Saturday's CVT outage (10 June) will limit the operation of most systems

Čtvrtek 18. květen 2023, 15:48 – Text: CVT, gsd

Due to necessary technical interventions on the infrastructure, the UP Computer Centre (CVT) has scheduled a shutdown of selected information systems of the University for Saturday, 10 June 2023. Most of the university's systems and applications will not work during the day.

"This involves the installation of additional controllers in the metropolitan disk cluster, which for technological reasons cannot be done without downtime," explained CVT Director David Skoupil. The outage will take place on Saturday, June 10, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

"STAG, Moodle, UPShare, the library system, and most websites, including and the Fort Science website, will be down during that time," Skoupil explained, adding that other systems (the University Canteen, building access system) may also be temporarily negatively affected by the outage. The CVT has consulted in advance across the university, including all faculties, about the date of the current outage to avoid conflicts with, for example, the admissions process.


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