UP Faculty of Arts philological departments move back to their renovated premises

Renovation is over. Philological departments move back to the building in Křížkovského Street.
Photogallery: Milada Hronová
Pondělí 29. leden 2018, 12:01 – Text: Milada Hronová

After more than two years, the philological departments and the Dean’s office of the UP Faculty of Arts are moving back to their newly renovated building at 10 Křížkovského Street. The first to leave the premises of 26 Třída Svobody Street was the Department of English and American Studies.

The aim of the renovation of the Faculty of Arts complex at 10 Křížkovského Street 10 was to adapt this building from the beginning of the twentieth century to the requirements of contemporary university life. The restoration began in 2015 and included the treatment of all types of surfaces, replacement of electrical wiring and below-ground utilities, changes in the interior structure, as well as renovation of the exterior. All philological departments had to be temporarily relocated to the building at 26 Třída Svobody Street and the former Marie Kudeříková dormitory on Kateřinská Street.

“At the end of January, the Department of English and American Studies was the first one to move back to its original premises. Subsequently, also the departments of German, Czech, Romance, and Slavonic studies, including Polish studies, will start moving back to the restored building,” said Vladimír Polách, the faculty’s Vice-Dean for infrastructure. Other offices to relocate to 10 Křížkovského Street during February are the departments of student affairs, economic, payroll, human resources, infrastructure, and the Dean’s Office.


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