Lectures Series on Physical Activity and Public Health

Michael Pratt during International Teaching Week at the Faculty of Physical Science
Pondělí 6. únor 2023, 11:26

The Faculty of Physical Culture has prepared lectures focused on physical activity and public health in cooperation with Michael Pratt, who is considered one of the leading international experts in this field. He teaches at the University of California in San Diego.

The economic impact of physical non-activity, development of the recommended physical activity in the last decades or physical activity following the latest Goals of the UN in the field of sustainable development. Michael Pratt will address all of these and many more topics during his lectures.

He works at the University of California at the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science and has been cooperating with FPC for a long time. And for this year, he even decided to work for the faculty here in Olomouc (thanks to Fulbright distinguished scholar). We interviewed Professor Pratt before he began to work at FPC UP. You can read this interview here.

„In his project National and local physical activity policy development and implementation in the Czech Republic we prepared eight lectures focusing on various themes throughout the field of physical activity and public health. We believe that they might pick an interest of not only academicians and PhD students of our faculty, but also other students and employees of UP," stated Michal Kudláček, Vice-Dean for International Relations of FCP UP.

All the lectures take place from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM in the assembly hall of the faculty (room 4.20) on these days:

8. 2. Measuring and monitoring physical activity for population health

22. 2. Can we reverse the global pandemic of inactivity: Evidence-based strategies to increase physical activity?

8. 3. Is vigorous physical activity important for (public) health?

22. 3. A brief history of the development and implementation of public health policy for physical activity

5. 4. Physical activity and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

19. 4. Building global capacity for physical activity research and practice: Role of networks


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