Below is a summary of the information on the current regime at UP regarding Covid-19.
We would love to return to life at the university without hearing the words Covid-19 and coronavirus, but unfortunately, we’re not completely out of the woods yet. Although there are currently no blanket anti-epidemic measures in force in the Czech Republic, the number of those testing positive is currently around 4 000 per day (on weekdays) and it can be expected that the number will not drop with the arrival of autumn. The order of the day therefore is still about being considerate, both to those around you, and to also to your own health. We should continue to pay increased attention to hand washing, and isolate ourselves from colleagues and co-workers at the first signs of respiratory illness. We should not be afraid to use masks (respirators) if we are not feeling completely well, in order to protect those around us, as well if we have concerns about our own health. More details in the news.
Employee testing
Regarding preventive testing at work, contact your immediate supervisor. Employees at the Rector’s Office can pick up self-tests (if they are not available at their workplace) from the Occupational Health and Safety Department (BOZP – Křížkovského 8) upon prior arrangement by telephone.
Respiratory protection
Currently, there is no government measure regarding the use of respiratory protection (masks/respirators). With respect to the current increase in numbers of cases, we should not hesitate to use masks (respirators) now if we are not feeling completely well, in order to protect those around us, and also if we have concerns about our own health. Respirators for protection are available for individual pick-up at the UP Department of Workplace and Fire Safety (BOZP – Křížkovského 8).
Compliance with isolation measures
UP Management, in order to maintain a standard winter semester regime, is thus appealing to all its employees and students that in the case of a doctor’s order for an isolation regime, to faithfully maintain its rules: above all, isolation from colleagues and fellow students – not only in offices and classrooms, but also in other settings (dormitories, social life). There are several quarantine beds available at student dormitories.
UP Management is asking teachers to be accommodating toward students with respiratory difficulties. If the nature of the course permits, we advise allowing temporary remote participation in classes or substitute performance of one’s duties in order to prevent the possible spread of illness.
Workplace regime
UP Management is encouraging employees and their supervisors to communicate effectively and accommodatingly in order to prevent the spread of illness in the workplace. If you suspect you have Covid, inform your immediate supervisor remotely (by telephone, e-mail, etc.) to discuss how to proceed further. If the suspicion persists, or if Covid is confirmed, allow your subordinates to work from home for the duration of the suspicion or for the period of ordered isolation, if the employee is interested in arranging this form of work and the nature of the work allows it. The Agreement to Work from Home is available on the university web.