prof. RNDr. Jan ŠVEC, Ph.D. et Ph.D.

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Katedra experimentální fyziky

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Šlechtitelů 27 - objekt 49 (C)



Dr. Svec performs basic and clinical research on human voice production, including singing voice, laryngoscopic imaging, videokymography, or voice biomechanics.

Herbst ChT., Prigge T., Garcia M., Hampala V., Švec JG. Domestic cat larynges can produce purring frequencies without neural input. CURRENT BIOLOGY. 2023.
Herbst ChT., Elemans CPH., Tokuda I., Chatziioannou V., Švec JG. Dynamic system coupling in voice production. JOURNAL OF VOICE. 2023.
Lehoux H., Herbst Ch., Dobiáš M., Švec JG. Frequency jumps in excised larynges in anechoic conditions: A pilot study. JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION. 2023.
Krtičková J., Švec JG., Haviger J., Phadke KV., Dršata J., Školoudík L., Homoláč M., Švejdová A., Mejzlík J., Hodačová L., Chrobok V. Validation of the Czech Version of the Voice Handicap Index. JOURNAL OF VOICE. 2023.
Aichinger P., Kumar SP., Lehoux H., Švec JG. Simulated Laryngeal High-Speed Videos for the Study of Normal and Dysphonic Vocal Fold Vibration. JOURNAL OF SPEECH LANGUAGE AND HEARING RESEARCH. 2022.
Zita A., Novozámský A., Zitová B., Šorel M., Herbst ChT., Vydrová J., Švec JG. Videokymogram Analyzer Tool: Human-computer comparison. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 2022.
Phadke KV., Laukkanen A., Ilomäki I., Kankare E., Geneid A., Švec JG. Cepstral and Perceptual Investigations in Female Teachers With Functionally Healthy Voice. JOURNAL OF VOICE. 2020.
Vampola T., Horáček J., Radolf V., Švec JG., Laukkanen A. Influence of nasal cavities on the voice quality: Computer simulations and experiments. JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. 2020.
Kumar SP., Phadke KV., Vydrová J., Novozámský A., Zita A., Zitová B., Švec JG. Visual and automatic evaluation of vocal fold mucosal waves through sharpness of lateral peaks in high-speed videokymographic images. Journal of Voice. 2020.
Subbaraj PK., Švec JG. Kinematic model for simulating mucosal wave phenomena on vocal folds. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 2019.
Kumar SP., Švec JG. A simple method to obtain basic acoustic measures as video subtitles in laryngeal videoendoscopic recordings. JOURNAL OF SPEECH LANGUAGE AND HEARING RESEARCH. 2018.
Patel RR., Awan SN., Barkmeier-Kraemer J., Courey M., Deliyski D., Eadie T., Paul D., Švec JG., Hillman R. Recommended minimum protocols for instrumental assessment of voice: American Speech-Language Hearing Association Committee on Instrumental Voice assessment protocols. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY. 2018.
Wistbacka G., Amarante Andrade P., Simberg S., Hammarberg B., Södersten M., Švec JG., Granqvist S. Resonance tube phonation in water - the effect of tube diameter and water depth on back pressure and bubble characteristics at different airflows. Journal of Voice. 2018.
Švec JG., Granqvist S. Tutorial and guidelines on measurement of sound pressure level (SPL) in voice and speech. JOURNAL OF SPEECH LANGUAGE AND HEARING RESEARCH. 2018.
Herbst CT., Schutte HK., Bowling DL., Švec JG. Comparing chalk with cheese—the EGG contact quotient is only a limited surrogate of the closed quotient. Journal of Voice. 2017.
Phadke KV., Vydrová J., Domagalská R., Švec JG. Evaluation of clinical value of videokymography for diagnosis and treatment of voice disorders. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. 2017.
Herbst Ch., Hampala V., Garcia M., Hofer R., Švec JG. Hemi-laryngeal setup for studying vocal fold vibration in three dimensions. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2017.
Herbst Ch., Unger J., Herzel H., Švec J., Lohscheller J. Phasegram analysis of vocal fold vibration documented with laryngeal high-speed video endoscopy. Journal of Voice. 2016.
Hampala V., Garcia M., Švec J., Scherer RC., Herbst Ch. Relationship between the electroglottographic signal and vocal fold contact area. Journal of Voice. 2016.
Amarante Andrade P., Wistbacka G., Larsson H., Södersten M., Hammarberg, B., Simberg S., Švec J., Granqvist S. The flow and pressure relationships in different tubes commonly used for semi-occluded vocal tract exercises. Journal of Voice. 2016.
Herbst C., Hess M., Müller F., Švec J., Sundberg J. Glottal adduction and subglottal pressure in singing. Journal of Voice. 2015.
Vampola T., Horáček J., Švec J. Modeling the influence of piriform sinuses and valleculae on the vocal tract resonances and antiresonances. Acta Acustica United with Acustica. 2015.
Šrámková H., Granqvist S., Herbst C., Švec J. The softest sound levels of the human voice in normal subjects. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2015.
Titze IR., Baken RJ., Bozeman KW., Granqvist S., Henrich N., Herbst C., Howard DM., Hunter EJ., Kaelin D., Kent RD., Kreiman J., Kob M., Löfqvist A., McCoy S., Miller DG., Noé H., Scherer RC., Smith JS., Story BH., Švec J., Ternström S., Wolfe J. Toward a consensus on symbolic notation of harmonics, resonances, and formants in vocalization. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2015.
Elemans CPH., Rasmussen JH., Herbst C., Düring DN., Zollinger SA., Brumm H., Srivastava K., Svane N., Ding M., Larsen ON., Sober SJ., Švec J. Universal mechanisms of sound production and control in birds and mammals. Nature Communications. 2015.
Vydrová J., Švec J., Šram F. Videokymography (VKG) in laryngologic practice. The Journal of MacroTrends in Health and Medicine. 2015.
Hampala V., Laukkanen A., Guzman MA., Horáček J., Švec J. Vocal fold adjustment cased by phonation into a tube: A double case study using computed tomography. Journal of Voice. 2015.
Herbst C., ŠVEC J. Adjustment of glottal configurations in singing. Journal of Singing. 2014.
Herbst C., Lohscheller J., ŠVEC J., Henrich N., Weissengruber G., Fitch WT. Glottal opening and closing events investigated by electroglottography and super-high-speed video recordings. Journal of Experimental Biology. 2014.
Bohr C., Kräck A., Dubrovskiy D., Eysholdt U., Švec J., Psychogios G., Ziethe A., Döllinger M. Spatiotemporal analysis of high-speed videolaryngoscopic imaging of organic pathologies in males. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 2014.
Herbst CT., ŠVEC J., Lohscheller J., Frey R., Gumpenberger M., Stoeger AS., Fitch WT. Complex vibratory patterns in an elephant larynx. Journal of Experimental Biology. 2013.
Herbst C., Herzel H., ŠVEC J., Wyman MT., Fitch WT. Visualization of system dynamics using phasegrams. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 2013.
Guzman M., Laukkanen A., Krupa P., Horáček J., ŠVEC J., Geneid A. Vocal Tract and Glottal Function During and After Vocal Exercising with Resonance Tube and Straw. Journal of Voice. 2013.
Šram F., Sopko J., Vydrová J., ŠVEC J. Vzpomínka na profesora MUDr. Karla Vrtičku, CSc. Otorinolaryngologie a foniatrie. 2013.
ŠVEC J., Schutte HK. Kymographic imaging of laryngeal vibrations. Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery. 2012.
Herbst CT., Duus E., Jers H., ŠVEC J. Quantitative voice class assessment of amateur choir singers: A pilot investigation. International Journal of Research in Choral Singing. 2012.
Kunduk M., Döllinger M., McWhorter AJ., ŠVEC J., Lohscheller J. Vocal fold vibratory behavior changes following surgical treatment of polyps investigated with high-speed video endoscopy and phonovibrography. Annals of Otology Rhinology and Laryngology. 2012.
Vampola T., Laukkanen A., Horáček J., ŠVEC J. Finite element modelling of vocal tract changes after voice therapy. Applied and Computational Mechanics. 2011.
HERBST C., Fitch WTS., ŠVEC J. Membranous and cartilaginous vocal fold adduction in singing. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2011.
ŠRÁMKOVÁ H., Granqvist S., FÜRST T., ŠVEC J. Měření dynamického rozsahu lidského hlasu. Akustické listy. 2011.
Vampola T., Laukkanen A., Horáček J., ŠVEC J. Vocal tract changes caused by phonation into a tube: Computer tomography and finite element modeling. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2011.
Herbst C., Fitch WTS., Švec J. Electroglottographic wavegrams: a technique for visualizing vocal fold dynamics noninvasively. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2010.
Švec J., Granqvist S. Guidelines for selecting microphones for human voice production research. American Journal of Speech - Language Pathology (online). 2010.
Kastner J., Zábrodský M., Astl J., Zvěřina E., Mrzena L., Šram F., Švec J., Kastnerová E., Betka J. Chirurgická léčba jednostranné parézy zvratného nervu. Endoskopie. 2010.
Šram F., Švec J., Vydrová J. Včasná diagnostika poruch hlasu včetně rakoviny hlasivek. Zdravotnické noviny. 2010.
Horáček J., Laukkanen AM., Šidlof P., Murphy P., Švec JG. Comparison of acceleration and impact stress as possible loading factors in phonation: A computer modeling study. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica. 2009.
Švec JG., Lejska M., Frostová J., Zábrodský M., Dršata J., Král P. Česká verze dotazníku Voice Handicap Index pro kvantitativní hodnocení hlasových potíží vnímaných pacientem. Otorinolaryngologie a foniatrie. 2009.
Herbst CT., Ternström S., Švec JG. Investigation of four distinct glottal configurations in classical singing-A pilot study. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2009.
Švec JG., Šram F., Vydrová J. 16. duben: Světový den hlasu. Otorinolaryngologie a foniatrie. 2009.
Howard DM., Švec JG. A comparison between LPV and a sister journal in the field of phoniatrics and logopedics. Logopedics, Phoniatrics, Vocology. 2008.
Tokuda I., Horáček J., Švec JG., Herzel H. Bifurcations and chaos in register transitions of excised larynx experiments. Chaos: an interdisciplinary journal of nonlinear science. 2008.
Vampola T., Horáček J., Švec JG. FE modeling of human vocal tract acoustics: Part I - production of Czech vowels. Acta Acustica United with Acustica. 2008.
Šidlof P., Švec JG., Horáček J., Veselý J., Klepáček I., Havlík R. Geometry of human vocal folds and glottal channel for mathematical and biomechanical modeling of voice production. Journal of Biomechanics. 2008.
Chrobok V., Pellant A., Šram F., Frič M., Praisler J., Prymula R., Švec JG. Medialization thyroplasty with a customized silicone implant: clinical experience. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica. 2008.
Švec JG., Sundberg J., Hertegard S. Three registers in an untrained female singer analyzed by videokymography, strobolaryngoscopy and sound spectrography. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2008.
Švec JG. World voice day. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica. 2008.
Švec JG. World Voice Day. Logopedics, Phoniatrics, Vocology. 2008.
Schutte HK., Švec JG. 60 years of Folia - review and comparison of two general journals in our field. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica. 2008.
Schutte HK., Švec JG. Reaction of Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica on the Current Trend of Impact Factor Measures. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica. 2007.
Hájek P., Horáček J., Švec JG. Augmented M5 geometry of human vocal fold in phonatory position – pilot results. Engineering Mechanics 2024. 2024.
Štanclová Z., Švec JG. Relationships between the vocal fold vibration parameters and voice intensity. Sborník 5. studentského akustického semináře. 2024.
Zita A., Greško Š., Novozámský A., Šorel M., Zitová B., Švec JG., Vydrová J. Automatic Estimation of Mucosal Waves Lateral Peak Sharpness – Modern Approach. Electronic Imaging. IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2023. 2023.
Hájek P., Radolf V., Horáček J., Švec J. Finite Element Modal Analysis of a Silicone Vocal Fold Filled with Fluid. Engineering Mechanics 2023. 2023.
Aichinger P., Kumar SP., Lehoux H., Švec JG. Artificial high-speed videos of normal and dysphonic vocal fold vibration. In Manfredi C. (Eds.) Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications - 12th International Workshop, MAVEBA 2021. 2021.
Švec JG. Dozimetrie hlasu. In Brothánek M., Svobodová R. (Eds.) 100. akustický seminář. 2021.
Švancara P., Hájek P., Horáček J., Švec JG. Numerical simulation of sound propagation around human head during phonation. "Advances in Acoustics, Noise and Vibration - 2021" Proceedings of the 27th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2021. 2021.
Hájek P., Švancara P., Horáček J., Švec JG. Three-dimensional Numerical Analysis of Czech Vowel Production. In Fuis V. (Eds.) Engineering Mechanics 2020. 2020.
Lehoux H., Hampala V., Švec JG. Development and use of an anechoic subglottal tract for excised larynx experiments. Proceedings MAVEBA 2019: Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications. 11th international workshop, December 17-19, 2019. 2019.
Bulusu S., Kumar SP., Švec JG., Aichinger P. Extracting vocal fold kinematic parameters from videokymograms via simulation of clinically observed data. Proceedings MAVEBA 2019: Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications. 11th international workshop, December 17-19, 2019. 2019.
Hájek P., Švancara P., Horáček J., Švec JG. Influence of Tissue Changes in Superficial Lamina Propria on Production of Czech Vowels. In Zolotarev I., Radolf V. (Eds.) Engineering Mechanics. 2019.
Hájek P., Švancara P., Horáček J., Švec JG. Effects of turbulence in FE model of human vocal folds self-oscillation. In Fuis V. (Eds.) Engineering Mechanics 2017. 2017.
Subbaraj PK., Švec JG. Kinematic model for simulating mucosal wave phenomena on vocal folds. In Manfredi C. (Eds.) Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications. 10th international workshop, December, 13-15, 2017. 2017.
Hájek P., Švancara P., Horáček J., Švec .. Numerical simulation of the self-oscillating vocal folds in interaction with vocal tract shaped for particular Czech vowels. In Jabłoński R., Szewczyk R. (Eds.) Recent Global Research and Education: Technological Challenges. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Global Research and Education Inter-Academia 2016. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2017.
Hájek P., Švancara P., Horáček J., Švec .. FE modelling of the influence of the lamina propria properties on the vocal folds vibration and produced sound for specific Czech vowels. In Jonášová A., Zajíček M. (Eds.) Computational Mechanics.2016 / Book of Extended Abstracts. 2016.
Hájek P., Švancara P., Horáček J., Švec .. Finite element modelling of the effect of stiffness and damping of vocal folds layers on their vibrations and produced sound. In Fischer C. (Eds.) Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 821, Engineering Mechanics 2015. 2016.
Hájek P., Švancara P., Horáček J., Švec .. Numerical simulation of the effect of the stiffness of lamina propria on the self-sustained oscillation of the vocal folds. In Zolotarev I., Radolf V. (Eds.) Engineering Mechanics 2016. 2016.
Novozámský A., Sedlář J., Zita A., Šroubek F., Flusser J., Švec J., Vydrová J., Zitová B. Image Analysis of Videokymographic Data. In . (Eds.) Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2015 Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2015. - Piscataway : IEEE, 2015. 2015.
Švancara P., Horáček J., Martínek T., Švec J. Numerical simulation of videokymographic images from the results of the finite element model. In Fuis V. (Eds.) Engineering mechanics 2014. 2014.
Herbst C., Fitch WT., Lohscheller J., ŠVEC J. Estimation of the vertical glottal shape based on empirical high-speed video and electroglottographic data. In Deliyski DD. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research. 2013.
Švancara P., Horáček J., ŠVEC J. Numerical simulation of the self-oscillations of the vocal folds and of the resulting acoustic phenomena in the vocal tract. In Beran J., Bílek M., Hejnova M., Zabka P. (Eds.) Advances in Mechanisms Design. Proceedings of TMM 2012. 2012.
Horáček J., Vampola T., Laukkanen A., Švec J. Computer modeling of effects of vocal exercising with a tube on vocal tract sound power transfer. In Zolotarev I. (Eds.) Interaction and Feedbacks 2010 - Proceedings. 2010.
Švec JG., Šrámková H., Granqvist S. Basic requirements on microphones for voice recordings. Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications: 6th International Workshop (MAVEBA 2009). 2009.
Švec JG., Herbst C., Ternström S. Membranous versus cartilaginous glottal adduction in four singing voice qualities: pilot laryngostroboscopic and videokymographic observations. In . (Eds.) AVFA '09 - 3rd Advanced Voice Function Assessment International Workshop. 2009.
Horáček J., Švec JG., Šidlof P. Numerical simulation of videokymographic images of self-oscillating vocal folds. In . (Eds.) AVFA '09 - 3rd Advanced Voice Function Assessment International Workshop. 2009.
Vampola T., Horáček J., Krupa P., Švec JG., Havlík R., Lejska M. FE model of acoustic spaces and analysis of human vocal tract for ordinary and singing voce - a preliminary study. Proceedings Interaction and Feedbacks 2008. 2008.
Švec JG., Herbst C., Havlík R., Horáček J., Krupa P., Lejska M., Miller DG. Singer's formant: Preliminary results of MRI and acoustic evaluations of singers. Proceedings Interaction and Feedbacks 2008. 2008.
Švec JG., Frič M., Šram F., Schutte HK. Mucosal waves on the vocal folds: Conceptualization based on videokymography. Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications: 5th International Workshop (MAVEBA 2007). 2007.
Krtičková J., Dršata J., Švec JG., Frič M., Vydrová J., Zeleník K. Příručka pro praxi: Vyšetření hlasu. 2024.
Angerstein W., Baracca G., Dejonckere P., Švec JG. Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Voice Disorders. In am Zehnhoff -Dinnesen A., Wiskirska-Woznica B., Neumann K., Nawka T. (Eds.) European Manual of Medicine: Phoniatrics 1. 2020.
Herbst Ch., Howard DM., Švec JG. The sound source in singing - basic principles and muscular adjustments for fine-tuning vocal timbre. In Welch GF., Howard DM., Nix J. (Eds.) Oxford handbook of singing. 2019.
Herbst Ch., Švec J. Basics of voice acoustics – a tutorial. In Bennenger MS. (Eds.) Laryngology. 2016.
Švec J. From manual drawing of the vibratory pattern of the vocal folds to videokymographic imaging and further. In Izdebski K., Yan Y., Ward RR., Wong BJF., Cruz RM. (Eds.) Normal and abnormal vocal fold kinematics. High-speed digital phonoscopy (HSDP), optical coherence tomography (OCT) & narrow band imaging (NBI). Volume I Technology. 2015.
Frič M., Kučera M., Vydrová J., Švec J. Fyziologie a funkce hrtanu. In Dršata J. (Eds.) Foniatrie - hlas. 2011.
Švec J., Dršata J., Holý R. Optická vyšetření. In Dršata J. (Eds.) Foniatrie - hlas. 2011.
Frič M., Dršata J., Švec J., Černý L. Ostatní metody vyšetření hlasu. In Dršata J. (Eds.) Foniatrie - hlas. 2011.
Döllinger M., Lohscheller J., ŠVEC J., McWhorter A., Kunduk M. Support vector machine classification of vocal fold vibrations based on Phonovibrogram features. Advances in vibration analysis research. 2011.
ŠVEC J., Šram F. Videokymographic examination of voice. Handbook of Voice Assessments. 2011.
Švec JG., Šram F., Schutte HK. Videokymography. In . (Eds.) The Larynx. Volume 1. 2009.
Hampala V., Schovánek P., Mandát D., Švec JG. Hemi-laryngeální měřící sestava pro elektroglotografii. 2015.
Hampala V., ŠVEC J., Schovánek P., Mandát D. Model subglotického traktu. 2013.
Lehoux H., Herbst ChT., Dobiáš M., Švec JG. Frequency jumps in excised larynges in anechoic conditions: A pilot experiment. In Honzík P., Vencovský V., Rund F. (Eds.) Sborník 4. studentského akustického semináře. 2023.
Valášková D., Vydrová J., Švec JG. Empirical rules for deriving the mouth-to-microphone distance during laryngoscopic examination. In Honzík P., Vencovský V., Rund F. (Eds.) Sborník 3. studentského akustického semináře. 2022.
Lehoux H., Ternström S., Švec JG. Investigation of Electroglottographic Waveshapes Using a Kinematic Model of the Vocal Fold Vibrations. 14th Pan European Voice Conference – Voice Beyond Borders, Book of Abstracts. Talinn, Estonia, August 24-27, 2022. 2022.
Lehoux H., Popeil L., Švec JG. Laryngeal and acoustic analysis of chest and head registers extended across a three-octave range: A case study. In Honzík P., Vencovský V., Rund F. (Eds.) Sborník 3. studentského akustického semináře. 2022.
Šram F., Sopko J., Vydrová J., ŠVEC J. In Memoriam: Professor Karel Vrtička, MD, PhD. In Domagalský T. (Eds.) 10th Pan-European Voice Conference, Celebrating Interdisciplinary Collaboration, Book of Abstracts. 2013.
Švec JG., Šram F., Qiu Q., Schutte HK. Inovace v laryngoskopické diagnostice poruch hlasu: co očekávat? Program a sborník abstrakt: XVI.celostátní foniatrické dny E. Sedláčkové / 6. česko-slovenský foniatrický kongres, Jablonné nad Orlicí, 25.-27.září 2008. 2008.
Švec JG. Kymografické zobrazení kmitání hlasivek / Kymographic imaging of the vocal fold oscillations. Abstrakta 71. kongresu České společnosti otorinolaryngologie a chirurgie hlavy a krku. 2008.
Švec JG. Optical methods in voice source analysis: Kymography. The 6th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics. 2008.
Havlík R., Švec JG., Lejska M. Pěvecký formant. Program a sborník abstrakt: XVI.celostátní foniatrické dny E. Sedláčkové / 6. česko-slovenský foniatrický kongres, Jablonné nad Orlicí, 25.-27.září 2008. 2008.
Qiu Q., Švec JG., Schutte HK. Simultaneous Structural And Functional Imaging of Vocal Folds - the New Generation Videokymography. Program a sborník abstrakt: XVI.celostátní foniatrické dny E. Sedláčkové / 6. česko-slovenský foniatrický kongres, Jablonné nad Orlicí, 25.-27.září 2008. 2008.
Švec JG., Behlau M. Světový den hlasu. Program a sborník abstrakt: XVI.celostátní foniatrické dny E. Sedláčkové / 6. česko-slovenský foniatrický kongres, Jablonné nad Orlicí, 25.-27.září 2008. 2008.
Švec JG., Behlau M. 16. duben: Světový den hlasu / 16th April: World Voice Day. Abstrakta 71. kongresu České společnosti otorinolaryngologie a chirurgie hlavy a krku. 2008.
Vydrová J., Švec JG., Zitová B., Novozámský A., Zita A., Šorel M. Metodika hodnocení poruchy hlasu z videokymografických záznamů. 2017.
Lehoux H., Hampala V., Švec JG. Development and use of an anechoic subglottal tract for excised larynx experiments. e-Forum Acusticum, December 7-11, 2020, Lyon, France. 2021.
Current courses
Course title Department/Abbrev. Semester Type Classes
Methods for evaluation of voice and speech USS/LMHL ZS Cv 11
Biomechanics KEF/BIOM LS Cv 1
Biomechanics KEF/BIOM LS 2
Biomechanics KEF/BMCHE LS Cv 1
Biomechanics KEF/BMCHE LS 2
Voice, Speech and Hearing KEF/HRS ZS Cv 1
Voice, Speech and Hearing KEF/HRS ZS 2

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