INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: STUDY IN social media ambassadors

Ilustrační foto: lisa,
Úterý 2. srpen 2022, 8:28

We are sharing an offer to become a STUDY IN social media ambassador. The offer is for all international degree students and exchange students coming to study at Palacký University in Fall semester 2022/2023.

STUDY IN is looiking for the voice of the international student community who will be sharing their experience from life and studies in the Czech Republic.

How can you apply? 

  • Fill in this form
  • Upload 300-500 words article on one of the following topics: 

    • "Culture shock and how I got over it" 
    • "What led me to choose the Czech Republic" 

    • "My experiences from the first days in the Czech Republic" 

  • Upload an up to 2 min video where you introduce yourself and your experience regarding your chosen topic

  • In your application, indicate which platforms you are interested in (1 to 3 options): Instagram, YouTube, Student Blog

Deadline: 11.9.2022

You will get:

  • A chance to be part of the STUDY IN webinars and to share and exchange your experience
  • Practical experience with social media, marketing, and video making
  • A great reference that will shine in your CV

For more information, visit STUDY IN web page.


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