Doc. Ing. Eva KŘÍSTKOVÁ, Ph.D.

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Katedra botaniky

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Šlechtitelů 27 - objekt 53 (G)



genové zdroje rostlin, planě rostoucí druhy rostlin příbuzné druhům pěstovaným, morfologická variabilita rostlin (např. Cucurbitaceae, Lactuca), padlí tykvovitých

Kitner M., Majeský L., Křístková E., Jemelková M., Lebeda A., Beharav A. Genetic structure and diversity in natural populations of three predominantly self-pollinating wild Lactuca species in Israel. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 2015. (ČLÁNEK)
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B. Pathotypes and races of Pseudoperonospora cubensis: Two concepts of virulence differentiation. PLANT PATHOLOGY. 2024.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Mieslerová B., Dhillon NPS., McCreight JD. Status, Gaps and Perspectives of Powdery Mildew Resistance Research and Breeding in Cucurbits. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 2024.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Khoury CK., Carver D., Sosa ChC. Distribution and ecology of wild lettuces Lactuca serriola L. and Lactuca virosa L. in central Chile. Hacquetia. 2022.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Kitner M., Widrlechner MP., Maras M., El-Esawi MA. Egypt as one of the centers of lettuce domestication: morphological and genetic evidence. EUPHYTICA. 2022.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Křístková E., McCreight JD., den Hertog M., Reitsma K. Development and Availability of a Melon Differential Set for Determination of Virulence Variation of Cucurbit Powdery Mildews (Podosphaera xanthii and Golovinomyces orontii). Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report. 2021.
Šuštar-Vozlič J., Ugrinović K., Maras M., Křístková E., Lebeda A., Meglič V. Morphological and genetic diversity of Slovene lettuce landrace ‘Ljubljanska ledenka’ (Lactuca sativa L.). GENETIC RESOURCES AND CROP EVOLUTION. 2021.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Křístková E., Widrlechner MP., Kosman E. Understanding pathogen population structure and virulence variation for efficient resistance breeding to control cucurbit powdery mildews. PLANT PATHOLOGY. 2021.
Mieslerová B., Kitner M., Křístková E., Majeský L., Lebeda A. Powdery Mildews on Lactuca Species - A Complex View of Host-Pathogen Interactions. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 2020.
Lebeda A., Kitner M., Mieslerová B., Křístková E., Pavlíček T. Leveillula lactucae-serriolae on Lactuca serriola in Jordan. PHYTOPATHOLOGIA MEDITERRANEA. 2019.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Kitner M., Majeský L., Doležalová I. Research gaps and challenges in the conservation and exploitation of North American wild lettuce (Lactuca L.) germplasm. CROP SCIENCE. 2019.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., Kitner M., Widrlechner MP. Status of research, breeding and protection of cucurbits in relation to cucurbit downy mildew: their limits and perspectives. Acta Horticulturae. 2019.
Jemelková M., Kitner M., Křístková E., Doležalová I., Lebeda A. Genetic variability and distance between Lactuca serriola L. populations from Sweden and Slovenia assessed by SSR and AFLP markers. ACTA BOTANICA CROATICA. 2018.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight JD. Initiative for uniform cucurbit powdery mildew race determination and denomination: status of race differentials. Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report. 2018.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight JD., Kosman E. Virulence variation of cucurbit powdery mildews in the Czech Republic - population approach. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY. 2018.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., Štěpánková J., Widrlechner MP. Race-specificity in interactions between Cucumis melo germplasm and Pseudoperonospora cubensis. Acta Horticulturae. 2017.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight JD., Coffey MD. Cucurbit powdery mildews: methodology for objective determination and denomination of races. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2016.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Roháčková J., Sedláková B., Widrlechner MP., Paris HS. Race-specific response of Cucurbita germplasm to Pseudoperonospora cubensis. Euphytica. 2016.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Štěpánková J., Sedláková B., Widrlechner MP. Response of Cucumis melo accessions to isolates of Pseudoperonospora cubensis with different levels of virulence. Sciencia Horticulturae. 2016.
Jemelková M., Kitner M., Křístková E., Beharav A., Lebeda A. Biodiversity of Lactuca aculeata germplasm assessed by SSR and AFLP markers, and resistance variation to Bremia lactucae. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 2015.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Kitner M., Mieslerová B., Jemelková M., Pink DAC. Resistance of wild Lactuca genetic resources to diseases and pests, and their exploitation in lettuce breeding. Acta Horticulturae. 2015.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Novotná A., Doležalová I., Berka T. Morphological variation of Lactuca serriola L. achenes as a function of their geographic origin. Acta Botanica Croatica. 2014.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Kitner M., Mieslerová B., Jemelková M., Pink DA. Wild Lactuca species, their genetic diversity, resistance to diseases and pests, and exploitation in lettuce breeding. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2014.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Kitner M., Petrželová I., Mieslerová B., Doležalová I. Biodiversity of wild Lactuca species – challenge to our (re)search. Úroda. 2012.
Lebeda A., Kitner M., Křístková E., Doležalová I., Beharav A. Genetic polymorphism in Lactuca aculeata populations and occurrence of natural putative hybrids between L. aculeata and L. serriola. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 2012.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Kitner M., Vafková B., Matoušková Z., Doležalová I., Beharav A. Phenotypes of the natural interspecific hybrids in the genus Lactuca. Úroda. 2012.
LEBEDA A., KŘÍSTKOVÁ E., SEDLÁKOVÁ B., COFFEY MD., MC CREIGHT JD. Gaps and perspectives of pathotype and race determination in Golovinomyces cichoracearum and Podosphaera xanthii. Mycoscience. 2011.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Paris HS. Variation for morphologic traits within and among Cucurbita pepo genotypes. Acta Horticulturae. 2010.
Lebeda A., Kitner M., Dziechciarková M., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Lindhout P. An insight into the genetic polymorphism among European populations of Lactuca serriola assessed by AFLP. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 2009.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Sedláková B. Species spectra, distribution and host range of cucurbit powdery mildew in the Czech Republic, and in some other European and Middle Eastern countries. Phytoparasitica: Israel Journal of Plant Protection Sciences (print). 2009.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Kitner M., Petrželová I., Mieslerová B., Novotná A. Wild Lactuca germplasm for lettuce breeding: current status, gaps and challenges. Euphytica. 2009.
Kitner M., Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Maras M., Křístková E., Nevo E., Pavlíček T., Meglič V., Beharav A. AFLP analysis of Lactuca saligna germplasm collections from four European and three Middle Eastern countries. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences. 2008.
Křístková E., Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Vinter V., Novotná A. Description of morphological characters of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) genetic resources. Zahradnictví - Horticultural Science. 2008.
Skálová D., Dziechciarková M., Lebeda A., Křístková E., Navrátilová B. Interspecific hybridization of Cucumis anguria L. var. longaculeatus J. H. Kirk. and C. zeyheri Sond. via embryo-rescue. Biologia Plantarum. 2008.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Dehmer KJ., Astley D.A.C., van de Wiel CCM., van Treuren R. Acquisition and ecological characterization of Lactuca serriola L. germplasm collected in the Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands and United Kingdom. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 2007.
Skálová D., Dziechciarková M., Lebeda A., Navrátilová B., Křístková E. Interspecific hybridization of C. anguria x C. zeyheri, C. sativus x C. melo and C. sativus x C. metuliferus with the use of embryo cultures. Acta Horticulturae. 2007.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Sedláková B. Temporal and spatial dynamics of powdery mildew species on cucurbits in the Czech Republic. Acta Horticulturae. 2007.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Křístková E. Temporal changes in pathogenicity structure of cucurbit powdery mildew populations. Acta Horticulturae. 2007.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Lechnerová M., Všetička V., Krška B. Following almond footprints in Czech Republic. Scripta Horticulturae. 2006.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Křístková E. Distribution, harmfulness and pathogenic variability of cucurbit powdery mildew in the Czech Republic. Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica. 2004.
Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Tiefenbachová I., Křístková E. Taxonomic reconsideration of some Lactuca spp. germplasm maintained in world genebank collections. In Davidson CG., Trehane P. (Eds.) Acta Horticulturae. 2004.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Sedláková B. Virulence of Czech cucurbit powdery mildew isolates on Cucumis melo genotypes MR-1 and PI 124112. Sciencia Horticulturae. 2004.
Křístková E., Lebeda A. Powdery mildew on Cucurbita spp. in the Czech Republic. Acta Horticulturae. 1999.
Skálová D., Dziechciarková M., Lebeda A., Navrátilová B., Křístková E. Interspecific hybridization of C. anguria x C. zeyheri, C. sativus x C. melo and C. sativus x C. matuliferus. .
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight JD. Initiative for international cooperation of researchers and breeders related to determination and denomination of cucurbit powdery mildew races. In Kozik EU., Paris HS. (Eds.) Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2016, The XIth Eucarpia Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics & Breeding, July 24-28, 2016, Warsaw, Poland. 2016.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Štěpánková J., Sedláková B., Roháčková J., Paris HS., Widrlechner MP. Interactions of Cucumis melo and Cucurbita spp. accessions with Pseudoperonospora cubensis are race- (pathotype-) specific. In Kozik EU., Paris HS. (Eds.) Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2016. 2016.
Sedláková B., Rušáková E., Křístková E., Lebeda A. Long-lasting (2001 to 2009) Variation in Virulence among Czech Cucurbit Powdery Mildew Populations Screened on Eleven Cucumis melo Differential Genotypes. In Kozik EU., Paris HS. (Eds.) Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2016. 2016.
Sedláková B., Lebeda A., Gryczová K., Křístková E. Virulence structure (pathotypes, races) of cucurbit powdery mildew populations in the Czech Republic in the years 2010 – 2012. In Grumet R., Day B., Havey M., Weng Y. (Eds.) Cucurbitaceae 2014 Proceedings. 2014.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Křístková E., Vajdová M., McCreight JD. Application of a new approach for characterization and denomination of races of cucurbit powdery mildews – a case study of Czech pathogen populations. In Sari N., Solmaz I., Aras V. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Xth Eucarpia meeting on genetics and breeding of Cucurbitaceae. 2012.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Paris HS. Genetic variation of the leaf laminae of Cucurbita pepo. In Sari N., Solmaz I., Aras V. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Xth Eucarpia meeting on genetics and breeding of Cucurbitaceae. 2012.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight J., Coffey M. New concept for determination and denomination of pathotypes and races of cucurbit powdery mildew. In Pitrat M. (Eds.) Cucurbitaceae 2008, Proceedings of the IXth EUCARPIA meeting on genetics and breeding of Cucurbitaceae, Avignon (France), May 21-24th, 2008. 2008.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Kitner M., Petrželová I., Mieslerová B., Novotná A. Wild Lactuca germplasm for lettuce breeding: recent status, gaps and challenges. Modern Variety Breeding for Present and Future Needs. 2008.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Dančák M., Havránek P. Botanical Garden of Palacký University in Olomouc ? history and recent development. Konference Introdukce a genetické zdroje rostlin, Botanické zahrady v novém tisíciletí. 2005.
Křístková E., Chytilová V. Genetic resources of leafy vegetables in the Czech Republic. Report of a Vegetables Network. 2005.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Mieslerová B., Duchoslav M., Havránek P., Vondráková D. Maintenance of and research on wild crop relatives at Department of Botany, Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic. Konference Introdukce a genetické zdroje rostlin, Botanické zahrady v novém tisíciletí. 2005.
Lužný J., Lebeda A., Křístková E. A dedication to Franz Frimmel, a Czech leader of cucurbit breeding. In Lebeda A. Paris HS. (Eds.) Progress in Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding Research. Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2004, the 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. 2004.
Vinter V., Křístková A., Lebeda A., Křístková E. Descriptor lists for genetic resources of the genus Cucumis and cultivated species of the genus Cucurbita. In Lebeda A. Paris HS. (Eds.) Progress in Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding Research. Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2004, the 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. 2004.
Moravec J., Lebeda A., Křístková E. History of growing and breeding of cucurbitaceaous vegetables in Czech Lands. In Lebeda A., Paris HS. (Eds.) Progress in Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding Research. Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2004, the 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. 2004.
Dziechciarková M., Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E. Isozyme variation in European Lactuca serriola germplasm. In Vollmann J., Grausgruber H., Ruckenbauer P. (Eds.) Genetic variation for plant breeding. Proceedings of the 17th EUCARPIA General Congress. 2004.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Novotná A. Morphological and developmental characteristics of Lactuca serriola germplasm originating from Europe. 17th International Lettuce and Leafy Vegetable Conference. 2004.
Křístková E., Křístková A., Vinter V. Morphological variation of cultivated Cucurbita species. In Lebeda A. PHS. (Eds.) Progress in Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding Research. Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2004, the 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding,. 2004.
Křístková E., Křístková A. .., Vinter V. Morphological variation of cultivated Cucurbita species. In Lebeda A. PHS. (Eds.) Progress in Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding Research. Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2004, the 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding,. 2004.
Křístková E., Křístková A., Vinter V., Losík J. Morfologická variabilita pěstovaných druhů rodu Cucurbita. In Benediková D. (Eds.) Zborník z 3. odborného seminára ?Hodnotenie genetických zdrojov rastlín? 2003.
Křístková E., Lebeda A. Index seminum 2009 Hortus botanicus Facultatis Rerum naturalium Universitatis Palackianae Olomouc. Index seminum 2009 Hortus botanicus Facultatis Rerum naturalium Universitatis Palackianae Olomouc. 2009.
Lebeda A., Křístková E. Botanic garden Faculty of Science Palacký University in Olomouc - Botanická zahrada Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci. Botanic garden Faculty of Science Palacký University in Olomouc - Botanická zahrada Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci. 2008.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Dančák M. Index seminum 2006: Hortus Botanicus Facultatis Rerum Naturalium, Univesrsitatis Palackianae Olomouc Czech Republic. Index seminum 2006: Hortus Botanicus Facultatis Rerum Naturalium, Universitatis Palackianae Olomouc. 2006.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Doležalová I., Kitner M., Widrlechner MP. Wild Lactuca Species in North America. North American Crop Wild Relatives, Volume 2. 2019.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Kitner M., Mieslerová B., Pink DA. Wild Lactuca saligna: a rich source of variation for lettuce breeding. Enhancing Crop Genepool Use: Capturing Wild Relative and Landrace Diversity for Crop Improvement. 2016.
Dančák M., Hradílek Z., Křístková E., Lebeda A., Vašut R., Vinter V. Botanická zahrada Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci. In Chytrá M., Hanzelka P., Kacerovský R. (Eds.) Botanické zahrady a arboreta České republiky. 2010.
Lebeda A., Widrlechner MP., Staub JE., Ezura H., Zalapa J., Křístková E. Cucurbits (Cucurbitaceae; Cucumis spp., Cucurbita spp., Citrullus spp.), Chapter 8. Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement Series, Volume 3 Vegetable Crops. 2007.
Lebeda A., Ryder E., Grube R., Doležalová I., Křístková E. Lettuce (Asteraceae; Lactuca spp.). Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement, Vol. 3, Vegetable Crops. 2007.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight JD., Kosman E. Application of a new approach for study of virulence variation in cucurbit powdery mildew populations. PHYTOPATHOLOGY. 2018.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Kitner M., Doležalová I., Mieslerová B., Petrželová I., Beharav A. Wild Lactuca saligna richness for lettuce breeding. PLANT health for sustainable agriculture – book of abstracts: scientific conference in the frame of Cropsustain project, 11 – 12 May 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 2015.
KŘÍSTKOVÁ E., LEBEDA A., DOLEŽALOVÁ I., PETRŽELOVÁ I., MELICHAŘÍKOVÁ Z. Breeding value of old lettuce cultivars and landraces in germplasm collections. To serve and conserve, Abstracts of oral presentations and posters of the European Plant Genetic Resources Conference 2011. 2011.
LEBEDA A., KŘÍSTKOVÁ E., DOLEŽALOVÁ I., KITNER M., PETRŽELOVÁ I., MIESLEROVÁ B., KORBELOVÁ P., Beharav A., Nevo E., Ben David R., Meglic V., Maras M. Complex view on biodiversity of Lactuca saligna L. germplasm. To serve and conserve, Abstracts of oral presentations and posters of the European Plant Genetis Resources Conference 2011. 2011.
KŘÍSTKOVÁ E., Tvardová M., LEBEDA A. Characterization of developmental stages in Lactuca saligna germplasm from Europe and USA. Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables 2011 Abstracts. 2011.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Kitner M., Petrželová I., Mieslerová B., Novotná A., Korbelová P. Biodiversity of wild Lactuca spp.., their evaluation and exploitation. Book of Abstracts, 5th Slovenian Symposium on Plant Biology with International Participation, September 6-8 2010, Ljubljana. 2010.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight JD., Coffey MD. Gaps and perspectives of pathogenicity evaluation and denomination in cucurbit powdery mildew (Golovinomyces cichoracearum and Podosphaera xanthii). Abstracts - A Special Interest Group Meeting of the 9th International Mycological Congress (IMC9) - Biology, Biodiversity, Evolution and Systematics of the Erysiphales. 2010.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Doležalová I., Petrželová I., Melichaříková Z. Germplasm collections of old lettuce cultivars and landraces for modern breeding. Book of Abstracts. Volume II (Symposia). 2010.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Kitner M., Petrželová I., Mieslerová B., Korbelová P., Šmachová P., Beharav A., Nevo E., Ben David R., Meglic V., Maras M. Willow-leaf lettuce - distribution and variation. Book of abstracts 5th Slovenian Symposium on Plant Biology with international participation, September 6 - 9 2010, Ljubljana. 2010.
Novotná A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Berka T., Lebeda A. COMPARATIVE STUDY OF ACHENES CHARACTERS WITHIN GENETIC RESOURCES OF LACTUCA SERRIOLA FROM SLOVENIA AND SWEDEN. Book of Abstracts, 19th Eucarpia Conference, Genetic Resources Section. 2009.
Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Špoková M., Křístková E. COMPARISON OF PHENOTYPIC VARIABILITY OF LACTUCA SERRIOLA GENETIC RESOURCES FROM SLOVENIA AND SWEDEN. Book of Abstracts, 19th EUCARPIA Conference, Genetic Resources Section. 2009.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Kitner M., Petrželová I., Mieslerová B., Novotná A. Comprehensive strategy for searching of valuable traits in wild Lactuca germplasm. Book of Abstracts, 19th EUCARPIA Conference, Genetic Resources Section. 2009.
Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Křístková E., Vysoudil M. Long-lasting changes in the species spectrum of cucurbit powdery mildew in the Czech Republic - influence of climate changes or random effect? XVIII. Česká a Slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin. Sborník abstraktů. 2009.
Křístková E., Doležalová I., Lebeda A. Morphological grouping of Lactuca saligna germplasm originating from Italy and France. Book of Abstracts of 19th EUCARPIA Conference, Genetic Resources Section, Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 26-29, 2009. 2009.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Sedláková B., McCreight J., Coffey D. Pathogenic variability of individuals and populations of cucurbit powdery mildew ? great confusion and great mystery, or why we still need the classical phytopathology. XVIII. Česká a Slovenská konference o ochraně rostlin. Sborník abstraktů. 2009.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Paris H., Zadrobílková I. Variation in phenotypic traits within and among Cucurbita pepo genotypes. Abstracts, The 4th International Cucurbitaceae Symposium, Changsha, Hunan, China. 2009.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Superatová L. Morphological variation within and between lettuce accessions of cv. 'Atrakce' in the Czech national germplasm collection. In Prohens J., Badenes ML. (Eds.) Modern Variety Breeding for Present and Future Needs. Proceedings of the 18th EUCARPIA General Congress, 9-12.9.2008. 2008.
Kitner M., Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Beharav A., Nevo E., Pavlíček T., Maras M., Meglic V. AFLP analysis of Lactuca saligna germplasm collections from four European and three Near East countries. Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables 2007 Conference Abstracts. 2007.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Novotná A. Comparative study of variation of some morphological characteristics of Lactuca serriola germplasm collected in Central Europe (Czech Republic) and the British Isles (England, U.K.). Plant Genetic Resources of Geographical and "other" Islands (conservation, evaluation and use for plant breeding). 2007.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Doležalová I. Genetic resources of Lactuca saligna and their morphological assessment. Plant Genetic Resources and their Exploitation in the Plant Breeding for Food and Agriculture. Book of Abstracts. 2007.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Mieslerová B., Kitner M., Navrátilová B., Duchoslav M., Havránek P., Vondráková D. Germplasm collections of crop wild relatives - Research, study and use on the Department od Botany, Palacký University in Olomouc (Czech Republic). Plant Genetic Resources and their Exploitation in the Plant Breeding for Food and Agriculture. Book of Abstracts. 18th EUCARPIA Genetic Resources Section Meeting. 2007.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E. Identification of duplicates in Lactuca germplasm collections. Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables 2007 Conference Abstracts. 2007.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Doležalová I. Phenotypic variability of Lactuca saligna germplasm collected in Italy and France. EUCARPIA Leafy Vegetables 2007, Conference Abstracts. 2007.
Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Křístková E., Novotná A. Relevance of morphologic assessment of wild Lactuca spp. germplasm for their taxonomic determination. Bulletin of Botanical Gardens, Museums & Collections, Polish Botanical Society, Programme and Abstracts - The 2nd International Conference of Eastern and Central European Botanic Gardens. 2007.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Novotná A. Taxonomic determination of plant genetic resources - impact and consequences: case study of Lactuca spp. Plant Genetic Resources and their Exploitation in the Plant Breeding for Food and Agriculture. Book of Abstracts. 18th EUCARPIA Genetic Resources Section Meeting. 2007.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Vinter V., Křístková A. Variation in developmental stages within Lactuca serriola L. (prickly lettuce) collected in Europe. EUCARPIA Leafy Vegetables 2007, Conference Abstracts. 2007.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Dančák M., Havránek P. Botanical Garden of Palacký University in Olomouc ? history and recent development. Konference Introdukce a genetické zdroje rostlin, Botanické zahrady v novém tisíciletí. 2005.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Novotná A. Comparative study of variation in some morphological and developmental characteristics of Lactuca serriola germplasm collected in Central Europe (Czech Republic) and the British Isles (England, U.K). Bullita, S. (Ed.): Book of abstracts of XVII Eucarpia Gen. Res. Sect. Meeting. Plant Genetic Resources of Geographical and ?other? islands. Conservation, evaluation and use for plant breeding. 2005.
Skálová D., Dziechciarková M., Lebeda A., Navrátilová B., Křístková E. Interspecific hybridization C. anguria x C. zeyheri, C. sativus x C. melo and C. sativus x C. metuliferus through embryo cultures. Poster Abstracts, 3rd International Cucurbit Symposium and 7th Australian Melon Conference, 11?17 September 2005, Townsville, Australia. 2005.
Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Křístková E., Mieslerová B., Duchoslav M., Havránek P., Vondráková D. Maintenance of and research on wild crop relatives at Department of Botany, Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic. First International Conference on Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use. 2005.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Doležalová I., Mieslerová B., Duchoslav M., Havránek P., Vondráková D. Maintenance of and research on wild crop relatives at Department of Botany, Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic. Konference Introdukce a genetické zdroje rostlin, Botanické zahrady v novém tisíciletí. 2005.
Doležalová I., Lebeda A., Křístková E., Novotná A. Morphological variation of Lactuca serriola populations originating from some European countries. XVII International Botanical Congress. 2005.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Sedláková B., Duchoslav M., Dančák M. Temporal and spatial dynamics of powdery mildew species on cucurbits in the Czech Republic. 3rd International Cucurbit Symposium in conjunction with 7th Australian Melon Conference. 2005.
Skálová D., Dziechciarková M., Lebeda A., Navrátilová B., Křístková E. The utilization of embryo rescue in the interspecific hybridization between Cucumis anguria and Cucumis zeyheri. XVII International Botanical Congress. 2005.
Křístková E. Botanic Garden of Palacký University in Olomouc (Czech Republic). EuroGard IV, Botanic Gardens and the 2010 Challenge, Congress proceedings. 2006.
Křístková E., Lebeda A. Botanická zahrada Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci. Unie botanických zahrad České republiky - společná expozice Flora Olomouc. 2006.
Lebeda A., Křístková E., Doležalová I., Mieslerová B., Dančák M., Duchoslav M., Havránek P. Ex situ conservation of wild plant species and research programs in Botanic Garden of Palacký University in Olomouc (Czech Republic),. EuroGard IV, Botanic Gardens and the 2010 Challenge, Congress proceedings. 2006.
Doležalová I., Gajdová J., Gasmanová N., Křístková E., Navrátilová B., Petrželová I., Sedláková B., Sedlářová M., Skálová D., Urban J. 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. In Lebeda A. (Eds.) 2004.
Doležalová I., Gajdová J., Gasmanová N., Křístková E., Navrátilová B., Petrželová I., Sedláková B., Sedlářová M., Skálová D., Urban J. 8th EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding. In Lebeda A. (Eds.) 2004.
Křístková E., Lebeda A., Dančák M. Index seminum 2005: Hortus Botanicus Facultatis Rerum Naturalium, Universitatis Palackianae Olomouc. Index seminum 2005: Hortus Botanicus Facultatis Rerum Naturalium, Universitatis Palackianae Olomouc. 2006.
Treuren van R., Lebeda A., Křístková E., Dehmer K., Wiel van de C., Pink D., Doležalová I., Sretenovic-Rajicic T., Astley D., Spence N., Hintum van T. Overview of studies on wild crop relatives of lettuce carried out within the framework of the EU project GENE-MINE. In Maggioni L., Lebeda A., Boukema I., Lipman E. (Eds.) Report of a Working Group on Leafy Vegetables. 2008.

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