doc. RNDr. Martina ŠPUNDOVÁ, Ph.D.



Katedra biofyziky

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Šlechtitelů 27 - objekt F2 (CRH)



Balarynová J., Klčová B., Tarkowská D., Turečková V., Trněný O., Špundová M., Ochatt S., Smýkal P. Domestication has altered the ABA and gibberellin profiles in developing pea seeds. PLANTA. 2023.
Nisler J., Kučerová Z., Koprna R., Sobotka R., Slivková J., Rossall S., Špundová M., Husičková A., Pilný J., Tarkowská D., Novák O., Škrabišová M., Strnad M. Urea derivative MTU improves stress tolerance and yield in wheat by promoting cyclic electron flow around PSI. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2023.
Pavlovič A., Jakšová J., Kučerová Z., Špundová M., Rác M., Roudnický P., Mithofer A. Diethyl ether anesthesia induces transient cytosolic [Ca2+] increase, heat shock proteins, and heat stress tolerance of photosystem II in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022.
Bednaříková M., Folgar-Cameán Y., Kučerová Z., Lazár D., Špundová M., Hájek J., Barták M. Analysis of K- and L-band appearance in OJIPs in Antarctic lichens in low and high temperature. Photosynthetica. 2020.
Bryksová M., Dabravolski S., Kučerová Z., Zavadil Kokáš F., Špundová M., Plíhalová L., Takáč T., Grúz J., Hudeček M., Hloušková V., Koprna R., Novák O., Strnad M., Plíhal O., Doležal K. Aromatic Cytokinin Arabinosides Promote PAMP-like Responses and Positively Regulate Leaf Longevity. ACS Chemical Biology. 2020.
Kučerová Z., Rác M., Mikulík J., Plíhal O., Pospíšil P., Bryksová M., Sedlářová M., Doležal K., Špundová M. The anti-senescence activity of cytokinin arabinosides in wheat and Arabidopsis is negatively correlated with ethylene production. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 2020.
Nožková V., Mieslerová B., Luhová L., Piterková J., Novák O., Špundová M., Lebeda A. Effect of heat-shock pre-treatment on tomato plants infected by powdery mildew fungus. PLANT PROTECTION SCIENCE. 2019.
Janečková H., Husičková A., Lazár D., Ferretti U., Pospíšil P., Špundová M. Exogenous application of cytokinin during dark senescence eliminates the acceleration of photosystem II impairment caused by chlorophyll b deficiency in barley. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY. 2019.
Ilík P., Špundová M., Šicner M., Melkovičová H., Kučerová Z., Krchňák P., Fürst T., Večeřová K., Panzarová K., Benediktyová Z., Trtílek M. Estimating heat tolerance of plants by ion leakage: a new method based on gradual heating. NEW PHYTOLOGIST. 2018.
Janečková H., Husičková A., Ferretti U., Prčina M., Pilařová E., Plačková L., Pospíšil P., Doležal K., Špundová M. The interplay between cytokinins and light during senescence in detached Arabidopsis leaves. PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT. 2018.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B., Petřivalský M., Luhová L., Špundová M., Sedlářová M., Nožková V., Pink DAC. Review of tomato powdery mildew - a challenging problem for researchers, breeders and growers. Acta Horticulturae. 2017.
Lebeda A., Mieslerová B., Petřivalský M., Luhová L., Špundová M., Sedlářová M., Nožková V., Pink D. Resistance mechanisms of wild tomato germplasm to infection of Oidium neolycopersici. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2014.
Hlavinka J., Nauš J., Špundová M. Anthocyanin contribution to chlorophyll meter readings and its correction. Photosynthesis Research. 2013.
Novák J., Pavlů J., Novák O., Nožková V., Špundová M., Hlavinka J., Koukalová Š., Skalák J., Černý M., Brzobohatý B. High cytokinin levels induce a hypersensitive-like response in tobacco. Annals of Botany. 2013.
Ježilová E., Fellner M., Bergougnoux V., Špundová M. Is the rate of photosynthesis under blue light altered in the 7B-1 tomato mutant? Photosynthetica. 2012.
KYSELÁKOVÁ H., PROKOPOVÁ J., NAUŠ J., NOVÁK O., NAVRÁTIL M., ŠAFÁŘOVÁ D., ŠPUNDOVÁ M., ILÍK P. Photosynthetic alterations of pea leaves infected systemically by pea enation mosaic virus: A coordinated decrease in efficiencies of CO2 assimilation and photosystem II photochemi. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2011.
PROKOPOVÁ J., Mieslerová B., Hlaváčková V., HLAVINKA J., Lebeda A., Nauš J., ŠPUNDOVÁ M. Changes in photosynthesis of Lycopersicon spp. plants induced by tomato powdery mildew infection in combination with heat shock pre-treatment. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. 2010.
ILÍK P., Kotabová E., ŠPUNDOVÁ M., Novák O., Kaňa R., Strzalka K. Low-light-induced Violaxanthin De-epoxidation in Shortly Preheated Leaves: Uncoupling from ΔpH-dependent Non-photochemical Quenching. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 2010.
PROKOPOVÁ J., ŠPUNDOVÁ M., Sedlářová M., HUSIČKOVÁ A., Novotný R., Doležal K., Nauš J., Lebeda A. Photosynthetic responses of lettuce to downy mildew infection and cytokinin treatment. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2010.
Nauš J., PROKOPOVÁ J., Řebíček J., ŠPUNDOVÁ M. SPAD chlorophyll meter reading can be pronouncedly affected by chloroplast movement. Photosynthesis Research. 2010.
Hlaváčková V., Krchňák P., Nauš J., Novák O., Špundová M., Strnad M. Electrical and chemical signals involved in short-term systemic photosynthetic responses of tobacco plants to local burning. Planta. 2006.
Vlčková A., Špundová M., Kotabová E., Novotný R., Doležal K., Nauš J. Protective cytokinin action switches to damaging during senescence of detached wheat leaves in continuous light. Physiologia Plantarum. 2006.
Špundová M., Strzalka K., Nauš J. Xanthophyll cycle activity in detached barley leaves senescing under dark and light. Photosynthetica. 2005.
Kaňa R., Špundová M., Ilík P., Lazár D., Klem K., Tomek P., Nauš J., Prášil O. Effect of herbicide clomazone on photosynthetic processes in primary barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaves. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 2004.
Kotabová E., Vlčková A., Novák O., Špundová M., Ilík P. The effect of meta-topolin on photosynthetic pigment composition in wheat leaves during artificial senescence on continuous light or in the dark. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2004.
Lazár D., Nauš J., Hlaváčková V., Špundová M., Mieslerová B. Statistical changes in chlorophyll fluorescence rise within adaxial leaf area caused by worsening of Photosystem II function. Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Statistical Inferential Methods: Theory and Applications. 2003.
Špundová M., Popelková H., Ilík P., Skotnica J., Novotný R., Nauš J. Ultra-structural and functional changes in the chloroplasts of detached barley leaves secescing under dark and light conditions. Journal of Plant Physiology. 2003.
Špundová M., Popelková H., Ilík P., Skotnica J., Novotný R., Nauš J. Ultra-structural and functional changes in the chloroplasts of detached barley leaves secescing under dark and light conditions. Journal of Plant Physiology. 2003.
Klem K., Špundová M., Hrabalová H., Nauš J., Váňová M., Masojídek J., Tomek P. Comparison of chlorophyll fluorescence and whole-plant bioassays of isoproturon. Weed Research. 2002.
Hlaváčková V., Špundová M., Nauš J., Navrátil M., Kouřil R., Kaňa R. Mechanical wounding caused by inoculation influences the photosynthetic response of Nicotiana benthamiana plants to plum pox potyvirus. Photosynthetica. 2002.
Matoušková M., Bartošková H., Nauš J., Novotný R. Reaction of photosynthetic apparatus to dark desiccation sensitively detected by the induction of chlorophyll fluorescence quenching. Journal of Plant Physiology. 1999.
Špundová M., Prokopová J., Sedlářová M., Výtisková M., Vlčková A. Vliv exogenní aplikace cytokininů na patogenezi Bremia lactucae a fotosyntetické parametry hostitelské rostliny. In Bláha L. (Eds.) Vliv abiotických a biotických stresorů na vlastnosti rostlin 2005 (Influence of abiotic and biotic stressors on characters of plants). 2005.
Špundová M., Útratová .., Nauš J., Lebeda A. Chlorophyll fluorescence in cucumber cotyledons inoculated by cucumber powdery mildews (Erysiphe cichoracearum and Sphaerotheca fuliginea). ISHS Acta Horticulturae 588, II International Symposium on Cucurbits. 2002.
Matoušková M., Nauš J., Flašarová M. Response of maize plants to pre-emergence application of herbicides monitored by fast chlorophyll fluorescence induction. Photosynthesis: Mechanism and Effects. 1998.
Prokopová J., Nauš J., Špundová M., Sedlářová M. The effect of meta-topolin on optical parameters of lettuce leaf discs infected by Bremia lactucae. Advances in downy mildew research, Vol. 3. 2007.
Prokopová J., Mieslerová B., Piterková J., Hlaváčková V., Hlavinka J., Špundová M. Effect of heat shock pre-treatment of tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Amateur) on their resistance to biotrophic pathogen (Oidium neolycopersici) infection. International Conference on Biotic Plant Interactions. 2008.
Prokopová J., Špundová M., Sedlářová M., Husičková A., Doležal K., Nauš J., Lebeda A. Vliv cytokininů na změny fotosyntetického aparátu salátu (Lactuca sativa L.) vyvolané plísní salátovou (Bremia lactucae Regel). Bulletin České společnosti experimentální biologie rostlin. 2007.
Vlčková A., Kotabová E., Ilík P., Novotný R., Lípová L., Špundová M. Citokinin meta - topolin induced modificatio of photosyntetic apparatus in senescing wheat leavas. European Biophysics Journal. 2005.
Vlčková A., Kotabová E., Ilík P., Novotný R., Lípová L., Špundová M. Citokinin meta - topolin induced modificatio of photosyntetic apparatus in senescing wheat leavas. European Biophysics Journal. 2005.
Hlaváčková V., Krchňák P., Ilík P., Nauš J., Novák O., Kaňa R., Špundová M. The first moving signal inducing systemic changes in photosynthesis after local burning of tobacco plants. The First Symposium on Plant Neurobiology. 2005.
Hlaváčková V., Krchňák P., Nauš J., Ilík P., Kaňa R., Špundová M. SYSTEMIC RESPONSE OF TOBACCO PLANTS TO LOCAL HEAT TREATMENT DETECTED BY ELECTRICAL POTENTIALS AND PHOTOSYNTHETIC PARAMETERS. IPGSA 18th International Conference on Plant Growth Substances. 2004.
Hlaváčková V., Špundová M., Nauš J., Navrátil M. Effect of Plum pox potyvirus on growth and fluorescence characteristics of Nicotiana benthamiana plants. IX. Dny rostlinné fyziologie. 2001.

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