RNDr. Miloslav KITNER, Ph.D.

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Kontaktní údaje


Katedra botaniky

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Šlechtitelů 27 - objekt 51 (E)


odborný asistent

Studium genetické variability rostlin a rostlinných patogenů.

Kitner M., Thines M., Sedlářová M., Vaculná L., Nádvorník P., Lebeda A. Genetic structure of Plasmopara halstedii populations across Europe and South Russia. PLANT PATHOLOGY. 2023. (ČLÁNEK)
Majeský L., Hroneš M., Kitner M., Válová L., Dančák M. Pinguicula vulgaris in central Europe: when does one species turn into another? PRESLIA. 2022. (ČLÁNEK)
Vaculná L., Majeský L., Ali T., Seregin AP., Prausová R., Kapler A., Iakushenko DM., Thines M., Kitner M. Genetic structure of endangered species Adenophora liliifolia and footprints of postglacial recolonisation in Central Europe. CONSERVATION GENETICS. 2021. (ČLÁNEK)
Kitner M., Runge F., Lebeda A., Vaculná L., Sedláková B., Thines M. Pseudoperonospora humuli might be an introduced species in Central Europe with low genetic diversity but high distribution potential. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2021. (ČLÁNEK)
Thines M., Sharma RK., Rodenburg SYA., Kitner M. The genome of Peronospora belbahrii reveals high heterozygosity, a low number of canonical effectors and CT-rich promoters. MOLECULAR PLANT-MICROBE INTERACTIONS. 2020. (ČLÁNEK)
Braun U., Shin H., Takamatsu S., Lebeda A., Kitner M. Phylogeny and taxonomy of Golovinomyces orontii revisited. MYCOLOGICAL PROGRESS. 2019. (ČLÁNEK)
Petrželová I., Jemelková M., Doležalová I., Young-Joon C., Kruse J., Thines M., Kitner M. Confirmation of Peronospora agrimoniae as a distinct species. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2017. (ČLÁNEK)
Prausová R., Marečková L., Kapler A., Majeský L., Farkas T., Indreica A., Šafářová L., Kitner M. Adenophora liliifolia: conditions of its populations in Central Europe. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series Botanica. 2016. (ČLÁNEK)
Pirondi A., Kitner M., Iotti M., Sedláková B., Lebeda A., Collina M. Genetic structure and phylogeny of Italian and Czech populations of the cucurbit powdery mildew fungus Golovinomyces orontii inferred by Multilocus Sequence Typing. Plant Pathology (print). 2016. (ČLÁNEK)
Kitner M., Lebeda A., Sharma R., Runge F., Dvořák P., Tahir A., Choi Y., Sedláková B., Thines M. Coincidence of virulence shifts and changes in the population genetic structure of Pseudoperonospora cubensis populations revealed by multilocus analyses. Plant Pathology (print). 2015. (ČLÁNEK)
Kitner M., Majeský L., Křístková E., Jemelková M., Lebeda A., Beharav A. Genetic structure and diversity in natural populations of three predominantly self-pollinating wild Lactuca species in Israel. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 2015. (ČLÁNEK)
Sharma R., Xia X., Cano LM., Evangelisti E., Kemen E., Judelson H., Oome S., Sambles C., van den Hoogen DJ., Kitner M., Klein J., Meijer HJG., Spring O., Win J., Zipper R., Bode HB., Govers F., Kamoun S., Schornack S., Studholme DJ., Van den Ackerveken G., Thines M. Genome analyses of the sunflower pathogen Plasmopara halstedii provide insights into effector evolution in downy mildews and Phytophthora. BMC Genomics. 2015. (ČLÁNEK)
Majeský L., Vašut R., Kitner M. Genotypic diversity of apomictic microspecies of the Taraxacum scanicum group (Taraxacum sect. Erythrosperma). Plant Systematics and Evolution. 2015. (ČLÁNEK)
Kitner M., Majeský L., Gillová L., Vymyslický T., Nagler M. Genetic structure of Artemisia pancicii populations inferred from AFLP and cpDNA data. Preslia. 2012. (ČLÁNEK)
Lebeda A., Lobin KK., Mieslerová B., Křivánková T., Kitner M. Occurrence and epidemiological consequences of Erysiphe neolycopersici on tomato plants in Mauritius. MYCOLOGICAL PROGRESS. 2024.
Mieslerová B., Kitner M., Šenkyřík JB., Křivánková T., Sedlářová M., Uwe B., Lebeda A. The co-occurrence of two powdery mildew species on Cannabis sativa in the Czech Republic. JOURNAL OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY. 2024.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Kitner M., Widrlechner MP., Maras M., El-Esawi MA. Egypt as one of the centers of lettuce domestication: morphological and genetic evidence. EUPHYTICA. 2022.
Mieslerová B., Kitner M., Petřeková V., Dvořáková J., Sedlářová M., Cook R., Lebeda A. Golovinomyces powdery mildews on Asteraceae in the Czech Republic. PLANT PROTECTION SCIENCE. 2020.
Mieslerová B., Kitner M., Křístková E., Majeský L., Lebeda A. Powdery Mildews on Lactuca Species - A Complex View of Host-Pathogen Interactions. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 2020.
Lebeda A., Kitner M., Mieslerová B., Křístková E., Pavlíček T. Leveillula lactucae-serriolae on Lactuca serriola in Jordan. PHYTOPATHOLOGIA MEDITERRANEA. 2019.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Kitner M., Majeský L., Doležalová I. Research gaps and challenges in the conservation and exploitation of North American wild lettuce (Lactuca L.) germplasm. CROP SCIENCE. 2019.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., Kitner M., Widrlechner MP. Status of research, breeding and protection of cucurbits in relation to cucurbit downy mildew: their limits and perspectives. Acta Horticulturae. 2019.
Jemelková M., Kitner M., Křístková E., Doležalová I., Lebeda A. Genetic variability and distance between Lactuca serriola L. populations from Sweden and Slovenia assessed by SSR and AFLP markers. ACTA BOTANICA CROATICA. 2018.
Jandová M., Oulehlová M., Vojtěchová K., Kitner M., Duchoslav M. Allium pseudotelmatum (Amaryllidaceae), a new species of Allium sect. Codonoprasum from Croatia. Phytotaxa. 2017.
Ali T., Muñoz-Fuentes V., Buch A., Çelik A., Dutbayev A., Gabrielyan I., Glynou K., Khaliq I., Kitner M., Nigrelli L., Ploch S., Runge F., Schmuker A., Solovyeva I., Xia X., Vakhrusheva L., Maciá-Vicente JG., Nowak C., Thines M. Genetic patterns reflecting Pleistocene range dynamics in the annual calcicole plant Microthlaspi erraticum across its Eurasian range. Flora. 2017.
Petrželová I., Jemelková M., Doležalová .., Ondřej V., Kitner M. Identification of Rust Disease of Giant Knapweed in the Czech Republic - Short Communication. Plant Protection Science. 2017.
Smýkal P., Chaloupská M., Bariotakis M., Marečková L., Sinjushin A., Gabrielyan I., Akopian J., Toker C., Kenicer G., Kitner M., Pirintsos S. Spatial patterns and intraspecific diversity of the glacial relict legume species Vavilovia formosa (Stev.) Fed. in Eurasia. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 2017.
Jemelková M., Kitner M., Křístková E., Beharav A., Lebeda A. Biodiversity of Lactuca aculeata germplasm assessed by SSR and AFLP markers, and resistance variation to Bremia lactucae. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 2015.
Petrželová I., Kitner M., Doležalová I., Ondřej V., Lebeda A. First Report of Basil Downy Mildew Caused by Peronospora belbahrii in the Czech Republic. Plant Disease. 2015.
Petrželová I., Kitner M., Jemelková M., Doležalová I. First Report of Buckwheat Downy Mildew Caused by Peronospora cf. ducometi in the Czech Republic. Plant Disease. 2015.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Kitner M., Mieslerová B., Jemelková M., Pink DAC. Resistance of wild Lactuca genetic resources to diseases and pests, and their exploitation in lettuce breeding. Acta Horticulturae. 2015.
Polat İ., Baysal Ö., Mercati F., Kitner M., Cohen Y., Lebeda A., Carimi F. Molecular characterization of Pseudoperonospora cubensis isolates from different countries of Europe and Asia using genetic markers (ISSR and SRAP). European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2014.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Kitner M., Mieslerová B., Jemelková M., Pink DA. Wild Lactuca species, their genetic diversity, resistance to diseases and pests, and exploitation in lettuce breeding. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2014.
Kitner M., Prausová R., Adamec L. Present status of genetic diversity of Potamogeton praelongus populations in the Czech Republic. Phyton - Annales rei Botanicea. 2013.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Kitner M., Petrželová I., Mieslerová B., Doležalová I. Biodiversity of wild Lactuca species – challenge to our (re)search. Úroda. 2012.
Lebeda A., Kitner M., Křístková E., Doležalová I., Beharav A. Genetic polymorphism in Lactuca aculeata populations and occurrence of natural putative hybrids between L. aculeata and L. serriola. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 2012.
Hašler P., Dvořák P., Johansen JR., Kitner M., Ondřej V., Poulíčková A. Morphological and molecular study of epipelic filamentous genera Phormidium, Microcoleus and Geitlerinema. Fottea. 2012.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Kitner M., Vafková B., Matoušková Z., Doležalová I., Beharav A. Phenotypes of the natural interspecific hybrids in the genus Lactuca. Úroda. 2012.
NAVRÁTILOVÁ B., SKÁLOVÁ D., ONDŘEJ V., KITNER M., LEBEDA A. Biotechnological methods utilized in Cucumis research - A review. Zahradnictví - Horticultural Science. 2011.
Švábová L., LEBEDA A., KITNER M., SEDLÁŘOVÁ M., PETŘIVALSKÝ M., Dostálová R., Ondřej M., Horáček J., Smýkalová I., Griga M. Comparison of the effects of Fusarium solani filtrates in vitro and in vivo on the morphological characteristics and peroxidase activity in pea cultivars with different susceptibility. Journal of Plant Pathology. 2011.
ONDŘEJ V., HAVRÁNEK P., Němcová P., KITNER M. Molecular Identification and Characterization of the Edible and Medicinal Morchellaceae Germplasm Collection of "Mulch Morels". International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms. 2011.
Gillová L., Kitner M., Majeský L., Skálová D., Vymyslický T. Nové poznatky o druhu pelyněk Pančićův (Artemisia pancicii Danihelka et Marhold). Příroda. 2011.
HAŠLER P., DVOŘÁK P., ONDŘEJ V., KITNER M., HLOUŠKOVÁ P., POULÍČKOVÁ A. The importance of the polyphasic approach in a comparative study of Nodularia (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria). Preslia. 2011.
Beharav A., Maras M., Kitner M., Šuštar-Vozlič J., Sun G., Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Meglič V. Comparison of three genetic similarity coefficients based on dominant markers from predominantly self-pollinating species. Biologia Plantarum. 2010.
Lebeda A., Kitner M., Dziechciarková M., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Lindhout P. An insight into the genetic polymorphism among European populations of Lactuca serriola assessed by AFLP. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 2009.
Ondřej V., Kitner M., Doležalová I., Nádvorník P., Navrátilová B., Lebeda A. Chromatin Structural Rearrangement during Dedifferentiation of Protoplasts of Cucumis sativus L. Molecules and Cells. 2009.
Madlener S., Svačinová J., Kitner M., Kopecký K., Eytner E., Lackner A., Vo T., Frisch R., Grusch M., De Martin R., Doležal K., Strnad M., Krupitza G. In vitro anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities of extracts of Acalypha alopecuroidea (Euphorbiaceae). International Journal of Oncology. 2009.
Sarris P., Abdelhalim M., Kitner M., Skandalis N., Panopoulos N., Doulis A., Lebeda A. Molecular polymorphism between populations of Pseudoperonospora cubensis from Greece and the Czech Republic and their phytopathological and phylogenetic implications. Plant Pathology (print). 2009.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Kitner M., Petrželová I., Mieslerová B., Novotná A. Wild Lactuca germplasm for lettuce breeding: current status, gaps and challenges. Euphytica. 2009.
Kitner M., Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Maras M., Křístková E., Nevo E., Pavlíček T., Meglič V., Beharav A. AFLP analysis of Lactuca saligna germplasm collections from four European and three Middle Eastern countries. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences. 2008.
Švábová L., Klenotičová H., Griga M., Lebeda A., Kitner M., Sedlářová M. Alternativní biotechnologické postupy ve šlechtění luskovin. Úroda. 2008.
Hašler P., Štěpánková J., Špačková J., Neustupa JJ.., Kitner M., Hekera P., Veselá J., Burian J., Poulíčková A. Epipelic cyanobacteria and algae: a case study from Czech ponds. Fottea. 2008.
Poulíčková A., Kitner M., Hašler P. Vertical distribution of attached algae in shallow fishponds of different trophic status. Biologia. Section: Botany. 2006.
Kitner M., Poulíčková A., Hašler P. Algal collonization process in fishponds of different trophic status. Archiv für Hydrobiologie . Supplementbande, Algological Studies. 2005.
Poulíčková A., Kitner M. Phycological bibliography 2003. Czech Phycology. 2005.
Poulíčková A., Kitner M., Hašler P. Vertical distribution of attached algae in shallow fishponds of different trophic status. Biologia. Section: Botany. 2005.
Poulíčková A., Hašler P., Kitner M. Annual cycle of Planktothrix agardhii nature population. International Review of Hydrobiology. 2004.
Kitner M., Poulíčková A., Novotný R., Hájek M. Desmids (Zygnematophyceae) of the spring fens of a part of Western Carpathians. Czech Phycology. 2004.
Kitner M. Ekologie litorálních řas. Ekologie litorálních řas. 2003.
Lebeda A., Kitner M., Sedláková B., Sharma R., Runge F., Thines M. Biological and molecular evidences about changes in the host range and virulence of Pseudoperonospora cubensis populations in the Czech Republic. In Grumet R., Day B., Havey M., Weng Y. (Eds.) Cucurbitaceae 2014 Proceedings. 2014.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Kitner M., Petrželová I., Mieslerová B., Novotná A. Wild Lactuca germplasm for lettuce breeding: recent status, gaps and challenges. Modern Variety Breeding for Present and Future Needs. 2008.
Kitner M., Poulíčková A., Novotný R. Diversity of desmids (Desmidiaceae) on bryophytes. Symposium on Microalgae and seaweed products in Plant/Soil system. 2004.
Poulíčková A., Dokulil M., Kitner M. Littoral diatom assemblages and biomonitoring. 18th International Diatom Symposium. 2004.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Doležalová I., Kitner M., Widrlechner MP. Wild Lactuca Species in North America. North American Crop Wild Relatives, Volume 2. 2019.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Kitner M., Mieslerová B., Pink DA. Wild Lactuca saligna: a rich source of variation for lettuce breeding. Enhancing Crop Genepool Use: Capturing Wild Relative and Landrace Diversity for Crop Improvement. 2016.
Poulíčková A., Hašler P., Kitner M. Cyanobacteria and algae. Poulíčková,A. , Hájek,M. a Rybníček, K. eds (2005): Ecology and palaeoecology of spring fens of the west Carpathians. 2005.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Kitner M., Doležalová I., Mieslerová B., Petrželová I., Beharav A. Wild Lactuca saligna richness for lettuce breeding. PLANT health for sustainable agriculture – book of abstracts: scientific conference in the frame of Cropsustain project, 11 – 12 May 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 2015.
LEBEDA A., KŘÍSTKOVÁ E., DOLEŽALOVÁ I., KITNER M., PETRŽELOVÁ I., MIESLEROVÁ B., KORBELOVÁ P., Beharav A., Nevo E., Ben David R., Meglic V., Maras M. Complex view on biodiversity of Lactuca saligna L. germplasm. To serve and conserve, Abstracts of oral presentations and posters of the European Plant Genetis Resources Conference 2011. 2011.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Kitner M., Petrželová I., Mieslerová B., Novotná A., Korbelová P. Biodiversity of wild Lactuca spp.., their evaluation and exploitation. Book of Abstracts, 5th Slovenian Symposium on Plant Biology with International Participation, September 6-8 2010, Ljubljana. 2010.
Šlechtová A., Zmeškalová J., Bucharová A., Kalůsková J., Kitner M., Krátký M., Münzbergová Z., Prausová R., Suda J. Genetický výzkum v rámci záchranných programů rostlin v ČR. Program a abstrakty, Konference České botanické společnosti. 2010.
Prausová R., Adamec L., Kitner M., Pásek K. Projekt “Záchrana rdestu dlouholistého (Potamogeton praelongus Wulfen) v České republice” (finanční mechanism EHP a Norska). Využití výzkumu a monitoringu pro ochranářský management. Sborník abstraktů z II. konference ochrany přírody ČR uspořádané 14.-17. září 2010 v Olomouci;. 2010.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Kitner M., Petrželová I., Mieslerová B., Korbelová P., Šmachová P., Beharav A., Nevo E., Ben David R., Meglic V., Maras M. Willow-leaf lettuce - distribution and variation. Book of abstracts 5th Slovenian Symposium on Plant Biology with international participation, September 6 - 9 2010, Ljubljana. 2010.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Kitner M., Petrželová I., Mieslerová B., Novotná A. Comprehensive strategy for searching of valuable traits in wild Lactuca germplasm. Book of Abstracts, 19th EUCARPIA Conference, Genetic Resources Section. 2009.
Švábová L., Lebeda A., Kitner M. Effect of Fusarium solani filtrate on pea grown in planta and in vitro. XVIII. Česká a Slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin. Sborník abstraktů. 2009.
Kitner M., Maras M., Lebeda A., Meglič V., Šmachová P., Novotná A., Doležalová I. Genetic diversity analysis of wild Lactuca serriola germplasm collection from North America assessed by AFLP. Joint congress of the Slovenian Biochemical Society and the Genetic Society of Slovenia: Book of Abstracts. 2009.
Navrátilová B., Skálová D., Ondřej V., Kitner M., Lebeda A. The novel approaches in the biotechnological research of Cucumis spp. Abstracts The 4th International Cucurbitaceae Symposium. 2009.
Lebeda A., Švábová L., Kitner M., Digaňová E., Sedlářová M., Vinklárková P., Griga M. Characterization and selection in vitro of peas for resistance to nectrotrophic fungal (Fusarium solani, Ascochyta pisi, Phoma pisi) pathogens, biochemical and morphological approach. Modern Variety Breeding for Present and Future Needs. EUCARPIA 18th General Congress (Book of Abstracts). 2008.
Sedlářová M., Kitner M., Lebeda A., Piterková J., Luhová L., Petřivalský M., Kyseláková H., Navrátil M., Švábová L. Reactive nitrogen and oxygen species in pea responses to biotic stress stimuli. 2nd International Plant NO Club Workshop, July 21. - 22, 2008, (Book of Abstracts). 2008.
Kitner M., Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Beharav A., Nevo E., Pavlíček T., Maras M., Meglic V. AFLP analysis of Lactuca saligna germplasm collections from four European and three Near East countries. Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables 2007 Conference Abstracts. 2007.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Mieslerová B., Kitner M., Navrátilová B., Duchoslav M., Havránek P., Vondráková D. Germplasm collections of crop wild relatives - Research, study and use on the Department od Botany, Palacký University in Olomouc (Czech Republic). Plant Genetic Resources and their Exploitation in the Plant Breeding for Food and Agriculture. Book of Abstracts. 18th EUCARPIA Genetic Resources Section Meeting. 2007.
Lebeda A., Sedlářová M., Mieslerová B., Petrželová I., Doležalová I., Maryška Z., Hübschová J., Sedláková B., Kitner M., Skálová D., Novotná A. 2nd Downy Mildew Symposium. 2007.
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Cvičení ze systému vyšších rostlin BOT/SVCVY LS Cv 15
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