Mgr. Pavel KOHOUT, Ph.D.



Katedra experimentální fyziky

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Podnikatelský inkubátor (VTP), objekt C


věd. prac. ob. fyzikálních

Vedeneev VY., Rodin AM., Krupa L., Kohout P., Kohoutová A., Opíchal A. A Cryogenic Gas-Filled Ion Stopping Cell as an Instrument for Experimental Study of Heaviest Nuclei. Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters. 2024.
Kohoutová A., Rodin AM., Gulyaev AV., Kohout P., Krupa L., Opíchal A., Pechoušek J. Extraction Time Simulations of a Cryogenic Gas Stopping Cell Designed to Study the Properties of Superheavy Elements. Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters. 2024.
Kohout P., Kohoutová A., Schlattauer L., Opíchal A., Kouřil L., Pechoušek J. PXI-Compatible Preamplifier and Amplifier for Proportional Gas Counters for Mössbauer Spectroscopy. Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters. 2024.
Kohoutová A., Rodin AM., Krupa L., Kohout P., Opíchal A., Pechoušek J. Separaton Efficiency and Separation Time of Mass Separator MASHA Measured for Radon and Mercury Isotopes. PHYSICS OF PARTICLES AND NUCLEI. 2023.
Chernysheva EV., Rodin AM., Vedeneev VY., Kohout P., Kohoutová A., Opíchal A., Pechoušek J. Cross Sections of the Production of Mercury and Radon Isotopes in Complete Fusion Reactions with 36,40Ar and 40,48Ca Projectiles. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. 2022.
Kouřil L., Pechoušek J., Kohout P., Jiruš M., Vondrášek R. Improvement of gas proportional counter performance by registration krypton and argon escape peaks in Mössbauer spectroscopy. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS. 2022.
Kohout P., Kouřil L., Opíchal A., Kohoutová A., Pechoušek J. Mössbauer Spectrometer With Advanced Modulation of Gamma Ray Energy Utilizing Real-Time Industrial Computer. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 2021.
Kohout P., Pechoušek J., Kouřil L. Evaluation of Mössbauer spectra linearization methods. Hyperfine Interactions. 2019.
Kohout P., Frank T., Pechoušek J., Kouřil L. Mössbauer spectra linearity improvement by sine velocity waveform followed by linearization process. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY. 2018.
Kouřil L., Pechoušek J., Novák P., Navařík J., Kohout P. Toroidal proportional gas flow counter for conversion X-ray Mössbauer spectroscopy. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS. 2018.
Pechoušek J., Konečný D., Novák P., Kouřil L., Kohout P., Celiktas C., Vůjtek M. Software emulator of nuclear pulse generation with different pulse shapes and pile-up. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment. 2016.
Novák P., Pechoušek J., Procházka V., Navařík J., Kouřil L., Kohout P., Vrba V., Machala L. Time differential Fe-57 Mossbauer spectrometer with unique 4 pi YAP:Ce 122.06 keV gamma-photon detector. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment. 2016.
Pechoušek J., Novák P., Navařík J., Kohout P., Machala L. Mössbauer Spectroscopy System with Increased Performance and Flexibility - Utilization In Material Research. Journal of Electrical Engineering. 2013.
Kohout P., Kouřil L., Navařík J., Novák P., Pechoušek J. Optimized Linear Motor and Digital PID Controller Setup Used in Mössbauer Spectrometer. In Tuček J. (Eds.) AIP Conference Proceedings. 2014.
Kouřil L., Kohout P., Novák P., Navařík J., Pechoušek J. Setup of the Mössbauer spectrometer based on stand-alone instruments - A case study. In Tuček J. (Eds.) AIP Conference Proceedings. 2014.
Pechoušek J., Kouřil L., Kohout P., Novák P., Auinger F., Kubičková H. M2p Austinometr prototyp. 2017.
Pechoušek J., Kouřil L., Kohout P., Novák P., Auinger F., Kubičková H. Prstencový plynový detektor ionizujícího záření. 2016.

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