic. Konference Introdukce a genetické zdroje rostlin, Botanické zahrady v novém tisíciletí. 2005.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Mieslerová B., Duchoslav M., Havránek P., Vondráková D. Maintenance of and research on wild crop relatives at Department of Botany, Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic. First International Conference on Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use. 2005.
Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Křístková E., Novotná A. Morphological variation of Lactuca serriola populations originating from some European countries. XVII International Botanical Congress. 2005.
Beharav A.., Lewinsohn D.., Lebeda A., Nevo E. New wild Lactuca genetic resources with resistance against Bremia lactucae. Progress & Abstracts 4th Congress of the Federation of the Israeli Societies for Experimental Biology, Eilat, Israel. 2005.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A. Plant cytoskeleton in interactions with pathogens. XIII. Cytoskeletální Klub, Nové Město na Moravě (27.-29.4.2005). 2005.
Lebeda A., Gasmanová N., Doležalová I., Janeček J. Preliminary study of relative DNA content variation in some European populations of Lactuca serriola. XVII International Botanical Congress. 2005.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Duchoslav M., Dančák M. Temporal and spatial dynamics of powdery mildew species on cucurbits in the Czech Republic. 3rd International Cucurbit Symposium in conjunction with 7th Australian Melon Conference. 2005.
Lebeda A., Urban J. Temporal changes in pathogenicity and fungicide resistance in Pseudoperonospora cubensis populations. Abstracts of Oral Presentations, 3rd International Cucurbit Symposium ISHS in conjuction with 7th Australian Melon Conference. 2005.
Lebeda A., Urban J. Temporal changes in pathogenicity and fungicide resistance in Pseudoperonospora cubensis populations. 3rd International Cucurbit Symposium in conjunction with 7th Australian Melon Conference. 2005.
Skálová D., Dziechciarková M., Lebeda A., Navrátilová B., Křístková E. The utilization of embryo rescue in the interspecific hybridization between Cucumis anguria and Cucumis zeyheri. XVII International Botanical Congress. 2005.
Gasmanová N., Lebeda A., Pavlíček T., Doležalová I., Nevo E. Variabilita relativního obsahu DNA u Hordeum spontaneum ve vztahu k jeho výskytu v odlišných mikroklimatických podmínkách. Šimková H. (Ed.): Analytická cytometrie III. Sborník abstraktů konference se zahraniční účastí. Červenohorské sedlo 21.-25. června 2005. 2005.
Gasmanová N., Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Paris HS. Variability of DNA contents in some cucurbit germplasm - preliminary study. Poster Abstracts, 3rd International Cucurbit Symposium and 7th Australian Melon Conference. 2005.
Křístková E., Sedláková B., Vinter V., Lebeda A. Aggressiveness of Erysiphe cichoracearum isolates pathotype AB1B2CCm on cucumber and watermelon. Czech Mycology. 2003.
Lebeda A., Widrlechner M.P.. Differentiation of Pseudoperonospora cubensis (cucurbit downy mildew) pathogenicity. Downy Mildews Newsletter. 2003.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B. Tomato powdery mildew - a new dangerous disease in Europe (Paradižnikova pepelovka - nova nevarna bolezen v Evropi). 5th Slovenian Conference on Plant Protection, 6.-8. March 2001, Čatež ob Savi (Slovenia), Plant Protection Society of Slovenia, Abstract volume. 2001.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A., Binarová P. Cytoskeleton reorganization in epidermal cells of Lactuca spp. with different resistance mechanisms during infection process of Bremia lactucae. VIII. Cytoskeletální Klub, Vranovská Ves u Znojma (15.-17.3.2000), Book of Abstracts. 2000.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B. Sources, mechanisms and effectivity of resistance in wild Lycopersicon spp. to tomato powdery mildew (Oidium lycopersici). Durable Disease Resistance; Key to Sustainable Agriculture. Symposium, Ede-Wageningen, The Netherlands, November 28 - December 1, 2000. Book of Abstracts. 2000.
Komínek P., Křížková I., Aulický R., Lebeda A., Sedlářová M., Komínková M., Krejzar V., Kubátová A., Bár L., Kubizniaková P., Brožová J., Eichlerová I., Malenovská H., Hanzalová A., Mertelík J., Kavková M., Mrázková M., Kmoch M., Novotný D., Pánková I., Skuhrovec J., Petrželová I., Svoboda P., Reichelová M., Urban M., Řezáčová V., Valentová L., Sedláček I., Vendl T. Metodika indentifikace chybějících genetických zdrojů ve sbírkách mikroorganismů a strategie zaplnění zjištěných mezer. 2021.
Křístková E., Lebeda A. Botanická zahrada Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci. Unie botanických zahrad České republiky - společná expozice Flora Olomouc. 2006.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Doležalová I., Mieslerová B., Dančák M., Duchoslav M., Havránek P. Ex situ conservation of wild plant species and research programs in Botanic Garden of Palacký University in Olomouc (Czech Republic),. EuroGard IV, Botanic Gardens and the 2010 Challenge, Congress proceedings. 2006.
Urban J., Lebeda A. Problematika plísně okurkové v České republice (rozšíření, škodlivost, patogenní variabilita, rezistence k fungicidům). Konference ČBS "Doktorandské inspirace v botanice" 20.-21.11.2004. 2004.
Gasmanová N., Lebeda A., Doležalová I. Variation in relative DNA content in maca and yacon germplasm. Doktorandské inspirace v botanice. 2004.
Fellner M., Binarová P., Lebeda A. . Cucurbits towards 2000. 1996.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Prášil J., Doležel J., Doležal K., Fellner M. . Proceedings from seminar on application of biotechnological methods. 1994.
Pokorný R., Lebeda A., Šafránková I., Víchová J. XVIII. Česká a slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin. 2009.
Lebeda A., Spencer-Phillips PTN., Vašutová M., Dvořák D., Mieslerová B., Sedlářová M., Novotná A., Štěpánková J. British Mycological Society Overseas Field Meeting. 2008.
Lebeda A., Sedlářová M., Mieslerová B., Petrželová I., Doležalová I., Maryška Z., Hübschová J., Sedláková B., Kitner M., Skálová D., Novotná A. 2nd Downy Mildew Symposium. 2007.
Doležalová I., Gajdová J., Gasmanová N., Křístková E., Navrátilová B., Petrželová I., Sedláková B., Sedlářová M., Skálová D., Urban J. 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. In Lebeda A. (Eds.) 2004.
Doležalová I., Gajdová J., Gasmanová N., Křístková E., Navrátilová B., Petrželová I., Sedláková B., Sedlářová M., Skálová D., Urban J. 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. In Lebeda A. (Eds.) 2004.
Maggioni L., Boukema I., Lebeda A., Lipman E. Report of a Working Group on Leafy Vegetables. First Meeting, 13-14 October 2005, Olomouc, Czech Republic. Report of a Vegetables Network. 2008.
Report of a Working Group on Leafy Vegetables. First Meeting, 13-14 October 2005, Olomouc, Czech Republic. In Maggioni L., Lebeda A., Boukema I., Lipman E. (Eds.) Report of a Working Group on Leafy Vegetables. 2008.
Population and Evolutionary Biology of Fungal Symbionts. In MacDonald B., Brunner P., Ceresini P., Lebeda A. (Eds.) Population and Evolutionary Biology of Fungal Symbionts. Book of Abstracts. 2007.
Thomas G., Astley D., Boukema I., Daunay M. C., Del Greco A., Diéz M. J., van Dooijeweert W., Keller J., Kotlińska T., Lebeda A., Lipman E., Maggioni L., Rosa E. Joint Meeting with and ad hoc group on Leafy Vegetables, 22-24 May 2003, Skierniewice, Poland. In Thomas G., Astley D., Boukema I., Daunay M.C., Del Greco A., Díez M.J., van Dooijeweert W., Keller J., Kotlińska T., Lebeda A., Lipman E., Maggioni L., Rosa E. (Eds.) Report of a Vegetables Network. 2005.
Lebeda A., Paris HS. Progress in Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding Research. In Lebeda A., Paris HS. (Eds.) Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2004, the 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. 2004.
Progress in Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding Research. In Lebeda A., Paris HS. (Eds.) Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2004, the 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. 2004.
Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables 2003, Proceedings of the Eucarpia Meeting on Leafy Vegetables Genetics and Breeding. In Hintum Th.J.L. va., Lebeda A., Pink D.A.., Schut J.W.. (Eds.) Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables 2003, Proceedings of the Eucarpia Meeting on Leafy Vegetables Genetics and Breeding. 2003.
Lebeda A., Křístková E. Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables ´99. In Lebeda A., Křístková E. (Eds.) Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables ´99. Olomouc. 1999.
Lebeda A., Sedlářová M., Jankovský L., Shin H.D. First report of rhododendron powdery mildew on Rhododendron spp. in the Czech Republic. Plant Pathology (online). 2006.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B., Rybka V., Sedlářová M., Petrželová I. The first record of Powdery Mildew caused Erysiphe polygoni DC. on Homalocladium platycladium (F. J. Muell.) L. H. Bailey in Czech Republic. Plant Pathology (online). 2006.
Lebeda A. Fytopatologie a choroby rostlin. PLANT PROTECTION SCIENCE. 2021.
Lebeda A. Šlechtění rostlin s rezistencí k chorobám a škůdcům. PLANT PROTECTION SCIENCE. 2021.
Lebeda A. Katalog rzí České a Slovenské republiky. Czech Mycology. 2010.
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Lebeda A., Mieslerová B. (Heuvelink E. (Ed.): Tomato. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, 2005. Plant Protection Science. 2006.
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