Palacký University welcomed 400 new exchange students

Úterý 30. říjen 2018, 22:11 – Text: Klára Henzlová, -sb-

Palacký University has been experiencing rising interest among international students, which is visible on increasing numbers of incoming exchange students. We were very happy to welcome almost 400 new exchange students at our university one week before the start of the semester to provide them with a warm welcome and thorough orientation.

Already before the new students arrive at Palacký University, they have the possibility to get in touch with their Czech buddy, a Czech volunteer student from our university, who is happy to help with any practical issues, pick the new exchange student at the train station and stay in touch during the whole semester. These buddies are organized by our helpful student organization called Erasmus Student Network (ESN UP Olomouc).

On their first day at university, each new student received a welcome package, introduction to university presentation and an entertaining talk on cultural differences. The week continued with many informative sessions on subject inscriptions, practicalities concerning health insurance, student cards and public transport cards and even session with a police officer to inform new students about their rights and duties in the Czech Republic.

Each day was finished with an informal program organized by the students from ESN. The exchange students enjoyed evenings getting to know each other playing icebreaking games including scavenger hunt to help them explore the city, Czech dinner to taste Czech cuisine and even tram party, that took them all around our town!


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