Mgr. Jozef PÓCS, Ph.D.

Zástupný obrázek
Kontaktní údaje


Katedra algebry a geometrie

Přírodovědecká fakulta

17. listopadu 12


věd. prac. ob. matematiky

Halaš R., Pócs J. On zero-divisor graphs of infinite posets. SOFT COMPUTING. 2024.
Halaš R., Pócs J., Pócsová J. On Join-Dense Subsets of Certain Families of Aggregation Functions. Mathematics. 2023.
Halaš R., Pócs J., Pocsová J. Remarks on Sugeno Integrals on Bounded Lattices. Mathematics. 2022.
Pócs J., Pócsová J. On Bonds for Generalized One-Sided Concept Lattices. Mathematics. 2021.
Halaš R., Kurač Z., Pócs J. On the minimality of some generating sets of the aggregation clone on a finite chain. INFORMATION SCIENCES. 2021.
Halaš R., Mesiar R., Pócs J., Torra V. A note on some algebraic properties of discrete Sugeno integrals. FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS. 2019.
Halaš R., Mesiar R., Pócs J. On generating sets of the clone of aggregation functions on finite lattices. INFORMATION SCIENCES. 2019.
Halaš R., Mesiar R., Pócs J. On generation of aggregation functions on infinite lattices. SOFT COMPUTING. 2019.
Halaš R., Kurač Z., Mesiar R., Pócs J. Binary generating set of the clone of idempotent aggregation functions on bounded lattices. INFORMATION SCIENCES. 2018.
Hutník O., Pócs J. On *-Associated Comonotone Functions. KYBERNETIKA. 2018.
Botur M., Halaš R., Mesiar R., Pócs J. On generating of idempotent aggregation functions on finite lattices. INFORMATION SCIENCES. 2018.
Halaš R., Mesiar R., Pócs J. On Linear Approximations of Sugeno Integrals on Bounded Distributive Lattices. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS. 2018.
Halaš R., Mesiar R., Pócs J. Generalized comonotonicity and new axiomatizations of Sugeno integrals on bounded distributive lattices. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 2017.
Halaš R., Pócs J., Mesiar R. A new characterization of the discrete Sugeno integral. Information Fusion. 2016.
Halaš R., Mesiar R., Pócs J. Congruences and the discrete Sugeno integrals on bounded distributive lattices. Information Sciences. 2016.
Halaš R., Mesiar R., Pócs J. Generators of Aggregation Functions and Fuzzy Connectives. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 2016.
Kardoš F., Pócs J., Pócsová J. On concept reduction based on some graph properties. Knowledge-Based Systems. 2016.
Halaš R., Pócs J. On the clone of aggregation functions on bounded lattices. Information Sciences. 2016.
Medina J., Ojeda-Aciego M., Pócs J., Ramírez-Poussa E. On the Dedekind–MacNeille completion and formal concept analysis based on multilattices. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 2016.
Halaš R., Pócs J. A note on M-operator representation of q-lattices. Applied Mathematical Sciences. 2015.
Pócs J., Pócsová J. Basic Theorem as Representation of Heterogeneous Concept Lattices. Frontiers of Computer Science. 2015.
Butka P., Pócs J., Pócsová J. Distributed Computation of Generalized One-Sided Concept Lattices on Sparse Data Tables. Computing and Informatics. 2015.
Halaš R., Pócs J. Generalized one-sided concept lattices with attribute preferences. Information Sciences. 2015.
Halaš R., Pócs J. On lattices with a smallest set of aggregation functions. Information Sciences. 2015.
Butka P., Pócs J., Pócsová J. Reduction of Concepts from Generalized One-Sided Concept Lattice Based on Subsets Quality Measure. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing - NEW RESEARCH IN MULTIMEDIA AND INTERNET SYSTEMS. 2015.
Butka P., Pócs J., Pócsová J. Basic Theorem for Generalized One-sided Concept Lattices. Applied Mathematical Sciences. 2014.
Pócs J., Pócsová J. Bipolarized Extension of Heterogeneous Concept Lattices. Applied Mathematical Sciences. 2014.
Butka P., Pócs J., Pócsová J. On equivalence of conceptual scaling and generalized one-sided concept lattices. Information Sciences. 2014.
Butka P., Pócs J. Generalization of one-sides concept lattices. Computing and Informatics. 2013.
Butka P., Pócs J., Pócsová J. Interpretation of fuzzy attribute subsets in Generalized One-Sided Concept Lattices. Journal of Information and organizitional sciences. 2013.
Pócs J., Pócsová J. On Some General Aspects of Forming Fuzzy Concept Lattices. Applied Mathematical Sciences. 2013.
Butka P., Pócs J., Pócsová J. Representation of Fuzzy Concept Lattices in the Framework of Classical FCA. Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2013.
Halaš R., Pócs J. Aggregation via Clone Theory Approach. New Trends in Aggregation Theory. 2019.
Butka P., Pócs J., Pócsová J. Isotone galois connections and generalized one-sided concept lattices. Multimedia and Network Information Systems. 2019.
Butka P., Pócs J., Pócsová J. Note on Aggregation Functions and Concept Forming Operators. New Trends in Aggregation Theory. 2019.
Butka P., Pócs J., Pócsová J. Two-Step Reduction of GOSCL Based on Subsets Quality Measure and Stability Index. Multimedia and Network Information Systems, MISSI 2016. 2017.
Butka P., Pócsová J., Pócs J. Experimental Study on Reduction of One-Sided Concept Lattice Based on Subsets Quality Measure. In . (Eds.) Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics. 2015.
Butka P., Pócsová J., Pócs J. On intent stability index for One-Sided Concept Lattices,. In . (Eds.) Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics. 2015.
Butka P., Pócsová J., Pócs J. Reduction Ratio for GOSCL constrained by Moore co-families on Object Set. In . (Eds.) Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI). 2015.
Butka P., Pócsová J., Pócs J. Bisection-based Merging Algorithm for Creation of One-Sided Concept Lattices. In Szakál A. (Eds.) Proceedings of the IEEE 12th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI 2014). 2014.
Butka P., Pócs J., Pócsová J. Distributed Version of Algorithm for Generalized One-Sided Concept Lattices. In Zavoral F., Jung JJ., Badica C. (Eds.) Intelligent Distributed Computing VII Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing - IDC 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2013. 2014.
Butka P., Pócsová J., Pócs J. GOSCL as Facet-like Structures. In Szakál A. (Eds.) Proceedings of the IEEE 12th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI 2014). 2014.
Cabrera IP., Ojeda-Aciego M., Pócs J. Ordering objects via attribute preferences. In Bertet K., Rudolph S. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications. 2014.
Butka P., Pócsová J., Pócs J. Some Results and Algorithm for One-sided Concept Lattices with Separable Modifiers. In Szakál A. (Eds.) Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI), 2014 IEEE 9th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics. 2014.
Butka P., Pócsová J., Pócs J. Use of Generalized One-sided FCA Approach for Joining of Simple Object-attribute Models. Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI). 2013.
Butka P., Pócs J., Pócsová J., Starnovský M. Multiple Data Tables Processing via One-Sided Concept Lattices. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2013.

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