Mgr. René LENOBEL, Ph.D.

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585634872, 585634927

Laboratoř růstových regulátorů

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Šlechtitelů 27 - objekt F2 (CRH)


odborný asistent

1. Mass spectrometry applications and utilize of mass spectrometry systems with and without nanocappilary liquid chromatography(nanoLC-QTOF, nanoLC-QqQ, MALDI-TOF). 2. Identification of peptides and proteins by nanocapillary liquid chromatography (nanoLC) with MS/MS detection (quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometr). Proteomic applications. 3. Study and identification of posttranslational modification of proteins and peptides by nanoLC-MSMS. Analysis of phosphoproteins and phosphopeptides by combination of ion-selective chromatography (IMAC, TiO2) and nanoLC-MSMS 4. The development of antigen specific affinity chromatography and identification of binding proteins using proteomic methods.

Selected publications
Hluska T., Šebela M., Lenobel R., Frébort I., Galuszka P. Purification of maize nucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase casts doubt on the existence of zeatin cis–trans isomerase in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2017. (ČLÁNEK)
Golovina E., Kokavec J., Kazantsev D., Simerský R., Lenobel R., Vargova KS. Deficiency of miR-155 in leukemic B-cells results in cell cycle arrest and deregulation of MIR155HG/TP53INP1/CDKN1A/CCND1 network. Archives of Medical Research. 2025.
Trávníček Z., Vančo J., Čajan M., Malina T., Dvořák Z., Lenobel R., Beláková B., Schmid JA. Gold(I) N-heterocyclic carbene complexes show strong proapoptotic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in A2780 and endothelial cells. CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS. 2025.
Hošík J., Hošíková B., Binder S., Lenobel R., Kolaříková M., Malina L., Dilenko H., Langová K., Bajgar R., Kolářová H. Effects of Zinc Phthalocyanine Photodynamic Therapy on Vital Structures and Processes in Hela Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024.
Chamrád I., Simerský R., Lenobel R., Novák O. Exploring affinity chromatography in proteomics: A comprehensive review. ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA. 2024.
Trávníček Z., Vančo J., Čajan M., Belza J., Popa I., Hošek J., Lenobel R., Dvořák Z. Gold(I) N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) complexes containing 6-mercaptopurine derivatives and their in vitro anticancer and anti-inflammatory effects. APPLIED ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY. 2024.
Pavlovič A., Jakšová J., Vrobel O., Chamrád I., Lenobel R., Tarkowski P. Is the co-option of jasmonate signalling for botanical carnivory a universal trait for all carnivorous plants? JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY. 2024.
Skalický V., Antoniadi I., Pěnčík A., Chamrád I., Lenobel R., Kubeš M., Zatloukal M., Žukauskaite A., Strnad M., Ljung K., Novák O. Fluorescence-activated multi-organelle mapping of subcellular plant hormone distribution. PLANT JOURNAL. 2023.
Vlčko T., Tarkowská D., Široká J., Pěnčík A., Simerský R., Chamrád I., Lenobel R., Novák O., Ohnoutková L. Hormone profiling and the root proteome analysis of itpk1 mutant seedlings of barley (Hordeum vulgare) during the red-light induced photomorphogenesis. ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY. 2023.
Trávníček Z., Vančo J., Belza J., Hošek J., Dvořák Z., Lenobel R., Popa I. The Gold(I) Complex with Plant Hormone Kinetin Shows Promising In Vitro Anticancer and PPARγ Properties. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023.
Snopková K., Dufková K., Chamrád I., Lenobel R. Pyocin-mediated antagonistic interactions in Pseudomonas spp. isolated in James Ross Island, Antarctica. ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY. 2022.
Včelařová L., Skalický V., Chamrád I., Lenobel R., Kubeš M., Pěnčík A., Novák O. Auxin Metabolome Profiling in the Arabidopsis Endoplasmic Reticulum Using an Optimised Organelle Isolation Protocol. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 2021.
Kocáb O., Bačovčínová M., Bokor B., Šebela M., Lenobel R., Schoner C., Schoner M., Pavlovič A. Enzyme activities in two sister-species of carnivorous pitcher plants (Nepenthes) with contrasting nutrient sequestration strategies. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY. 2021.
Perutka Z., Kaduchová K., Chamrád I., Beinhauer J., Lenobel R., Petrovská B., Bergougnoux-Fojtik VH., Vrána J., Pečinka A., Doležel J., Šebela M. Proteome analysis of condensed barley mitotic chromosomes. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021.
Kocáb O., Jakšová J., Novák O., Petřík I., Lenobel R., Chamrád I., Pavlovič A. Jasmonate-independent regulation of digestive enzyme activity in the carnivorous butterwort Pinguicula × Tina. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY. 2020.
Kouřil R., Nosek L., Opatíková M., Arshad R., Semchonok D., Chamrád I., Lenobel R., Boekema E., Ilík P. Unique organization of photosystem II supercomplexes and megacomplexes in Norway spruce. PLANT JOURNAL. 2020.
Hošíková B., Binder S., Lenobel R., Malohlava J., Hošík J., Jiravová J., Malina L., Zapletalová J., Kolářová H. Effect of the zinc phthalocyanine mediated photodynamic therapy on cytoskeletal apparatus of hela cells. Lekar a Technika. 2019.
Danihlík J., Škrabišová M., Lenobel R., Šebela M., Omar E., Petřivalský M., Crailsheim K., Brodschneider R. Does the Pollen Diet Influence the Production and Expression of Antimicrobial Peptides in Individual Honey Bees? Insects. 2018.
Šebela M., Jahodářová E., Raus M., Lenobel R., Hašler P. Intact cell MALDI-TOF mass spectrometric analysis of Chroococcidiopsis cyanobacteria for taxonomic purposes and identification of marker proteins. In Šebela M. (Eds.) PLoS One. 2018.
Simerský R., Chamrád I., Kania J., Strnad M., Šebela M., Lenobel R. Chemical proteomic analysis of 6- benzylaminopurine molecular partners in wheat grains. Plant Cell Reports. 2017.
Béresová L., Lenobel R. Pokročilé metody studia vzájemných interakcí proteinů s DNA. In Lenobel R. (Eds.) Chemické listy. 2017.
Blavet N., Uřinovská .., Jeřábková H., Chamrád I., Vrána J., Lenobel R., Beinhauer J., Šebela M., Doležel J., Petrovská B. UNcleProt (Universal Nuclear Protein database of barley): The first nuclear protein database that distinguishes proteins from different phases of the cell cycle. Nucleus. 2017.
Beinhauer J., Lenobel R., Loginov D., Chamrád I., Řehuka P., Sedlářová M., Marchetti-Deschmann M., Allmaier G., Šebela M. Identification of Bremia lactucae and Oidium neolycopersici proteins extracted for intact spore MALDI mass spectrometric biotyping. Electrophoresis. 2016.
Béresová L., Veselá E., Chamrád I., Voller J., Yamada M., Fürst T., Lenobel R., Chromá K., Gurský J., Křížová K., Mistrík M., Bártek J. Role of DNA Repair Factor Xeroderma Pigmentosum Protein Group C in Response to Replication Stress As Revealed by DNA Fragile Site Affinity Chromatography and Quantitative Proteomics. Journal of Proteome Research. 2016.
Lenobel R., Řehulková H., Šebela M., Franc V., Kahle V., Moravcová D., Řehulka P. Analysis of peptide mixtures for proteomics research using LC-ESI-MS with a simple microgradient device. LC GC North America. 2015.
Dyčka F., Franc V., Fryčák P., Raus M., Řehulka P., Lenobel R., Allmaier G., Marchetti-Deschmann .., Šebela M. Evaluation of pseudotrypsin cleavage specificity towards proteins by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Protein and Peptide Letters. 2015.
Branná P., Rouchal M., Prucková Z., Dastychová L., Lenobel R., Pospíšil T., Maláč K., Vícha R. Rotaxanes capped with host molecules: supramolecular behavior of adamantylated bisimidazolium salts containing a biphenyl centerpiece. Chemistry: A European Journal. 2015.
Petrovská B., Jeřábková H., Chamrád I., Vrána J., Lenobel R., Uřinovská J., Šebela M., Doležel J. Proteomic analysis of barley cell nuclei purified by flow sorting. Cytogenetic and Genome Research. 2014.
Chamrád I., Simerský R., Béresová L., Strnad M., Šebela M., Lenobel R. Proteomic identification of a candidate sequence of wheat cytokinin-binding protein 1. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 2014.
Kouřil R., Strouhal O., Nosek L., Lenobel R., Chamrád I., Boekema E., Šebela M., Ilík P. Structural characterization of a plant photosystem I and NAD(P)H dehydrogenase supercomplex. Plant Journal. 2014.
Svačinová J., Novák O., Plačková L., Lenobel R., Holík J., Strnad M., Doležal K. A new approach for cytokinin isolation from Arabidopsis tissues using miniaturized purification: pipette tip solid-phase extraction. Plant Methods. 2012.
Oplustilova L., Wolanin K., Mistrík M., Kořínková G., Šimková D., Bouchal J., Lenobel R., Bartkova J., Lau A., O'Connor M., Lukas J., Bártek J. Evaluation of candidate biomarkers to predict cancer cell sensitivity or resistance to PARP-1 inhibitor treatment. Cell Cycle (print). 2012.
Kašperová A., Kunert J., Horynová M., Weigl E., Šebela M., Lenobel R., Raška M. Isolation of recombinant cysteine dioxygenase protein from Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Mycoses. 2011.
Rüdel S., Wang Y., Lenobel R., Körner R., Hsiao H., Urlaub H., Patel D., Meister G. Phosphorylation of human Argonaute proteins affects small RNA binding. Nucleic Acids Research. 2011.
Voller J., Zatloukal M., Lenobel R., Doležal K., Béreš T., Kryštof V., Spíchal L., Niemann P., Džubák P., Hajdúch M., Strnad M. Anticancer activity of natural cytokinins: a structure-activity relationship study. Phytochemistry. 2010.
Tylichová M., Kopečný D., Moréra S., Briozzo P., Lenobel R., Snégaroff J., Šebela M. Structural and functional characterization of plant aminoaldehyde dehydrogenase from Pisum sativum with a broad specificity for natural and synthetic aminoaldehydes. Journal of Molecular Biology. 2010.
Malik R., Lenobel R., Santamaria A., Ries A., Nigg EA., Koerner R. Quantitative Analysis of the Human Spindle Phosphoproteome at Distinct Mitotic Stages. Journal of Proteome Research. 2009.
Boos D., Kuffer C., Lenobel R., Koerner R., Stemmann O. Phosphorylation-dependent binding of cyclin B1 to a Cdc6-like domain of human separase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2008.
Spíchal L., Kryštof V., Paprskářová M., Lenobel R., Stýskala J., Binarová P., Cenklová V., De Veylder L., Inzé D., Kontopidis G., Fischer PM., Schmülling T., Strnad M. Classical anticytokinins do not interact with cytokinin receptors, but inhibit cyclin-dependent kinases. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2007.
Šebela M., Jarkovská K., Lenobel R., Medda R., Padiglia A., Floris G., Peč P. Interaction of plant amine oxidases with diaminoethers. Arkivoc. 2007.
Kolářová H., Lenobel R., Kolář P., Strnad M. Sensitivity of different cell lines to phototoxic effect of disulfonated chloroaluminium phthalocyanine. Toxicology in Vitro. 2007.
Kolářová H., Lenobel R., Kolář P., Strnad M. Sensitivity of different cell lines to phototoxic effect of disulfonated chloroaluminium phthalocyanine. Toxicology in Vitro. 2007.
Doležal K., Popa I., Kryštof V., Spíchal L., Fojtíková M., Holub J., Lenobel R., Schmülling T., Strnad M. Preparation and biological activity of 6-benzylaminopurine derivatives in plants and human cancer cells. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 2006.
Hauserová E., Swaczynová J., Doležal K., Lenobel R., Popa I., Hajdúch M., Vydra D., Fuksová K., Strnad M. Batch immunoextraction method for efficient purification of aromatic cytokinins. Journal of Chromatography A: Symposium Volumes. 2005.
Hauserová E., Swaczynová J., Doležal K., Lenobel R., Popa I., Hajdúch M., Vydra D., Fuksová K., Strnad M. Batch immunoextraction method for efficient purification of aromatic cytokinins. Journal of Chromatography A: Symposium Volumes. 2005.
Štosová T., Havliś J., Lenobel R., Šebela M. Proteolytic enzymes: Significance for proteomics. Chemické listy. 2005.
Štosová T., Havliš J., Lenobel R., Šebela M. Proteolytické enzymy: význam pro proteomiku. Chemické listy. 2005.
Hauserová E., Swaczynová J., Doležal K., Lenobel R. New benzylaminopurine derivatives - monoclonal antibody preparation and immunoaffinity chromatography development. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2004.
Ordog V., Stirk WA., Lenobel R., Bancířová M., Strnad M., van Staden J., Szigeti J., Nemeth L. Screening microalgae for some potentially useful agricultural and pharmaceutical secondary metabolites. Journal of Applied Phycology. 2004.
Novák O., Tarkowski P., Grúz J., Lenobel R., Doležal K., Strnad M. Využití HPLC/MS pro stanovení rostlinných hormonů. Chemické listy. 2004.
Hauserová E., Swaczynová J., Doležal K., Lenobel R. Vývoj imunoafinitní chromatografie pro nové deriváty 6-benzylaminopurinu. Chemické listy. 2004.
Lamplot Z., Šebela M., Maloň M., Lenobel R., Lemr K., Havlis J., Peč P., Qiao CH., Sayre LM. 1,5-diamino-2-pentyne is both a substrate and inactivator of plant copper amine oxidases. European Journal of Biochemistry. 2004.
Moravcová D., KRYŠTOF V., HAVLÍČEK L., Moravec J., LENOBEL R., Strnad M. Pyrazolo[4,3-d]pyrimidines as new generation of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2003.
Moravcová D., Kryštof V., Havlíček L., Moravec J., Lenobel R., Strnad M. Pyrazolo[4,3-d]pyrimidines as new generation of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2003.
Novák O., Tarkowski P., Pěchová D., Lenobel R., Doležal K., Strnad M. Quantitative analysis of cytokinins in plants by liquid chromatography/single-quadrupole mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2003.
Moravec J., KRYŠTOF V., Hanuš J., HAVLÍČEK L., Moravcová D., Fuksová K., Kuzma M., LENOBEL R., Otyepka M., Strnad M. 2,6,8,9-tetrasubstituted purines as new CDK1 inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2003.
Moravec J., KRYŠTOF V., Hanuš J., Havlicek L., Moravcova D., Kuzma M., LENOBEL R., OTYEPKA M., STRNAD M. 2,6,8,9-tetrasubstituted purines as new CDK1 inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2003.
Kryštof V., Lenobel R., Havlíček L., Kuzma M., Strnad M. Synthesis and biological activity of olomoucine II. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2002.
KRYŠTOF V., LENOBEL R., HAVLÍČEK L., Kuzma M., Strnad M. Synthesis and biological activity of olomoucine II. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2002.
Novák O., Lenobel R., Richer S., Strnad M. Application of Q-TOF technology in plant hormone research. 18th IPGSA conference, Conference Handbook. 2004.
Strnad M., Doležal K., Popa I., Zatloukal M., Lenobel R., Binarová P., Kryštof V., Havlíček L. New cytokinin derivatives for agriculture and medicine. 18th IPGSA conference, Conference Handbook. 2004.
Havlíček L., Kryštof V., Lenobel R., Strnad M. New heterocyclic compounds with strong CDK inhibitory and anticancer properties. Cell Cycle and Cancer: Pathways and Therapies. 2004.
Strnad M., Novák O., Spíchal L., Lenobel R., Doležal K. New methodological approaches to plant hormone analysis. 18th IPGSA conference, Conference Handbook. 2004.
Popelková H., Lenobel R., Šebela M. Peptide mass fingerprinting of recombinant cytokinin dehydrogenases. 1. Česká proteomická konference. 2004.
Novák O., Tarkowski P., Tarkowská D., Doležal K., Lenobel R., Strnad M. Quantitative analysis of cytokinins in plants by liquid chromatography/single-quadrupole mass spectrometry. 18th IPGSA conference, Conference Handbook. 2004.
Chamrád I., Uřinovská J., Petrovská B., Jeřábková H., Lenobel R., Vrána J., Doležel J., Šebela M. Identification of plant nuclear proteins based on a combination of flow sorting, SDS-PAGE, and LC-MS/MS analysis. Methods in Molecular Biology Volume 1696 (Plant Membrane Proteomics: Methods and Protocols). 2018.
Cankař P., Fryšová I., Kryštof V., Lenobel R., Slouka J., Strnad M., Fischer PM. 4-arylazo-3,5-diamino-pyrazole compounds and use thereof. 2013.
Moravcová D., Havlíček L., Kryštof V., Lenobel R., Binarová P., Mlejnek P., Vojtěšek B., Uldrijan S., Schmülling T., Strnad M. Pyrazolo[4,3-D]pyrimidines, process for their preparation and methods of use. 2012.
Moravcová D., Havlíček L., Kryštof V., Lenobel R., Strnad M. Novel pyrazolo[4,3-D]pyrimidines, processes for their preparation and methods for therapy. 2010.
Moravcová D., Havlíček L., Kryštof V., Lenobel R., Binarová P., Mlejnek P., Vojtěšek B., Uldrijan S., Schmulling T., Strnad M. Pyrazolo[4,3-D]pyrimidines, process for their preparation and methods of use. 2010.
Moravcová D., Strnad M., Havlíček L., Kryštof V., Lenobel R. Pyrazolo[4,3-D]pyrimidines, processes for their preparation and methods for therapy. 2010.
Moravcová D., Havlíček L., Kryštof V., Lenobel R., Strnad M. Pyrazolo[4,3-D]pyrimidines, processes for their preparation and methods for therapy. 2010.
Fuksová K., Havlíček L., Kryštof V., Lenobel R., Strnad M. Substituted [1,2,3]triazolo[4,5-D]pyrimidines as CDK inhibitors. 2010.
Cankař P., Fryšová I., Kryštof V., Lenobel R., Slouka J., Strnad M., Fisher P. 4-arylazo-3,5-diamino-pyrazole compounds and use thereof. Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Ústav Experimentální Botaniky AV ČR. 2009.
Doležal K., Popa I., Holub J., Werbrouck S., Lenobel R., Strnad M., Zatloukal M. Heterocyclic compound based on N6-substituted adenine, methods of their preparation, their use for preparation in cosmetics, cosmetics preparations containing these compounds. Ústav Experimentální Botaniky AV ČR. 2007.
Doležal K., Popa I., Holub J., Lenobel R., Werbrouck S., Strnad M., Zatloukal M. Heterocyclic compound based on N6-substituted adenine, methods of their preparation, their use for preparation of cosmetic, cosmetic preparations containing these compounds. Ústav experimentální botaniky AVČR. 2007.
Doležal K., Popa I., Holub J., Lenobel R., Werbrouck S., Strnad M., Zatloukal M. Heterocyclic compound based on N6-substituted adenine, methods of their preparation, their use for preparation of drugs and pharmaceutical preparations. Ústav experimentální botaniky AVČR. 2007.
Doležal K., Popa I., Holub J., Lenobel R., Werbrouck S., Strnad M., Zatloukal M. Heterocyclic compound based on N6-substituted adenine, methods of their preparation, their use for preparation of drugs and pharmaceutical preparations containing these compounds. Ústav experimentální botaniky AVČR. 2007.
Doležal K., Popa I., Holub J., Lenobel R., Werbrouck S., Strnad M., Zatloukal M. N6-substituted adenine-based heterocyclic compounds, their use in production of medicaments, cosmetics, growth regulators,pharmaceutical and cosmetic compositions. Ústav experimentální botaniky AVČR. 2007.
Doležal K., Popa I., Zatloukal M., Lenobel R., Hradecká D., Vojtěšek B., Uldrijan S., Mlejnek P., Werbrouck S., Strnad M. Substitution derivatives of N(6)-benzyladenosine, methods of their preparation, their use for preparation of drugs, cosmetic preparations and growth regulators, pharmaceutical prep., cosmetic prep. and growth regulators containing these comp. Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR. 2007.
Doležal K., Popa I., Zatloukal M., Lenobel R., Hradecká D., Vojtěšek B., Uldrijan S., Werbrouck S., Strnad M., Mlejnek P. Substitution derivatives of N6-benzyladenosine, methods of their preparation, their use for preparation of drugs, cosmetic preparations and growth regulators, pharmaceutical preparations, cosmetic preparations and growth regulators containing these c. Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR. 2007.
Fuksová K., Havlíček L., Kryštof V., Lenobel R., Strnad M. Azapurine derivatives. Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR. 2006.
Doležal K., Popa I., Holub J., Lenobel R., Werbrouck S., Strnad M., Zatloukal M. Heterocyclic compound based on N6-substituted adenine, methods of their preparation, their use for preparation of drugs and pharmaceutical preparations containing these compounds. Ústav Experimentální Botaniky AV ČR. 2006.
Doležal K., Popa I., Holub J., Lenobel R., Werbrouck S., Strnad M., Zatloukal M. Heterocyclic compound based on N6-substituted adenine, methods of their preparation, their use for preparation of drugs and pharmaceutical preparations containing these compounds. Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR. 2006.
Doležal K., Popa I., Holub J., Lenobel R., Werbrouck S., Strnad M., Zatloukal M. New heterocyclic derivatives based on N6-substituted adenine. Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR. 2006.
Havlíček L., Kryštof V., Siglerová V., Lenobel R., Van Onckelen H., Berneman N., Slegers H., Esmans E., Strnad M., Vermuelen K. Purine derivatives, process for their preparation and use thereof. Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen (BE); Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR (CZ). 2006.
Havlíček L., Kryštof V., Siglerová V., Lenobel R., van Onckelen H., Berneman N., Slegers H., Esmans E., Strnad M., Vermeulen K. Purine derivatives, process for their preparation and use thereof. Universitatire Instelling Antwerpen, Ústav Experimentální Botaniky, AV ČR. 2006.
Doležal K., Popa I., Zatloukal M., Lenobel R., Hradecká D., Vojtěšek B., Uldrijan S., Werbrouck S., Strnad M. Substitution derivatives of N6-benzyladenosine, methods of their preparation, their use for preparation of drugs, cosmetic preparations and growth regulators, pharmaceutical preparations, cosmetic preparations and growth regulators. Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR. 2006.
Doležal K., Popa I., Zatloukal M., Lenobel R., Hradecká D., Vojtěšek B., Uldrijan S., Mlejnek P., Werbrouck S., Strnad M. Substitution derivatives of N6-benzyladenosine, methods of their preparation, their use for preparation of drugs, cosmetic preparations and growth regulators, pharmaceutical preparations, cosmetic preparations and growth regulators containing these c. Ústav Experimentální Botaniky AV ČR. 2006.
Cankař P., Fryšová I., Kryštof V., Lenobel R., Slouka J., Strnad M., Fischer P. 4-Arylazo-3,5-diaminopyrazole compounds and their preparation, pharmaceutical compositions, inhibition of cyclin-dependent kinases and treatment of proliferative and viral disorders. Institute of Experimental Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic; Cyclacel Limited. 2006.
Doležal K., Popa I., Zatloukal M., Lenobel R., Hradecká D., Vojtěšek B., Uldrijan S., Mlejnek P., Werbrouck S., Strnad M. Substitution derivatives of N6-benzyladenosine, methods of their preparation, their use for preparation of drugs, cosmetic preparations and growth regulators, pharmaceutical preparations, cosmetic preparations and growth regulators containing. Ústav experimentální botaniky AVČR. 2005.
Fuksová K., Havlíček L., Kryštof V., Lenobel R., Strnad M. Azapurine derivatives. Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci. 2004.
Doležal K., Popa I., Holub J., Lenobel R., Werbrouck S., Strnad M., Zatloukal M. Heterocyclic compound based on N sp 6 /sp -substitued adenine, methods of their preparation, their use for preparation of drugs, cosmetic preparations and growth regulators. Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci. 2004.
Moravcová D., Havlíček L., Kryštof V., Lenobel R., Binarová P., Mlejnek P., Vojtěšek B., Uldrijan S., Schmülling T., Strnad M. Pyrazolo [4, 3-D]pyrimidines, processes for their preparation and methods of use. Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci. 2004.
Hošíková B., Binder S., Lenobel R., Malohlava J., Kolářová H. Analýza vlivu zinečnatého ftalocyaninu na Hela buňky pomocí fyzikálně-biologických metod. 41. Dni lekarskej biofyziky. 2018.
Manišová B., Binder S., Lenobel R., Kolářová H. Studium změn hladin vybraných proteinů po fotodynamické terapii na buněčné linii HeLa. XXXX. Dny lékařské biofyziky. 2017.
Lenobelová H., Lenobel R., Kolářová H. Dynamika změn vybraných proteinů po aplikace PDT na HeLa S3 buňkách. XXXVI. Dny lékařské biofyziky. 2013.
Lenobelová H., Lenobel R., Kolářová H. Analýza proteomu v nádorových buňkách po použití fotodynamické terapie. XXXV. Dny lékařské biofyziky. 2012.
ŠEBELA M., KONČITÍKOVÁ R., LENOBEL R., FRANC V., ŘEHULKA P., TYLICHOVÁ M., KOPEČNÝ D. Structural and functional study on the glycosylation in maize cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase 1. F E B S Journal. 2011.
ŠEBELA M., KONČITÍKOVÁ R., LENOBEL R., FRANC V., ŘEHULKA P., TYLICHOVÁ M., KOPEČNÝ D. Structural and functional study on the glycosylation in maize cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase 1. Bulletin of the Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association. 2011.
Danihlík J., Šebela M., Lenobel R., Petřivalský M. Antimikrobiální peptidy v imunitním systému včel. Sborník příspěvků (Book of Abstracts). 2010.
Hluska T., Ryparová O., Václavíková K., Klásková J., Švehlová L., Lenobel R., Šebela M., Galuszka P. Is zeatin cis-trans isomerase a real protein? Bulletin České společnosti experimentální biologie rostlin. 2010.
Hluska T., Ryparová O., Václavíková K., Klásková J., Švehlová L., Lenobel R., Šebela M., Galuszka P. Je zeatin cis-trans izomerasa skutečně protein? Bulletin České společnosti experimentální biologie rostlin. 2010.
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Šebela M., Oždian T., Chamrád I., Lenobel R., Novák J. Mass-spectrometric analyses of IgA1 glycans for studies of pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy (IgAN). 2nd Central and Eastern European Proteomics Conference (CEEPC) on Proteomics Driven Discovery and Applications, Book of Abstracts. 2008.
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Danihlík J., Lenobel R., Šebela M., Petřivalský M. Analysis of bee antimicrobial peptides by mass spectrometry methods. 2012.
Danihlík J., Lenobel R., Šebela M., Petřivalský M. Analysis of bee antimicrobial peptides by mass spectrometry methods. 2012.

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