prof. Mgr. Vladimír REMEŠ, Ph.D.



Katedra zoologie

Přírodovědecká fakulta

tř. 17. listopadu 50



Leroy H., Bowie RCK., Rubáčová L., Matysioková B., Remeš V. A late burst of colour evolution in a radiation of songbirds (Passeriformes: Parulidae) suggests secondary contact drives signal divergence. JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY. 2024.
Tobias JA., Sheard C., Pigot AL., Remeš V., Matysioková B. AVONET: morphological, ecological and geographical data for all birds. ECOLOGY LETTERS. 2022.
Remeš V., Harmáčková L., Matysioková B., Rubáčová L., Remešová E. Vegetation complexity and pool size predict species richness of forest birds. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2022.
Remeš V., Remešová E., Friedman NR., Matysioková B., Rubáčová L. Functional diversity of avian communities increases with canopy height: From individual behavior to continental-scale patterns. Ecology and Evolution. 2021.
Remešová E., Matysioková B., Turčoková Rubáčová L., Remeš V. Foraging behaviour of songbirds in woodlands and forests in eastern Australia: resource partitioning and guild structure. Emu-Austral Ornithology. 2020.
Friedman NR., Remeš V., Economo EP. A Morphological Integration Perspective on the Evolution of Dimorphism among Sexes and Social Insect Castes. INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY. 2019.
Friedman NR., Miller ET., Ball JR., Kasuga H., Remeš V., Economo EP. Evolution of a multifunctional trait: shared effects of foraging ecology and thermoregulation on beak morphology, with consequences for song evolution. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2019.
Vrána J., Remeš V., Matysioková B., Tjørve KMC., Tjørve E. Choosing the right sigmoid growth function using the unified-models approach. IBIS. 2019.
Møller AP., Balbontín J., Dhondt AA., Remeš V. Effects of interspecific coexistence on laying date and clutch size in two closely related species of hole-nesting birds. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY. 2018.
Friedman NR., Remeš V. Ecogeographical gradients in plumage coloration among Australasian songbird clades. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 2017.
Friedman NR., Harmáčková L., Economo EP., Remeš V. Smaller beaks for colder winters: Thermoregulation drives beak size evolution in Australasian songbirds. Evolution. 2017.
Matysioková B., Friedman NR., Turčoková L., Remeš V. The evolution of feather coloration and song in Old World orioles (genus Oriolus). Journal of Avian Biology. 2017.
Liker A., Freckleton RP., Remeš V., Szekely T. Sex differences in parental care: Gametic investment, sexual selection, and social environment. Evolution. 2015.
Remeš V., Freckleton RP., Tokolyi J., Liker A., Szekely T. The evolution of parental cooperation in birds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 2015.
Moller A., Adriaensen F., Artemyev A., Remeš V. Clutch-size variation in Western Palaearctic secondary hole-nesting passerine birds in relation to nest box design. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 2014.
Moller A., Adriaensen F., Artemyev A., Remeš V. Variation in clutch size in relation to nest size in birds. Ecology and Evolution. 2014.
Székely T., Remeš V., Freckleton R., Liker A. Why care? Inferring the evolution of complex social behaviour. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 2013.
Remeš V., Székely T. Domestic chickens defy Rensch's rule: sexual size dimorphism in chicken breeds. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 2010.
Remeš V., Krist M., Bertscche V., Stradi R. Maternal carotenoid supplementation does not affect breeding performance in the Great Tit (Parus major). Functional Ecology. 2007.
Roff DA., Remeš V., Martin TE. The evolution of fledging age in songbirds. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 2005.
Krist M., Remeš V., Uvírová L., Nádvorník P., Bureš S. Egg size and offspring performance in the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis): a within-clutch approach. Oecologia. 2004.
Krist M., Remeš V. Maternal effects and offspring performance: in search of the best method. Oikos: a journal of ecology. 2004.
Remeš V. Adaptation for breeding in passerines Case studies using observation, experimental and comparative approaches. Adaptation for breeding in passerines Case studies using observation, experimental and comparative approaches. 2003.
Remeš V., Remešová E., Friedman NR., Matysioková B., Rubáčová L. Foraging behavior, guild structure, and species diversity in Australian passerines. In Jenkins OP. (Eds.) Advances in Animal Science and Zoology, vol. 18. 2021.

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