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585634818, 585634809

Katedra botaniky

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Šlechtitelů 27 - objekt 53 (G)


věd. prac. ob. biologických

Biologie a variabilita interakcí padlí dýňovitých - čeleď Cucurbitaceae (studium rozšíření, škodlivosti, patogenní variability, rezistence k fungicidům v populaci padlí dýňovitých v České republice, testování účinnosti látek přírodního původu k tomuto patogenu; tvorba a udržování sbírkové kolekce padlí pro výzkumné účely) Biologie a variabilita interakcí plísně dýňovitých - čeleď Cucurbitaceae

Kitner M., Runge F., Lebeda A., Vaculná L., Sedláková B., Thines M. Pseudoperonospora humuli might be an introduced species in Central Europe with low genetic diversity but high distribution potential. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2021. (ČLÁNEK)
Pirondi A., Kitner M., Iotti M., Sedláková B., Lebeda A., Collina M. Genetic structure and phylogeny of Italian and Czech populations of the cucurbit powdery mildew fungus Golovinomyces orontii inferred by Multilocus Sequence Typing. Plant Pathology (print). 2016. (ČLÁNEK)
Kitner M., Lebeda A., Sharma R., Runge F., Dvořák P., Tahir A., Choi Y., Sedláková B., Thines M. Coincidence of virulence shifts and changes in the population genetic structure of Pseudoperonospora cubensis populations revealed by multilocus analyses. Plant Pathology (print). 2015. (ČLÁNEK)
Matušinský P., Florová V., Sedláková B., Mlčoch P., Bleša D. Colonization dynamic and distribution of the endophytic fungus Microdochium bolleyi in plants measured by qPCR. PLoS One. 2024.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B. Pathotypes and races of Pseudoperonospora cubensis: Two concepts of virulence differentiation. PLANT PATHOLOGY. 2024.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Křístková E., McCreight JD., den Hertog M., Reitsma K. Development and Availability of a Melon Differential Set for Determination of Virulence Variation of Cucurbit Powdery Mildews (Podosphaera xanthii and Golovinomyces orontii). Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report. 2021.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Křístková E., Widrlechner MP., Kosman E. Understanding pathogen population structure and virulence variation for efficient resistance breeding to control cucurbit powdery mildews. PLANT PATHOLOGY. 2021.
Trecate L., Sedláková B., Mieslerová B., Manstretta V., Rossi V., Lebeda A. Effect of temperature on infection and development of powdery mildew on cucumber. PLANT PATHOLOGY. 2019.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., Kitner M., Widrlechner MP. Status of research, breeding and protection of cucurbits in relation to cucurbit downy mildew: their limits and perspectives. Acta Horticulturae. 2019.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight JD. Initiative for uniform cucurbit powdery mildew race determination and denomination: status of race differentials. Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report. 2018.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight JD., Kosman E. Virulence variation of cucurbit powdery mildews in the Czech Republic - population approach. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY. 2018.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., Štěpánková J., Widrlechner MP. Race-specificity in interactions between Cucumis melo germplasm and Pseudoperonospora cubensis. Acta Horticulturae. 2017.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight JD., Coffey MD. Cucurbit powdery mildews: methodology for objective determination and denomination of races. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2016.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Roháčková J., Sedláková B., Widrlechner MP., Paris HS. Race-specific response of Cucurbita germplasm to Pseudoperonospora cubensis. Euphytica. 2016.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Štěpánková J., Sedláková B., Widrlechner MP. Response of Cucumis melo accessions to isolates of Pseudoperonospora cubensis with different levels of virulence. Sciencia Horticulturae. 2016.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A., Jeřábková H., Paulík R., Vajdová M. Resistance to fenarimol, dinocap, benomyl, thiophanate-methyl and azoxystrobin in cucurbit powdery mildew populations in the Czech Republic. Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica. 2012.
Lebeda A., Pavelková J., Sedláková B., Urban J. Structure and temporal shifts in virulence of Pseudoperonospora cubensis populations in the Czech Republic. Plant Pathology (print). 2012.
LEBEDA A., PAVELKOVÁ J., URBAN J., SEDLÁKOVÁ B. Distribution, host range and disease severity of Pseudoperonospora cubensis on cucurbits in the Czech Republic. Journal of Phytopathology. 2011.
PAVELKOVÁ J., LEBEDA A., SEDLÁKOVÁ B. First report of Pseudoperonospora cubensis on Cucurbita moschata in the Czech Republic. Plant Disease. 2011.
LEBEDA A., KŘÍSTKOVÁ E., SEDLÁKOVÁ B., COFFEY MD., MC CREIGHT JD. Gaps and perspectives of pathotype and race determination in Golovinomyces cichoracearum and Podosphaera xanthii. Mycoscience. 2011.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Pejchar M., Jeřábková H. Variation for fungicide resistance among cucurbit powdery mildew populations in the Czech Republic. Acta Horticulturae. 2010.
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A., Mikšíková P., Duchoslav M., Sedláková B., McCreight JD. Histological aspects of Cucumis melo PI 313970 resistance to Podosphaera xanthii and Golovinomyces cichoracearum. Journal of Plant Diseases and Plant Protection. 2009.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Sedláková B. Species spectra, distribution and host range of cucurbit powdery mildew in the Czech Republic, and in some other European and Middle Eastern countries. Phytoparasitica: Israel Journal of Plant Protection Sciences (print). 2009.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A. Fungicide resistance in Czech populations of cucurbit powdery mildews. Phytoparasitica: Israel Journal of Plant Protection Sciences (print). 2008.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Sedláková B. Temporal and spatial dynamics of powdery mildew species on cucurbits in the Czech Republic. Acta Horticulturae. 2007.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Křístková E. Temporal changes in pathogenicity structure of cucurbit powdery mildew populations. Acta Horticulturae. 2007.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Křístková E. Distribution, harmfulness and pathogenic variability of cucurbit powdery mildew in the Czech Republic. Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica. 2004.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A. Resistance to fungicides in cucurbit powdery mildew populations in the Czech Republic. Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica. 2004.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Sedláková B. Virulence of Czech cucurbit powdery mildew isolates on Cucumis melo genotypes MR-1 and PI 124112. Sciencia Horticulturae. 2004.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Pavelková J., Doudová T., Urban J. Long-lasting study of fungicide efficacy against Czech cucurbit downy mildew populations. In Deising HB., Fraaije B., Mehl A., Oerke E., Sierotzki H., Stammler G. (Eds.) Modern fungicides and antifungal compounds VIII. 2017.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A., Paulík R., Šrajbr M., Jeřábková H. Long-lasting study of fungicide efficacy against Czech cucurbit powdery mildew populations. In Deising HB., Fraaije B., Mehl A., Oerke E., Sierotzki H., Stammler G. (Eds.) Modern fungicides and antifungal compounds VIII. 2017.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight JD. Initiative for international cooperation of researchers and breeders related to determination and denomination of cucurbit powdery mildew races. In Kozik EU., Paris HS. (Eds.) Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2016, The XIth Eucarpia Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics & Breeding, July 24-28, 2016, Warsaw, Poland. 2016.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Štěpánková J., Sedláková B., Roháčková J., Paris HS., Widrlechner MP. Interactions of Cucumis melo and Cucurbita spp. accessions with Pseudoperonospora cubensis are race- (pathotype-) specific. In Kozik EU., Paris HS. (Eds.) Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2016. 2016.
Sedláková B., Rušáková E., Křístková E., Lebeda A. Long-lasting (2001 to 2009) Variation in Virulence among Czech Cucurbit Powdery Mildew Populations Screened on Eleven Cucumis melo Differential Genotypes. In Kozik EU., Paris HS. (Eds.) Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2016. 2016.
Lebeda A., Kitner M., Sedláková B., Sharma R., Runge F., Thines M. Biological and molecular evidences about changes in the host range and virulence of Pseudoperonospora cubensis populations in the Czech Republic. In Grumet R., Day B., Havey M., Weng Y. (Eds.) Cucurbitaceae 2014 Proceedings. 2014.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A., Gryczová K., Křístková E. Virulence structure (pathotypes, races) of cucurbit powdery mildew populations in the Czech Republic in the years 2010 – 2012. In Grumet R., Day B., Havey M., Weng Y. (Eds.) Cucurbitaceae 2014 Proceedings. 2014.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Křístková E., Vajdová M., McCreight JD. Application of a new approach for characterization and denomination of races of cucurbit powdery mildews – a case study of Czech pathogen populations. In Sari N., Solmaz I., Aras V. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Xth Eucarpia meeting on genetics and breeding of Cucurbitaceae. 2012.
McCreight JD., Coffey MD., Sedláková B., Lebeda A. Cucurbit powdery mildew of melon incited by Podosphaera xanthii: Global and western U.S. perspectives. In Sari N., Solmaz I., Aras V. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Xth Eucarpia meeting on genetics and breeding of Cucurbitaceae. 2012.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Pavelková J. New hosts of Pseudoperonospora cubensis in the Czech Republic and pathogen virulence variation. In Sari N., Solmaz I., Aras V. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Xth Eucarpia meeting on genetics and breeding of Cucurbitaceae. 2012.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A. Temporal population dynamics of cucurbit powdery mildews (Golovinomyces cichoracearum and Podosphaera xanthii) in the Czech Republic. In Thies JA., Kousik S., Levi A. (Eds.) Cucurbitaceae 2010 Proceedings. 2010.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight J., Coffey M. New concept for determination and denomination of pathotypes and races of cucurbit powdery mildew. In Pitrat M. (Eds.) Cucurbitaceae 2008, Proceedings of the IXth EUCARPIA meeting on genetics and breeding of Cucurbitaceae, Avignon (France), May 21-24th, 2008. 2008.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A. Survey of fungicide resistance in cucurbit powdery mildews populations in the Czech Republic. Proceedings of the XVIIth Czech and Slovak Plant Protection Conference. 2006.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B. Ochrana okurek a dalších tykvovitých zelenin vůči padlí tykvovitých. Metodika pro integrovaný systém ochrany polní zeleniny vůči škodlivým organizmům. 2005.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B. Disease impact and pathogenicity variation in Czech populations of cucurbit powdery mildews. In Lebeda A., Paris HS. (Eds.) Progress in Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding Research. Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2004, the 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. 2004.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A. Variation in sensitivity to fungicides in Czech populations of cucurbit powdery mildews. In Lebeda A., Paris HS. (Eds.) Progress in Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding Research. Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2004, the 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. 2004.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B., Huszár J., Sedláková B. Padlí kulturních a planě rostoucích rostlin. 2017.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B. Screening for resistance to cucurbit powdery mildew (Golovinomyces cichoracearum, Podosphaera xanthii). In Spencer M., Lebeda A. (Eds.) Mass screening techniques for selecting crops resistant to diseases. 2010.
Matušinský P., Sedláková B., Bleša D. Sada primerů, set a způsob detekce Microdochium bolleyi. 2023.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight JD., Kosman E. Application of a new approach for study of virulence variation in cucurbit powdery mildew populations. PHYTOPATHOLOGY. 2018.
LEBEDA A., SEDLÁKOVÁ B., PAVELKOVÁ J., JEŘÁBKOVÁ H. Usage of novel action fungicides and their limitations - examples from biotrophic parasites of cucurbits. Sborník abstraktů z konference. 2012.
LEBEDA A., SEDLÁKOVÁ B. Fungicide resistance in Czech cucurbit powdery mildew populations. Phytopathology. 2011.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight JD., Coffey MD. Gaps and perspectives of pathogenicity evaluation and denomination in cucurbit powdery mildew (Golovinomyces cichoracearum and Podosphaera xanthii). Abstracts - A Special Interest Group Meeting of the 9th International Mycological Congress (IMC9) - Biology, Biodiversity, Evolution and Systematics of the Erysiphales. 2010.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Křístková E., Vysoudil M. Long-lasting changes in the species spectrum of cucurbit powdery mildew in the Czech Republic - influence of climate changes or random effect? XVIII. Česká a Slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin. Sborník abstraktů. 2009.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A. Occurrence of Ampelomyces quisqualis on the cucurbit powdery mildew species in the Czech Republic. 4th International Cucurbitaceae Symposium in China. 2009.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A., Pejchar M., Jeřábková H. Occurrence of the strains with resistance to fungicides in Czech cucurbit powdery mildew populations. XVIII. Česká a Slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin. Sborník abstraktů. 2009.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight J., Coffey D. Pathogenic variability of individuals and populations of cucurbit powdery mildew ? great confusion and great mystery, or why we still need the classical phytopathology. XVIII. Česká a Slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin. Sborník abstraktů. 2009.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Pejchar M., Jeřábková H. Variation for fungicide resistance among cucurbit powdery mildew populations in the Czech Republic. 4th International Cucurbitaceae Symposium in China. 2009.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B. Fungicide resistance in populations of cucurbit powdery mildew. Journal of Plant Pathology. 2008.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A. Survey of fungicide resistance in cucurbit powdery mildews populations in the Czech Republic. XVII. Česká a slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin, Sborník abstraktů/XVIIth Czech and Slovak Plant Protection Conference, Book of Abstracts. 2006.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Duchoslav M., Dančák M. Temporal and spatial dynamics of powdery mildew species on cucurbits in the Czech Republic. 3rd International Cucurbit Symposium in conjunction with 7th Australian Melon Conference. 2005.
Sedlářová M., Mieslerová B., Trojanová Z., Jemelková M., Sedláková B. 3. Česko-slovenská vědecká mykologická konference. In Antonín V., Prášil K. (Eds.) 2013.
Lebeda A., Sedlářová M., Mieslerová B., Petrželová I., Doležalová I., Maryška Z., Hübschová J., Sedláková B., Kitner M., Skálová D., Novotná A. 2nd Downy Mildew Symposium. 2007.
Doležalová I., Gajdová J., Gasmanová N., Křístková E., Navrátilová B., Petrželová I., Sedláková B., Sedlářová M., Skálová D., Urban J. 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. In Lebeda A. (Eds.) 2004.
Doležalová I., Gajdová J., Gasmanová N., Křístková E., Navrátilová B., Petrželová I., Sedláková B., Sedlářová M., Skálová D., Urban J. 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. In Lebeda A. (Eds.) 2004.

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