Study finds employees consider UP the best employer in the region

Photo: Milada Hronová
Pondělí 10. prosinec 2018, 8:26 – Text: Ivana Pustějovská

Palacký University (UP) is considered the best employer in the Olomouc region, results of a study by the STEM/MARK company for the daily newspaper Deník found. UP was followed by University Hospital Olomouc and the City of Olomouc.

“The study was carried out by the STEM/MARK company in October 2018 on a representative sample of 536 respondents. Its goal was to determine how workers in the Olomouc region approach their jobs and how they consider their employer. Part of the study was also dedicated to evaluating specific employers in the Olomouc region. For this task, STEM/MARK chose the 39 most significant employers, based on the number of employees; companies and organisations from the entire region were ranked alongside the biggest employers in all districts,” wrote Deník.

The results show that the best employers were public entities. “Palacký University Olomouc was in first place, followed by University Hospital Olomouc, and the City of Olomouc in third. Fourth and fifth place were taken by the City of Šumperk and the Olomouc Regional Office,” the article stated.

According to UP Rector Jaroslav Miller, the study’s results reflect the university’s excellent reputation in the region. “I believe that it reflects the truth, because in my opinion Palacký University is a good employer. And certainly the poll and our position in it also reflect the perception of the UP brand, which is strong and has a good reputation,” said the rector.

At present, UP employs roughly 3870 employees, from the highest academic and scientific positions to technical, administrative, and manual labourers. “Palacký University is the biggest employer in our region, and as such, we try to create above all a stable and stimulating work environment. In addition to possibilities of professional and career development, we place an emphasis on personal development in conjunction with life-long learning,” said Vice-Rector Jiří Lach.

Lach added that an important element is employee satisfaction and getting feedback on the needs of university employees. “As part of employee care, Palacký University offers a large portfolio of employee benefits, including deals and discounts in the areas of services, education, recreation, relaxation, and shopping. Employee care is perceived as one of our key areas, and for this reason it will be given appropriate attention in the 2019 UP Personnel Strategy,” Lach said.


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