Updated: Telephone hotlines, psychological advice and manual on the coronavirus by UP

Neděle 29. březen 2020, 10:20

The current State of Emergency in the Czech Republic regarding the coronavirus epidemic – and everything that goes with it – also affects hundreds of foreign residents and students in Olomouc and its surroundings. Palacký University (UP), in cooperation with others, has prepared telephone hotlines for them in English, as well as psychological advice, and a manual.

Attention! English calls are handled on +420 585 719 719 (daily from 10 am to 7 pm) until further notice.

The UP Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (FMD), in cooperation with the Olomouc Regional Public Health Authority, has established a special telephone hotline in English for foreign residents and students. Until further notice, foreign residents and students in the Olomouc region who feel they might have symptoms of the COVID-19 virus, can call the hotline from 10 am to 7 pm on the numbers +420 704 856 135 and +420 704 856 136. The hotline is staffed by foreign students of the FMD.

Foreigners who do not have symptoms of the infection but who are feeling excessive psychological stress due to the entire situation can find support in special on-line psychological counselling. The service is provided by senior students from the Psychology Department of the UP Faculty of Arts. Those who would like to take advantage of these psychological services should contact counsellors via e-mail at up.intervence@gmail.com or via Skype (UP Intervence).

Foreigners also have at their disposal a special manual on the coronavirus in English which has been prepared by the UP FMD.


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