Aurora celebrates languages

Čtvrtek 23. září 2021, 10:52

The 26th of September is the European Day of Languages proclaimed by the Council of Europe, under the patronage of the European Union. It aims to raise awareness of the importance of language learning to improve multilingualism and intercultural understanding. It also aims at promoting Europe's linguistic diversity and encourage lifelong language learning.

European Day of Languages promotes awareness among the general public of the importance of language learning and protecting the linguistic heritage. On this occasion, on the 27th of September (h. 4-6 p.m.) the Aurora Alliance will hold a round table on the concept of plurilingualism and its role within the Alliance.

As a European Alliance, we are committed to supporting the European Day of Language

  • To raise awareness about plurilingualism and cultural diversity
  • To reflect on and to promote plurilingualism
  • To present teaching and learning activities on plurilingualism delivered/provided within the different Institutions part of the Aurora Alliance
  • To support language diversity
  • To discuss possible implementation strategies of the aims mentioned above
  • To gather and discuss ideas, thoughts and experiences about implementing plurilingualism in teaching and learning activities

The round table will host the interventions: of Giancarmine Bongo (Aurora Plurilingualism Team), Alma Ágústsdóttir (Aurora Student President), and Sophie Belanger (Unite!) will present the choices, perspectives and difficulties of the Unite!

The meeting will be held online, and participants need to register by 25th of September, 16 p.m.

After that date, we will send all participants the link to the Zoom meeting.


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