prof. RNDr. Josef MIKEŠ, DrSc.

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Katedra algebry a geometrie

Přírodovědecká fakulta

17. listopadu 12



Mikeš J., Tsyganok I., Stepanov S. Back to Tachibana numbers of Riemannian manifolds. Filomat. 2024.
Peška P., Vítková L., Mikeš J. Fundamental equations of generalized ϕ(Ric)-vector fields. Geometry, Integrability and Quantization. 2024.
Mohammad R., Sheha M., Mikeš J. On equidistant parabolic Kähler manifolds and geodesic mappings. Filomat. 2024.
Mikeš J., Stepanov SE., Tsyganok II. The Lichnerowicz Laplacian Acting on Symmetric Tensor Fields — The Bochner Technique Point of View. Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States). 2024.
Almazbekov Ch., Guseva N., Mikeš J. Конформные федосовы структуры и пространства. Matematicheskie Zametki. 2023.
Vítková L., Mikeš J., Peška P. Почти геодезические кривые и геодезические отображения. Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovremennye Problemy Matematiki, Fundamental'nye Napravleniya. 2023.
Stepanov S., Mikeš J., Tsyganok I. Обобщенная техника Бохнера и ее применение к изучению проективных и конформных отображений. Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovremennye Problemy Matematiki, Fundamental'nye Napravleniya. 2023.
Berezovskii V., Bácsó S., Cherevko Y., Mikeš J. CANONICAL ALMOST GEODESIC MAPPINGS π2(e), e = ±1, OF SPACES WITH AFFINE CONNECTION ONTO m-SYMMETRIC SPACES. Miskolc Mathematical Notes. 2023.
Almazbekov Ch., Guseva N., Mikeš J. Conformal Fedosov structures and spaces. MATHEMATICAL NOTES. 2023.
Hinterleitner I., Guseva N., Mikeš J. On geodesic definiteness by similarity points. Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2023.
Rýparová L., Mikeš J. Rotary Mappings and Rotary Transformations. Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2023.
Sabykanov A., Mikeš J., Peška P. Symmetric, Semisymmetric, and Recurrent Projectively Euclidean Spaces. Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2023.
Peška P., Jukl M., Mikeš J. Tensor Decompositions and Their Properties. Mathematics. 2023.
Peška P., Mikeš J., Rýparová L. Almost geodesic curves as intersections of n-dimensional spheres. Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2022.
Mikeš J., Guseva N., Peška P., Rýparová L. Almost geodesic mappings and projections of the sphere. MATHEMATICAL NOTES. 2022.
Berezovski V., Cherevko Y., Hinterleitner I., Mikeš J. Canonical almost geodesic mappings of the first type onto generalized Ricci symmetric spaces. Filomat. 2022.
Berezovskii V., Kuzmina I., Mikeš J. Canonical F-planar mappings of spaces with affine connection to two symmetric spaces. Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2022.
Stepanov S., Tsyganok I., Mikeš J. Complete Riemannian manifolds with Killing-Ricci and Codazzi-Ricci tensors. Дифференциальная геометрия многообразий фигур. 2022.
Mikeš J., Rýparová L., Stepanov S., Tsyganok I. On the geometry in the large of Einstein-like manifolds. Mathematics. 2022.
Stepanov S., Mikeš J. What is the Bochner technique and where is it applied. Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2022.
Mikeš J., Гусева Н., Peška P., Rýparová L. Поворотные отображения и проекции сферы. Matematicheskie Zametki. 2021.
Mikeš J., Formella S., Hinterleitner I., Guseva N. Некоторые вопросы геодезических отображений пространств Эйнштейна. Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovremennye Problemy Matematiki, Fundamental'nye Napravleniya. 2021.
Mikeš J. Пространства солодовникова V(K) и их обобщения. Vestnik Ošskogo Gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2021.
Berezovski V., Mikeš J., Radulović Ž. Almost geodesic mappings of type $\pi_2^*$ of space with affine connection. Mathematica Montisnigri. 2021.
Belova O., Mikeš J., Sherkuziev M., Sherkuzieva N. An analytical inflexibility of surfaces attached along a curve to a surface regarding a point and plane. Results in Mathematics. 2021.
Stepanov S., Mikeš J. Application of the Hopf maximum principle to the theory of geodesic mappings. Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics. 2021.
Berezovski V., Cherevko Y., Leshchenko S., Mikeš J. Canonical almost geodesic mappings of the first type of spaces with affine connection onto generalized 2-Ricci-symmetric spaces. Geometry, Integrability and Quantization. 2021.
Křížek J., Mikeš J., Peška P., Rýparová L. Extremals and isoperimetric extremals of the rotations in the plane. Geometry, Integrability and Quantization. 2021.
Berezovskii V., Guseva NI., Mikeš J. Geodesic mappings of equiaffine and Ricci symmetric spaces. MATHEMATICAL NOTES. 2021.
Mikeš J., Guseva NI., Peška P., Rýparová L. Rotary mappings and projections of a sphere. Mathematical Notes. 2021.
Rýparová L., Mikeš J. Отображения и преобразования поворота. Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovremennye Problemy Matematiki, Fundamental'nye Napravleniya. 2020.
Hinterleitner I., Guseva N., Mikeš J. О геодезической определенности точками подобия. Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovremennye Problemy Matematiki, Fundamental'nye Napravleniya. 2020.
Sabykanov A., Mikeš J., Peška P. Симметрические, полусимметрические и рекуррентные проективно евклидовы пространства. Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovremennye Problemy Matematiki, Fundamental'nye Napravleniya. 2020.
Deshmukh S., Mikeš J., Turki NB., Vîlcu GE. A note on geodesic vector fields. Mathematics. 2020.
Belova O., Mikeš J. Almost geodesics and special affine connection. Results in Mathematics. 2020.
Mikeš J., Rovenski V., Stepanov S. An example of Lichnerowicz-type Laplacian. ANNALS OF GLOBAL ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY. 2020.
Mikeš J., Hinterleitner I., Guseva NI. Geodesic Maps “in the Large” of Ricci-Flat Spaces with n Complete Geodesic Lines. MATHEMATICAL NOTES. 2020.
Mikeš J., Peška P., Rýparová L. Isoperimetric extremals of rotation on sphere. Geometry, Integrability and Quantization. 2020.
Berezovski V., Mikeš J., Rýparová L. On Canonical Almost Geodesic Mappings of Type π2(e). Mathematics. 2020.
Belova O., Falcone G., Figula Á., Mikeš J., Nagy PT., Wefelscheid H. Our friend and mathematician Karl Strambach. Results in Mathematics. 2020.
Jukl M., Juklová L., Mikeš J. Young Tableaux and Projections of Tensors. Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2020.
Belova O., Mikeš J., Strambach K. About almost geodesic curves. Filomat. 2019.
Rýparová L., Mikeš J. Infinitesimal rotary transformation. Filomat. 2019.
Berezovski V., Mikeš J., Peška P., Rýparová L. On canonical F-planar mappings of spaces with affine connection. Filomat. 2019.
Rýparová L., Mikeš J., Sabykanov A. On geodesic bifurcations of product spaces. Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019.
Shandra I., Stepanov S., Mikeš J. On higher-order Codazzi tensors on complete Riemannian manifolds. ANNALS OF GLOBAL ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY. 2019.
Stepanov S., Tsyganok I., Mikeš J. On the Sampson Laplacian. Filomat. 2019.
Sabykanov A., Mikeš J., Peška P. Recurrent equiaffine projective Euclidean spaces. Filomat. 2019.
Mikeš J., Rýparová L. Rotary mappings of spaces with affine connection. Filomat. 2019.
Mikeš J., Rýparová L., Chudá H. К теории поворотных отображений. Matematicheskie Zametki. 2018.
Jukl M., Juklová L., Mikeš J. ТАБЛИЦЫ ЮНГА И ПРОЕКЦИИ ТЕНЗОРОВ. Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovremennye Problemy Matematiki, Fundamental'nye Napravleniya. 2018.
Berezovskii V., Hinterleitner I., Guseva N., Mikeš J. Conformal mappings of Riemannian spaces onto Ricci symmetric spaces. MATHEMATICAL NOTES. 2018.
Belova O., Mikeš J., Strambach K. Geodesics and almost geodesics curves. Results in Mathematics. 2018.
Rýparová L., Mikeš J., Sabykanov A. On geodesic bifurcations of product spaces. Ukrains'kyi Matematychnyi Visnyk. 2018.
Berezovskii V., Kovalev LE., Mikeš J. On preservation of the Riemann tensor with respect to some mappings of affinely connected space. Russian Mathematics. 2018.
Mikeš J., Rýparová L., Chudá H. On the theory of rotary mappings. MATHEMATICAL NOTES. 2018.
Stepanov S., Tsyganok I., Mikeš J. Теорема лиувиллева типа о проективном отображении полного риманова многообразия. Дифференциальная геометрия многообразий фигур. 2017.
Belova O., Mikeš J., Strambach K. Complex curves as lines of geometries. Results in Mathematics. 2017.
Berezovskij V., Bacsó S., Mikeš J. Diffeomorphism of affine connected spaces which preserved Riemannian and Ricci curvature tensors. Miskolc Mathematical Notes. 2017.
Hinterleitner I., Mikeš J., Peška P. Fundamental equations of F-planar mappings. Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2017.
Aleksandrova I., Mikeš J., Stepanov S., Tsyganok I. Liouville Type Theorems in the Theory of Mappings of Complete Riemannian Manifolds. Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017.
Berezovskij V., Mikeš J., Chudá H., Chepurna O. On canonical almost geodesic mappings which preserve the Weyl projective tensor. Russian Mathematics. 2017.
Hinterleitner I., Berezovskij V., Chepurna O., Mikeš J. On the concircular vector fields of spaces with affine connection. Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis. 2017.
Mikeš J., Vanžurová A. Reconstruction of an affine connection in generalized Fermi coordinates. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. 2017.
Evtushik L., Hinterleitner I., Guseva N., Mikeš J. Конформные отображения на пространства Эйнштейна. Известия высших учебных заведений. Математика / Russian Mathematics (Izvestiya VUZ. Matematika). 2016.
Stepanov S., Alexandrova I., Tsyganok I., Mikeš J. Conformal Killing forms on totally umbilical submanifolds. Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016.
Evtushik L., Hinterleitner I., Guseva N., Mikeš J. Conformal mappings onto Einstein spaces. Russian Mathematics. 2016.
Mikeš J., Berezovski V., Stepanova E., Chudá H. Geodesic mappings and their generalizations. Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016.
Peška P., Mikeš J., Chudá H., Shiha M. On holomorphically projective mappings of parabolic Kähler manifolds. Miskolc Mathematical Notes. 2016.
Khripunova M., Stepanov S., Tsyganok I., Mikeš J. On uniqueness theoremsfor Ricci tensor. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Rerum Naturalium, Mathematica. 2016.
Hui SK., Mikeš J., Mandal P. Submanifolds of Kenmotsu Manifolds and Ricci Solitons. Journal of Tensor Society of India. 2016.
Berezovski V., Bácsó S., Mikeš J. Almost geodesic mappings of affinely connected spaces that preserve the riemannian curvature. Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae. 2015.
Berezovskii V., Mikeš J. Almost geodesic mappings of spaces with affine connection. Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2015.
Jukl M., Juklová L., Mikeš J. Applications of Local Algebras of Differentiable Manifolds. Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2015.
Hinterleitner I., Mikeš J. Geodesic mappings and differentiability of metrics, affine and projective connections. Filomat: Algebra, Logic and Discrete Mathematics. 2015.
Stepanov S., Shandra I., Mikeš J. Harmonic and projective diffeomorphisms. Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2015.
Berezovskii V., Guseva N., Mikeš J. On special first-type almost geodesic mappings of affine connection spaces preserving a certain tensor. Mathematical Notes of Russian Academy of Sciences. 2015.
Mikeš J., Sochor M., Stepanova E. On the existence of isoperimetric Extremals of Rotation and the fundamental equations of rotary Diffeomorphisms. Filomat: Algebra, Logic and Discrete Mathematics. 2015.
Stepanov S., Tsyganok I., Mikeš J. Overview and comparative analysis of the properties of the Hodge-de Rham and tachibana operators. Filomat: Algebra, Logic and Discrete Mathematics. 2015.
Mikeš J., Strambach K. Shells of monotone curves. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal. 2015.
Stepanov S., Mikeš J. The generalized Landau-Raychaudhuri equation and its applications. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics. 2015.
Stepanov S., Mikeš J. The spectral theory of the Yano rough Laplacian with some of its applications. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry. 2015.
Jukl M., Juklová L., Mikeš J. Некоторые приложения локальных алгебр на дифференцируемых многообразиях. Итоги науки и техники. Современная математика и ее приложения. Тематические обзоры. (ВИНИТИ). 2014.
Stepanova E., Mikeš J., Tsyganok I. A geodesic mapping and its field of symmetric linear endomorphisms. Differential Geometry and Its Applications. 2014.
Mikeš J., Chudá H., Hinterleitner I. Conformal holomorphically projective mappings of almost Hermitian manifolds with a certain initial condition. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics. 2014.
Stepanov S., Mikeš J. Eigenvalues of the Tachibana operator which acts on differential forms. Differential Geometry and Its Applications. 2014.
Berezovski V., Mikeš J., Vanžurová A. Fundamental PDE's of the canonical almost geodesic mappings of type $\tilde{\pi}\sb 1$. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. 2014.
Hinterleitner I., Mikeš J., Peška P. On $F^\varepsilon_2$-planar mappings of (pseudo-) Riemannian manifolds. Archivum Mathematicum. 2014.
Stepanov S., Jukl M., Mikeš J. Vanishing theorems of conformal Killing forms and their applications to electrodynamics in the general relativity theory. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics. 2014.
Stepanov S., Mikeš J. Betti and Tachibana numbers. Miskolc Mathematical Notes. 2013.
Stepanov S., Mikeš J. Betti and Tachibana numbers of compact Riemannian manifolds. Differential Geometry and Its Applications. 2013.
Stepanov S., Tsyganok I., Mikeš J. From infinitesimal harmonic transformations to Ricci solitons. Mathematica Bohemica. 2013.
Hinterleitner I., Mikeš J. Geodesic mappings of (pseudo-) Riemannian manifolds preserve class of differentiability. Miskolc Mathematical Notes. 2013.
Mikeš J., Strambach K. Grünwald shift spaces. Publicationes Mathematicae. 2013.
Mikeš J., Balcerzak B., Kureš M. In memory of Leonid Evtushik and Jan Kubarski. Miskolc Mathematical Notes. 2013.
Mikeš J., Stepanov S. On generalized semisymmetric Riemannian manifolds. Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti : Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. 2013.
Grebenyuk M., Mikeš J. On normals of manifolds in multidimensional projective space. Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae. 2013.
Mikeš J., Stepanov S., Tsyganok I. О геодезических отображениях полных некомпактных римановых многообразий. Izvestia Penzenskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta imeni V. G. Belinskogo, Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences. 2012.
Chudá H., MIKEŠ J. Cnformally geodesic mappings satisfied the initial condition. Archivum Mathematicum. 2011.
Chudá H., Mikeš J. Conformally geodesic mappings satisfying a certain initial condition. Archivum Mathematicum. 2011.
Mikeš J., Chepurna O. Holomorphically projective mappings of hyperbolically Kahler spaces preserving the Einstein tensor. Aplimat : Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2011.
Mikeš J., Juklová L., Sheha M. Holomorphically Projective Mappings onto Riemannian Tangent-product Spaces. Aplimat : Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2011.
Mikeš J., Vanžurová A., Berezovsky V. On a class of curvature preserving almost geodesic mappings of manifolds with affine connection. Aplimat : Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2011.
Hinterleitner I., MIKEŠ J. On fundamental equations of geodesic mappings and their generalizations. Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2011.
Mikeš J., Chodorová M., Chudá H. On holomorphically projective mappings with certain initial conditions. Aplimat : Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2011.
Stepanov SE., Tsyganok II., MIKEŠ J. On scalar and total scalar curvatures of Riemann-Cartan manifolds. Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics. 2011.
Hinterleitner I., MIKEŠ J. Projective equivalence and manifolds with equiaffine connection. Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2011.
JUKL M., JUKLOVÁ L., MIKEŠ J. Some results on traceless decomposition of tensors. Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2011.
Kuzmina IA., MIKEŠ J., VANŽUROVÁ A. The Projectivization of Conformal Models of Fibrations Determined by the Algebra of Quaternions. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica. 2011.
Kiosak V., Matveev V., Mikeš J., Shandra I. О степени геодезической подвижности римановых метрик. Matematicheskie Zametki. 2010.
Berezovski V., Mikeš J., Vanžurová A. Almost geodesic mappings onto generalized Ricci-symmetric manifolds. Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis. 2010.
Chepurna O., Kiosak V., Mikeš J. Conformal mappings of Riemannian spaces which preserve the Einstein tensor. Aplimat : Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2010.
Mikeš J., Jukl M., Juklová L. Někotoryje rezultaty o běssledovom razloženiji tenzorov. Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovremennye Problemy Matematiki, Fundamental'nye Napravleniya. 2010.
Mikeš J., Hinterleinter I. O fundamentalnych uravnenijach geodětičeskich otobraženij i ich obobščenijach. Itogi nauki i techniki, Serija Sovremennaja matematika i ee priloženija. Těmatičeskije obzory. 2010.
Mikeš J., Chodorová M. ON CONCIRCULAR AND TORSE-FORMING VECTOR FIELDS ON COMPACT MANIFOLDS. Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis. 2010.
Mikeš J., Hinterleinter I. ON GEODESIC MAPPINGS OF MANIFOLDS WITH AFFINE CONNECTION. Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis. 2010.
Chepurna O., Kiosak V., Mikeš J. On geodesic mappings preserving the Einstein tensor. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Rerum Naturalium, Mathematica. 2010.
Mikeš J., Chudá H. ON GEODESIC MAPPINGS WITH CERTAIN INITIAL CONDITIONS. Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis. 2010.
Kiosak V., Matveev V., Mikeš J., Shandra I. On the degree of geodesic mobility for Riemannian metrics. Mathematical Notes of Russian Academy of Sciences. 2010.
Mikeš J., Strambach K. Differentiable structures on elementary geometries. Results in Mathematics. 2009.
Mikeš J., Hinterleitner I. Geodesic mappings onto Weyl manifolds. Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2009.
Mikeš J., Shiha M., Vanžurová A. Invariant objects by holomorphically projective mappings of parabolically Kähler spaces. Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2009.
Mikeš J., Hinterleitner I. On geodesic mappings of manifolds with affine connection. arXiv. 2009.
Mikeš J., Hinterleitner I., Stránská J. Бесконечно малые F-планарные преобразования. Izvestija Vysšych učebnych zavedenij . Matematika. 2008.
Mikeš J., Bácsó S., Berezovski V. Geodesic mappings of weakly Berwald spaces and Berwald spaces onto Riemannian spaces. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 2008.
Mikeš J., Chodorová M. Geometrical properties of the special types of vector fields on compact manifolds. Proceedings of the International Geometry Center. 2008.
Mikeš J., Hinterleitner I., Stránská J. Infinitesimal F -planar transformations. Russian Mathematics. 2008.
Borkovskaya L.A.., Kvasnikov V.P.., Mikeš J. Mathematical model of the precize large dimension details measurement on the new information technology basis. Aplimat : Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2008.
Mikeš J., Kiosak V., Hinterleitner I. On geodesic mappings of affine connection manifolds. Acta Physica Debrecina. 2008.
Mikeš J., Hinterleitner I. Об одном вариационном свойстве геодезических в римановых и финслеровых пространствах. Вестник ТВГУ, Сер.: Прикл. Математика, вып. 2008.
Grebenyuk M.F.., Mikeš J. Equipping Distributions for linear distribution. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Rerum Naturalium, Mathematica. 2007.
Berezovski V.E.., Mikeš J. On certain case of almost geodesic mappings of the first type. Works Collection of G.F. Laptev's International Geometry Seminar. 2007.
Mikeš J. On certain variational properties of geodesic. Abstract of G.F. Laptev's International Geometry Seminar. 2007.
Hinterleitner I., Mikeš J. On F-planar mappings of spaces with affine connections. Note di Matematica. 2007.
Vavříková H., Mikeš J., Pokorná O., Starko G. On fundamental equations of almost geodesic mappings π2(e). Izvestija Vysšych učebnych zavedenij . Matematika. 2007.
Vavříková H., Mikeš J., Pokorná O., Starko G. On fundamental equations of almost geodesic mappings π2(e). Russian Mathematics. 2007.
Hinterleitner I., Mikeš J. On the Equations of Conformally-Projective Harmonic Mappings. XXVI Workshop on Geometrical Methods in Physics. 2007.
Mikeš J., Hinterleitner I., Kiosak V.A. On the theory of geodesic mappings of Einstein spaces and their generalizations. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2006.
Gavrilchenko M., Kiosak V., Mikeš J. Geodesic deformations of hypersurfaces of Riemannian spaces. Russian Mathematics. 2005.
Mikeš J., Pokorná O., Škodová M. On holomorphically projective mappings from equiaffine symmetric and recurrent spaces onto Kählerian spaces. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo. 2005.
Mikeš J., Rachůnek L. On tensor fields semiconjugated with torse-forming vector fields. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Rerum Naturalium, Mathematica. 2005.
Gavrilchenko M., Kiosak V., Mikeš J. Геодезические деформации гиперповерхно&. Izvestija Vysšych učebnych zavedenij . Matematika. 2004.
Mikeš J., Pokorná O., Starko G. On almost geodesic mappings ?2(e) onto Riemannian spaces. Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo. Serie II. 2004.
Kosiak V. A., Mikeš J. On geodesic mappings of Einsteinian spaces. Izvestija Vysšych učebnych zavedenij . Matematika. 2004.
Berezovski V., Mikeš J. On special almost geodesic mappings of type ?1 of spaces with affine connection. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Rerum Naturalium, Mathematica. 2004.
Mikeš J., Kiosak V. Geodesic maps of Einstein spaces. Russian Mathematics. 2003.
Mikeš J., Kiosak V.A.. On geodesic mappings of Einstein spaces. Izv. vuzov. 2003.
Mikeš J., Pokorná O., Starko G. Geodesic mappings between Kählerian spaces. Filomat: Algebra, Logic and Discrete Mathematics. 2002.
Mikeš J. Geodesic mappings of affine-connected and Riemannian spaces. Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovremennye Problemy Matematiki, Fundamental'nye Napravleniya. 2002.
Mikeš J. Holomorphically projective mappings and their generalizations. Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovremennye Problemy Matematiki, Fundamental'nye Napravleniya. 2002.
Mikeš J., Pokorná O., Laitochová J. On some relations between curvature and metric tensor in Riemannian spaces. Rend. Del Circolo Mat. di Palermo, Ser. II. 2000.
Mikeš J. Holomorphically projective mappings and their generalizations. Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 1999.
Mikeš J., Shiha M. O paraboličeskich Sasakijevych i ekvidistantnych paraboličeski Kelerovych prostranstvach. Dviženija v obobščonych prostranstvach. 1999.
Mikeš J., Pilařová D. O torso-formních vektorových polích na Riemannových prostorech 2. řádu. Scientific papers of the University of Pardubice, Fac. of economics and administration, Ser. D. 1999.
Mikeš J., Berezovskij V. On almost geodesic mappings of the type "pi"1 of Riemann spaces preserving a system n - orthogonal hypersurfaces. Suppl. Rend. del Circ. Mat. di Palermo, Ser. II. 1999.
Mikeš J., Sobchuk VS., Pokorná O. On almost geodesic mappings "pi 2" between semisymmetric Riemannian spaces. Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics. 1999.
Mikeš J., Radulovič Ž. On projective transformations of Riemannian spaces with harmonic curvature. New developments in Diff. Geom. , Budapest,. 1999.
Rachůnek L., Mikeš J. О торсообразующих. .
Almazbekov Ch., Guseva N., Mikeš J. Fundamental Equations on Conformal Fedosov Spaces. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. 2024.
Peška P., Vítková L., Mikeš J., Kuzmina I. On General Solutions of Sinyukov Equations on Two-Dimensional Equidistant (pseudo-)Riemannian Spaces. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. 2024.
Mikeš J. 190. výročí Janose Bolyaie v Olomouci a neeklidovská geometrie. Proc. of the Czech-Slovak Conf. on Geometry and Graphic 2022, Olomouc, SCHK,Bratislava, 2022. 2022.
Kanetov BE., Mikeš J., Askulova Z. Conformally Fedosov manifolds and geodesic mappings. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2021.
Berezovskii V., Mikeš J., Rýparová L. Conformal and geodesic mappings onto Ricci symmetric spaces. 19th Conference on Applied Mathematics, APLIMAT 2020. 2020.
Mikeš J., Peška P., Rýparová L. Isoperimetric extremals of rotation on sphere. Geometry, Integrability and Quantization. 2020.
Rýparová L., Křížek J., Mikeš J. On fundamental equations of rotary vector fields. 18th Conference on Applied Mathematics, APLIMAT 2019. 2019.
Rýparová L., Mikeš J. Bifurcation of closed geodesics. Geometry, Integrability and Quantization. 2018.
Hinterleitner .., Guseva N., Mikeš J. On conformal mappings onto compact Einstein manifolds. Geometry, Integrability and Quantization. 2018.
Chudá H., Mikeš J., Peška P., Shiha M. On holomorphically projective mappings of equidistant parabolic Kähler space. Geometry, integrability and quantization. 2018.
Baishya KK., Zengin F., Mikeš J. On hyper generalized weakly symmetric manifolds. Geometry, Integrability and Quantization. 2018.
Mikeš J. Some algebraic properties of tensors. 17th Conference on Applied Mathematics 2018. (APLIMAT 2018). 2018.
Jukl M., Mikeš J. Геометрические отображения в курсе аналитической геометрии на факультете естественных наук Университета им. Палацкого. In ., Шмелева CB. (Eds.) МАТЕРИАЛЫ НАУЧНОЙ СЕССИИ ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛЕЙ КАФЕДРЫ ГЕОМЕТРИИ МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКОГО ФАКУЛЬТЕТА МПГУ. 2017.
Berezovskij V., Peška P., Mikeš J. Geodesic and almost geodesic mappings onto Ricci symmetric spaces. In Baštinec J., Hrubý M. (Eds.) Mathematics, Information Technologies and Applied Sciences 2017 post-conference proceedings of extended versions of selected papers. 2017.
Berezovskij V., Mikeš J., Peška P. Geodesic Mapping of Manifolds with Affine Connection onto Symmetric Manifolds. In . (Eds.) Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Geometry, Integrability and Quantization. 2017.
Hinterleitner I., Mikeš J. Geodesic Mapping onto Riemannian Manifolds and Differentiability. Geometry, Integrability and Quantization. 2017.
Mikeš J., Guseva N., Hinterleitner I. On conformal mappings onto compact Einstein spaces. 16th Conference on Applied Mathematics, APLIMAT 2017 - Proceedings. 2017.
Rýparová L., Mikeš J. On Geodesic Bifurcations. Geometry, Integrability and Quantization. 2017.
Rýparová L., Mikeš J. On global geodesic mappings of quadrics of revolution. 16th Conference on Applied Mathematics, APLIMAT 2017 - Proceedings. 2017.
Peška P., Mikeš J., Sabykanov A. On semisymmetric projective euclidean spaces. 16th Conference on Applied Mathematics, APLIMAT 2017 - Proceedings. 2017.
Chudá H., Mikeš J., Sochor M. Rotary Diffeomorphism onto Manifolds with Affine Connection. Geometry, Integrability and Quantization. 2017.
Rýparová L., Mikeš J. Rotary Mappings of Surfaces of Revolution. In Baštinec J., Hrubý . (Eds.) Mathematics, Information Technologies and Applied Sciences 2017: post-conference proceedings of extended versions of selected papers. 2017.
Stepanov S., Jukl M., Mikeš J. On dimensions of vector spaces of conformal Killing forms. In . (Eds.) Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics. 2014.
Hinterleitner I., Mikeš J., Stepanova E. On Sinyukov's Equations in Their Relation to a Curvature Operator of Second Kind. In . (Eds.) Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics. 2014.
Mikeš J., Hinterleitner I. Geodesic Mappings and Einstein Spaces. Geometric Methods in Physics. 2013.
Mikeš J., Stěpanov S., Jukl M. The pre-Maxwell Equations. Geometric Methods in Physics. 2013.
Mikeš J., Stepanov S., Tsyganok I. Conformal Klling vector field on a manifold with zero first Betti number. Aplimat 2012 - Proceedings of the International Conference. 2012.
Mikeš J., Chepurna O. Holomorphically projective mappings of hyperbolically Kahler spaces preserving the Einstein tensor. Aplimat 2012 - Proceedings of the International Conference. 2012.
Jukl M., Juklová L., Mikeš J. Multiple Covariant Derivative and Decomposition Problems. In Kováčová M. (Eds.) Aplimat 2012 - Proceedings of the International Conference. 2012.
Mikeš J., Stepanov S. Seven invariant classes of the Einstein equations and projective mappings. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2012.
Grebenyuk M., MIKEŠ J. Bundle of projective normals for hyper-zone in non-Euclidean space. In . (Eds.) 7th Conference on Mathematics and Physics on Technical Universities Proceedings of Contributions. 2011.
Hinterleitner I., MIKEŠ J. Holomorphically projective mappings onto complete Kahler manifolds. In . (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference XVI Geometrical seminar. 2011.
Sheha M., JUKLOVÁ L., MIKEŠ J. Holomorphically Projective Mappings onto Riemannian Tangent-product Spaces. In . (Eds.) 10th International Conference APLIMAT. 2011.
CHEPURNA O., MIKEŠ J. Holomorphically projective mappings preserving the Einstein tensor. In . (Eds.) 10th International Conference APLIMAT. 2011.
Berezovskij V., MIKEŠ J., VANŽUROVÁ A. On a class of curvature preserving almost geodesic mappings of manifolds with affine connection. In . (Eds.) 10th International Conference APLIMAT. 2011.
Chudá H., MIKEŠ J. On composition of conformal and geodesic mappings between pseudo-Riemannian manifolds. In . (Eds.) 7th Conference on Mathematics and Physics on Technical Universities Proceedings of Contributions. 2011.
Chudá H., CHODOROVÁ M., MIKEŠ J. On Holomorphically Projective Mappings with Certain Initial Conditions. In . (Eds.) 10th International Conference APLIMAT. 2011.
Hinterleitner I., MIKEŠ J., Tsyganok II. On the rigidity of special holomorphically projective mapping. In . (Eds.) 7th Conference on Mathematics and Physics on Technical Universities Proceedings of Contributions. 2011.
Chepurna O., Kiosak V., Mikeš J. Conformal mappings of Riemannian spaces which preserve the Einstein tensor. In . (Eds.) Aplimat 2010: 9th International Conference Proceedings. 2010.
Hinterleitner I., Mikeš J. Geodesic mappings onto Weyl manifolds. Aplimat, 8 International conference. 2009.
Mikeš J., Shiha M., Vanžurová A. Invariant objects by holomorphically projective mappings of parabolically Kähler spaces. Aplimat, 8 International conference. 2009.
Berezovski V., Mikeš J., Vanžurová A. Canonical almost geodesic mappings of type π1 onto pseudo-Riemannian manifold. Differential Geometry and its Applications. Proceedings of 10th Internaltional Conference DGA 2007. 2008.
Borkovskaya L.A.., Kvasnikov V.P.., Mikeš J. Mathematical model of the precize large dimension details measurement on the new information technology basis. Aplimat 2008, 7th International Conference. 2008.
Jukl M., Juklová L., Mikeš J. On generalized trace decompositions problems. Trudy 3-ij měždunarodnoj konferencii "Funkcionalnyje prostranstva. Differencialnyje operatory. Obščaja topologija". 2008.
Mikeš J., Hinterleitner I., Vanžurová A. One remark on variational properties of geodesics in pseudoriemannian and generalized finsler spaces. Ninth International Conference on Geometry, Integrability and Quantization. 2008.
Vanžurová A., Mikeš J., Hinterleitner I. Variational properties of geodesics in generalized Finsler spaces. Proceedings of the 7-th International Conference APLIMAT. 2008.
Škodová M., Mikeš J. Concircular and convergent vector fields on compact spaces with affine connections. In . (Eds.) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference APLIMAT. 2007.
Mikeš J., Škodová M. Concircular vector fields on compact manifolds with affine connections. Publication de la Real Society Mathematics of Spain, Vol. 11. 2007.
Dobeš M., Machala L., Mikeš J. Iterative Image Restoration and the Stopping Criteria. Proceedings of the 11th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. 2007.
Hinterleitner I., Mikeš J. On certain variational properties of geodesics. Thesis of the Reports to the 7th International Conference of Geometry and Topology. 2007.
Chudá H., Mikeš J. On first quadratic integral of geodesics with a certain initial conditions. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference APLIMAT. 2007.
Jukl M., Juklová L., Mikeš J. The decomposition of tensor spaces with quaternionic structure. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference APLIMAT. 2007.
Hinterleitner I., Mikeš J. Об одном вариационном свойстве геодезических. Geometry in Astrakhan - 2007. 2007.
Mikeš J., Chudá H. On F-planar mappings with a certain initial conditions. Proceedings of the 5-th International Conference APLIMAT, Part II. 2006.
Mikeš J., Hinterleitner I. On F-subplanar mappings on spaces with affine connection. Proceedings of the 5-th International Conference APLIMAT, Part II. 2006.
Sheha M., Mikeš J. On holomorphically projective flat parabolically Kählerian spaces. Contemporary Geometry and Related Topics. 2006.
Mikeš J., Škodová M., Raad al Lami J.K.. On holomorphically projective mappings from equiaffine special semisymmetric spaces. Proceedings of the 5-th International Conference APLIMAT, Part II. 2006.
Sheha M., Mikeš J., Vanžurová A. On holomorphically projective mappings of Einstein parabolically-Kaehlerian spaces. Proceedings of the 5-th International Conference APLIMAT, Part II. 2006.
Juklová L., Jukl M., Mikeš J. The decomposition of tensor spaces with almost complex structure. Proceedings of the 5-th International Conference APLIMAT, Part II. 2006.
Al Lamy R., Mikeš J., Škodová M. On linearly pF-planar mappings. Differential Geometry and its Applications. 2005.
Guseva N., Evtushik L., Mikeš J. Демонстрация метода подвижного репера К&. Theses of the Reports to the 6-th International Conference on Geometry and Topology. 2005.
Evtushik L., Mikeš J. Универсальность метода подвижного репе&#. Theses of the Reports of the 6-th International Conference on Geometry and Topology. 2005.
Gavrilchenko M. L., Kosiak V. A., Mikeš J. Conformal transformations of symmetric spaces. Geometry in Odessa 2004 - Differential Geometry and its Applications. 2004.
Gavrilchenko M. L., Kiosak V. A., Mikeš J. On conformal mappings on Kählerian spaces onto Einsteinian spaces. Conference of Geometry and Analysis. 2004.
Rachůnek L., Mikeš J. On semitorse-forming vector fields. Proceedings of the Conference APLIMAT. 2004.
Mikeš J., Kiosak V.A.., Gavrilčenko M.L.. On conform mappings of Kählerian spaces onto Einstein spaces. Materials of international conference of geometry and alalysis, Penza. 2003.
Mikeš J., Rachůnek L. On vector fileds in T-semisymmetric Riemannian spaces. Materials of international conference, Penza. 2003.
Mikeš J., Pokorná O.. On holomorphically projective mappings onto Kählerian spaces. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo. 2002.
Mikeš J., Rachůnek L. T-semisymmetric spaces and concircular vector fields. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo. 2002.
Rachůnek L., Mikeš J. О торсообразующих векторных полях в Т-пол. Proceedings of the Conference on Geometry and Analalysis. 2002.
Mikeš J. F-planarnyje otobrozenija na Rimanovy prostranstva. Invariantnyje metody issldovanija na mnogoobrazijach struktur geometriji. 2001.
Mikeš J., Pokorná O.. On holomorphically projective mappings onto almost Hermitian spaces. Differential geometry and its applications. 2001.
Mikeš J., Pokorná O.. On holomorphically projective mappings onto Riemannian almost-product spaces. Differential Geometry, Valencia 2001. 2001.
Mikeš J., Bělohlávková J., Pokorná O. On special 4-planar mappings of almost Hermitian quaternionic spaces. Proceedings of the 2nd meeting on quaternionic structures. 2001.
Mikeš J., Pokorná O.., Malíčková V. Holomorphically projective mappings of almost Hermitian spaces and their Gray-Hervella classification. International Congess on Differential Gemetry in memory of Alfred Gray, Sept. 18-23, 2000. 2000.
Mikeš J., Starko G.A.. O golomorfno-projektivnych otobraženijach i K-koncirkuljarnych vektornych poljach Kelerovych prostranstv. Conf. Mater. VIII Int. Sci. Kravchuk Conf., 11-14 May, 2000, Kyiv. 2000.
Mikeš J., Malíčková V., Pokorná O. On F-planar mappings onto Riemannian spaces. Proceedings of the Colloquium on Differential Geometry. 2000.
Mikeš J., Pokorná O., Malíčková V. On special F-planar mappings. Colloquium on Differential Geometry, Debrecen (25-30, July, 2000). 2000.
Mikeš J., Rachůnek L. Torse-forming vector fields in T-semisymmetric Riemannian spaces. Proceedings of the Colloquium on Differential Geometry. 2000.
Mikeš J., Berezovskij V. Kanoničeskie počti geodezičeskie otobraženija tipa "pi" 1. The 3rd international conference on geometry "in large" Cherkassy, Ukraine. 1999.
Mikeš J. Ob geodetičeskych otobraženijach i ich obubščenijach. Invariantnyje metody issledovanija na mnogobrazijach struktur geometrii, analyza i matematičeskoj fiziki. 1999.
Mikeš J., Berezovskij V. On almost geodesic mappings of the type pi1 of Riemannian spaces preserving a system n-orthogonal hypersurfaces. Suppl. ai. Rend. del Circ. Math. di Palermo, Ser. II. 1999.
Mikeš J., Radulovic Ž. On projective transformations of Riemannian spaces with harmonic curvature. New Development in Differential Geometry. 1999.
Mikeš J., Laitochová J., Pokorná O. On some Relations between Curvature and Metric tensor in Riemannian spaces. The 3rd International conf. on Geometry "in large", Cherkassy, Ukraine. 1999.
Lakomá L., Mikeš J., Mikušová L. The Decomposition of Tensor Spaces. Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf. Diff. Geometry and Appl. MU, Brno. 1999.
Berezovskij V., Mikeš J. On special almost geodesic mappings of the type pi 1. DGA 98, Brno. 1998.
Sobčuk VS., Mikeš J., Pokorná O. On special almost geodesic mappings pi2 of semisymetric spaces. XII Jugoslovenski geom. seminar. Abstract, Novy Sad. 1998.
Mikeš J., Němčíková J., Pokorná O. On the theory of the 4-quasiplanar mappings of almost quaternionic spaces Němčíková. Suppl. ai. Rend. del Circ. Math. di Palermo, Ser. II. 1998.
Lakomá L., Mikeš J. On the Special Trace Decomposition Problem on Quaternionic Structure. Proc. Third International Workshop on Diff. Geometry and its Appl. And the First German - Romannian Seminar on Geometry, Sibiu - Romania, Sept. 18-23, 1997, General Mathematics. 1997.
Bělohlávková J., Mikeš J., Pokorná O. 4-planar Mappings of Almost Quaternionic and Almost Antiquaternionic Spaces. Proc. Third International Workshop on Diff. Geometry and its Appl. And the First German - Romanian Seminar on Geometry, Sibiu - Romania, spt 18-23, 1997 General Mathematics. 1997.
Mikeš J., Bácsó S., Berezovski V., Chodorová M., Jukl M., Juklová L., Peška P., Rýparová L., Vanžurová A. Differential geometry of special mappings. 2019.
Mikeš J., Stepanova E., Vanžurová A., Bácso S., Berezovski V., Chepurna O., Chodorová M., Chudá H., Gavrilchenko M., Haddad M., Hinterleitner I., Jukl M., Juklová L., Moldobaev D., Peška P., Shandra I., Shiha M., Smetanová D., Stepanov S., Sobchuk V., Tsyganok I. Differential Geometry of Special Mappings. 2015.
Vanžurová A., Mikeš J., Hinterleitner I. Geodesic mappings and some generalizations. 2009.
Mikeš J., Kiosak V., Vanžurová A. Geodesic Mappings of Manifolds with Affine Connection. Geodesic Mappings of Manifolds with Affine Connection. 2008.
Mikeš J., Novák L., Rachůnek L., Zedník J. Algebra a Geometrie. Algebra a geometrie. 1999.
Jukl M., Juklová L., Mikeš J. On Decompositions of Tensors. Материалы международной конференции посвященной 100-летию со дня рождения В.Т. Базылева. 2019.
Mikeš J. On geodesic mappings onto Riemannian spaces. Abstracts the First International Conference of Mathematics in Al-Baath Univesity Homs. 2008.
Mikeš J., Hinterleitner I. Ob odnom variacionnom svojstve geodezičeskich Finslerovych prostranstv. Geometry in Astrakhan - 2007. 2007.
Mikeš J., Chudá H. On first quadratic integral of geodesics with a certain initial conditions. Abstracts of International Conference Geometry in Odessa. 2007.
Mikeš J., Kiosak V. До теории геодезичних вiдображень прострорiв. Abstracts of International Conference Geometry in Odessa. 2007.
Chudá H., Mikeš J. On e-structures generated by almost geodesic mapping π2(e), e = ? 1. Abstracts of International Conference Geometry in Odessa. 2006.
Mikeš J., Škodová M. On holomorphically projective mappings from equiaffine special semisymmetric spaces onto Kählerian spaces. Conference Materiále of IX International scientific Kravchuk conference Kyiv. 2006.
Mikeš J., Berezovsky V.E. On special almost geodesic mappings of type π1 of spaces with affine connection. Conference Materiále of IX International scientific Kravchuk conference Kyiv. 2006.
Gavrilchenko M.L., Kiosak V.A., Mikeš J. Про конформнi вiдображення на гармонiчнi пр. Conference Materiale of IX International scientific Kravchuk conference Kyiv. 2006.
Mikeš J., Rachůnek J. On T-semisymmetric Riemmanian spaces admitting torse-forming vector fields. Abstract of Contrib. Papers. Int. summer School- Seminar on Recent Problems in Theoretical. 1999.
Mikeš J., Rachůnek L. On T-semisymmetric Riemmanian spaces admitting torse-forming vector fields. Abstract of Contrib. Papers. Int. summer School- Seminar on Recent Problems in Theoretical. 1999.
Mikeš J., Pokorná O., Starko G., Vavříková H. On almost geodesic mappings $π_2(e), e = ? 1$. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference APLIMAT 2005. 2005.

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