Mgr. Vlastimil VRBA, Ph.D.

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Katedra experimentální fyziky

Přírodovědecká fakulta

17. listopadu 12


odborný asistent

Experimental methods of nuclear resonant scattering, nuclear quantum optics, applications of nuclear spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction in materials science, simulations and analysis of nuclear forward scattering experiments.

Office Hours:
Regular Room number: Comment:
Friday 12:30–16:30 4.011
Selected publications
Stejskal A., Procházka V., Dudka M., Vrba V., Kočiščák J., Šretrová P., Novák P. A dual Mössbauer spectrometer for material research, coincidence experiments and nuclear quantum optics. MEASUREMENT. 2023. (ČLÁNEK)
Procházka V., Novák P., Stejskal A., Dudka M., Vrba V. Lamb-Mössbauer factor determination by resonant Mössbauer spectrometer. PHYSICS LETTERS A. 2022. (ČLÁNEK)
Kopp J., Novák P., Lisníková S., Vrba V., Procházka V. Co-Precipitation of Fe—Cu Bimetal Oxalates in an Aqueous Solution and Their Thermally Induced Decomposition. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 2021. (ČLÁNEK)
Vrba V., Procházka V., Miglierini M. Identification of spatial magnetic inhomogeneities by nuclear forward scattering of synchrotron radiation. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 2019. (ČLÁNEK)
Novák P., Schlattauerová T., Procházka V., Kopp J., Vrba V. Lamb–Mössbauer factor of powders determined by Mössbauer spectroscopy with resonant detector. Chemical Papers. 2023.
Ochmann M., Vrba V., Kopp J., Ingr T., Malina O., Machala L. Microwave-Enhanced Crystalline Properties of Zinc Ferrite Nanoparticles. Nanomaterials. 2022.
Pechoušek J., Kuzman E., Vondrášek R., Vrba V., Kouřil L., Ingr T., Mašláň M. Successive Grinding and Polishing Effect on the Retained Austenite in the Surface of 42CrMo4 Steel. Metals. 2022.
Procházka V., Novák P., Vrba V., Stejskal A., Dudka M. Autotuning procedure for energy modulation in Mössbauer spectroscopy. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS. 2020.
Procházka V., Buřvalová A., Vrba V., Kopp J., Novák P. Formation of Cobalt Ferrites Investigated by Transmission and Emission Mössbauer Spectroscopy. ACTA CHIMICA SLOVENICA. 2020.
Smrčka D., Procházka V., Vrba V., Miglierini MB. Nuclear forward scattering analysis of crystallization processes in weakly magnetic metallic glasses. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. 2019.
Miglierini MB., Procházka V., Vrba V., Švec P., Jankovič D., Matúš P. Methods of Ex Situ and In Situ Investigations of Structural Transformations: The Case of Crystallization of Metallic Glasses. Jove-Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2018.
Vrba V., Procházka V., Smrčka D., Miglierini M. Advanced approach to the analysis of a series of in-situ nuclear forward scattering experiments. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2017.
Vrba V., Procházka V., Smrčka D., Miglierini M. Hubert: Software for Efficient Analysis of In-Situ Nuclear Forward Scattering Experiments. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2016.
Smrčka D., Procházka V., Novák P., Kašlík J., Vrba V. Iron Oxalate Decomposition Process by Means of Mossbauer Spectroscopy and Nuclear Forward Scattering. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2016.
Procházka V., Vrba V., Šretrová P., Smrčka D., Miglierini M. Preferential magnetic orientation in amorphous alloys determined by NFS and Mössbauer spectroscopy. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2016.
Novák P., Pechoušek J., Procházka V., Navařík J., Kouřil L., Kohout P., Vrba V., Machala L. Time differential Fe-57 Mossbauer spectrometer with unique 4 pi YAP:Ce 122.06 keV gamma-photon detector. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment. 2016.
Procházka V., Vrba V., Smrčka D., Rüffer R., Matúš M., Mašláň M., Miglierini M. Structural transformation of NANOPERM-type metallic glasses followed in situ by synchrotron radiation during thermal annealing in external magnetic field. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2015.
Current courses
Course title Department/Abbrev. Semester Type Classes
Mechanics and Molecular Physics OPT/MMF ZS Cv 2
Supplementy Seminar for Learning Physics 1 KEF/DSF1 ZS Se 2
Electricity and Magnetism KEF/EMGX LS Cv 4
Electricity and Magnetism KEF/EMGX LS 4

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